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Questions for discussion:

1. Which are the most (un)popular/(non-)prestigious/well(badly)-paid jobs in

Ukraine? Why?
2. Have you ever done any part-time/seasonal/weekend/voluntary job/work? If
yes, did you like it? If not, what would you like your first job to be? Why?
3. Could you do a very well-paid job that you don`t enjoy? Would you apply for a
job that you like but it is said to have no career prospects?
4. What procedures are you usually required to follow when applying for a job?
What kind of information are you required to provide when applying for the job?

Career is a very important thing in one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to
follow, it will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in a society
in addition to your lifestyle. In other words, your career will determine your social
circle and relationships. Lets talk about jobs in Ukraine.
There are a lot of different professions but high-prestige positions are those
which have not only a good salary, but also a high public status, influence and are
respected in the community. According to a survey conducted by the experts of
the HeadHunters portal now in Ukraine the most prestigious is the profession of
an IT specialist because it is extremely in demand in the labour market. Thus, only
one candidate claims one opened vacancy. One of the types of software
developer, a web developer, a specialist in the sphere of information security, a
programmer are well paid but employers' requirements for them are quite high.
These professions give you the chance to work everywhere in the world. The top
10 of the most prestigious professions also include bankers, businessmen, pilots,
doctors and astronauts as well as economists and financial officials.
The top 5 non-prestigious professions include retail workers, professions in the
field of agriculture, consulting services for the public and representatives of the
banking sector.
Top 10 the most highly-paid professions in Ukraine: IT developer. On average,
they receive from 45,000 UAH. Dentist. The average salary in Ukraine, according
to various estimates, is 20,000-23,000 UAH. Some private clinics offer 50,000-
80,000 UAH. Aviation officer.
Unsurprisingly, the lowest salaries are in the social sphere. Teachers, doctors, and
other government employees earn the least in Ukraine.
I want to answer a question «Could you do a very well-paid job that you don`t
enjoy? Would you apply for a job that you like but it is said to have no career
prospects? »

Honestly, I'd rather make a lot at a boring job. It sounds very strange, but this is
our reality. I can even give a couple of examples
1. Jobs aren’t created to be fun.
2. Even jobs that seem fun are still jobs with deadlines and rules.
3. Even low paying jobs require a full-time effort.
4. If you are paid to low the financial concern becomes a huge stress despite the
6. Then use the extra money to do stuff you enjoy outside of work.
It depends on what else I have in life. If the money were important to me I might consider
the job an annoyance but worth the effort. This would be especially the case if there were
something else I was really into. I might use the money from the job to support my passion.
I would never take a job if I felt it would be a miserable experience.

On the other hand, if I had no pressing need for the money and felt I could go for the
satisfaction, I would pick the lower paying job because it would be more rewarding.

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