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Till death do us apart? Spare me the clichés.

The only thing that’s dying is my love for you.

What once felt like the soothing breath of a spring morning
now resonates into my being like a hammer to the head.

Do you care at all? I can’t see the difference.

Waking up in the morning with murder on my mind,

clenching the bloody remains of my sanity in a cloth-lined letter.
I did try to mail it to you, but it got returned to the sender.
Oh, I can forgive, but can’t we forget?

Love was supposed to be easy.

As easy as a walk along the shore,
feeling the waves kiss my feet with a splash and a smile.
Instead, I focus on avoiding the shells,
looking for reasons to ignore your ghost buzzing in my ear.
I love you, loved you, will love you,
but where did you go?
Disappearing into thin air like the kiss we were supposed to share.
If every living thing dies alone, what are we doing here?

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