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Companies and flow up procedures

Companies and Company act

These are laws that relate to the setting up of a business. These laws
allow for establishment and registration
of companies.
Types of Companies

Private Limited companies

These companies are owned by private individuals and do not sell shares
to the general public.

Public limited companies are entities that sell shares to the general
public on the stock exchange market.

Officers and Shareholders of companies

Shares are parts of a company’s value.

A shareholder, is an individual or company who owns shares of a


These said entities are part owners of the business and would receive a
share in the profits of the business
Corporate records

Corporate records are those that should be kept as a legal requirement of

a meeting. It serves as a official log
of the company’s decisions and actions.

Articles of association- and byelaws

-Attendance of Meeting


-Stock register

Articles of incorporation
Articles of incorporation is the documents filed with a government body
(usually the state) that signifies the
creation of a corporation. This includes the company's name, type of
corporate structure, and number and
type of authorized shares.

Importance of minutes

Evidence of information discussed and decisions made

To inform absent members of information discussed

It works as a guide for actions to be taken

Follow-up procedures

Follow-up procedures related to decisions:

filing and indexing of minutes;

acting on decisions taken at the meeting;

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