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Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.

All info gathered by (Akaii)

Alpha Quadra:

Has a variety of interests, gets interested almost in everything in hopes of finding something unique and
original. Clearly sees the promise of new ideas and projects. Quickly rejects ideas that have proven to be futile
and switches to something new. Often has hobbies that are not related to his main occupation. Strives to collect
all discoveries and innovations on a problem or question that is of interest to him. Persistent and expansive in
dissemination of his own developments. To "light up" with an idea he needs to make it "his own". Generates
bold, alternative ideas on any topic he is faced with. If the business or work that he has to occupy himself don't
interest him, will give it a completely new turn. Can offer many applications for an invention or discovery.
Poorly tolerates routine and shackles of tradition.

Seeks to explore and explain complex topics or phenomena for which there aren't yet any definitive concepts or
logical theories. Compares different systems to each other. Clarifies relationships between different schemes or
structures. It's important for him to find causal relationships between specific aspects and the overall general
scheme. If an idea doesn't match the compiled by him design, he is able to change it and present it in such a way
that it will fit into the needed framework. Performs complex analysis of any problem, analyzing it from several
sides. Explains in what situations or cases one or another aspect of it works. Builds his structures alike a
construction toy, putting them together from already available components or parts. Connects interesting
observations or conclusions to his own theories. Seeks to find one comprehensive explanation to disparate

By nature he is not aggressive, but will actively defend his way of life and his ideas. Boisterously reacts to any
attempts to subordinate him to unreasonable, in his view, limitations or rules. If volitional pressure is exerted on
him, he immediately goes on a brief, but very strong counter-attack. While at this, he grows so excited that for a
period of time loses control over his own actions. Although he can respond to a challenge, he doesn't endure
prolonged confrontation, because he cannot keep himself in a mobilized state for a long time. Therefore, he
avoids direct confrontations.

Interacts with other people at short psychological distances. Evaluates relations by level of their democratism.
The less there is of formalism and ceremoniousness, the better for him. Can be quite inconsistent in relations
with his family and friends. At first he is democratic down to familiarity, then suddenly stern and
unapproachable, as if they are strangers. In a conversation tries to get all attention of a conversation partner.
May gesticulate avidly, speak in a loud tone, fiddle with some object in his hands, and even touch his
conversation companions. Can selflessly provide assistance to people who come to him for his help. He finds it
very difficult to introduce damaging notes into his relationships by denying a person a chance to communicate
with him. Feels his own connectedness and responsibility through his relationships with other people. Does not
hesitate to share his personal problems with others. Inclined to discuss particularities of people's behavior or

Often uncertain in assessing physical qualities of objects. May stare with a studying gaze, try to touch, to smell.
To get a sense of taste of food or beverages needs to try out a considerable portion. Easily spends not concerning
with saving or stocking up. Places his own convenience in the first place. Doesn't give any attention to
organization and order around himself. Leaves things where he has last used them, then spends much time
looking for them. Interested in topics of health and sickness. If he gets sick, may take higher doses of
medication, seek radical treatments. However, does not take up daily preventative measures. Maintains his
vitality by using external stimulants. His external appearance is often sloppy, untidy. Wears clothes poorly, it
quickly wears out. Dislikes changes in the surrounding environment when he is used to it. Conservative in his
tastes and everyday habits.

Loves company, parties, emotional communication. If he's not charged by positive emotions, remains in a lazy
apathetic state for a long time. Always ready for an active exchange of opinions and views, interesting debates
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
and arguments. To emotion responds with emotion, thus it's important not to overdo it with the degree of
engagement, else in a gust of inspiration he will forget the starting point of disagreement. If he's in an
emotionally excited state, he talks rapidly and chaotically. His thoughts begin to overtake their expression in
words, and from this his speech becomes unintelligible. Occasionally has sharp changes of mood. Noise, humor,
activity, cheerfulness alternate with depression and uncommunicability.

Constantly tracks the amount of available time. Hurries others, but disposes of his own time and the time of
other people as he sees it fit. Not seldom runs late or forgets his promises to do something by an agreed
deadline. At times he is fussing around, and other times acting with emphasized leisureliness. He cannot attain
an average pace of life. Lives by his own understanding of time. Has a tendency to start discussions on questions
that interest him at a time that is inconvenient to others, but himself won't listen to something that is not said to
the occasion. Can predict trends and future developments based on the most recent turn of events. Expresses an
interest in catastrophes, natural disasters, massive losses and deaths, and other life-changing events.

Has good command of techniques of parallel actions. Can launch and take care of several different on-going
processes simultaneously, aiming to combine the maximum of functions. In monetary sphere of business, shows
acumen, starts up many things at once, tries to keep track of them. But often suffers from incompleteness and
ineffectiveness. Likes to command others around, to give them assignments. Needs objects of influence that he
could move around and reposition at his own will. From small business venture follows a larger one, that for its
realization requires major expenditures of energy. Great experimenter and adjuster of unique equipment.
Effective in the sphere of new advanced technologies. Discovered ideas aims to apply into practice.

The SEI is a person of habitual pleasures and simple joys of life. Very considerate of habits and conveniences of
other people. Won't trespass on someone else's calm state. Shows concern for the health and well-being of
people close to him. Surrounds himself with little pleasant things. Dresses simply and in good taste. Rejects
extremes in appearance. Generally stays out of the limelight - doesn't distinguish himself as the best, but neither
will he lag behind. Knows how to get along with many different people, as he's usually takes the middle
position. Explores the world of objects - likes to take an object into his hands, to touch it, to sense its physical
qualities. For a long time remembers his impressions. Easily manipulates and works with objects, gravitating
towards those things which are at least somewhat familiar to him.

Understands the reasons and causes for people's emotions. Knows how to cheer up or to anger a particular
person. In communication of informal nature, SEI is usually friendly, demonstrates optimism. Loves to have fun
in a close circle of friends. Seeks to cheer up others with jokes, hints, allusions, and pranks. Considers different
ways of getting positive emotions. Prefers to abstain from disputes and controversies, as he wishes to get along
with everyone. Collects various stories, rumors, sensational or otherwise interesting information, and shares
them with his friends. He's usually aware of the social happenings of his circle.

SEI's movements seem non-hurried, measured, gradual. Interacting with others, he doesn't spare his time, knows
how to prolong pleasant meetings and conversations. Does not like people who are always busy, always in a
hurry. Has good memory for holiday dates, birthday days of his relatives and friends, and does not forget to
congratulate them in time. Time usually works for him: that which he can't do now, he will make up in the
future. Dislikes being tied to deadlines, neither is he distinguished by punctuality. Does everything at a pace that
is most convenient to him. Will always find reasons for being late. Delays with making the final decision until
the last minute. Internally, the SEI is quite changeable and vacillating person. He needs to be encouraged and
prodded to start and finish his work on time.

Works productively if other people are waiting for his assistance. Very much needs for his efforts to get noticed
and appreciated. If he is not praised, if the results of his work are not distinguished by positive relations, he feels
offended internally, though may not show this. Industrious person. With pleasure takes on the role of obtaining
and providing the necessary supplies, furnishing any space. Tries exceptionally hard before administrative
checks or receptions of guests or visitors. Resourceful and active in designing and setting up his own living
space. Likes to experiment in this area, to come up with something of his own. Solves business questions
through friends and acquaintances, through informal channels. The more enterprising and venturesome he is, the
more ties and connections he makes. However, his natural laziness puts a limit to the number of his contacts.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
Keeps only those contacts that bring him some benefit. Very attached to his occupation, his field of activity. Has
a hard time changing professions and disrupting his habitual rhythm of work.

The SEI poorly tolerates monotony. He needs alternatives to boring everyday life, a possibility to make a
choice. Greatly enjoys himself if he finds a way out of dead-end, seemingly hopeless situations. Interested in
unusual and extraordinary people who have many ideas and make bold proposals. Boring, mundane people
strain him; he tries to avoid their company. He is tolerant of eccentrics and inventors, all those people who are
"not of this world". He views them like children, looks after them graciously forgiving their antics.

The SEI receives and understands chaotic information poorly. It makes him confused, throws him off track, may
even spoil his mood. The SEI likes it when someone makes a connections between specific events and general
concepts. His self-esteem improves from becoming aware of his own usefulness, that without him it won't do.
Likes to correspond to the place or role allotted to him. Activates when he is given a clear goal and explained
the trajectory of action. Ways of achieving it he will find himself. Doesn't need "bare" facts, instructions,
explanations. The main thing for him is to like the system, that it would evoke a positive response in him. Then
he becomes collected and organized.

The SEI is dependent on how the forces have been distributed in a given situation. Capable of foreseeing
possible hostility or acts of aggression, disturbances in balance of power, the loss of stability. Critical of people
who are sluggish, inert, apathetic. Tries to mobilize them, to make them active, calls them to take decisive and
rapid action. Sensitively reacts to volitional pressuring. In a crude, power-oriented situation responds with
analogous degree of aggressiveness. Won't allow himself to be abused, or for someone to take advantage of his
generally agreeable nature. Knows when to put pressure and when to ease up, but does not seek to control
anyone. The burden of power for him is too heavy load to carry. It is enough for him to be able to defend his
own interests.

In relations to individuals whom the SEI likes, and who reciprocate it, he is very attentive, considerate, and
helpful. Demonstrates his sympathies not by word but by deeds. The SEI feels uncomfortable to demand or seek
something for himself. He feels much more motivated if he is doing something based on requests and needs of
others. But while at this, he won't forget about himself either. To set things into motion the SEI needs to
understand who is relates to him positively. Everything else - are technicalities. Apprehensiveness, tension, poor
relation, deprive him of the wish and the ability to do anything. The SEI is a good intermediary in negotiations
and trade transactions. Knows how to distribute goods through informal ties. His relations are closely
intertwined with questions of work or business.

ESE: ESE's forte is emotional influence on people. Showing his turbulent, sharp emotions, he is able to achieve much.
Other people often find it difficult to withstand his emotional pressuring. Discerning of the emotional states of his
conversation partner. Can raise his own mood and that of others. Optimistic, instills in his loved ones hope for success and
positive outcome. Very sociable, easy makes contact with other people. With pleasure talks about his friends, acquaintances,
and relatives. Although ESE usually aims for high social status, he is able to sacrifice it for the sake of his family. A good
organizer of events and celebrations within his social circle. Sees to it that everyone is interested and involved, draws people
into conversation. Dislikes those who are overly skeptical and hold themselves as separate and aloof.

Very caring in relations to his family and friends. Attentive and responsive. Takes care of people who are not feeling well
and those who seem impractical and poorly adapted to life. Understands who needs what kind of help. Won't lend a hand
simply for the sake of good relations. With pleasure receives guests. Loves holiday dinners and gatherings. Knows whom to
invite, how to behave, what to serve, how to leave a positive impression. Practical in everyday life. Quickly adapts to a new
place. Knows how to create comfort from what is readily available at hand. Gets rid of unnecessary things, sells them or
gives them away. Picky in his aesthetic taste. Analyzes whether the appearance of others is harmonious. Gives thought to
how he dresses, masterfully combining various aspects of his outfit.

The ESE makes himself be active and enterprising in professional and business spheres. Very mobile and energetic. Moves
around a lot, meets new people, makes various deals and contracts. Becomes offended if he is considered to be
unprofessional and unserious person. Quite fussy and scattered. Often overloads himself with things to do, which very much
exhausts him. Actively and directly pushes for this interests or projects, often makes several attempts. In life he achieves
much himself, not relying on the help of others. Makes an impression of an agile, expeditious, and skillful person. Often
thinks himself impractical, since he achieves visible results only with much effort and work. Does his work quickly, but likes
it when he is helped with some things. Could use outside help for running small tasks and assignments. Aims to accomplish
several interrelated tasks at the same time, preferably in one swoop.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
The ESE poorly assesses how much time is available for his activities. Sometimes he starts on the most important task in the
last minute, with which he sentences himself to unnecessary rushing and stress. Appreciates people who warn him about
how much time he has left in reserve. Vacillates for a long time before undertaking major, potentially life-changing
decisions. Remembers about his past mistakes, but acts not in accord with practical experience, but by subjective tendencies.
Suppresses in himself any apprehensive feelings of misfortunes and disasters, and instead orients himself at a positive
outcome. Due to this, many of his hopes and expectations lead to disappointments. Impatient, dislikes waiting. Does not
respect those who run late, philosophize on empty topics, and waste valuable time.

Feels himself calm and confident when there is order around, a system in place, and no unclear questions. Absorbs complex
information only when it gets presented in a clearly structured form. Often a conscientious person, has a responsible attitude
towards his assignments and duties, and cannot relax if he hasn't done something as it should be done. Builds his
relationships on basis of trust. Does not like having to prove something, to explicate, to repeat many times. Expects others to
simply understand his problems and concerns. He is calmed by an objective and impartial analysis of a confusing situation,
while what he concretely needs to do he will figure out himself. Searches for ways to rationally organize his household as
well as leisure time activities. Has a good sense of his body. Tries to find methods to avoid sickness or to conceal any
physical imperfections.

Readily supports new, promising initiatives. He needs alternatives that fuels his enthusiasm and stimulate him to activity.
Feels very pleased when his abilities and energy find a proper application. He feels very much suppressed by inability to do
something. Needs others to notice and to appreciate his efforts and provide him with encouragement. Provides emotional
support for people who walk their own path, not following the beaten track. Himself can light up with an idea and try to push
it through, to promote it. Strongly desires to be needed by someone. Offers many ideas for organization of events:
conferences, speeches, presentations, holidays, celebrations, advertising campaigns, etc. Avoids cliches, commonness, and

The ESE critically evaluates relationships between people. Openly condemns rudeness and boorishness. Demands attentive
and proper relation to himself. Likes to teach ethical behavior to other people - how to be courteous, show good manners.
With others usually keeps at short personal distances. Dislikes arrogance, pomposity, affectation, although himself strives to
create an impression of aristocratic courteousness. Grows angry when someone gets into disputes with him. In such cases
attempts to shame the person, to evoke feelings of guilt in them. If such persuasions are not effective, can start a scandal
even. Does not tolerate when someone looks down on him or speaks with him in a haughty tone. Distinguished by a painful
sense of fairness. Sees to it that no one is offended or overlooked. For the sake of his loved ones can go for any ventures.

In business relations, he is persistent and nitpicky. If a person does not do the way he thinks it right, he will be reminding
them about it, not leaving him in peace until he gets his way. Very self-sufficient and independent in his business person.
Knows how to defend his interests and tries to not miss out on benefits. Initiative-taking. Constantly prods other people
towards activity and tries to manage and guide their actions. Slowness, halts in activity irritate him. Does not purchase
anything just because. Purposefully searches for a product or a seller. Makes his purchases quickly, but always tracks that
the items correspond to their prices.

LII: LII knows how to logically and convincingly express his thoughts. He creates
schemes and conceptualizations, distinctly separates the important from the secondary. Once
he develops a general idea of schematic, he works on reifying it and bringing it closer to
practice. Pure theorizing, philosophizing, discussions that are completely removed from the
life are not for him. The correctness of the system he evaluates by its internal logical
consistency. Easily modifies the formal framework of a system. Prefers compact information
that has been formulated as concisely as possible, although may expand it in volume if
necessary. LII is well aware of the potentialities and possibilities of ideas, concepts, models,
schemes and systems. Gives an objective, impartial assessment of a their potential. Knows
how to tie in details and particulars to the whole.

Seeks to improve or enhance any theory or development. Persistently fills the missing links
of any system that is of interest to him. Alternative ideas do not escape his attention. He is
well capable of generating ideas and proposals and brainstorming. Thinks very
independently. Once he understood a problem, he puts forward innovative solutions. Ideas
come to him intuitively – by guessing. Logic for him is only a way of framing information
that he obtains intuitively. He is able to disentangle a confusing, ambiguous problem.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
Intuitively searches for hidden relationships. Lack of evidence replaces with imagination.
Penetrates deeper and deeper into the object of study.

Not very sociable. He finds it difficult to build relationships with people. Makes an effort to
behave kindly and enter into close contact. Hides his personal life from outsiders. Does not
like uninvited guests, doesn't know with what to occupy them. In communication very
careful. Contributes to the conversation only when it concerns matters that are important to
him. Treasures relationships that have been already established. Stubbornly retains the system
of relations to which he has already become accustomed. He won't break established
relationships, but neither will he cling to relationships that have outlived themselves.
Indifferent to criticism from the outside. Not afraid of a negative attitude directed towards
him. With strangers and people who confuse him becomes restrained, internally clams up –
he doesn't know how to behave himself around them.

LII assesses relationships between people by degree of their ease and lack of constraint.
Strives for simple, democratic relations. Heavy, tense relationships take away his energy and
make him passive. Most often LII is a gentle and pleasant person, not pushy or domineering.
Balanced and self-sustained. Has an critical need for independence and territorial autonomy.
Poorly subordinates people to his will and defends his everyday interests. In critical
situations, may become indecisive and sluggish. Although he will remain cool, he needs some
advice on what to do and how to act. May ignore abuse and pressuring. One cannot achieve
anything from him by coercive pressure.

Friendliness and positive emotions calm him down. With pleasure he responds to them,
becomes sociable and witty. Tries to bring joy for people close to him. At close distance,
becomes more positive, cheerful and friendly. His optimism is transferred to people around
him. If emotions are negative, then he respond to them only if he considers them valid and
reasonable. Otherwise he distances and tries to extinguish them by logical analysis. Expresses
his own emotions only when he is at close distance or feels that he is in a familiar
environment. Otherwise behaves in a cold and detached manner.

At home he is modest and agrees to be satisfied by a minimum of facilities. However,

effective care for his health and comfort lifts his spirits and makes him optimistic. When his
domestic and financial problems are solved, his energy increases and he takes on resolving
the problems that have been postponed until better times. Strives to dress harmoniously,
without frills and artificial jewelery. However, he is not quick to find his style. Feels
uncomfortable if he is dressed non-functionally, in a way that is not inappropriate for the
situation. When he experiences discomfort for a long time, it leads to accumulation of
negative emotions. Over time, his patience may burst; all that has been simmering inside may
spill over.

Good at estimating prospects of new undertakings and projects. Gives advice on how to "fine
tune" a new, unusual project, what should be considered in order for it to be successful.
However, LII himself is not distinguished by entrepreneurial spirit. In business activity he
vacillates, thinks for a long time before he decides on something. Often he is too cautious and
inactive at first, then, all of a sudden, starts taking risks hoping for luck. In concrete work, he
is either too meticulous and specifies everything to the last detail, or he's too much in a hurry
to finish it soon to start on the next job. Raw result doesn't baffle him: if needed, he will come
back and redo the steps. In areas of interest to him, he asks questions on what do people
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
typically do, what technology is in use. Based on this information, he decides how he should
act himself. However, he quickly loses acquired work skills.

Feels his dependence on the flow of time. To events and meetings usually arrives on time;
may even feel proud of his punctuality and organization. Knows how to evaluate his
capabilities accurately to finish the planned work by the deadline. However, he usually delays
in the beginning and accelerates his working pace towards the end. Due to this, the quality or
volume of his work may suffer. Has greater chances of having success if he starts on his
assignments in a timely manner. Looks for methods and tactics that can save him time. Hates
it when time is spent uselessly. Warns others if he is very busy and has much to do that
cannot be postponed. Feels that he is ruled over by fate about which he cannot do anything.
Quickly forgets past failures, but also does not expect anything good in the future.

Beta Quadra:

SLE: SLE is a resolute person who can provide volitional pressure if the situation requires
this. He is determined to win at any cost. The more obstacles he encounters along the way,
the more collected and energetic his advance becomes. Doubt and hesitation are foreign to
him; he feels convinced of his right. Categorical in his assessments, reserves the last word.
He is primarily interested in the result, not the process of achieving it. Adept at calculating
various plans of action in his mind, choosing the most logical one for the given situation.
Knows how to find the most compromised point of his opposition. If a direct attack does not
bring success, can try to bypass from the sides or from the back, work through third parties.
Feels lost in unusual, illogical situations.

Able to unite people around him to achieve a specific goal. Clearly delineates everyone’s
position on the team. Confidently coordinates joint actions. Presents an ultimatum: "If you
have chosen me, now you have to listen to me." Explains everything simply and clearly,
citing illustrative examples. Tries to control the key points only without wasting efforts on
details. Grasps the situation as a whole. Flexibly readjusts if the activity is no longer
promising. For each task he devotes a certain period of time after which he makes the final
decision: to continue on or to stop. Captures well the logic of actions of other people; thus the
only ones who can win with him are those who are constantly changing it. Tests people in
action, throwing those who lack training into the midst of things.

SLE experiences difficulty establishing personal relations in informal situations. Often he is

too intolerant and uncompromising, predisposed to dictate his own way in his relations.
Intolerant when someone else places demands of personal commitment from him. Constructs
a system of ethical values for himself that often does not correspond to what is generally
accepted. Frequently disbelieves that there exist pure, platonic relations. Sometimes declares
that he is for "fairness", for equal treatment of everyone; nevertheless, has favorites and
scapegoats. Treats well those who respect his friends and oppose his enemies. Does not let go
of those to whom he has grown attached; attempts in any way to make them enter a
dependent relationship with him, to "tame" or "placate" them.

Receives well calm words, positive forecasts, faith in the future. Pessimism and superstitions
anger him. He is soothed and relaxed by a light, hassle-free communication style and
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
optimistic outlook. Periodically turns to thoughtful introspection. Withdraws into himself,
reflecting on future prospects and emerging opportunities. Time softens his harsh temper.
After suffering a series of inexplicable losses and defeats, he begins to wonder about fate,
may turn to religion, occupy himself with charity work. He is very enterprising and
venturous. Enjoys competition, boisterous company, where he can relax and emotionally
recharge. Likes to be inspired and uplifted. His emotional state heavily depends on the
emotional state of others around him. He likes to listen to music. It puts him in the right
disposition, creates balance in his soul. Grows offended if he is called an uncaring person.

Forces himself to achieve that which for others may seem almost impossible. Boldly responds
to a challenge when his abilities are questioned. Considers himself to be intelligent. Handles
well problems that test for ingenuity. In public, he gladly demonstrates his erudition and
knowledge of the fundamentals. Not averse to act in role of a patron. If he is taken to the
edge, he is able to manifest merciless and relentless fury. At such moments he cannot stop
himself in anger. Does not give more than one chance.

Comfort, good material conditions for life are his secret desire. He seeks to provide for
himself and his loved ones. Without this feels unfulfilled, a failure. Does not respect people
who are frail, lacking in physical exercise and training. Proud of his own good physical
constitution and feels upset if he does not possess one. Due to excess drive and energy, he is
prone to quickly dissipate his natural reserves of health. External appearance tends to be
either inconspicuous or underscoring his high status. Has poorly developed sense of harmony
and aesthetic taste. Highly susceptible to physical drives and tends to meet his physical needs
before soulful ones.

A good manager, skillfully manages his matters. Tries to derive benefit out of any businesses
venture. Not inclined to save money, especially small amounts. Pays attention only to
substantial sums of money. Often teaches himself a few handy skills. When faced with
excessive work load will try to hire other people to do the work for him. Likes to manage
complex technology in extreme and trying situations.

IEI: In his behavior the IEI is guided by his intuitive presentiments. Due to this quality he
is capable of surviving in the most difficult situations. He quickly distinguishes falsehood,
hypocrisy, artifice, degradation. Often acts as if he has time to spare and puts off much until
tomorrow. Inclined to optimism, believes in a bright future. Pictures and visions that the IEI
creates in his mind are usually much more attractive to him than everyday life proves to be.
Can calm people down, instill hope and inspire them by telling of coming changes for the
better. In conversation, dislikes highlighting mistakes of the past.

The IEI is well versed in nuances and ways of emotional life. He is able to discern when a
person is in a good mood to turn to them with a request, therefore it can be difficult to turn
him down. Graciously responds to the humor in life. Tells jokes and anecdotes, acts in jest,
prods those close to him, evoking positive emotions in different ways. Sensitively responds to
fights between people who are close to him. Seeks reconciliation, readily agrees to
compromise. Will willingly sacrifice himself to settle conflicts. Internally troubled.
Experiences a lot, but hides his agitation and poor mood behind a soft smile.

Invests effort to look after his appearance. Knows how to dress in style and good taste. His
graceful, aesthetic movements are pleasing to the eye. Flexible and adaptable. Does not
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
impose himself on anybody. Instead, put in the effort to adjust to the habits and tastes of
people around him. Sometimes complains about his health, poor care, indifference; however,
in extreme situations will pull himself together and suppresses his pains. In a comfortable
environment around familiar acquaintances he gains confidence and strength. In such
situations may even allow himself to issue orders.

The IEI is not inclined to save up money and keep strict track of his finances. May spend
substantial sums on aesthetically pleasing, from his point of view, items that aren't always
useful. If he falls into financial difficulties, he knows whom to turn to for help or finds
something that he can sell. In long-term relations does not forget to take into account
pragmatic considerations. Poorly related to those who force him to work at an unusual and
uncomfortable for him pace and rhythm. Hopes for leniency, indulgences, "smoke breaks" at

Gets along with people who are sure of themselves, strong and determined. However, does
not allow his relationships to turn into despotism - in such cases IEI will openly declare the
stupidity and primitiveness of blunt force. Has a good sense of which kind of force to apply
to achieve his goals. Resorts to forceful methods himself only when he feels a physical threat
to himself or his loved ones. If he is in a constant state of discomfort, begins to behave
provocatively, rudely, and aggressively; does it to hide his soft nature. In absence of strong
leadership, the IEI becomes relaxed and disorganized to the point of carelessness. It is easy to
knock him off the right track, to tempt him with something that promises pleasant
impressions. He easily acquires bad habits, getting rid of which will require a lot of effort.

When there is no clarity and the situation is ambiguous, IEI's mood spoils, he feels lost and
confused. Chaos, disorganization, lack of support plunge him into despair. He begins to act
enthusiastically when he is relying on a thoughtful, logical plan aligned with a clear end goal
in sight. In needs of various designs, schemes, and methods. In extreme situations, becomes
cool and unemotional. His thoughts become clearer, and he finds it easier to undertake
informed decisions. Dislikes strict, meticulous control. Constant firm discipline is not for

Life values and ideals are one of IEI's weak points. He feels very worried if time passes,
compromises and concessions become delayed, and still no resolution has been found.
Intolerant of oppression, of leveling of his and others' abilities. Lives by the principle of non-
interference into the internal world of the individual. Although can give valuable advice on
unraveling of one's abilities if he is asked about this. Of his own abilities the IEI is usually
very critical and often underestimates them. Afraid of being incompetent, not useful,
unneeded. In need of compliments and encouragement. Good at choosing from available
ideas the most promising one. Searches for an occupation that would correspond to his ideal
of service to others.

Supports his attitudes by actions. For those whom he loves, the IEI can do a lot. Adventurous
and enterprising if he feels that he has the approval of others. Regularly performs his duties
only on a team with established system of interpersonal relations. Warns that personal enmity
and discord will lead to the collapse of the project. Tries to ensure that his professional
relations are also accompanied by favorable informal ties. Contributes to a group a
harmonious beginning. Persuading people, manages relations in a manner that to him seems
most beneficial. Successfully refers to his acquaintances and uses personal charm.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.

EIE: The EIE encompasses and manages a very wide range of emotional states. Dramatic
emotions quickly turn into comic ones or interweave together, however, in company of
strangers and unfamiliar people he can behave calmly and hold himself with dignity.
Endowed with the gift of emotional empathy, can experience emotions of another person as if
they were his own. Expressive in gestures, gaze, intonation, and other emotional expressions.
A good actor or speaker. Continually reinvents and reincarnates himself in some style. Often
aggravates the situation and welcomes the emotional tension that comes with this. People in
his proximity may find it difficult to dealing with his type of emotional pressuring. The EIE
cannot find peace and serenity himself; he or she overflows with negative emotions, which
can lead to emotional and mental breakdowns.

The EIE is very perceptive of development of situations over time. Sensing a potentially
negative situation upcoming, he prepares for it in advance and thinks about alternative
solutions and ways out. Warns others about the risks they may face. Often wavers and
experiences doubt and hesitation, which makes it difficult for him to make important
decisions. However, once the decision has been made, he will not hesitate any longer and will
not look back. Internally, the EIE is very contradictory. He is attuned to inconsistencies
between what people say and what they do, conflicts and hypocrisy. Often interested in topics
related to destiny, fate, and other mysterious phenomena. Over time, his worldviews may
change to something diametrically opposite of what he has previously believed.

Likes being involved in projects that bring about concrete benefits. He does quality work and
does not like to go back and redo anything. Enjoys challenging himself and mastering
difficult disciplines. By temperament impatient and restless. Sitting in one place for a long
time can even lead to muscle spasms. Finds it difficult to relax even when he is sleeping.
Usually has superior organizational skills, however, becomes depleted by prolonged business
activity. Gives others a lot of small tasks, but has no time to keep track of everything and
becomes stressed by this. Has a hard time working while being watched. Any quick
movements and sudden noises irritate him, however, constant mild background sounds often
improve his efficiency.

EIE often feels uneasy about any physical ailments and suffering. Has difficulty getting rid of
bad habits. In sexual matters, often falls to extremes: from indifference to perversion. Pays
much attention to his own appearance, especially surface aesthetics that can bring him much
joy or disappointment. In nutrition, he is capriciously selective and may combine products of
opposing tastes. Can be quite unpretentious with food, only care that it is provided for
regularly. Estimates attitudes of others by how much they are willing to do for him and how
tolerant they are of his strange tastes and habits. Does not feel well in confined spaces. May
choose the life of a recluse.

EIE is in need of a certain level of organization and order around himself, the absence of
which can even affect his physical well-being. Living within some framework of a strict
system does much good for him. Uncertainty, unpredictability, and constant changes of
schedule have poor effect on his health. He is very keen on catching the slightest deviation
from the usual scheme of events. Relaxes over meticulous studies that require concentration.
In his conclusions is often rather subjective and often makes generalizations that sound one-
sided. He likes systematic logic. Seeks to streamline everything, to limit it with what seems to
him as a reasonable a framework and rules, however, can make exceptions for himself.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
At times he vigorously protests against use of coarse force and brutality. Often strives for
courteous and helpful conduct towards people, but in a fit of passion won't stop at anything.
His own strength increases dramatically in an extreme situation (e.g. panic, confusion). In
such cases, he behaves confidently. However, he becomes helpless to counter an
inappropriate use force if he has been emotionally and spiritually broken. In such situations
he resigns to fate as to an inevitability. Only use of direct force can snap him out of hysterical
state of being. A sudden strike sobers him up from his emotional excesses. He is in need of
external help to contain his uncontrollable emotions and reduce the grip that they have on

EIE is often not sure of the durability of his relationships with other people. Thus he seeks a
constant verbal or other kind of reassurance. He treats his contestants with much jealousy and
is capable of predicting the development of their relationships over time. Criticizes the
manners and philosophical view points of others. Himself is either a loyal and devoted
partner or a Don Juan. His sore spot is the reliability of relations with people whom he trusts.
Those who have once misled him he does not forgive. He is quick to take offense and can be
vindictive. Prefers to keep at a distance from people. Often will greatly lower his own worth
in the eyes of others, but is given into extremes and can as well narcissistically inflate and
obsess over other people.

At work can show the most unexpected talents and abilities. Desires very much for his
achievements to be praised. Gravitates towards unconventional, sometimes shocking
behaviors. Knows how to use the power of the people as well as delegate the roles within a
group. He often makes for a good teacher and a mentor to others. His personality is shaped by
hard work. Wishes for well-being and benefit of all mankind and is not satisfied with only
local and partial solutions to the problems. Will often take an uncompromising centrist stance
on issues that he perceives as only secondary. Looks for the most complex and exciting
enterprises. Worries a lot if he is criticized because he perceives this as a defeat of his ideals.
Has an innate feeling of own inferiority for which he compensates by demonstrative

LSI: LSI studies any matter that occupies him in great depth. He stubbornly and
persistently collects information to attain a thorough understanding of the subject. He
favorably views well-organized and smoothly functioning systems. Anything that does not fit
into the system he rejects as nonsensical. He will regularly check the progress of any venture
that interests him. Consistent and operative, strives to do his job well and looks to same from
others. Is perceptive of existing hierarchies. Does not take into account personal sentiments
when it comes to business. Cannot tolerate when someone takes his things or moves his
belongings without asking.

Sober realist: sets only feasible goals for himself and in most cases achieves them. If
explanations and warnings did not have any effect can shift to pressuring methods of
influence. Knows how to force his opponent into a corner and squeeze him. Stoic: can keep
himself in control, tolerant of adversities. Will force himself to do that which is necessary but
uninteresting to him. Helps and protects those who are weak and defenseless. Looks after the
old and the sick. Can be lone-wolf fighter for justice who keeps a low profile.

In public, he holds himself politely and appropriately. Can make himself be cheerful and
sociable. Easily makes short-term, situational contacts. With his behavior evokes trust.
Patiently listens to those who have approached him, sympathizes with them, demonstrates his
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
disposition. Even though he comes into close contact with many people, he rejects excessive
familiarity. Stern with family members. Loves to educate using terse statements. Reliable in
his affections, although it can happen that he gets torn between two objects of his sympathies.

Very attached to his worldview. Does not change his views easily, not inclined to make
concessions and compromises. Chooses friends who have compatible views to his own. Uses
himself to judge the capabilities of others: "If I can do this, then why not others?" Knowledge
gained through direct experience serves as a substitute for intuition for him. Can trust
someone who is well-wishing and attentive listener, who does not take sides. Values
intelligent, artistically gifted people, may even forgive them selfish and unethical actions.

Often is in a gloomy, serious mood. Accumulates negative emotions. Periodically pours them
out on someone else and feels temporarily relieved. To be in good condition, he needs
frequent fluctuations of emotional background. Cannot stand to be pressured by negative
emotions - crying, whims, accusations. It is easier to give in for him than to ignore them.
Internally rather touchy and vulnerable, although does not show this considering it to be

Finds it difficult to tolerate people who are not punctual and who cannot fit into allotted time.
Lives at a measured pace. Does not like unnecessary disruptions in schedule. Frightened of
what fate may bring, of unpredictability. Although he generally rejects mysticism, will warily
listen to prophecies, divinations, interpretations of dreams. Becomes mobilized when there is
an unexpected but important job that needs to get done in a short period of time.

Very thrifty in his work and shopping. Will keep used and worn-out things just in case. Seeks
to do more with less effort. A supporter of mechanization and automation. Would rather
control revenues than expenses. Exercises control over actions of other people. If they are
illogical or inappropriate, suspects that something is wrong.

Monitors his appearance and pays attention to appearance of others. Strives for tidiness in
clothing, at home and workplace, although not always maintains it. Often is capable at
handwork, repairing or tinkering with something at his home. Good at delicate manual
operations, especially if they are related to design and decoration. Likes simple but healthy
food. Steadfast in his tastes and habits.

Gamma Quadra:
SEE: SEE is perceptive of the balance of power. He quickly detects who is strong and
who is weak, who can be pushed around and whom it's better not to touch. Looks for weak
spots in people who are close to him. Exerting pressure on these points, he is able to change
their behavior in a way that is most favorable for him. He himself is not susceptible to such
manner of pressuring, will skillfully dodge it. Knows how to stand up for himself. Reacts
boisterously when his freedom and opportunities are being limited. Orders around those who
are less resolute and decisive and less confident in themselves. With a stronger partner talks
on equal terms. Always finds a way to draw attention to himself.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
SEE is very discerning of the system of relationships that exist between people. He knows
how to tell someone precisely that which this person wants to hear from him. However, he
does not rush to fulfill his promises if he doesn't feel a particular need in this. Balances
between interests of the opposing groups, successfully negotiating and bargaining. If it's in
his interests, he easily reconciles with former adversaries. Knows how to mend and improve
previously broken relations. However, most often he plays on negative relations and dislikes
rather than on sympathies and positive relationships. He finds it difficult to break relations
that have run their course. Instead he will let a person know indirectly that he or she is no
longer interesting to him. Dislikes allowing people too close to himself, because he feels that
this imposes certain obligations on him. Easily strikes up acquaintances and new contacts and
feels better and more confident in groups of people rather than alone in everyday

Presents himself as an original, unusual personality which won't be fitted into any
frameworks. Inclined to contrast himself with others around him. Often can maintain a
conversation on any topic, little by little demonstrating that he is knowledgeable on a wide
variety of topics. Captures new information quickly, but mostly on the surface. Periodically
he is taken by reflections and contemplations, during which time he becomes self-absorbed.
At such times, it seems to him that people do not perceive him as he really is. Quite
capricious, moody and choosy. Will often highlight his broad potential, his opportunities and
great prospects. Often argues and does not readily agree, will defend his point of view and
values on principle.

Dislikes it when others don't take his arguments and conclusions on a given situation or
problem into consideration. Those who ignore his remarks he will consider to be his
opponents. Dependent on the established order within the area where he lives or works. May
complain about lack of organization and disorder, although won't enforce it himself, since he
doesn't want to ruin his relations and his actions are often not methodical. He only responds
to the already established hierarchy. With a person he communicates either from a lower
position, as a subordinate, or from a higher position, as their superior. With subordinates he is
not ceremonious. Cannot tolerate people around himself whom he dislikes, does everything in
his abilities in order to remove them. Doesn't have any system of action.

Feels enlivened and inspired when his time is taken up by matters. Otherwise, having an
excess of time, may lead a sedentary, lazy lifestyle, despairing and criticizing everything. He
enjoys constant change, development, contrariness. Often wants to leave for somewhere else
and completely change his situation. Tries to impose time that is most convenient to him.
Sometimes he is hurrying and rushing others, while at others times he slows down and
strongly inhibits any quick decisions. If he needs to, will always find something to pick on.
Likes when he is being persuaded, approached at some distance, told many examples and
instructive stories from the past.

His mood depends on how well things are going for him. To improve his emotional state,
offer him some profitable or beneficial activity. Has an inclination to show generosity, up to
extravagance, when his mood is elevated, and frugality and stinginess when he is emotionally
depressed. In any case, emotions and personal relations are the most important thing for him.
He cannot work if the occupation is uninteresting to him. Any activity or undertaking can
turn into entertainment, make it feel like a show. Becomes very nervous and angry, if he is
outdone in business or if rewards and material benefits have been distributed in a way that he
thinks he is getting less than others. He can start a quarrel over this.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
Hates it when someone violates his peace and relaxation. Concerns very much for his
financial and physical well-being. Will not allow anything to the detriment of his own leisure.
Looks after cleanliness and the standards of hygiene. Squeamish. Criticizes the quality of
products and value of goods if in his opinion they are not on par. Feels comfortable with his
body and physiological processes. He is distinguished by his personal aesthetic taste, which
doesn't always coincide which the accepted tastes. When taking trips out to nature, he is
cautious, won't venture first to an unknown location. Conservative in his habits and home
life. Sometimes falls to an extreme and becomes indifference of his own appearance.

His productivity at work is highly dependent on his mood. When he is in high spirits, he will
undertake even hard work, but when he is not in the mood, then even very important work
will remain undone. Energetic in carrying out those tasks that can be done immediately. If
there is no quick returns, and ahead lies a lot of hard work, he soon cools down and looks for
another course of action. Excitement and emotional arousal increase his efficiency. Around
himself he creates an atmosphere of a celebration, a feast. Best at resolving his problems and
issues by informal means. Dissipates his energy in various directions: deals with several
things at once, easily switching from one to another. If the number of his interests continues
to grow, then his efficiency falls.

ILI: ILI attentively follows the flow of life. He is keenly perceptive of details and barely
discernible tendencies. Explains which causes have led to which consequences in present
situation. Immersed in the past, studies recurring phenomena. Due to associatively organized
memory and love of learning is often erudite. Clearly discerns contradictions and
inaccuracies in the positions and opinions of others. Possessing a thoughtful mind can make
an impression of a clever and far-sighted man. Cautious when making decisions. His position
is that you need to run a little ahead of the game. Always chooses the safest course of action.

In his mind, considers the rationale for actions, calculates the resources and costs incurred,
draws the balance of the useful to the useless. He seeks the shortest and the most worthwhile
route to the goal. Thrifty with money and knows how to save for the future. Continually
monitors revenues. Looks for places and ways to make profitable investments. Before starting
on something, he thoroughly thinks through the methodology, examines all the necessary
specifications. Directs his efforts toward creation of sustainable structures. Monitors the
ongoing situation in his field of interest. Capable of deriving benefits from information he has
accumulated. Orients well among fluctuations in markets of goods and services. Creates
catalogs, databases, archives, and collections.

Prudent in matters of comfort and health. Going out or going on a trip brings along a set of
objects that provide a guaranteed minimum level of convenience. Keeps himself to standards
of hygiene, maintains cleanliness. Puts in effort into keeping himself healthy, sometimes
resorting to traditional methods. Often is a food gourmand. Can prepare special dishes that
satisfy his tastes. Predisposed to use of high-quality, sophisticated products, although during
times of shortage is able to get by on very simple food. His external appearance is either
unkempt and neglected or, on the contrary, carefully devised in accord with the current
norms. This depends on his social circle and the nature of his audience.

Estimates attitudes towards himself by displays of emotions. Boisterous, intrusive, emotions

he finds irritating; they have a subduing and depressing effect on him. In extreme situations,
or when he feels hidden antagonism, he can openly express his annoyance, fly off the handle
and make demands in a sharp manner. If his state is poor, he transforms it into black humor.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
Can deliver a short, acerbic remark. His gravitation towards other people is once again
dependent on his current mood. In high spirits he can even be obsessive and intrusive; in poor
mood he withdraws and rests in seclusion.

When in good physical shape, he is confident in himself, assertive, calls for decisive actions,
however, it rarely comes to implementation. He needs to be prodded from outside, requires
strong support. Absence of such support leads to demobilization and laziness. Direct
aggression is detestable to him; he opposes it in every way. He cannot endure protracted
confrontation – simply leaves or even falls ill. For his physical well-being engages in athletic
types of sports – tries to build stamina and overcome his natural weakness, toughens himself.
But to engage in this regularly he usually does not have enough willpower.

His emotional state depends on how he is treated by others. Feels depressed, if others do not
grant him attention, if nobody responds to his proposals and objections. If he is in poor mood,
do not try to comfort and cheer him, but leave him alone with his thoughts of express indirect
sympathy. In dealing with strangers, he can be polite, behave as a well-mannered and
intelligent person. Has a diplomatic streak; can work on reconciling the interests of all
parties. To close interpersonal distance and strike up a friendship, he jokes, behaves in a
playful and unrestrained manner. However, if the other party does not respond, he stop his
attempts at rapprochement.

Resents that knowledge and intellectual skill rarely lead to the desired results. He knows a
lot, but to come up with something himself is difficult for him. Skeptical about the prospects
of new initiations and adventurous ideas. Envisions and presents things as more complicated
than they really are. Although, he can instill hope into those who have been demoralized.
Keen to try his hand at different activities in order to gain confidence in his abilities.
However, he rarely attains multifaceted development. With pleasure he studies all the
novelties and innovations in his spheres of interest. Able to find uses for things that otherwise
seem outdated and worn out.

Does his work is accord with the established methods, slowly and scrupulously, going into all
the specifications. Can be rigorous with details and meticulous to the point of pedantry.
Professional activity and diligence are characteristic of him only within a formal system,
where there is structure and regulation. Tries to have a set of necessary tools at his workplace
and at home. Does not like to take anything on credit. In business activity, he is independent,
self-sufficient and effective.

LIE: LIE is very perceptive of positive possibilities of new projects and undertakings. He
knows how to turn things around so that they bring him tangible benefits. Criticizes those
who, from his point of view, are engaged in useless theories. Adventurous, easily takes off at
any moment. Often takes up dynamic types of sports - running, hiking, climbing, etc. Not
afraid to travel and to change his place of residence. Bravely forwards objective proposals
and presses for their implementation. If the possibilities of the project have been exhausted,
quickly changes direction and switches to something new. Takes care of his finances and if
he has a sum of money tries to keep it turning over, playing on the price differences. Tries to
concentrate the levers of material interest in his hands.

LIE intuitively captures the main trends that develop over time. He is not afraid to take risks,
relying on his intuition. He is proactive and tries to act in advance, because he knows that
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
tomorrow it will be too late. LIE is usually one of the first people to take advantage of new
technologies and methods of organization. In his thoughts, he is constantly referencing the
past, analyzing past events and drawing lessons from them for the future. LIE is attempting to
find the basic laws of life and fate by analyzing that has occurred over time. He is interested
in all the unusual and mysterious phenomena. He tries to test them, to find their rational

An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful
events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people.
Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often
sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially
if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his
opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is
not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

Can live and work in conditions of discomfort and lack of amenities. Nature usually endows
him with stamina and good health. Not picky about food and design of the his living space.
Little worried about his appearance. Has a tendency to wear the same clothing once he has
gotten used to it. Dresses up only when it's likely to have an impact concerning his personal
or professional relationships. Positively relates to those who relieve him from having to take
care of day-to-day matters and routine chores. Dislikes those who hide behind their weakness
and poor health. Behaves carelessly, may be frivolous by nature. A time falls to extreme in
relation to bad habits: either he openly engages and flaunts them, or he actively counters and
fights against them. These extremes apply to his sexual life.

LIE interacts with other people at close psychological distances. Democratic. Predisposed
towards positive attitude and friendliness on his territory. Feels relaxed in an atmosphere of
warm, sincere, soulful communication. One should settle disagreements with him in an
informal atmosphere, first persuading him of good intentions. He is much in need of reliable,
stable human relations. Due to his inability to immediately recognize falsity can allow
himself to get drawn into poor company and questionable enterprises. Appreciates reliable,
time-tested friends. Usually aware that he can be too insensitive and inattentive in relation to
others and is wary of this trait in himself. Ruining his relations with someone searches for
methods to make amends. To this end, gives gifts or shows a particular concern for his

Becomes active in extreme situations. Able to stand up for himself. Rejects emotional
pressuring. He is directed by the desire to direct, to lead, to achieve his goals using other
people to this purpose. However, he is adept at directing only those who are of the same mind
as him. In moments of emotional uplifts, he feels himself a strong personality, capable of
resolving any problems. However, if he doesn't find emotional support, his fighting spirits
quickly dwindle. Bold in romantic matters. Enjoys some measure of competition.
Venturesome and persistent if he is being turned down and resisted. Likes to throw a
challenge. A life that is calm, even, and unemotional makes him soft, clumsy, and ridiculous.

Does not attach much importance to things being orderly around him. Among the scattered
things he will always find what he needs. Monitors operative discipline and compliance with
the projected plans. However, he is usually not effective in regulating and controlling
processes. Obstinate in his understanding of the situation or problem. Predicts future
development of events too mechanistically, due to which his optimistic plans often fail.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
Either usually a supporter of one strict system, deriving all the possible consequences from
this same system, or, conversely, does not structure information at all, giving in to an
arbitrary, random sequence.

It is difficult to him to tolerate situations where there are no solutions, hopelessness and
futility. Takes up any activity with enjoyment only when he is confident of its success. Likes
to test himself at various activities. Thus often changes hobbies, profession, place of work,
etc., until he finds what he is looking for. Curious. Often acts contrary to what is expected of
him. He likes to experiment, to follow the unbeaten path, to fill the role of an inventor or
explorer. Wholly gives himself to his favorite occupation. Vain. If his abilities are not
appreciated, he inclined to put himself in opposition and contrast with others.

ESI: ESI sees how people reveal themselves in communication. He cannot be deceived by
pretense of friendliness. He critically assesses the behavior of those around him, but openly
expresses his opinions only when he feels offended. Remains insistent on his internal
subjective evaluation of a person; it is very difficult to convince him to reconsider and change
his views. In public, wears a mask of cold and unemotional person. At first acquaintance
sharply divides people into two categories - "his own" and "others". Others mostly cease to
exist for him, but to his own he becomes deeply attached. He is often sharp and
uncompromising with strangers, but forgives a lot for those who are in his inner circle.
Demonstrates his attitude towards someone by managing psychological distance, first
distancing a person, then bringing them closer.

ESI does not adapt to his partner but instead he seeks to impose his own line of conduct.
Adeptly discerns how much force he needs to apply to exert sufficient pressure on a person.
Keeps himself together until he reaches a critical point. If needed, readily defends himself
and people close to him. Knows how to teach his offender a lesson, sequentially increasing
the amount of pressure on him. Does not rest until he feels that his opponent is confused or
fallen in his fighting spirit. Moral victory for him is more important than a physical one. Does
not allow himself to be treated unceremoniously or for anyone else to impose their views on
him. Won't allow himself to be intimidated or provoked. Dislikes being coerced into doing
something and any unreasonable applications of force. His resistance is usually proportionate
to the degree of aggression directed at him.

ESI finds it difficult to make sense of conglomeration of vague, original ideas and insights
that are not based on established and recognized facts. Feels uneasy in situations that are
unpredictable and ambiguous. Observing someone compares his capabilities with his own:
"Can I do the same as him?" Either idealizes a person too much, or, on the contrary,
completely denies his capabilities. Does not trust those who are boastful, who advertise their
talents and abilities. Rarely gives out compliments and praises to others but with pleasure
accepts compliments in his address. Will not indulge a talented but self-centered and self-
satisfied individual. Does not recognize abilities that are not supplemented by labor. Finds it
difficult to claim attention himself and promote himself for a job. Waits to be noticed and
appreciated for his merits.

Seeks to analyze the situation from different angles and arrive at an univocal conclusion.
Dependent on norms, already established rules, and tested methods of action. Evaluates
everything from the point of view of common sense and rational self-interest. Forces himself
to do what is required of him by his environment and asks for the same from others. Needs to
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
keep at some physical distance. Keeps aside from anyone who irritates him. Avoids large
crowds of people.

ESI can truly relax and calm down only after strenuous work that has brought him some
concrete results. Quickly completes labor-intensive jobs so that he wouldn't have to return to
them again. Likes people who draw him into pragmatic activities. Practical in everyday
affairs. Will find a use for anything that he finds in his space. Likes things are are both
functional and aesthetically beautiful. Appreciates all that is beneficial and requires minimal
effort to achieve or maintain. Knows how to create comfortable conditions for work and
leisure time. Changes jobs if new place offers more benefits, but with difficulty abandons his
habitual way or life to adapt to new situation. The discomfort that he experiences during such
transitions and restructurings is very stressful and even frightening for him.

ESI becomes activated in situations where there is a shortage of time. He is oriented at quick
decisions and solutions, otherwise he feels irritated. Being nudged over minor details evokes
internal protest in him, but he rapidly mobilizes for significant goals and projects. It is better
to not give him much time to prepare; the more time he spends getting ready, the more
anxious and worried he grows, and the poorer the result will be. Internally ESI is
apprehensive. He thinks about dangers and negative outcomes that threaten him and his
relatives. Looks for philosophical and mystical ways of reasoning to attain a sense of
protection from the vagaries of fate. Will not allow himself to be taken by surprise, always
ready for contingencies. He has a good memory for the mistakes, failures, and shocks of the
past, from which he draws lessons for the future.

ESI is perceptive of the emotional state of a person. If a person is in a poor mood, he asks
about the reasons that caused it, however, he is often incapable of improving another's mood
and alleviating their worries. Instead he adapts himself to the moods of others. In a serious
situation he is emphatically formal. Among friends he is casually cheerful, even allowing
himself some cynical witticisms. Likes people who are cheerful and energetic, who know
how to loosen and relax others, how to reduce tensions and improve the mood, who have
confidence in the future. ESI needs a distraction from burdensome negative thoughts and
periodic emotional releases. He tries to avoid the drama of life and explosions of negative
emotions. He is too aware of the heavy impact these have on one's psyche and well-being. At
times he deliberately accelerates conflicts and dramatize situations to speed up their
resolution and settlement.

ESI cannot idle about without some concrete task. Idleness and joblessness oppress him. He
is constantly looking for something that he can do. Work serves as medicine for many of his
ailments. Dislikes appearing before others as messy and unattractive, or in poor physical
condition. If he falls ill, he immediately seeks treatment. Feels sympathy for those who are
weakened, sick, unsettled, dependent, vulnerable. Involuntarily desires to aid them with some
specific actions, help them overcome their crisis or get over their harmful habits. Appreciates
clean, healthy lifestyle. Will not tolerate a person who is physically repulsive to him or is
unhealthy in his instincts.

Delta Quadra:

IEE: The IEE (ENFp) has an excellent intuition for people. He adeptly assesses
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
motivation of others from disparate phrases, intonation, facial expressions, and peculiarities
of behavior. Easily guesses what another person is striving for. Learns quickly, for he is able
to grasp the main points of the issue. Has well-developed faculties of fantasy: often thinks up
stories with entertaining plot lines, creates imaginary scenes and events, easily envisions and
conceptualizes. Gravitates towards talented and unusual personalities. Knows how to
encourage and inspire people, generously gives compliments, enthusiastically describes
future activities and prospects. Offers multiple solutions for addressing the same problem.
Finds it unbearable to occupy himself with repetitive work; repetition generates boredom
which strongly depresses his spirits.

IEE, like no other, is discerning in the logic of human relations, especially acutely he sees the
causes and motivations that create complications and conflicts in intimate relationships and
friendships. It is easier for him, however, to maintain the present relations that are running
smoothly than to mend old breakups. He sensitively reacts to any antipathies and animosity.
Charming and sociable; will build relations with anyone, if this person is interesting to him.
Perceptive of which distance he needs to keep with which individual in social interaction,
although he doesn't always hold it. IEE knows what needs to be done to maintain a favorable
psychological atmosphere within a group. He gives advice on how to interact and
communicate with someone to become invaluable to them.

In extreme situations, IEE mobilizes and acts quite resolutely and decisively. Provides a
rebuff and resistance to any types of encroachment and invasions. He will respond to any
dictatorial and coercive attempts and retaliate with force. Very independent, but also won't
attempt to compel and drive others. Not afraid to speak out against a superior force. He can
go to an official or a manager of any rank and demand a resolution or implementation of
measures to address his problems. When he gets involved in arguments, IEE will actively and
sometimes aggressively assert his opinions and views. Suffers from irritability and edginess.
For this reason often has trouble with building up bodily tension.

IEE is unable to work effectively within a rigid system that imposes too many restrictions. He
dislikes it when his relations with others are controlled and regulated from the outside. Find it
difficult to perform meticulous work of the type of formal accounting. He often doesn't go
into the details but will instead grasp the general meaning. Due to this, he doesn't always
listen to another person to the very end before coming to a conclusion and voicing his advice,
which results in others feeling misunderstood. In his reasoning and formulation of objective
conclusions, he often errs on the side of subjective impressions and subjective ethics and may
ignore or dismiss the facts that contradict his own personal impressions. Though he will put
in an effort and take objective factors into account in cases when he doesn't want to leave a
poor impression of himself.

IEE is able to fully relax only in a thoroughly comfortable environment where he can feel
himself at home and not worry about complications. He needs substantial doses of pleasant
experiences; personal enjoyment plays a big role in his life. He loves it when he is
surrounded by comfort, domestic coziness, help and care shown in concrete actions. Due to
his preference for this kind of leisure, sometimes he makes an impression of a superficial,
high-spirited and carefree person. It is possible for him to get sucked into the vortex of
pleasant life which could lead to unpleasant consequences. He doesn't take care much of
himself and can do with very little, however, physical and emotional discomfort will
eventually undermine his health. He seeks the kind of lifestyle that isn't be too heavily
burdened with contention and the need to fight for one's existence.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
His internal state and mood are dependent upon the nature of work that he has to do. If it's not
interesting or seems useless, then his mood drops. For this reason, IEE is not prone to
performing regular upkeep and maintenance of his living quarters. He has weak sense of
pragmatism and is not economical. If he becomes involved in organizing something, he does
it out of his creative interest, for the soul, for the idea, and not for profit. The best reward for
his labor is admiration, excitement and conveyance of positive emotions. The interplay of
connecting pleasure with business constitutes a large part of IEE's life - he tries to turn work
or studying into a kind of a game.

IEE concerns with and seeks to manage the time expenditures of those around him. He does
not tolerate people who don't act effectively or take away precious time. At the same time,
often he poorly manages his own time and is prone to tardiness. When explaining or telling
others about something, he follows his own tangents and associations, cannot relay
information in a brief compact form, because of this doesn't always fit into the allotted time.
For Advisor, it is important to monitor the ongoing development of the situation. Without
inspiration and hope, without changes for the better, he feels depressed. Easily believes in
optimistic promises, even though he understands that major changes take a while to
implement. He himself is not characterized by patience. If his attempts to contradict his fate
fail, then he gradually resigns himself to the inevitable.

IEE knows how to take the initiative and inspire people to action. But when his desire is lost,
he tries to find other people who will drive the project to completion without his direct
involvement. Internally, he is filled with conflicting thoughts and sad emotions. In order to
escape and distract himself, can bury himself in work. In this he often doesn't feel a sense of
measure and can overwork himself. In communication, he is emotional, independent, and
somewhat naive. However, these qualities help him to achieve success in seemingly hopeless
or very difficult undertakings. In a good mood, he effectively resolves the current operational
difficulties and obstructions. He quickly finds how to substitute a missing item, or even how
to completely do without it.

SLI: Learns about the world through first-hand experience and travel. Sensitive towards
all that disrupts the natural harmony. Rejects any artificiality, factitious displays, unhealthy
instincts. Caring in relations to close ones. If he sees that the person is not feeling well will
come to his aid. If he considers someone to be his friend, doesn't leave that person in need.
Perceptive of potentialities that are related to senses. In pursuit of sensory novelty often leads
an active way of life (fishing, hiking, swimming, travel, etc.). Cannot tolerate monotony and
descent into inertia. Internally sensitive and vulnerable, easily wounded, although does not
show this outwardly. In order to survive, adapts to the prevailing mores; if necessary, follows
the established norms.

SLI is economical and prudent in dealing with material resources. He is more likely to try to
mend old and worn out things than to throw them away. His mindset has a technological bent.
He searches for simple but effective methods for resolving problems. Before taking on some
task, SLI thinks over several options to achieve the desired result, and stops on the most
economical one. Works only by methods that are most convenient to him. Notes those who
shrink away from work and ponders about how to make them work or get rid of them.
Himself will do only that which is necessary. Works well with any instruments, masterfully
applies technical equipment. Often can work well with his hands. Constantly tries to improve
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
his knowledge, skill, and professional level in any chosen field of activity. Hopes for
guaranteed and quick results based on rational organization of his labor and studies.

Usually doesn't run late turning in his assignments and work, but enjoys turning things in on
time. Worries that he will be assigned an inconvenient for him schedule. In dealing with
people demonstrates a quality of "being taken in by life". Shows his skepticism by employing
specific kind of humor, ironizes. However, deep in his soul he remains an optimist and
doesn't lose hope in a positive outcome. In an emergency situation, he doesn't panic but looks
for ways to buy time. Follows and orients by his inner impressions to the external events.
Feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate. Takes on life's shocks, trying to protect his loved
ones from them; however, it is difficult for him to bear such burden for long.

Shows a contrast in expression of his emotions: at times he is cool and self-absorbed, like
"iceberg in the ocean", at other times – excited and energetic. Evaluates human relations by
degree of emotional displays. Turbulent emotions for him are an indicator of instability and
potentially poor relations. During a conflict does not get involved too deeply in the dispute,
but if he feels that his values have been trespassed upon he responds harshly. Won't be frank
with outsiders. Doesn't like it when someone tries to "peer into his soul" and penetrate into
his inner feelings. He must be understood without words.

SLI likes it when his abilities and achievements are appreciated. If his achievements are not
noticed, he may lose all desire to try, or even fall sick if his abilities are not needed or
requested for a long time. Needs new, challenging situations and unusual problems that can
distract him from the monotony of everyday life. If he feels uninterested in something, he
will simply detach and go about his business. Needs to be inspired and encouraged to take up
a task, otherwise he will demobilize and fall into inertia and melancholy. Without new and
exciting goals, his mood drops. He responds well to a language of compliments and praises
that promises timely success. His state is optimal when the success is just out of reach, yet

SLI's mood depends on how he is treated by others. He trusts only deep affections – steady
feelings that have been tested by time. In dealing with others, he sets his own psychological
distance and grows very anxious if someone transgresses it. Intolerant of intrusive and
imposing people. Smoothness of relations to him is an indispensable condition for living a
fulfilling life. Despite the scruples and distance in communication, he is quite tolerant of
human weaknesses, gentle and forgiving of people.

Critical of violence and coercion. He won't pressure anyone himself, and neither will he give
into any attempts to pressure him. SLI estimates the potential and achievements of a man by
his rhythm speech, mannerisms, appearance. Possessing prior life experience can discern
boasting from real possibilities. Knows how much force needs to be applied and where to
apply it to achieve the desired result. However, himself often cannot exert an effective
influence on these points. Resorts to violence rarely and usually due to the pressure of
external circumstances.

As a business partner, he follows his obligations if he considers them to be reasonable.

Prefers sincerity, informality, and clarity in business relationships. Very stubborn. If he is
sure of something, it is virtually impossible to convince him otherwise. He will stick to his
cold-blooded understanding of the situation. In business, demonstrates prudence and
methodicality. Always tries to make do with minimal force, attract fewer people. Opposes
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
bureaucracy and detailed control. Flexibly adapts to changes in specifics while adhering to
the overarching plan.

LSE: The LSE is an assertive, energetic, hard-working person. Spends many hours each
day working, as much as his work requires. Supporter of good quality, reliability, and
productivity of labor. Searches for bold, innovative and unconventional technical solutions.
Inclined towards rationalizing activities. Skillfully uses instruments and exploits
technologies. Has an extremely practical turn of mind. Makes all of his evaluations from the
point of view of feasibility and utility. Prudent and thrifty manager. Foresees the best ways to
manage and utilize objects at his disposal. Makes preparations and provisions for the future.
Teaches people how to live wisely, how to not waste their capabilities in vain.

A very caring person. Ensures that his loved ones have an income and comfortable living
conditions. Helps people not by words, but by deeds. Spends his vacation time resting as
thoroughly as he was working. Loves holiday dinners, abundant food, often knows how to
cook well himself. With pleasure gives gifts and presents surprises. Goes through physical
weakness and ailments with difficulty, neglects his own illnesses. Often looks after health of
others more willingly than after his own well-being. For him it's important to find the original
cause of poor health. Usually looks tidy and neat and handles his belongings with care. Won't
immediately use a new costume or clothing set, but instead will preserve it for the right
occasion. Prefers strict business or classical styles. Pays particular attention to the cleanliness
of shoes.

In communication, the LSE seeks to show kindness and sense of humor. Demonstrates his
good predisposition and positive emotions, though sometimes does so too abruptly. Becomes
very hot tempered during arguments and disputes. When he is overtaken by emotions, he no
longer hears the opinions of others and stubbornly insists on his own view point. Never
openly admits that he was wrong. However, if a person remains discreet and restrained, and
does not submit to his pressuring, he becomes more attentive and cautious. Can curb and
restrain his own emotions by willful effort as well. Very much dislikes it when someone else
interferes in his affairs or forces him to redo his work. At such times can flare up, start
throwing objects, sharply turn around and leave.

The LSE assesses relations by another's ability to keep his word, to warn of their intent in
timely manner, to be punctual and come at appointed time. Appreciates those who do not
spare their time for him. Tries to prepare for everything in advance. Sudden changes of plans
that occur without a warning annoy and anger him. Dislikes answering questions of the kind
"What will happen tomorrow?", "When are you going to do that?", etc. The Very much in
need of a guaranteed future and predictability of events. Dislikes radical changes and abrupt
deviations from the planned course. Prefers to move forward in a straight line. Poorly
foresees dangers and obstacles. Usually respects established traditions and customs.
However, also strives to keep up with the modern times and won't cling too strongly to the
old ways.

LSE's mood and state are dependent on the prevailing surrounding psychological atmosphere.
If people around him quarrel, fight, distrust one another, his own state rapidly deteriorates.
Very stable in personal ties. For those who reciprocate his feelings does a lot more than they
were expecting. Needs relationships that are deep and strong. Likes long, heartfelt
conversations, and stories about various ways of spending one's time. Despite his external
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
sharpness and rough edges, deep inside the LSE is quite sentimental. However, it is difficult
to become close with him due to his high demands towards his partners.

LSE's own creative abilities become manifest when he is in a good mood. If he feels that the
conceived is in principle possible, then he will proceed to the implementation of plans with
much enthusiasm and zeal. Cannot live without a purpose, without some clear prospects
before him. The achievement of each intermediate result inspires him and instills desire to
continue on and go the full distance. Enjoys competition, games, dynamic types of sports.
Adventurous. Becomes more engaged and inspired if there is a need to prove his abilities.
When he loses orientation or sees no solutions, becomes nervous, agitated, loses his spirit. In
such situations, he needs advice, calm support, or the correction of the end goal.

The LSE cannot live in chaos and disarray. Fights against lack of discipline, violation of
norms and rules. Himself gives a personal example of good discipline and organization, but
doesn't have enough strength to ensure this in others. Collects all the relevant information
before he starts on anything serous. Cannot act in unsystematic, blind manner. Intolerant of
trickery, hoaxes, wily schemes. Expresses his negative opinions rather directly. Critical in
evaluating work, his own and that of others. Finds it difficult to explain the technology of
some steps or actions, since systematic-analytical type of thinking is not his strong point.
Instead of giving instructions prefers the method of "do as I do". Tries to move from words
and get down to business as soon as possible.

Knows how to make people work. Won't tolerate loafers and idlers near himself.
Characterized by a strong sense of ownership. Won't allow anyone else to give commands on
his territory. Lives by the principle "my home - my fortress". Invests all his efforts into the
task at hand. Has little interest in various hobbies and other entertainments. Focuses strongly
on the object of his work. Not inclined to use force to suppress, oppress, or seize power. The
strength and abilities that he was endowed with by nature the LSE directs into productive
matters and uninterrupted management of technical processes.

EII: The EII keenly discerns what kind of relationships exist between other people. She
knows who does and doesn't get along with whom. However, she is not as adept at correctly
discerning the attitudes directed towards herself i.e. in what regard others hold her, due to
which she may suffer by being too gullible. The EII values honesty and basic sense of
decency in human relations. She does not forgive treachery and betrayals and will break off
all relations with those who have seriously let her down. However, she may forgive her
offenders if they sincerely repent and ask for her forgiveness. In general, she tries to maintain
stable and friendly relations with everyone. When she is interacting with others at a distance,
she is distinguished by gentleness and precaution in communication. Endowed with the gift
of generosity. Her goodwill she shows by supportive deeds rather than by lofty words and
loud declarations.

EII feels most comfortable in a small, familiar company. Shows concern for the feelings and
moods of people around her, readily sympathizes, if necessary cheers them up and comforts
them. She knows how to listen to a person, how to sympathize with her or her, how to
alleviate their emotional pain and stress. Her own experiences shares only with those who are
close to her. Internally, she is emotionally strained and nervous. Although she is able to
control her own emotions, occasionally she needs to have an emotional release. In such
instances, she loses control and may breaks out in anger and indignation at her friends and
relatives, accusing them of selfish motives, lies and indifference.
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
The EII has an eye for all that is novel and unusual. She strives to discover various implicit
relationships between concepts, people, objects, doctrines and theories usually of general and
humanistic nature. Like no one else she understands the impact of ideas on people's lives.
Loves learning and educating herself. Appreciates friendly exchange of opinions and news,
which creates an atmosphere of trust and respect for the position of another person. Supports
mutual understanding in groups.

She is perceptive of people's potential and able to uncover and develop their talents and
abilities. Often has an innate talent for teaching and educating. Treats children as adults and
encourages them to be independent and to acquire skills necessary for adult life. Able to
orient in the most difficult life situations. People turn to her for advice to confirm that there
exists a possibility of what they wish for or what they fear.

Impressionable and emotionally responsive, dislikes insensitivity in communication. Unable

to force anyone to do anything against their will, and may respond sharply to any attempts to
influence her by coercion and brute force. In such situations the EII flares up, and explicitly
and poignantly expresses her negative attitude. Becomes very irritated and disturbed when
she has to deal with those who oppose her. Although she feels very nervous in extreme
situations, she pulls herself together and acts decisively, especially if the situation touches
dear to her people. A wave of emotion rolls over her when the situation is over.

The EII better than others anticipates the ripening of conflicts. She draws attention to
negative emotions in others and expresses her disapproval, but is unable to discharge the
atmosphere and prevent these conflicts from happening. Very sharply experiences any
dramatic and negative events in the lives of other people, even if they aren't related and didn't
directly involve her.

Assesses her appearance critically. Does not like it when someone imposes on her what to
wear or how to look, although appreciates approval and advice regarding how she looks.
Avoids bright clothing that makes her stand out. Her mood is highly dependent on her state of
physical well-being. When she is surrounded by inconveniences and unpleasant environment,
if she is sick or uncomfortable, her spirits fall and she gets taken in by pessimism. If people
who are close to her become sick, she will take care of them, but needs for this to be
acknowledged and understood, otherwise she may feel offended although she won't say

Knows how to make herself be disciplined and operative. Conscientious, even though she can
be slow in carrying out her work. Meticulous, demonstrates attentiveness in dealing with
details. Adheres to her commitments. Works calmly, without noise. Tries to objectively
understand the situation, analyzes facts without emotion. However, finds it difficult to
express her understanding in analytic language. In a formal setting is usually somewhat
reserved. Does not like to show her attitudes among unfamiliar public. Resolves difficult
problems due to her ability to be patient.

Cannot sit still and idle about when others are doing something. Doesn't need to be motivated
to action - the best way to inspire her to do some work is on personal example. Experiences
real pleasure from partaking in well-organized projects. Chooses a partner who inspires her to
useful activity, and not the one who would shield her from dangers and take away
responsibilities. Likes it when someone else helps her to rationally arrange her activities, her
household and office, thus eliminating any useless expenditures of efforts. Appreciates advice
Socionic Type Descriptions According to Victor Gulenko.
regarding the use of various household items. There is no need to give her long introductions
to what she is doing; she will easily find the needed information herself. The main thing is
that she has all the supplies already at hand. Has a tendency to over-work herself and work
extra hours. Grateful to those who take care of her, who can alleviate her stress and tensions,
who are attentive to her rest and health.

She lives her life and works at a measured pace. Dislikes prolonged delays or rushing too
much ahead. Finds it difficult to adapt to a new working rhythm. Intolerant of empty
expenditures of time. Will not wait for or tolerate someone who is irresponsible. She herself
is usually punctual and strives to complete her assigned work by the deadlines. Easily spares
her time for productive work. Evaluates how much effort has been invested by the quantity of
time that has elapsed. Knows how to estimate how much time should be spent on a task or on
given person. Draws a line between professional activities and leisure time. Does not like
talkative people who devote too much time to discussing trifling issues. Tries not to distract
others from their activities by empty and minor inquiries.

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