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Türkiye: why Turkey changed his name in

Tiffany Wertheimer
BBC News
June 2nd, 2022

From this Thursday, Turkey will be called in English Türkiye instead of Turkey

Nations United agreed to one order formal that made this week the government Turkish
for the change of name in the scene international. Also, it will request to other organisms
international to adopt the new name in English as part of one campaign of change of
brand launched by the president Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan in finals of year past.

"Türkiye is the best representation and expression of the culture, the civilization and the
values of village turkish”, said the mandatory in December.

Why the change of name?

The majority of the Turks now is referring to their country as Türkiye. Without embargo,
the form Anglo-Saxon Turkey -that in English also means turkey- is use widely.
The station state TRT is rushed to make the modification of name as soon was announced
the year past, explaining what, between the reasons of change of image, remain the
association of Turkey with the bird traditionally related to the Christmas, the New Year or
the Day of Action of Thanks.

Also he pointed other definition from Diccionario de Ingles de Cambridge as one of the
causes of change being that the word also means “something that fails terribly” or “one
person stupid or dumb”.

One name shared with a bird

By Onur Erem, service Turkish of BBC
The ü can be misleading for the majority of the audience internationally that don’t have
that letter in their alphabet. For a speaker of English, changing the first vocal of Turkey for
a Ü and adding one E at last is enough to pronounce the new name perfectly.

But, why was this necessary?

The president Erdogan was pressing for this change for years, arguing that the country
would be better represented with the name Turkish instead of sharing the same spelling
in English with a bird. “Turkey”, the bird, is known as “pavo” in Spanish, “peru” in
Portuguese and “hindi” in Turk.
Many users of the media socials criticize the measure of government Turkish and they
qualify it absurd, meanwhile other coincide in that is a change of brand necessary.
We have to wait and see if the people of all the world will accept Türkiye in place of

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