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Video 1937 A Swing Bed.

1. There’s only one free room left.

2. Who’s calling dibs on it?
3. Mavi(Fighting): «I saw it first, April!»
4. April: «You wish, Mavi!»
5. April: «Stand back!»
6. Mavi: «Get out of my way!»
7. Mavi: «Wo-o-ow. There’s so much space! I love it.»
8. April: «I do too, bestie. This room is super cool! And now it’s *ours!*»
9. The bet is too high up, though.
10. We’ll fix it right away.
11. We’ll use this trampoline as stairs.
12. April(Encouraging): «Come on, Mavi! I believe in you!»
13. April(Energetic): «You’re great!»
14. Mavi(Happy): «Your turn, now, April! Jump!»
15. April: «I’m coming, bestie!»
16. April(Intense): «Ye-e-eah! I did it!»
17. April: «Uh-oh. Just a little bit more…»
18. April(Scared): «Mavi, I’m falling!»
19. Mavi: «Whoops. You alright, April?»
20. What a soft landing!
21. A blanket hammock is super-convenient!
22. Hey, that’s a great idea!
23. April: «Mavi, we’re going to build a swing bed!»
24. April: «I’ll be right back.»
25. Mavi: «April, wait! What about me?»
26. April: «Don’t panic. I’ll help you get down!»
27. April: «Just going to need a few screws and…»
28. April: «…now you have a way!»
29. Mavi: «That was a real adventure!»
30. Mavi: «I liked it.»
31. April: «Now we have to be super-serious, Mavi.» (Strict)
32. April: «This whole place needs some real cleaning!»
33. Let’s clean up and get rid of all the clutter.
34. We won’t be needing this for now.
35. Mavi: «April, look what I found!»
36. April(Exhausted): «Great, Mavi. That’s exactly what we need.»
37. April(Energetic): «And I found rope!»
38. April: «Let’s tie it to the pallet.»
39. April: «Where did I put my screw gun?»
40. April: «Your turn, Mavi!»
41. Mavi: «I’m on it, bestie!»
42. The swing is almost done.
43. All that’s left is to hang it up.
44. April(Amazed): «We did it, Mavi! I love it so much!»
45. Mavi: «We did it!»
46. It turns out building stuff is not hard at all!
47. And now it’s time for some interior decoration.
48. We’ll start with a lawn.
49. Mavi: «Watch and learn, April.l»
50. Just a little water - and now our floor is full of soft grass.
51. Wow! Impressive!
52. April: «How about a nice fuzzy blanket?»
53. Mavi: «Great idea, April!»
54. Mavi: «The coziness levels are off the charts here!»
55. April(Saddened): «Aw… Mavi, what about the ceiling?»
56. April: «It looks so drab.»
57. Mavi(Thinking): «Hmm, let me think...»
58. Mavi(Happy): «Let’s hang up some light fabric!»
59. April: «Let’s get to it, Mavi!»
60. We’ll put the fabric in place with a stapler…
61. And decorate the ceiling with bright garlands!
62. So pretty!
63. Mavi: «Now we’re going to have a canopy, April.»
64. April: «That’s a great idea, Mavi. Let’s do it.»
65. A bed fit for a queen.
66. Now we can stargaze while going to sleep.
67. April: So cool!
68. But these stars are looking a little lonely.
69. Now about we add in a moon?
70. The walls could use some stars as well.
71. Mavi: «Am I great at this or what?»
72. Mavi: «How are things on your end, April?»
73. April: «It’s perfect! Our swing is covered with flowers now!»
74. Now our room is as comfy as it could be.
75. Mavi: I just *love* playing on the swing!
76. April: «Why are you swinging so slow?»
77. April: «Want me to help?»
78. Mavi: «April, I’m scared! Sto-o-o-o-»
79. April: «Ah! I didn’t mean to!»
80. Mavi: «Somebody, help!»
81. Mavi: «I can’t hold on!»
82. Oh no. Our best friend is in danger!
83. What do we do?!
84. No worries - Mavi’s going to have a soft landing.
85. Mavi(Touched): «Ah, thank you! You’re a true gentleman!»
86. Mavi(Waving): «April, I’m okay!»
87. April(Relieved): «Phew, thank goodness!»
88. April: «But who’s that with you? A new boyfriend?»
89. April: «I’m so happy for you! It must be fate!»
90. Boy: «What just happened?»
91. Mavi: «No worries, my love.»
92. Mavi: «We’ll be perfect together.»
93. Abbie(Fuming): «Hey! What on earth is this???»
94. Abbie: «You cheater! We’re through!»
95. Mavi: «Whoops. Your ex sure is angry!»
96. Mavi: «But you’re better off with me. Believe me!»
97. Boy: «No way! Sweetie, wait, I can explain!» (Shouting, running after her)
98. Mavi: «Where are you going?! We’re meant to be together!»
99. Danger is approaching!
100. The burglar is drawing close.
101. Burglar: An open window? How careless!
102. Burglar: «I’m coming for your money!»
103. The evildoer is almost here.
104. All that’s left is to brave this height!
105. Huff… it’s harder than it looks. Whoops.
106. Let’s see what we got here.
107. All is clear.
108. What a find for our burglar!
109. Some real treasure is near.
110. A swing bed? Pretty exciting.
111. But there’s no time to play.
112. We need to grab all the valuables.
113. A-ha! That’ll do.
114. The owners won’t miss this either…
115. Mavi(Whispering): «April, are you seeing this?»
116. April(Whispering): «What a villain! We’ll teach him a lesson.»
117. April: «You ready, buddy? Get him!»
118. Time to hunt some burglars!
119. April: «Do it, buddy! Don’t fail us!»
120. Burglar(Startled): «A-ah, jeepers! What in the world?»
121. Burglar(Cutesy): «Aw, you’re so cute! Wanna play?»
122. Burglar(Teasing): «Come closer, li’l guy. Don’t be afraid.»
123. Burglar: «Show me what you got!»
124. Mavi: «April, you ready? We do it on three.»
125. Mavi: «One, two… go!»
126. We did it! The burglar is defeated!
127. The law never sleeps.
128. Officer Megan is always on the lookout for crime.
129. Now, where did this come from?
130. This stinks of crime!
131. Policewoman: «Hey, is anybody there?»
132. Policewoman(Surprised): Ow!
133. Burglar(Falling over, shouting): «Help! He-e-elp!»
134. Policeman: «You alright there?»
135. Policeman: It’s raining criminals. So weird!
136. Policeman: «What are you doing here?»
137. Грабитель: «I, uh… just having a stroll! Honest.»
138. Policewoman: «Nuh-uh, buddy, you’re not fooling me!»
139. Policewoman: «We’ll talk in the precinct. Come with me!»
140. April: «High five, Mavi! We won!»
141. April(Laughing): «We’ve got nothing to fear with security like this.»
142. Get ready, everyone!
143. Time to tidy up!
144. Mavi is going to take care of the cleaning.
145. So much dust!
146. We’ll need the turbo-mode for this room!
147. Let’s turn that on!
148. Mavi: «Uh-oh! Let me go!»
149. Mavi: «No! Where are you going? Let go!»
150. Mavi: «Why aren’t you listening?!»
151. Mavi: «Don’t even think about that! Not our swing!»
152. It’s all gone.
153. Nothing can save our custom bed anymore.
154. Mavi: «April! He-e-e-elp!»
155. No chance. Our friend is super-busy right now.
156. There’s a new video on her favorite channel!
157. April: «What have you done, Mavi?»
158. April(Startled): «Hey! I don’t wanna get eaten!»
159. Nothing can stop this horrible machine!
160. Nothing can stand in its way.
161. Mavi: «Are you alright, April?»
162. Mavi: «Hang in there, I’ll get you out!»
163. What if we put it in reverse?
164. It won’t hurt to try.
165. Mavi: «Please come back, April!»
166. April(Stunned): «Mavi, all this cleaning is killing me!»
167. April: «No more vacuuming, alright?»
168. Mavi: «Whoops. Yeah, I agree.»
169. A date on a swing - so romantic!
170. But April really looks like a “third wheel” here.
171. April: «Just what are you doing?»
172. April: «Kissing is banned here!»
173. The forecast predicts a little rain! (Laughing)
174. That was a great prank.
175. Now the lovebirds will be too busy to kiss.
176. Dennis: «Here’s some tissues, honey.»
177. Dennis: «Don’t worry, you still look perfect!»
178. Mavi: «Aw, thanks Dennis! You always take care of me.»
179. But April’s not done with pranking yet!
180. She’s got something else up her sleeve.
181. Mavi is really, really afraid of spiders.
182. Dennis: «Oh, I almost forgot. I brought you flowers!»
183. Dennis: «I picked your favorite ones. Do you like them?»
184. Mavi: «So pretty! Thank you!»
185. Oh no! This is a…
186. Huge, angry, terrifying SPIDER!!!
187. Mavi: «Get away from me!»
188. Mavi: «You won’t get me, you monster!»
189. Mavi: «Get out of the way, Dennis!»
190. Mavis, Mavis, Mavis…
191. What a scaredy-cat.
192. Spiders are not scary at all!
193. The first floor is free of monsters now.
194. But all the clean air is gone too!
195. Let’s distract ourselves with some tea.
196. April(Slyly): «This isn’t over, lovebirds.»
197. April: «I’ve got another surprise for you. Get ready…»
198. April: «Too many snacks are bad for your health!»
199. April: «Didn’t your parents teach you to share?»
200. Mavi(Shocked): «Dennis, are you seeing this?»
201. Mavi: «Flying bananas. That can’t be right!»
202. It’s clear now - it was all April’s doing.
203. Oh well. We’ll get her for this soon.
204. Oh yeah. Some bananas really hit the spot.
205. Let’s do some more fishing.
206. Mavi: «Be quiet, Dennis.»
207. Mavi: «Nuh-uh, you’re not getting any!»
208. Mavi: «Give us back our fruits!»
209. Mavi: «And no more stealing from now on»
210. Mavi: «Aw, don’t be mad, bestie. Come down to us.»
211. Mavi: «We missed you a lot!»
212. Mavi: «Just lie here for a while, okay?»
213. Mavi: «The top floor is really cozy, right, Dennis?»
214. Today’s morning is very special.
215. It’s Mavi’s birthday!
216. Her best friend threw a top-notch party for her!
217. Mavi: «Aw, thanks April!»
218. Mavi: «Wow, everything is so pretty!»
219. Time to make a wish!
220. April: «Happy Birthday, Mavi!»
221. April: «May all your dreams come true!»
222. Mavi: «Oh, they will, bestie!»
223. Mavi: «Let me just take care of those candles…»
224. April: «Speed up a bit, Mavi.»
225. April: «There’s a party waiting for us.»
226. April(Irritated): «Oh, you asked for this. No more swinging!»
227. April: «Finally. That’s better!»
228. April(Jolly): «And now let’s party! Get in here, everyone!»
229. Hooray! So many presents!
230. The more friends you have, the louder you can party!
231. Mavi: «Can I get a selfie, everyone?»
232. Say “Cheese”! Aren’t we awesome?

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