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Name: Rhealyn M.

Gemoto Date: 10/24/2022

Grade & Section: BSED MATH 3A Score:

Activity #5: Critical Thinking Analysis

Based on your own Opinion, Is it really necessary to learn first the basic and
fundamental skills? Why not advance skill?

 Yes, it is necessary to learn the basic skills first. The advance skills come after
learning the basics. The thing is that, if you learn the advanced skills before,
you might not understand some parts, which leaves you confused. Let say for
example, If you are interested in determining if someone has skills above or
below the high school graduate level, then the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test
would be appropriate. However, if you want to know whether someone is
college-ready, Bachelor’s Degree-equivalent or even beyond, then the
Wonderlic Advanced Skills Test is the right one for the situation. Moreover,
Every coach knows that visualization is a key skill athletes can develop which
helps them to become better at performing at their sport. This vital mental skill
prepares an athlete's body to execute under pressure and to keep doing so in
the heat of competition. Mental skills can be taught. Learning, practicing and
mastering the basic skills of sport is one of the foundations of coaching, sports
performance and athletic training. Athletes do not fail because their skill level is
poor: they fail because their ability to perform the skill in competition conditions
is poor and that's a coaching.

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