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Question 1
Write a program to create a frame with three button. When any of three button is selected, an
appropriate message is displayed.

Question 2
Write a Java program to create three radio buttons. When any of them is selected, an appropriate
message is displayed.

Question 3
Briefly explain Applet life-cycle.

Question 4
Design a simple calculator (called SwingCalculator).
 Set the ContentPane to BorderLayout. Add a JTextField (tfDisplay) to the NORHT. Add
a JPanel (panelButtons) to the CENTER. Set the JPanel to GridLayout of 4x4, and add the 16
 Operator buttons "+", "-", "*", "/", "%" and "=".

Question 5
Briefly explain JDBC architecture.

Question 6
Write an AWT GUI application (called AWTCounter).
Each time the "Count" button is clicked, the counter value shall increase by 1.

The program has three components:

1. a java.awt.Label "Counter";
2. a non-editable java.awt.TextField to display the counter value; and
3. a java.awt.Button "Count".

Question 7
Write a Java program with the help of JDBC to perform Add student operation in Student table.

Question 8
What are the JDBC statements?

Question 9
What is the role of JDBC DriverManager class?

Question 10
Write a program in Java that enters student details (Roll No, Name etc) and retrieves
information. Use oracle as a database and write the application in JDBC.

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