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In the Classroom

Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects

More Palatable
Lawrence S. Bartell
Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109;

For more than 40 years I taught physical chemistry at relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.
Iowa State University and the University of Michigan. Students Therefore, the deep impression which classical thermodynam-
had invariably entered the course having heard horror stories ics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal
about how tedious and impossibly difficult thermodynamics content concerning which I am convinced that, within the
and physical chemistry can be. In fact, our student newspaper, framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will
the Michigan Daily, once published an article on courses offered never be overthrown (for the special attention of those who
by the University of Michigan and singled out physical are skeptics on principle).
chemistry as the most difficult course in the entire university.
The following is from the Preface to Thermodynamics,
Naturally, that presented a real challenge of how to break
by Lewis and Randall (3).
the ice. I found that the only way I could keep the students
alert and receptive to ideas in lectures on thermodynamics There are ancient cathedrals which, apart from their con-
and related fields was to tell them stories from time to time. secrated purpose, inspire solemnity and awe. Even the
These stories illustrated aspects of principles, recounted the curious visitor speaks of serious things, with hushed voice,
personalities of some of the architects of thermodynamics and and as each whisper reverberates through the vaulted
related fields, or reviewed steps and missteps in the development nave, the returning echo seems to bear a message of mys-
of these fields. Since it turned out that the stories were much tery. The labor of generations of architects and artisans
easier for students to remember than simple recitations of has been forgotten, the scaffolding erected for their toil
principles and facts, they seemed a good idea. I also posed has long since been removed, their mistakes erased, or
several scientific puzzles (1), encouraging students to apply have become hidden by the dust of centuries. Seeing only
their imagination about how they could be resolved using the perfection of the completed whole, we are impressed
the basic framework we had already established. Sometimes, as by some superhuman agency. But sometimes we enter
I even offered extra credit for correct answers. In student such an edifice that is still partly under construction; then
evaluations of my teaching it was my stories that got the most the sound of hammers, the reek of tobacco, the trivial
favorable mention. jests bandied from workman to workman, enable us to
It has now been over seven years since I last taught. But realize that these great structures are but the result of giv-
some of my young colleagues come to me for suggestions ing to ordinary human effort a direction and a purpose.
about teaching, and I have told them some of the stories that
Science has its cathedrals, built by the efforts of a few
illustrated the points they asked about. Several years ago
architects and of many workers. In these loftier monuments
Roald Hoffmann and Dudley Herschbach lectured at a work-
of scientific thought a tradition has arisen whereby the
shop on chemical education at the University of Michigan,
friendly usages of colloquial speech give way to a certain
and both stressed the importance of telling stories (or, as
severity and formality. While this may sometimes promote
Herschbach put it, “parables”) to the students. All of this
precise thinking, it more often results in the intimidation
prompted me to try to recall and record the stories I told.
of the neophyte [aside to students—that’s you]. Therefore
Since most of them are true, however, they aren’t parables. For
we have attempted, while conducting the reader through
what it is worth I offer the stories I remember, indicating
the classic edifice of thermodynamics, into the workshops
where in a course on thermodynamics and related subjects
where construction is now in progress, to temper the cus-
they might fit. I also record several of the more interesting
tomary severity of the science in so far as is compatible
paragraphs written by others that I read to the class.
with clarity of thought.
Thermodynamics How rare it is to encounter such prose in scientific writing!
Introduction.—Before launching into the principles of First Law of Thermodynamics
thermodynamics it is a good idea to read to the students a few
Joule’s role in the formulation of the first law is invariably
classic passages to increase their appreciation of thermody-
covered in courses. A personal glimpse of his experience when
namics as a topic well worth the trouble of studying. Even
he introduced his radically new ideas on the nature of heat adds
though Einstein has been dead for a half-century, all students
a realistic note about the faltering way science tends to advance.
still regard him as legendary and his opinions as profound.
Joule’s classic talk (4).—When Joule was 28, having obtained
The following remarks of Einstein are appropriate (2).
new and more precise results demonstrating the conservation
Consequently, these obituary notes can limit themselves of energy, he forwarded a paper to be presented at the British
in the main to the communicating of thoughts which Association Meeting at Oxford in August 1847. But the
have played a considerable role in my endeavors. … A chairman suggested that, owing to the press of business, Joule
theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity should not read the paper but instead give a verbal description
of its premises, the more different the kinds of things it of his experiments. “This I endeavored to do,” Joule wrote • Vol. 78 No. 8 August 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1059

In the Classroom

later, “and, discussion not being invited, the communication the rate at which the universe was expanding that it could
would have passed without comment if a young man had not have been expanding for more than about two billion
not arisen in the Section, and by his intelligent observations years. In other words, the big bang believed to produce the
created a lively interest in the new theory.” So it was a 23-year- universe occurred after the earth was born—the earth was
old kid who made Joule’s paper the sensation of the meeting, as older that the universe in which it sat, if chemists were to be
well it should have been in the first place in view of its historic believed! Many physicists, of course, were complacent about
importance. This bright young man was William Thomson, this discrepancy because, after all, what is the opinion of a
later known as Lord Kelvin. Still, Thomson’s comments chemist or geologist compared with that of a physicist?
persuaded few of those present, including Faraday, of the But some physicists did worry, and that is the point of
correctness of the revolutionary new views, for they contra- this story. We all now take for granted the conservation of
dicted Carnot and the long-entrenched caloric theory. energy and mass. But extraordinary facts call for extraordinary
After the meeting Joule and Thomson chatted for awhile. ideas! The distinguished physicists Bondi, Gold, and Hoyle
Joule didn’t mention that he was about to get married (why proposed a steady-state universe that would look to astronomers
should he?) and Thomson didn’t mention that he was about just like Hubble’s expanding universe but, in the steady-state
to go to Switzerland on holiday (why should he?). Two weeks universe, matter would be generated spontaneously as the
later Thomson, while strolling along the valley of the universe expanded (6 ). In that way the expanding universe
Chamonix, saw a young man coming toward him carrying could go on forever, always looking much the same, and the
what looked like a long stick. On closer approach the man earth could, indeed, be five billion years old. Later, astronomers
turned out to be Joule, with a long thermometer, and he was discovered that the Cepheid variable stars they used to judge
walking to the top of a neighboring waterfall. If his ideas were distances had been miscalibrated and the universe was actually
right there would be a difference in temperature of the water several times older than the earth. Moreover, other evidence
between the bottom and the top, due to the dissipation of (microwave radiation, cosmic abundances of the elements,
kinetic energy at the bottom of the fall. Evidently a honey- etc.) is generally considered to confirm the big bang theory
moon could not interrupt Joule’s passion for science—first and the antiquity of the universe. But the moral of the story
things first, after all. This chance meeting cemented a warm is that the conservation of mass was seriously challenged by
friendship between Joule and Thomson and led to a lifelong competent scientists even during the lifetime of scientists alive
collaboration. What Joule’s waterfall experiment yielded today. Of course, the big bang itself is the quintessential
besides a lasting friendship with a scientific genius is not example of matter appearing out of nothingness.
known. In any event, it is doubtful that a persuasive result Is conservation of energy only statistical?—Additional chal-
could have been derived in such a way. lenges to conservation were encountered in β emission by
On “established” ideas when insufficient facts are known (5).— radioactive atoms. It happens that some of a nuclide’s β-rays
Lord Kelvin was such a brilliant scientist that he became per- are much more energetic than others even though all of the
haps the principal authority in matters of the physical universe. nuclei are believed to be identical, before decay. To account for
He applied the known laws of heat dissipation to the problem this observation the prominent physicists Bohr, Kramers, and
of the earth’s temperature. From the known temperature increase Slater wrote a paper suggesting that energy is conserved, not
with distance below the surface, he deduced that the earth was in individual events on the atomic scale but only statistically,
not nearly old enough for Darwin’s estimates of the duration of on the average (7). To Wolfgang Pauli this solution to the β
certain geological processes or for his theory of the origin of problem was so ugly that he postulated the emission of an-
the species to operate. He also estimated the possible active other particle, later named the neutrino, which carried off
lifetime of the sun from its energy output, assuming that the enough energy in each decay to balance the energy emitted
energy source was gravitational infall. The result was more or by the β-ray (8). It was supposed that the nearly massless,
less consistent with his conclusions about the age of the earth. uncharged neutrino was undetectable, which suggested to
Late in Kelvin’s life radiochemists confirmed the antiquity many that it was pure fiction. Even Pauli felt a bit ashamed
of the earth proposed previously by geologists. Kelvin remained at the time to postulate a solution that could not be tested.
adamant that while the earth might perhaps be 20 million But as everyone now knows, the neutrino has been detected
years old and just possibly an order of magnitude older, it and several neutrino observatories exist around the world. So
could not possibly be billions of years old. What he had not it turns out that the laws of conservation of mass and energy
reckoned with, of course, was the steady evolution of heat are more robust than many feared, even in comparatively
from the radioactive elements deep within the earth or the recent history.
nuclear reactions powering the sun. Kelvin also disputed Is mass conserved when an atom bomb explodes?—Yes!
Maxwell’s theory of the electromagnetic nature of light, and See ref 1.
proclaimed that heavier-than-air aircraft were impossible. This Can perpetual motion machines be built?—Backyard in-
is not to disparage his genius and his enormous accomplish- ventors even today keep coming up with machines that they
ments, or even his genuine modesty. Even such giants can claim produce more energy than it takes to run them. Several
err, and that, itself, is a lesson worth learning. years ago a couple of Ann Arbor self-educated inventors
announced such an invention and the Ann Arbor paper, to its
Conservation of Matter and Energy discredit, gave the inventors a long, uncritical feature article.
Earth older than the Universe?—When I was a university The U.S. Patent Office has an official policy of not
student there was a strange paradox. According to radiochem- accepting for examination any applications for perpetual
ists in collaboration with geologists, the world was about 5 motion machines. Neither will the National Bureau of Standards
billion years old. But astrophysicists (Hubble et al.) found from (now called NIST) waste its time on such claims. Several years

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In the Classroom

ago, however, congressmen (who are considerably more at

home with common law than with the first law) forced the
Bureau of Standards to reverse its policy (9). A Mississippi 34
inventor, a backwoods high-school dropout with no formal
scientific training, claimed he had the solution to America’s 32
energy crisis. He had invented a machine that ran on elec-

P / bar
tricity but, in the process, produced far more energy than it 30
consumed. He applied for a patent, was turned down, and sued
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He was uncommonly 28

charismatic and persuasive, an appealing character that TV

news and talk shows could not resist featuring. He convinced
lawyers and congressmen that such a useful creation of Ameri- 24
can ingenuity should be rewarded and the Patent Office 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

should seriously consider his claim—despite its reactionary T/K

policy. A federal judge then ordered the inventor to turn over Figure 1. Low-temperature phase diagram of 3He. The upper field
his perpetual motion machine to the Bureau of Standards for represents crystalline He and the lower, liquid He. Below about
tests of his claims. When the NBS found the machine to be 0.3 K and above 30 bar, it can be seen that the liquid can be
a very inefficient generator, using substantially more energy frozen by heating it! Data from ref 12.
than it produced, even that failed to silence the inventor.
Initially the inventor seems to have been genuinely temperature, however, if it is subjected to a pressure of about
convinced he had discovered a new principle and that his 30 bar. For 3He at low T, the P-vs-T solid–liquid coexistence
machine performed as he claimed it did. Nevertheless, after line in the phase diagram curves downward for awhile before
conventional science had proved him wrong, he seems to have beginning to increase (12). That means the solid exists at a
evolved, in the words of Park (9) “from foolishness to fraud”, higher temperature than the liquid at a given pressure. There-
hoping at least to fleece a lot of rich investors. He even fore, it is clear that heat must be fed into the liquid to freeze it!
succeeded in convincing senators to reopen his case and hold In other words, the crystalline phase has the higher entropy!
a special hearing about the abuse of power of the Patent Office. Then I read from Brostow (10), part of his section on “Entropy
Again, it was not testimony by scientists with impeccable and Disorder”:
reputations that cost him his case. It was the disclosure, by
former astronaut John Glenn, of a conflict of interest in the We mean here, of course, the persistent myth that ‘entropy
parties giving testimony in support of the inventor’s claims, is a name given to a quantitative measure of disorder.’
that killed it. However, it is worrying that such firmly estab- McGlashan [13] has explained that phrases like this are
lished principles as the laws of thermodynamics presented meaningless, except in the three special cases of mixtures
by nationally recognized scientists and officials of trusted of perfect gases, mixtures of isotopes, and crystals at
government laboratories should be less persuasive to our law- temperatures near thermodynamic zero.—And yet, even
makers in Washington than charismatic quacks who appeal today the myth seems to be still alive. The reason for this
to desires for a cheap solution to our energy problems. seems to lie in the fact that one tries to connect an indeed
exact notion, entropy, with something called disorder,
Second Law and Equilibrium which is loose and subjective and for which no defini-
On entropy and the teaching of thermodynamics.—An tion exists.
interesting article by W. Brostow discusses the “myth” that
The disorder story discussed above represents, unfortu-
entropy is a name given to a quantitative measure of disorder
nately, only one aspect of an otherwise grave problem:
(10). Parts of it should be read to students after they have
bad textbooks of thermodynamics. At first glance, writing
had a bit of experience with entropy and its uses, not only or
a book on thermodynamics is a very easy task. This science
not even mainly because it is helpful, scientifically. The prin-
has existed for so long, and so many books have already
cipal rationale for this diversion is that it delights students
been written, that one can simply extract pieces from
since it (rightly) pokes fun at teachers of thermodynamics
several books and sell the compilation as a ‘new’ book.
and makes students feel less guilty about not mastering the
This depressing hypothesis seems to be confirmed by (i)
subject right away.
the proliferation of books on thermodynamics; (ii) the
To set the stage I read from Cokcen’s Thermodynamics,
obsolescence of many of them—and (iii) the errors and
page 140 (although a large fraction of the other books on the
mistakes—there seems to be no other discipline of the
subject would serve as well): “An increase in the entropy of a
physical sciences, quoting McGlashan [13] so ‘incredibly
system is always accompanied by a corresponding increase in
badly presented, for the most part by people who do not
the randomness of a system. Thus, a solid crystalline substance,
understand it.’ The consequences are well known: the
in which the atoms are arranged in some sort of geometric
frustration of students who, while suspecting some co-
pattern, becomes more random upon melting since molecules
herent structure and even beauty in thermodynamics, are
can move more freely in the liquid.”
unable to comprehend it. A characteristic opinion of a
I show that the second sentence can be wrong by drawing
student is quoted by Andrews [14]:
the phase diagram of 3He (Fig. 1). Helium is remarkable in
that it would not freeze at atmospheric pressure even if it ‘To me, thermodynamics is a maze of vague quantities,
could be cooled to absolute zero. It can be crystallized at low symbols with superscripts, subscripts, bars, stars, circles, • Vol. 78 No. 8 August 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1061

In the Classroom

etc., getting changed along the way, and a dubious method the ideal gas law must hold for warm gases at low pressure and
of beginning with one equation and taking enough partial we can derive the ideal gas law for gases under such conditions.
differentials until you end up with something new and Therefore, we do not have to invoke two separate auxiliary
supposedly useful (if that doesn’t work you try graphing). laws. One is sufficient. We can deduce that Raoult’s law is a
I have the impression, however, that to other people, thermo- consequence of the ideal gas law, and the ideal gas law is
dynamics is a logical study of the effects of temperature firmly founded on mechanical principles. So authorities must
and pressure on matter and on energy.’ not be dismissed lightly!
By this time students are practically cheering! On Henry’s law.—When I joined the faculty of Iowa State
I have to say that I think Brostow is too severe in his University, my colleagues quipped that I had better stress
rejection of the notion that entropy is related to disorder but, Henry’s law when I taught. This was because our department
to say it again, I included his remarks in my lectures because chairman had made a substantial amount of money after
it lifted the spirits of the students. noticing that carbon dioxide is significantly soluble in cream.
On Raoult’s law.—According to all physical chemistry In accordance with Henry’s law, he found that the higher he
textbooks I know, two empirical auxiliary laws are invoked to made the pressure of carbon dioxide over cream, the greater was
flesh out applications of the three principal laws of thermo- the amount of gas that dissolved in the cream. He discovered
dynamics. The two auxiliary laws are the ideal gas law and this when he worked in the cow barns of a large state university
the law of ideal solutions (Raoult’s law or Henry’s law, either to put himself through college. Whatever led him to the
of which can be derived from the other via the Gibbs–Duhem discovery is unclear, except that he was a very bright and
relation). Let us examine whether this characterization is curious sort. Having observed the ability of CO2 under
correct. First we review the validity of Raoult’s law. The fol- pressure to dissolve in cream, he also discovered that, if he
lowing story is good at getting students indignant with “rigid, released the pressure suddenly, the gas would quickly escape,
unimaginative, authorities” but also at putting established whipping the cream into as fine a froth as ever was produced
laws into perspective. by the normal whipping process. Although he recognized the
Many years ago one of my colleagues who was a brilliant commercial potential of this phenomenon of the self-whipping
young thermodynamicist was studying activity coefficients of cream, he soon noticed that the carbonic acid in the cream
of components in various solutions. He discovered in an soured it. As a well-schooled chemist he knew that laughing
aqueous solution of propyl alcohol that even in very dilute gas, N2O, had physical properties very like those of CO2 but
solutions (the range in which Raoult’s law is supposed to lacked the acidity and, moreover, was nontoxic. True to his
apply), Raoult’s law simply failed. Obviously this anomaly expectations, laughing gas worked perfectly. He had invented
deserved to be investigated because, if true, it would overthrow “instant whip”. He even designed the container and nozzle
a great deal of what had been written. So my colleague had arrangement that produced whipped cream on demand.
his students purify and repurify the alcohol by repeated frac- To put the working of the world into perspective, how-
tional distillations, and the anomaly remained, strong as ever. ever, I should point out that his commercial success was less
Finally, after meticulous testing and retesting, having convinced than he had hoped for. He was too poor to hire a good patent
himself that the effect was reproducible and real—he wrote attorney when he patented his product. An enterprising
a manuscript describing his findings and submitted it to a scoundrel came out with a product that adulterated the
standard journal in the field. He was dismayed to find it re- laughing gas with a bit of carbon dioxide—not enough to sour
jected at once by some referee. The referee said he didn’t know the cream but enough to break the patent and take over the
what the mistake was but it was in my colleague’s work, not lion’s share of the market.
in Raoult’s law, and that was that! My colleague was indignant. On the volatility of tungsten.—When I first joined the
Just because every crow you have seen has been black doesn’t department of chemistry at Iowa State University, I was given
prove that the next one will also be black! Is it fair for estab- no start-up package and had no resources to begin a research
lished authorities (probably men past their ability to think program (for political reasons I was not given an appoint-
creatively?) to play God with young people’s science? ment in the Ames Laboratory of the U.S. Atomic Energy
Smarting from this attack on his competence, my colleague Commission, a laboratory with lavish resources that supported
went back to the laboratory, and this time, subjected the all of the other physical chemists). Therefore, it was suggested
alcohol to a battery of chemical purifications including treat- that I join two physicists who were attempting, without
ment with sulfuric acid. And what do you suppose he found? success, to evaporate tungsten and molybdenum on various
Raoult’s law was now obeyed faithfully in the limit of dilute surfaces in order to study the optical properties of the pure
solutions! Of course the authority was correct. elements and mixed films of the two. I ultimately succeeded
We can state this more strongly in the particular case of in evaporating tungsten by switching from the original brass
Raoult’s law. All physical chemistry text books I am aware of furnace (!) to a heated tungsten filament in a high-vacuum
regard Raoult’s law as an empirical law, adopted as an auxiliary system, making sure that the filament did not come into
law in addition to the ideal gas law. On the other hand, Fermi, contact with any volatile material (16 ). In the process I found
in his interesting little book on thermodynamics (15), proves just how extraordinarily nonvolatile tungsten really is, and
that Raoult’s law must be obeyed. The way he does it is to how marvelous the laws of thermodynamics are in allowing
evaporate a solution completely (any solution at all, heated to one to relate something that is very difficult to measure to
whatever temperature and with whatever pressure lowering something that is much easier. Indeed, this is the essence of the
might be required) and by the mathematical continuity of power of thermodynamics. As it turned out, the best outcome of
thermodynamic functions, show that if the vapor is ideal, this work was to provide a spectacular illustration of exactly
Raoult’s law must hold for the solution. Now, we know that this point for students. The following story sets the stage.

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In the Classroom

When I was an undergraduate student with no longer a three-dimensional view. When the two sources of infor-
an attention span than most students, my mind wandered mation are played together, it becomes possible to learn the
during physical chemistry lectures and, staring at the water approximate size of molecules and their range of interaction.
faucet on the lecture bench, I daydreamed that if metal atoms This was known by some scientists long before many well-
were as large as flies, I would be able to see them buzzing known scientists (including Mach and Ostwald) accepted the
around the faucet. It was only their truly small size, I supposed, reality of atoms and molecules!
that kept the faucet from evaporating away perceptibly. But I usually started surface science with a couple of stories. In
when I began to study tungsten I was forced to a very different one, two patrons were enjoying a conversation over foamy mugs
conclusion! Suppose the faucet were made of tungsten. How of beer in a bar when one of them said “Bill, you’d better get
many atoms per liter do you imagine there are at the equi- yourself to a doctor right away! You’ve got diabetes.” The
librium vapor pressure of tungsten at room temperature? friend had noticed that every time Bill breathed onto his beer
Better, how large a volume do you need in order to have just the foam wilted away. That phenomenon illustrates surface-
one tungsten atom, on average, in equilibrium? One liter? active agents. The foam on beer (bubbles filled with carbon
Guess again. One chemistry building? One Earth’s volume? dioxide) is stabilized by a beer protein film in much the same
One solar system? No, much, much larger! Let us take the way as soap bubbles are thin films of water stabilized by
radius of the visible universe to be 109 light years. That monomolecular layers of soap. Surface-active agents that are
represents a truly immense volume, but even that is not responsible for the foam stabilization are substances whose
enough to hold one gaseous tungsten atom in equilibrium molecules have polar groups (water-loving) and organic
with the metal at room temperature. groups (water-hating) and therefore tend to aggregate at the
I’ve forgotten the volume actually needed, but it is surface of a solution. So, suds are thin water bubbles whose
something like 1016 universes. It is not a bad calculation for surfaces are covered by a layer of molecules anchored to the
students to do as a special exercise. How could one possibly water by their “hydrophilic” groups. What is exposed to the
measure such a volume? There is no way to measure it, but outside world (and also to the air inside the bubble) are or-
one can calculate it using the Clapeyron equation, knowing ganic groups. What has this to do with diabetes? Diabetics
the melting point, heat of fusion, boiling point, heat of may be in a state of ketosis in which they produce acetone by
vaporization, and heat capacity. If an accurate answer is not metabolism, and this volatile substance is breathed out.
needed (of course, it would be useless), the simple Clausius– Acetone has fatty ends (methyl groups) and a polar carbonyl
Clapeyron equation should suffice, applied first to the liquid group that is so water-loving it displaces the beer protein from
and then to the solid to extrapolate to the vapor pressure at the foam surface. But acetone is unable, itself, to stabilize
room temperature. It is truly impressive how nonvolatile foam. Fortunately, Bill did go to the doctor.
tungsten really is! Which of course has something to do with A closely related incident happened when I was on the
its use as filaments in light bulbs. faculty of Iowa State University of Agriculture and the Me-
On the difficulty of teaching phase diagrams.—This story is chanic Arts. In the spring there was a bad time when cows
best told after teaching phase diagrams, a construction for which ate alfalfa before it was suitable for cattle feed. The trouble
I was all too often unsuccessful in conveying the meaning. was that it started to ferment in the cows’ stomachs, and the
That this problem is not uncommon is illustrated by the fol- carbon dioxide liberated created a foam. This foam was sta-
lowing story. bilized by protein from the immature alfalfa and caused cow
One day, when I was a consultant to a major petroleum bloat, a serious condition in which the cow swells up like a
corporation, I was discussing recent work with a small group balloon! The only known treatment (and I used to get disgust-
of Ph.D. scientists. In reviewing the properties of finely divided ingly graphic when telling this story) was to take a sharp nail,
tungsten–rhenium catalysts, the scientists wondered if the ram it through the cow’s side, and stand back as the rotten
individual particles were of the pure metals or were a solid gas spewed out. The agriculture people came to the chemists
solution of the two. When it was suggested that the quickest to ask for advice. The surface chemists suggested feeding the
way to get an idea would be to look at the tungsten–rhenium cows the dishwashing detergent ALL, a deliberately non-
phase diagram, most of the scientists had forgotten what phase foaming detergent designed to avoid filling a kitchen with suds
diagrams are—as completely as my own students. This story when a dishwasher is used. It might displace the alfalfa protein
comforts students who find phase diagrams difficult and suggests in the cows’ stomachs and deflate them. Unfortunately, this
that we should try to find a better way to teach the subject. treatment hadn’t worked by the time I left the faculty.
On the size of molecules.—Who was the first person to
Surface Science measure the size of molecules? Benjamin Franklin came very
close to that honor. His scientific prowess in other areas is
Introduction.—I think it is unfortunate that all too many well known, and he is the first person of record to carry out
physical chemistry teachers skip over the subject of surface scientifically designed experiments that, with a quick calcu-
science during the term concentrating mainly on thermody- lation he did not make, could have given the first estimate of
namics. After all, surface science offers many nice examples molecular dimensions (17 ).
of applications of thermodynamics. Moreover, and quite apart In fact, the world had to wait another century for the
from the important technological applications of surface answer. Franklin, like many before him, became interested
science, there is the historical significance of the field. Science in the wave-calming effect that oil had when spread on wa-
taught without history is rather sterile. The reason for this ter. But what Franklin did, and published at the suggestion
significance is that surface science gives a two-dimensional of a clergyman, was to note just how far his oil (probably
view of the world, whereas the science of bulk material presents olive oil or whale oil) spread on water. He was astonished to • Vol. 78 No. 8 August 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1063

In the Classroom

find that a teaspoon quickly spread over a half-acre of water, Just how accessible to our mechanical sensibilities molecular
then stopped spreading. The spreading gave a spectacular 107- sizes really are can be brought home in laboratory experiments
fold increase in area. Franklin could tell how far the oil spread with Langmuir–Blodgett layers on water. Students can deposit
because of its calming effect on waves. He wrote “I think it a a counted number of molecular layers on a slide. The number
curious inquiry, and I wish to understand whence it arises.” of layers laid down can be counted by the number of times
The idea of molecules was not well developed at the time the slide is withdrawn through the monolayer on water, then
but it was supposed by many that matter was particulate. If put back and withdrawn again. Each withdrawal and each
Franklin had speculated that the oil spread until its thickness insertion back through the film adds a layer of molecules. It
was reduced to one molecule (which is the explanation), he is easy to see the development of interference colors, from
could have computed the length of a molecule from the thick- which the thickness can be calculated. It is even possible to
ness of the film, since thickness times area equals volume, and build up a multilayer until the thickness of the deposit on
he knew the volume and area. His results yield about 20 Å, the slide can be measured with micrometer calipers, and hence
a rather good estimate. Then, by making any plausible guess the length of the molecules can be measured by ordinary
about the shape of molecules, he could have estimated the devices.
order of magnitude of how many molecules there are in, say, There is another noteworthy story about Langmuir films
a cubic centimeter of material. When Franklin was carrying on water (17), films one molecule thick, as were Franklin’s
out his experiments, Avogadro had not yet formulated the olive oil films, but whose areas are measurable in a small,
idea of moles and molecular weights. Therefore, Franklin inexpensive “Langmuir trough”. Such films can be produced
could not have estimated Avogadro’s number. by adding to the water surface droplets containing minute
Oil films reveal their presence on water by greatly lowering amounts of oil dissolved in a volatile solvent.
the surface tension. Because this has a very conspicuous effect A contemporary of Langmuir was Evert Gorter, a Dutch
on the amplitude of waves in ponds and rivers, Franklin took M.D. who was not formally trained in physical chemistry.
delight in playing tricks on his friends. He would tell them Gorter was aware that membranes of living cells seemed to be
he was going to cast a magic spell on the stream they were made of lipids (phospholipids, oils with polar groups somewhat
walking beside, then would walk upstream many paces. When like Franklin’s oil). He and his assistant, Grendel, dissolved
he waved his cane as if it were a magic wand, lo and behold, the membranes of blood corpuscles in a volatile solvent, then
the stream suddenly became much smoother! Of course, in measured the area occupied by a monolayer on water corre-
the tip of his cane was a reservoir for a bit of oil. sponding to corpuscle. What he found for blood corpuscles
A brief note to put Franklin into a historical context from a variety of animals (including humans) was that the
that surprises many: he was born 50 years before Mozart. When area of the lipid per corpuscle spread on water was twice the
Franklin first went to England, he was promised a meeting area of a blood cell. From this he correctly inferred that cell
with Isaac Newton. This meeting never came about, though membranes are bilayers, which present their polar groups to
Newton lived for about three years after Franklin’s visit. Most the outside and inside of the cells. The lipid molecules in the
people think of Franklin as a publisher and statesman of stature bilayer, then, are joined organic tail to organic tail. Although
but in his time, he was also considered a world-class scientist he published this correct structure and composition of cell
by others, including his friends Priestley and Lavoisier. He was membranes in 1925, it was approximately a half-century before
a musician (he invented the “glass harmonica” an instrument his findings were accepted by biological scientists (16 ).
with an ethereal sound for which even Mozart wrote a small In between a Ph.D. and an academic job, I was invited
composition) and a composer, as well. (In my opinion, how- by the Simonize Company to study their wax films manu-
ever, Franklin’s musical compositions were pretty dreadful.) factured for automobile polish (today’s automobile paint is
A very rough estimate of Avogadro’s number can be made so much more durable that car wax is all but extinct). At the
from the surface tension, γ, and heat of vaporization, ∆Hv, time Simonize had little idea of how thick its films were or
of a liquid. By dividing one mole of the liquid into N cubes what structure they had. Conventional surface-chemical tools
(for sake of example) and taking the cube edges to be L, the told them little.
area of the liquid is increased by 6NL 2. To separate the cubes, After several fruitless tests by more conventional
the cost in work would be 6NL 2 γ. Note that NL 3 is the molar techniques, I devised one of the first ellipsometers ever used
volume of the liquid. Therefore, if one equates this energy in surface chemistry. An ellipsometer is an optical device able
to the molar heat of vaporization, N becomes Avogadro’s to measure film thicknesses to fractions of an angstrom unit.
number, NA, and L, the molecular size. Both quantities can It turned out that a really well buffed Simonize film was much
be estimated crudely in this way. thinner than had been suspected. It was approximately the
As another example, let the force holding a cylinder or length of the carnauba wax molecules used in the preparation!
“bar” of a liquid together be equated to the cross-sectional Out of curiosity I deposited fatty ester molecules onto a
area A times the internal pressure (available from the thermo- metal substrate by evaporation of a dilute solution and found
dynamic equation of state). Then the work to separate the by diffracting electrons from the film that the long molecules
“bar” into two pieces (so as to produce a new area A + A), is were standing up in the film. Then, when I stroked them
2A γ = force × distance. Since everything is known except the gently with Kleenex, I found that this made them lie down,
effective distance, this distance representing the range of nearly parallel to the surface. It really gives one a feeling of
molecular forces can be calculated. It turns out to be of the intimacy with molecules to see them obeying orders like a
order of magnitude of several angstrom units. These two crude pet dog.
but very simple estimates actually give the correct orders of But the most remarkable thing was the protection these
magnitude for the molecular properties! scant layers could give to lacquer films. In order to use the

1064 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 8 August 2001 •

In the Classroom

ellipsometer with films on lacquer (automobile paints of the day Gas viscosity.—Experience with molasses in January and
were sometimes lacquer) I had to prepare lacquer films about high-viscosity oils and polymers leads students to an intuition
100 Å (10 nm) thick on a metal surface because reflection about effects of temperature, molecular length, and concen-
from the metal was essential for ellipsometry. These films were tration on viscosity that is contradicted by properties of gases.
so flimsy that they tore at the slightest touch by the gentlest The counterintuitive behavior of gas was predicted before it
tissues available. But when just one layer of wax molecules was was measured (18), helping to nail down the kinetic theory.
deposited onto the thin lacquer films, you could rub as hard as Unlike motor oil, a gas increases in viscosity when heated,
you wished with tissues without any damage to the underlying and the viscosity is decreased as molecular sizes increase. More-
lacquer film. Obviously one layer of soft wax molecules does over, increasing the gas density leaves the viscosity unchanged !
not provide an armor plate to protect the underlying film. The charming way Moore in his early editions of Physical
What was provided was lubrication. Remember that molecular Chemistry (19) introduced gas viscosity leads to a very easy
forces are very short in range, much less than one layer of way to understand it, estimate it, and explain its somewhat
wax molecules. To the outside world, the surface is slippery surprising properties. Without this charm and without
wax, not lacquer. The moral of the story is obvious. If we pointing out how differently gases respond to changes in
somehow alter surfaces by just one molecular layer, we can temperature, concentration, and molecular dimensions,
profoundly change the properties of a surface (friction, wetting, viscosity appears to be a dull subject. Since gas viscosity gives
catalytic properties, etc.) Changes can be beneficial or harmful us a measure of the collisional area of molecules per mole,
to properties of a product. Therefore the great importance this can be played against the molar volume of the liquid to
of surface science to industry. estimate Avogadro’s number, another reason for the historic
importance of gas transport properties. Recall that, in the
Kinetic Theory early days of the kinetic theory, many of the most influential
scientists did not believe in molecules.
History of the kinetic theory (4).—Students learn about
Maxwell’s development of the kinetic theory of gases, but the More Morals about Authority
real story of the first formulation of the kinetic theory of gases
is more depressing than the one recorded in textbooks. John The following stories cast interesting sidelights on scien-
Waterston (1811–1883), a brilliant but unknown young man, tists when the advances in physical chemistry they introduced
worked out the essentials of the kinetic theory some 15 years are discussed.
before Maxwell. His long manuscript was turned down as Impact on Arrhenius.—When Arrhenius was a student,
nonsense by the referees of the prestigious journal he submitted he proposed his perceptive treatment of what we today call
it to. Worse, it was his only copy, and the journal would not ionic solutes. But many or most scientists of the time did
return it. Authorities can be and often are reactionary and not believe that salts are composed of positive and negative
unimaginative. This trouble so bothered Waterston that he ions or that the interaction of a solvent with salts, acids, and
developed a contempt for scientific colleagues and dropped bases might produce ions in solution. This, despite earlier
out of science. His original paper was, however, archived by the definitive suggestions by Clausius to the contrary. Nevertheless,
Royal Society so that its priority is verifiable. Much later, the the scholars on the committee of Arrhenius could not prove him
distinguished physicist Lord Rayleigh consulted the archives wrong. Besides, in his thesis, Arrhenius had been somewhat
and wrote at length on the important contents of Waterston’s vague and careless in his exposition (20). So the committee
first paper, confirming the originality and ingenuity of his compromised: their solution was to award him the lowest
approach. He then offered a cynical moral to the story: “The passing grade. In reality, such a grade was a grave punishment,
history of this paper suggests that highly speculative investi- for it prevented Arrhenius from being offered an academic
gations, especially by an unknown author, are best brought position in Sweden. Nevertheless, when it became clear that
before the world through some other channel than a scientific the famous physical chemist in Germany, Wilhelm Ostwald,
society, which naturally hesitates to admit into its printed was greatly impressed by the achievements of Arrhenius and
records matter of uncertain value. Perhaps one may go further offered him a position, Sweden relented and admitted him
and say that a young author who believes himself capable of into the ranks of Swedish scientists, where he flourished. So
great things would usually do well to secure the favorable Arrhenius felt the sting of authority—until a higher authority
recognition of the scientific world by work whose scope is prevailed.
limited, and whose value is easily judged, before embarking Impact on Einstein.—Another story involving authority
upon higher flights.” is about Albert Einstein. His performance in what we would
In this respect one thinks of the unknown young Indian call graduate school was somewhat indifferent in the eyes of
scientist Bose, whose manuscript treating electromagnetic his teachers because, as Einstein himself reports in his brief
radiation by a strange new statistics was rejected by British autobiographical sketches (2), he hardly ever went to lectures.
journals. His writings met with little success until he sent his Instead, he went to the library and studied the primary
paper to Einstein. The rest is history. Einstein recognized the literature. Therefore, he was not regarded as a really serious
genius of it, translated it from English into German, and had scholar, and his performance on the few examinations given
it published in the Zeitschrift für Physik. He then generalized to him was less than fully stellar. Consequently, the only
the treatment (now referred to as Bose–Einstein statistics) to position he could find, and that through the special influence
the case of material gases, and predicted, among other things, of the family of a friend, was as patent office examiner.
the Bose–Einstein condensation, which has recently burst so In 1905, after he had been at the patent office for a few
spectacularly into the news. years, he published an astonishing outburst of papers. In them • Vol. 78 No. 8 August 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1065

In the Classroom

he developed the special theory of relativity, the statistical took the isothermal elasticity when he should have taken the
mechanical theory of fluctuations including the first quanti- adiabatic elasticity. Otherwise his theory was correct.
tative treatment of Brownian motion, and several seminal Newton also outlined in his Principia (21) some “Rules
ideas on the quantum theory of matter and radiation, includ- of Reasoning in Philosophy” His Rule II:
ing the photoelectric law. Therefore to the same natural effects we must, as far as pos-
Because his contributions were so remarkable, Einstein sible, assign the same causes. As to respiration in a man
became well known quite soon, and within a few years he was and in a beast; the descent of stones in Europe and in
being nominated for the Nobel Prize by some of the most America; the light of our culinary fire and of the sun.
famous scientists in the world. But the Nobel committee kept
Newton’s rule is an excellent one but his last example is some-
turning him down, year after year. Finally some previous Nobel
what misguided in the light of today’s knowledge.
laureates wrote that the failure to award Einstein the Prize
On Boltzmann’s tomb is inscribed his statistical prescrip-
was becoming an embarrassment to the Nobel committee. Still
tion for entropy:
the committee refused to award Einstein the Prize. Some of
Einstein’s predictions were not yet confirmed, and some were S = k log W
contested by less talented scientists. But the Nobel committee Boltzmann’s contributions to statistical science were enormous.
finally found a compromise. It awarded Einstein the prize Yet he became regarded by many well-placed colleagues as a
for his contributions to theoretical physics, citing his photo- has-been, a man whose science was of equivocal value. Even in
electric law! And do you know who the committee member recent times a popular play in Germany was about a fumbling
was who kept vetoing Einstein’s award? It was Arrhenius! I old professor whose work was held in contempt, and the mis-
think there is a moral in this story somewhere…. informed playwright based his character’s life on Boltzmann’s.
On the reputation of Gibbs.—J. Willard Gibbs was a man Today we regard Boltzmann as one of the most creative
of independent means when he lectured (without pay) at Yale founders of the science of statistical thermodynamics. But in
University. He carried out research of extraordinary depth in Boltzmann’s day he received more criticism than he could
thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics and invented bear—so much that he was driven to suicide.
vector calculus in the bargain. He published mainly in the Many of the above stories dealing with human nature
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy. Although this journal and human activities are unhappy ones. But not all stories
was not widely read, Gibbs submitted reprints to the most in chemistry are negative, of course. A wealth of happy stories
distinguished European scientists of the time, including can be found, for example in the book Serendipity, by R. M.
Maxwell, who immediately recognized their importance and Roberts (22).
beauty. In his later years Maxwell spent considerable time Another (short) story about personalities. At a recent
carefully constructing, with his own hands, a model of Gibbs’s physics seminar the speaker remarked that although Faraday
thermodynamic surfaces, a cast of which, shortly before his conceived of the existence of the “field” in electromagnetic
death, he sent to Gibbs. phenomena, he was unable to understand the mathematical
At the time, American universities were just beginning to development of his concept by Maxwell “because of the fact
try to build up their faculties in the sciences. Many chairmen that he was the child of a blacksmith!” To this remark was
of physics and chemistry departments wrote to the best-known replied that humble beginnings do not preclude proficiency in
scientists in Europe for advice on whom to import from mathematics. The great mathematician Fourier was the 19th
Europe for their departments. Often enough they received child of a poor tailor! Now that Fourier has been mentioned,
the reply “Why don’t you consider the American, Gibbs? His his experience gives another example of how acknowledged
work is outstanding!” After awhile Gibbs began to receive authorities often fail to recognize the virtue of important new
offers to move from Yale, and at attractive salaries. When the ideas. Fourier’s publication of his seminal work on Fourier
New Haven townspeople heard of this state of affairs, they series and boundary value problems was delayed for 24 years
got together a stipend to offer Gibbs if he stayed at Yale. And owing to hostile reviews by Lagrange.
so he did.
Vulnerability of and imperfections of true authorities.— Concluding Remarks
Troublesome controversies are mentioned above. The giants
Gibbs, Newton, and Einstein particularly suffered from this Motivated by the response of colleagues and students, I
vexing source of aggravation. When Gibbs developed vector submitted this collection of stories in the hope that it would
calculus he was subjected to savage attacks by those who pre- encourage teachers to tell more stories. Some teachers are so
ferred the more tedious methods of the day. This caused him gifted they can hold students spellbound. Lacking such
much anguish. Newton also encountered acrimonious criticism. charisma, I found that stories are a useful substitute. Not only
He wrote that, if he had known what a litigious lady natural do they offer an effective and relatively painless way to convey
science was, he never would have entered the field. Einstein ideas, they also make lecturing more fun for the teacher.
said it more simply. He remarked that if he were beginning
again, he would become a plumber or peddler. Literature Cited
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