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College of Engineering and Management, KOLAGHAT

Computer Network Laboratory ( 6th Semester 2008, CSE )

Experiment: TCP and UDP echo clients ( Filename - socket2.txt )

Name: __________________________________________________________

Roll No: ______________________ Date: _________________________

Documents to read:
1. UNIX Network Programming
By W. Richard Stevens
Chapter-6, on Berkeley Sockets

2. Manuals socket(2), ip(7),

tcp(7) and udp(7)

Square brackets are used to separate keywords, such as filenames,

programs names etc etc from lines of text. They have no other meaning.

Create directory [socket2] in your home directory. Get [socket2.txt]

in [ socket2 ] directory, from laboratory FTP server. Assignments are
to be carried out in this directory.

T-2 $ mkdir $HOME/socket2

T-2 $ cd $HOME/socket2

In this experiment you have to write TCP [ echo ] client programs and
UDP [ echo ] client programs. A few internal servers ( echo, daytime,
time etc etc ) run on a host, using TCP and UDP protocols. Internal
TCP [ echo ] server and UDP [ echo ] server will be used to test the
[ echo ] client programs written by you.

Port number seven is assigned to [echo] servers. The following command

and part of the possible output is shown...
T-2 $ cat /etc/services | grep echo
echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp

However the [ echo ] servers can be disabled by commenting appropriate

lines in file [ /etc/inetd.conf ].

Servers running in a host usually accept client's request on all its


Scan ports 7 ( TCP and UDP ) of the loopback interface.

T-5 # nmap -sTU -p 7

Scan ports 7 ( TCP and UDP ) of the eth0 interface.

T-5 # nmap -sTU IP-address-of-your-eth0-interface -p 7

Note: The string "IP-address-of-your-eth0-interface" is shortened to

"IP-of-your-eth0" to save typing!

If ports 7 ( using TCP and UDP ) are not "open" in your host, they are
to be enabled by editing file [/etc/inetd.conf] and sending SIGHUP to
[inetd] process.
Edit [/etc/inetd.conf] if required and make needed changes.
T-5 # nano /etc/inetd.conf

Send SIGHUP to [inetd] process.

T-5 # kill -SIGHUP pid-of-inetd

Scan ports 7 ( TCP and UDP ) to confirm that they are "open".
T-5 # nmap -sTU -p 7
T-5 # nmap -sTU IP-of-your-eth0 -p 7

If entry for [echo] server is missing in [ /etc/inetd.conf ], add the

two lines shown below.

T-5 # nano /etc/inetd.conf

#----------------------- /etc/inetd.conf ----------------------

echo stream tcp nowait root internal

echo dgram udp wait root internal
#-------------------- end of /etc/inetd.conf -------------------

Then send SIGHUP to [inetd] to make it re-read its configuration file.

T-5 # kill -HUP pid-of-inetd
T-5 # update-inetd --enable echo

Then scan port 7 of [ lo ] and [ eth0 ] to confirm.

T-5 # nmap -sTU -p 7
T-5 # nmap -sTU IP-of-your-eth0 -p 7

Request your friend to scan TCP and UDP ports 7 of your host. The two
ports should appear to be "open" to your friend, if the two servers of
your host is accepting [ echo ] requests on your eth0 interface.
friend # nmap -sTU IP-of-your-eth0 -p 7

Try to connect to port 7 of eth0 interface of your host, using TCP

protocol. [ telnet ] program may be used to establish the connection.
This program is the user interface to the [TELNET] protocol. The next
command uses [ 7 ] as the 2nd argument, to specify the port.

Note: If 2nd argument is omitted, default port number 23 is used

by [ telnet ] program. [telnetd] used TCP port number 23.

T-2 $ telnet IP-of-your-eth0 7

Trying IP-of-your-eth0...
Connected to IP-of-your-eth0
Escape character is '^]'.
Are you the echo server ? <-- Enter a string
Are you the echo server ?

End session with CTRL-] and then [q].

[ netcat ] program may also be used test TCP echo server. Enter any
string to test. Press CTRL-C to exit.
T-2 $ nc -t IP-of-your-eth0 7

Option [ -t ] uses TCP protocol.

You can check TCP [ echo ] server of your friend and your friend can
check your TCP [ echo ] server in the same way.

Packets generated to establish TCP connection is examined next.

[tshark] is a sniffer program. This is used to capture packets "seen"

by your eth0 interface.
T-5 # tshark -i eth0 -p tcp and host IP-of-your-eth0

Option [ -i ] specify the interface to capture packets, option [ -p ]

selects packets carrying TCP protocol. [ host ] is a packet filter
expression to select packets with source or destination address of
IP-of-your-eth0. A large number of packets are seen by your eth0
interface. Among these packets, those matching the above description
are captured.

Request your friend to connect to your TCP echo server. No string is

to be entered by your friend, to examine packets which establish
friend T-2 $ telnet IP-of-your-eth0 7

Go back to T-5 to examine packets captured. Edited output might be:

IP-of-friend's-eth0 -> IP-of-your-eth0 TCP 42571 > echo [SYN]

IP-of-your-eth0 -> IP-of-friend's-eth0 TCP echo > 42571 [SYN, ACK]
IP-of-friend's-eth0 -> IP-of-your-eth0 TCP 42571 > echo [ACK]
3 packets captured

Ephemeral port 42571, shown above, is likely to be different. The

above output shows three-way handshake for establishment of TCP

Request your friend to enter a string.

Check number of packets captured in Terminal-5.
Number of packets captured for one TCP echo (request and reply)-->

Request your friend to close the connection.

Terminate [tshark] in your host.


Use [ netcat ] to check the UDP [ echo ] server running in your host.
Enter a string to receive an echo. Terminate with CTRL-C.
T-2 $ nc -u IP-of-your-eth0 7

Option [ -u ] uses UDP protocol.

To check the number of packets exchanged for one UDP echo (request and
reply) [ tshark ] is used with option to capture UDP packets.
T-5 # tshark -i eth0 -p udp and host IP-of-your-eth0

Request your friend to test UDP [ echo ] server running on your host.
A string is to be entered, then CTRL-C are to be pressed by your
friend T-2 $ nc -u IP-of-your-eth0 7
Examine packets captured in T-5. Edited output might be:

IP-of-friend's-eth0 -> IP-of-your-eth0 UDP Source port: 32773

Destination port: echo
IP-of-your-eth0 -> IP-of-friend's-eth0 UDP Source port: echo
Destination port: 32773
2 packets captured

Note: ephemeral port 32773 is likely to be different.

Number of packets captured for one UDP echo (request and reply)-->

TCP [ echo ] client:

The system calls to be executed by the client and
server, for connection oriented protocol, are repeated below, from
[socket1.txt]. TCP is a connection oriented protocol.

socket(), bind(), listen(), accept() |
| connection establishment |
|<-----------------------------------> connect()
| |
read() <-------------------------------- write()
| data (request from client) |
| |
process client's request |
| |
write()-----------------------------------> read()
data (reply from server)


The program [f1.c] is the TCP [echo] client. This program has to call
[socket] and [connect] calls to establish connection with a server.
Then the client sends request to server and reads reply from server.

In [ f1.c ] the IP address of the [ echo ] server and TCP port of the
[echo] server are supplied as arguments to the program. We know that
assigned number of [echo] server is 7. However we will use port number
as an argument to the client program. Such a client program can be
used to connect to experimental [ echo ] servers using a non standard

Save the following file as [f1.c]

// file-name f1.c TCP echo client
// usage -> program-name server-address server-port

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE 1024 // arbitrary

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int sd; // to be used as socket descriptor
ssize_t i,j;
int n;
char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
struct sockaddr_in server_addr; // An IPv4 address

if( argc != 3 )
printf("Usage: %s server-address server-port \n", argv[0] );
printf("Example: %s 12345 \n", argv[0] );

printf( "TCP-echo-client starting...\n" );

// A TCP (IPv4 stream) socket is created

if( sd == -1 ) { perror("socket-call"); exit( 1 ); }

The descriptor [sd] is not useful now. This is to be connected to
server's address with [ connect() ] system call. Before making
this call, the members of structure [ server_addr ] are to be

An IPv4 socket address is defined as a combination of an IP

interface address and a port number, using a protocol.

IPv4 address is a structure [ struct sockaddr_in ]

The structure has the following members:

struct sockaddr_in {
sa_family_t sin_family; // address family: AF_INET
u_int16_t sin_port; // port in network byte order
struct in_addr sin_addr; // Internet address

Internet address:

struct in_addr {
u_int32_t s_addr; // address in network byte order
You may read manual [ ip(7) ].

The variable [server_addr], used by you, is an instance of the

structure [ sockaddr_in ]. This has a size of 16 bytes.

server_addr.sin_family uses 2 bytes

server_addr.sin_port uses 2 bytes
server_addr.sin_addr uses 4 bytes

Other 8 bytes are not used and are set to zero. The following
statement may be used to verify the size of unused portion.
printf("Unused = %u bytes\n", sizeof(server_addr.sin_zero) );

// First member of structure [ server_addr ] is initialised with the

// address family consistent with the protocol family of the socket.
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

The port number is to be converted from host byte order to
network byte order. Network byte order is big endian, whereas
host byte order may be little endian or big endian. In your
PC ( i80x86 ) host byte order is little endian.
The function [ htons() ] is used to convert port number from
host byte order to network byte order. Even if the host byte
order is big endian, calling [htons()] is not a mistake.
You may read manual [ htons(3) ].

argv[2] is the port number in our program.


// Second member of structure [server_addr] is initialised

server_addr.sin_port = htons( atoi(argv[2]) );

Internet host address given as standard numbers-and-dots
notation is to be converted into binary data and is to be
stored as the [ server_addr.sin_addr ] of [ server_addr ]
The function [inet_aton()] is used to do that. This function
returns nonzero if the address is valid, zero if not.
You may read manual [ inet_aton(3) ].

// Third member of structure [server_addr] is initialised.

// argv[1] is the server address in dotted decimal quad
n = inet_aton( argv[1], &(server_addr.sin_addr) );
if( n == 0 ) { printf("inet_aton-Invalid address\n"); exit(1); }

n = connect( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,

sizeof(server_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("connect-call"); exit(1); }
The descriptor [sd] is now connected to server's socket. If an
endless loop is used at this point of this program, connection
establishment may be checked with [netstat] command.

[bind()] system call was not called on [sd] before [ connect() ]
system call. As [connect()] was called on a unbound socket, [sd]
was automatically bound to a random free port ( ephemeral port )
with the local address set to [INADDR_ANY] ( all interfaces ).

write( STDOUT_FILENO, "Enter the string:", 17 );

// clear buffer before reading

memset( buffer, '\0', BUFFERSIZE );
i = read( STDIN_FILENO, buffer, BUFFERSIZE );
if( i == -1 ) { perror("read1"); exit(1); }
printf( "bytes read from keyboard=%u\n", i );

// write contents of buffer on server's socket

j = write( sd, buffer, i );
if( j == -1 ) { perror("write1"); exit(1); }
printf("bytes written in server's socket=%u\n",j);

// clear buffer before reading

memset( buffer, '\0', BUFFERSIZE );
// read from server's socket into buffer
i = read( sd, buffer, BUFFERSIZE );
if( i == -1 ) { perror("read2"); exit(1); }
printf("bytes read from server's socket=%u\n", i );

write( STDOUT_FILENO,"Reply from echo server->", 24 );

j = write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, i );
if( j == -1 ) { perror("write2"); exit(1); }

// Shutdown the both-way ( duplex ) connection.

shutdown(sd, SHUT_RDWR);

return 0;


T-2 $ jpico f1.c

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f1.c -o ./one

Run the program using wrong number of arguments, to see usage message.
T-2 $ ./one
T-2 $ ./one

Run the program to connect to the [ TCP echo ] server of your host,
listening on loopback interface.
T-2 $ ./one 7

Run the program to connect to the [ TCP echo ] server of your host,
listening on eth0 interface.
T-2 $ ./one IP-of-your-eth0 7

Run the program to connect to the [ TCP echo ] server running on

friend's host. No string is to be entered by you now.
T-2 $ ./one IP-of-friend's-eth0 7
Check TCP connection establishment in another terminal. The options
[a], [t], [n] and [p] stand for all, TCP, numeric output and program
name respectively.
T-5 # netstat -atnp | grep one-a

From the output, record the lines related to your program

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name

Ephemeral port __________ was used by the client program.

Terminate the client program.

T-2 $ CTRL-C

Try to connect to TCP [echo] servers running on different hosts...

T-2 $ ./one 7
T-2 $ ./one 7
T-2 $ ./one 7
T-2 $ ./one 7
T-2 $ ./one 7

Rename the executable [one] as [tcp-echo-client].

T-2 $ mv ./one ./tcp-echo-client

Create a directory [bin] under your home directory

T-2 $ mkdir $HOME/bin

Copy the executable in [bin] directory

T-2 $ cp ./tcp-echo-client $HOME/bin/

Include this [bin] directory in [PATH] environmental variable

T-2 $ PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin/

Check the intended inclusion with...

T-2 $ echo $PATH

If the [ PATH ] is set correctly, you should be able to run the client
program from any directory of your account.

If you intend to include this [ bin ] directory in PATH variable, on

every login, include the following line at the end of [.bash_profile],
file, in your home directory.
$ nano /$HOME/.bash_profile

#-- .bash_profile file --


Logout, then login in your account and try this...

$ tcp-echo-client 7
Earlier in this experiment you have examined packets exchanged between
standard [ TCP echo ] server and [ telnet ] program.

Packets exchanged between the standard [ TCP echo ] server and the
[ TCP echo ] client program written by you, are to be examined.

Run [tshark] to capture TCP packets from and to your host.

T-5 # tshark -i eth0 -p tcp and host IP-of-your-eth0

Test standard [TCP echo] server of your friend. Enter a string.

T-2 $ tcp-echo-client IP-of-friend's-eth0 7

Examine packets exchanged in [tshark] terminal.

Number of packets captured =

Terminate [tshark]

Examine each packet to add arrow head to indicate direction of packet


client Put arrow head server

1st packet --------------

2nd packet --------------
3rd packet --------------
4th packet --------------
5th packet --------------
6th packet --------------
7th packet --------------
8th packet --------------
9th packet --------------
10th packet --------------

End of Assignment-1.

UDP [echo] client:

The system calls using a connection-less protocol is shown below.

( From "UNIX Network Programming" by W.Richard Stevens ).

bind() CLIENT
| |
recvfrom() socket()
| |
Blocks until data is bind()
received from a client |
| Request |
recvfrom()----------------<-------------------- sendto()
| |
process request |
| |
sendto() --------------->------------------- recvfrom()


[f2.c] is the UDP client program. From the above figure it is observed
that [ f2.c ] has to call [ socket() ], [ bind() ], [ sendto() ] and
[ recvfrom() ] calls.

In connection-less communication, data are put into packets and each

packet is an independent communication. UDP packets may arrive at the
destination in wrong order or not at all. If the packet is lost or
there is no process to accept the data at the destination address,
usually the sending end system does not get an indication.

Sending datagrams:
Normally [ sendto() ] system call is used to send
data to a datagram socket.

Synopsis of [sendto()] call:

int sendto( socket-fd, buffer, buffer-size, flag, dest-address,

dest-address-length )

Number of bytes specified by [ buffer-size ] in [ buffer ] are

transmitted through the socket, specified by [socket-fd], to the
destination address specified by [dest-address] having a length

The [flag] argument is a bitwise-OR of the following:


The flag argument may be zero if none of the above are used. For the
correct data types of the arguments, read manual [sendto(2)].

Receiving datagrams:
Normally [recvfrom()] call is used to receive one
datagram from a socket. This system call may also store the address
from which the datagram came.

[recvfrom()] call:

int recvfrom( socket-fd, buffer, buffer-size, flag, src-address,

src-address-length )

This call reads one datagram from the socket specified by

[ socket-fd ],in the buffer specified by [ buffer ]. The maximum
number of bytes to be read are specified by [ buffer-size ].

The [src-address] and [ src-address-length ] specify the address,

the datagram came from.

For full description and data types of the arguments, read the
manual of [recvfrom(2)].

Note: If there is no data present, [recvfrom()] call would block.

A null pointer can be used as [ src-address ] and zero as

[src-address-length] if this information is not needed. [recv()]
call may be used in such situation.

The [read()] call may be used if [flag] argument is not essential.

In the following example a datagram is read in four different ways:

[recvfrom()] in full form( not essential for UDP client ),

[recvfrom()] in stripped form( not essential for UDP client ),
[recv()] ( not essential for UDP client ) and

In [f2.c], server address and server port number, are supplied as two
arguments to the program.
// file-name f2.c UDP echo client
// usage -> program-name server-address server-port

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#define SIZE 512

// Uncomment the following definition to use [recvfrom()] call in

// full form.

// Uncomment the following definition to use stripped [recvfrom()].


// Uncomment the following definition to use [recv()] call

//#define RECV

// Uncomment the following line to use [read()] call

//#define READ

int main( int argc, char *argv[])

int sd; // to be used as socket descriptor
int n;
ssize_t i;
char buffer[SIZE];
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;

// following variables are used to illustrate use of
// [ recvfrom ] call in full form
struct sockaddr_in remote_addr;
socklen_t remote_addr_length;
unsigned long nbo;
unsigned long hbo;
char *host_addr;

if( argc != 3 )
printf("usage -> prog-name server-address server-port \n");
printf("example -> %s 7 \n", argv[0] );

// an IPv4 datagram socket (UDP socket) is created

// zero may be used for IPPROTO_UDP
if( sd == -1 ) { perror("socket-call"); exit(1); }

// initialise members of the local address

client_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY ); // all interfaces
client_addr.sin_port = htons(0); // any free port

// Bind the local address with the socket. This is needed as we are
// interested in a reply from the server. The server needs to know
// our address to send a reply.
n = bind( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr,
sizeof(client_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("bind-call"); exit(1); }

write( STDOUT_FILENO,"Enter a string: ", 16 );

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );
i = read( STDIN_FILENO, buffer, SIZE );

// Initialise the members of remote address

server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
n = inet_aton( argv[1], &(server_addr.sin_addr) );
if( n == 0 ) { perror("invalid-address"); exit(1); }
server_addr.sin_port = htons( atoi(argv[2]) );

// send contents of [buffer] to the remote address

n = sendto( sd, buffer, i, 0, ( struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,
sizeof( server_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("sendto-call"); exit(1); }

printf("%s: Sent %u bytes to server \n", argv[0], n);

n = 0;
// clear the buffer, before receiving from server
memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );
printf("%s: Using recvfrom() call in full form \n", argv[0] );
remote_addr_length = sizeof(remote_addr);
n = recvfrom( sd, buffer,SIZE, MSG_PEEK,
(struct sockaddr *) &remote_addr,
&remote_addr_length );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("recvfrom-call-full"); exit(1); }

// Print the value of a symbolic constant we are interested in

printf("AF_INET = %u \n", AF_INET);

// [recvfrom()] system call has filled in members of the variable

// [remote_addr]. The values of the members are now retrieved.

printf("rf-full: remote address family = %u\n",

remote_addr.sin_family );

nbo = remote_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
printf("rf-full: remote address in network byte order ");
printf("= %lX Hex \n", nbo );

hbo = ntohl(remote_addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
printf("rf-full: remote address in host byte order = %lX Hex \n",
hbo );

host_addr = inet_ntoa(remote_addr.sin_addr);

printf("rf-full: remote address in dotted decimal quad = %s \n",

host_addr );

printf("rf-full: remote port in network byte order = %X Hex \n",

remote_addr.sin_port );

printf("rf-full: remote port in host byte order = %X Hex\n",

ntohs(remote_addr.sin_port) );

printf("rf-full: remote address length = %u bytes\n",

remote_addr_length );

printf("%s: Using recvfrom() call in stripped form\n", argv[0]);
// We are not interested to save remote address
n = recvfrom( sd, buffer,SIZE, 0, NULL, 0 );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("recvfrom-call-stripped"); exit(1); }

#ifdef RECV
printf("%s: Using recv() call \n", argv[0]);
// We are not interested to store remote address but want
// to use [flag] argument
n = recv( sd, buffer, SIZE, MSG_PEEK );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("recvfrom-call-stripped"); exit(1); }

#ifdef READ
printf("%s: Using read() call \n", argv[0] );
// We are not interested to store remote address and
// don't want to use [flag] argument
n = read( sd, buffer, SIZE);
if( n == -1 ) { perror("read-call"); exit(1); }

printf("%s: Received %u bytes from server \n", argv[0], n );

write( STDOUT_FILENO, "From server->", 13 );
write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, n );

shutdown( sd, SHUT_RDWR );

return 0;


T-2 $ jpico f2.c

(a) Define only READ and compile

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f2.c -o ./two-a

Send a datagram to any UDP [echo] server

T-2 $ ./two-a IP-of-your-eth0 7
T-2 $ ./two-a 7

Did the program run correctly ? ( Y / n )

Send a datagram to a non-existent host

T-2 $ ./two-a 7

Was there any error indication ? ( y / N )

Terminate with CTRL-C.

(b) Define only RECV, comment other three and compile

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f2.c -o ./two-b

Send a datagram to any UDP [echo] server

T-2 $ ./two-b ./two-b 7 7
T-2 $ ./two-b 7

Did the program run correctly ? ( Y / n )

(c) Define only RECVFROM_STRIPPED, comment other three and compile

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f2.c -o ./two-c

Send a datagram to any UDP [echo] server

T-2 $ ./two-c IP-of-your-eth0 7
T-2 $ ./two-c 7

Did the program run correctly ? ( Y / n )

(d) Define only RECVFROM_FULL, comment other three and compile

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f2.c -o ./two-d

Send a datagram to any UDP [echo] server

T-2 $ ./two-d P-of-your-eth0 7
T-2 $ ./two-d 7
Enter a string: xxx

A typical output may be:

./two-d: Sent 3 bytes to server
./two-d: Using recvfrom() call in full form
rf-full: remote address family = 2
rf-full: remote address in network byte order = 50410AC Hex _________
rf-full: remote address in host byte order = AC100405 Hex _________
rf-full: remote address in dotted decimal quad = _________
rf-full: remote port in network byte order = 700 Hex _______
rf-full: remote port in host byte order = 7 Hex _______
rf-full: remote address length = 16 bytes
./a.out: Received 3 bytes from server
From server->ll

The above result is verified with the following steps:

Decimal 172 is
converted to binary with successive division with 2.

2 | 172 Remainder
2 | 86 ----- 0 <------ LSB
2 | 43 ----- 0
2 | 21 ----- 1
2 | 10 ----- 1
2 | 5 ----- 0
2 | 2 ----- 1
1 ----- 0

Decimal Binary Hexadecimal

172 1010 1100 AC
16 0001 0000 10
4 0000 0100 04
167 0000 0101 05

End of Assignment-2.

[f2.c] is modified to make a simple UDP [echo] client. [read] call is

used to read from UDP socket.
// file-name f3.c UDP echo client
// usage -> program-name server-address server-port

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#define SIZE 512

int main( int argc, char *argv[])

int sd,n ;
ssize_t i;
char buffer[SIZE];
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
struct sockaddr_in my_addr;

if( argc != 3 )
printf("usage -> %s server-address server-port \n", argv[0] );


if( sd == -1 ) { perror("socket-call"); exit(1); }

// initialise the local address

my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
my_addr.sin_port = htons(0);
my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

// bind the socket with the local address

n = bind( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr,sizeof(my_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("bind-call"); exit(1); }

write( STDOUT_FILENO, "Enter a string:", 15 );

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );
i = read( STDIN_FILENO, buffer, SIZE );

// initialise the remote address

server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_port = htons( atoi(argv[2]) );
n = inet_aton( argv[1], &(server_addr.sin_addr) );
if( n == 0 ) { perror("invalid-address"); exit(1); }

// send contents of the [buffer] to remote address

n = sendto( sd, buffer, i, 0, ( struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,
sizeof( server_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("sendto-call"); exit(1); }

printf("%s: Sent %u bytes to server \n", argv[0], n );

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );

n = read( sd, buffer, SIZE);
if( n == -1 ) { perror("read-call"); exit(1); }

printf("%s: Received %u bytes from server \n", argv[0], n );

write( STDOUT_FILENO, "From server->", 13 );
write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, n );

shutdown( sd, SHUT_RDWR );

return 0;
} // end of main

Assignment 3:

T-2 $ jpico f3.c

Compile ...
T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f3.c -o ./udp-echo-client

Test the client program with any UDP [echo] server

T-2 $ ./udp-echo-client IP-of-your-eth0 7
T-2 $ ./udp-echo-client 7

Move the executable in your [bin] directory

T-2 $ mv ./udp-echo-client $HOME/bin/

Check the above

T-2 $ udp-echo-client IP-of-your-eth0 7

Sniff [ eth0 ] interface for packets using UDP port 7, to or from your
host. Captured packets are stored in binary file [xx].
T-5 # tshark -i eth0 -n -w ./xx host IP-of-your-eth0 and udp port 7

Send a datagram to any UDP [echo] server, from another terminal

T-2 $ udp-echo-client 7

Stop [[tshark]
T-5 # CTRL-C

Number of packets captured = ____

Convert the binary file to text file using [tshark]

T-5 # tshark -V -r ./xx > ./yy

Examine the text file.

T-5 # less ./yy

End of Assignment 4.


Optional Assignment-1:

Write a TCP [echo] client by fleshing out skeletal program [ f4.c ].

// file-name f4.c TCP echo client
// Usage: program-name server-address server-port

// include headers based on compilation errors

// define a suitable buffer-size

#define BUFFERSIZE _____
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int sd,n;
ssize_t i,j;
char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
struct sockaddr_in server_addr; // An IPv4 address

// check arguments for the program

// Create a TCP ( IPv4 stream ) socket

// Initialise the three members of the [server_addr]

// Connect to server's socket

// generate a prompt for the input string on standard output

// clear buffer before reading

memset( buffer, '\0', BUFFERSIZE );

// read a string from standard input

// print number of bytes read from standard input

// write contents of buffer in the socket

// print number of bytes written in socket

// clear buffer before reading from socket

// read from the socket into buffer

// printf number of bytes read from socket

// write contents of buffer on standard output

// Shutdown the both-way ( duplex ) connection.

return 0;
} // end of main

Compile the above skeleton program

$ gcc -Wall ./f4.c -o ./four

Ignore warning regarding unused variables. Remove other warnings by

including proper headers.

Then write one line of code and compile. Remove compilation error if
any. In this way complete the program.

Optional Assignment-2:
Write a minimal UDP [echo] client program.

Optional Assignment-3:
UDP [echo] client program may use [connect()]
system call. [read(2) and write(2)] are used on the UDP socket.
// file-name f5.c UDP echo client ( using connect() call )
// usage -> program-name server-address server-port

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#define SIZE 512

int main( int argc, char *argv[])

int sd; // to be used as socket descriptor
int n;
ssize_t i, j;
char buffer[SIZE];
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;

if( argc != 3 )
printf("usage -> prog-name server-address server-port \n");
printf("example -> %s 7 \n", argv[0] );

// an IPv4 datagram socket ( UDP socket ) is created


write( STDOUT_FILENO,"Enter a string: ", 16 );

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );
i = read( STDIN_FILENO, buffer, SIZE );

// Initialise the members of remote address

server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
n = inet_aton( argv[1], &(server_addr.sin_addr) );
if( n == 0 ) { perror("invalid-address"); exit(1); }
server_addr.sin_port = htons( atoi(argv[2]) );

// connect to the remote address

n = connect( sd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,
sizeof(server_addr) );
if( n == -1 ) { perror("connect"); exit(1); }

// send UDP packet to the remote address

j = write( sd, buffer, i );
if( j == -1 ) { perror("write-1"); exit(1); }

printf("Sent %u bytes to server \n", j);

// clear the buffer, before receiving from server

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );
i = read( sd, buffer, SIZE);
if( i == -1 ) { perror("read-call"); exit(1); }

printf("Received %u bytes from server \n", i );

write( STDOUT_FILENO, "From server->", 13 );
write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, i );

// To dissolve the current socket association,

// uncomment following two lines
//server_addr.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
//connect(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));

// try to send a datagram to server

j = write( sd, "Socket association is not dissolved\n", 36 );
if( j == -1 ) { perror("write-2"); exit(1); }

memset( buffer, '\0', SIZE );

i = read( sd, buffer, SIZE);
if( i == -1 ) { perror("read-call"); exit(1); }
write( STDOUT_FILENO, "From server->", 13 );
write( STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, i );

shutdown( sd, SHUT_RDWR );

return 0;
} // end of main

Compile and run the program...

T-2 $ gcc -Wall ./f5.c -o ./five
T-2 $ ./five IP-of-your-eth0 7

Please point out mistakes and suggest which portions should
be removed, added, expanded etc etc.
---------------------- end of file socket2.txt -----------------------

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