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The French Revolution

3 minute Overview:
1. When was the French Revolution? 1789
2. What are the three estates? Noble, commoner, clergy and king
3. What happened on July 14, 1789? Revolutions stormed down the Bastille fortress.
4. What is included in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen? Men are born and remain
free and have equal rights.
5. What is a guillotine? It was a device to behead people.
6. Who said, Let them eat cake? Queen Marie Antoinette after she found out the peasants
didn't have bread.

Crash Course:
Write down 7 facts you learned while watching Crash Course:

Beginner’s Guide:
1. Define bourgeoisie..The middle class, typically with reference to its perceived
materialistic values or conventional attitudes
2. Name 4 people involved in the Revolution. King Louis XVI -Emmanuel Sieyès -Jean-Paul Marat -
Maximilien Robespierre:

Khan Academy: - Watch ALL 4 parts and include 3 facts for EACH part...
Part 1 - Ideas stemming from the Enlightenment, food shortages, and The American Revolution.
Part 2 - The Royals try to escape. Champ De Mars Massacre. Declaration of Pillnitz.

Part 3 - Reign of Terror, Prussia joined with Austria against France, gulition was created , king
Louis XVI ws executed, The war on dutch republic.

Part 4 - Battle of Nile , 1799 Napoleon comes back to france, The three consuls of france.

1. Name 2 Enlightenment ideals that influenced the French Revolution. The ideals of liberty
and equality
2. What is the Estates General?In assembly representing France’s clergy, nobility and middle class
3. What is the Tennis Court Oath? Vowing not to disperse until constitutional reform had been
4. How would you describe the Reign of Terror? A 10-month period in which suspected enemies
of the revolution were guillotined by the thousands
5. When does Napoleon enter the Revolution? On November 9, 1799 What role does he play?
He was crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand
6. What is the Directory?The Directory’s four years in power were riddled with financial crises,
popular discontent, inefficiency and, above all, political corruption. What role did it play? It
relied almost entirely on the military to maintain their authority and had ceded much of their
power to the generals in the field.

1. Define cahiers. Lists of concerns or grievances compiled in the spring of 1789 and were to
serve as mandates for representatives elected to the Estates-General of France
2. What is included in the Declaration of the Rights of Man? The rights of liberty, private
property, the inviolability of the person, and resistance to oppression
3. Who led the Committee of Public Safety? The National Convention was a parliament of the
French Revolution

1. What was the slogan of the Revolution? Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”—Liberty, Equality,
Fraternity. Equality
2. Name 2 inequality before the revolution.The peasant suffered under the burden of out-of-
date feudal dues. The peasant’s fences were broken down and his crops trampled in the chase, but
he could claim no damages.
3. Describe the storming of the Bastille.A Paris mob stormed and captured the old royal prison
in Paris.
4. What was the essence of the Declaration of Rights of man. The equality of all men in the
eyes of the law is its essence.
5. Define emigre. These émigrés, as they were called, later headed by the king’s own brothers,
were in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Declaration of the Rights of Man (PRIMARY SOURCE)

1. Who wrote it? The national assembly
2. What is the main idea? all “men are born and remain free and equal in rights
3. When was it written? August 26, 1789
4. Why is it important? It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by
Declaration of the Rights of Woman (PRIMARY SOURCE)
1. Who wrote it? Olympe de Gouges
2. What is the main idea? It stated that women, like their male counterparts, have natural,
inalienable, and sacred rights
3. When was it written? September 1791
4. Why is it important? Became an important document in women's demands for political
rights in the nineteenth century,

Storming of the Bastille (Video)

1. What was taken from the Bastille and who were freed? They had taken the governor captive
and freed the prisoners
2. When did it happen? July 14 1789
3. July 14 is known as __Bastille_____day?
4. Why was this event so important? The event of an unorthodox rule ended with a corrupt

What is the Third Estate? - Primary Source

Quick Write: After examining the primary source and reading the description, why do you think the
clergy and nobility reacted in fear? Cause the divisions that they had between them were ruined
when the Bastille happened.

Marie Antoinette (VIDEO)

1. Who was Marie Antoinette? She was a 14 year old girl who was to marry Louis XVI and be
2. What happened to her? Everything turned upside down for Marie Antoineete the people
hated her and she was pronounced guilty of her crimes.

The Marsellaise (PRIMARY SOURCE)

1. Who wrote it? Henri Lioret
2. What was the song intended to be used for? He intended the song to be used as a marching song
by the French Arm
Alpha History
Take 2 quizzes, take a picture of your score and submit it on canvas.
Pick 2 graphics and DESCRIBE them.
1. I see a knight with a young lady or queen.
2. 2 men and a woman are carrying something I really can't tell what it is.

Napoleon Bonaparte:
1. Was Napoleon for or against the revolution? He was in between because he became an
emperor and he was also a general so he knew what to do.
2. What did the legal code keep in tact? Freedom of religion , abolition of hereditary privilege
and Equality before the law of man (3 things)
3. Why did the neighboring empires invade France? They were trying to restore the monarchy
and stop the spread of liberty across europe.
4. What were the positive results of Napoleon's wars and invasions across Europe? Spread of
democratic and libreial ideals across europe.

Napoleon is Exiled:
What was the result of Napoleon's invasion of Russia? It led to him losing his troops the
first time then the second time he lost them again he was abdicated for the second time and
later exiled and ended up living the rest of his days on a remote island which he died at the
age of 52.

The French Revolution:

Use the overview to create 5 test questions. Include the answer.
1. Who was the King of France during most of the French Revolution? (A) King Louis XVI
2. What were the three groups of French society? (A) First Estate Second Estate Third Estate
3. Who was Marie-Antoinette? (A) The Queen of France who's married to King Louis XVI
4. What happened to King Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette? (A) They were beheaded
5. A big or major change over a short period of time? (A) Revolution


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