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Assignment No.

1.Explain in brief Component,Container,Window and Frame.
2.Draw the diagram of Hierarchy of AWT Components.
3.Write note on Button,
4.What is role of layout manager in AWT .
5.Enlist Constructor and methods related to create Menu.
6.Write a program for CardLayout,BoarderLayout and GridLayout.
7. What are the features of AWT.

Assignment No.02
1.What are the features of swing.
2.Difference between AWT and Swing.
3.Explain MVC Architecture.
4.Exlain JComponent class with its methods.
5.Write notes on label,
6.Write a Program to demonstrate the use of JProgressBar.
7.Write a Program to demonstrate the use of JTree.
8.Write a Program to demonstrate the use of Menu and MenuBar.
9.What is use of class ButtonGroup?
Assignment No.3
Event Handling

1. Write note on Event handling.

2. Enlist the constructor and method of Action Event class.
3. Enlist the constructor and method of KeyEvent class.
4. Enlist the constructor and method of FocusEvent.
5. Enlist the constructor and method of MouseEvent class.
6. Enlist the constructor and method of ContainerEvent class.
7. What is an Adapter class?
8. Enlist the constructor and method of ComponentListener Interface.
9. Write a Program to change the background color of Applet when user
performs events using mouse.

10.Write a Program to generate KeyEvent when a key is pressed and display

“Key Pressed” massage.

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