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Task 1: Look for the meaning of the following words.

1. Rhyme scheme
A four-line poem with the first line rhyming with the third line and
the second line rhyming with the fourth line has the rhyme
scheme ABAB. Rhyme schemes are defined using letters of the
alphabet, so all the lines in a poem that rhyme with each other are
assigned a letter, beginning with "A."

2. Iambic pentameter
Iamb: An iamb is a metrical unit made up of a stressed (emphasis)
syllable and an unstressed syllable. Examples from Iamb are
a-BOVE, at-TEMPT, and in-LOVE. Penta is the Greek word for
"five," and meter is the rhythmic pattern employed to maintain

3. Octave
Eight lines of iambic pentameter (in English) or hendecasyllables
make up an octave, a type of verse (in Italian). An octave's most
popular rhyming pattern is ABBA ABBA.
4. Setset
a six-line stanza or the last six lines of an Italian or Petrarchan
sonnet, both of which have 14 lines. The final stanza of a sonnet is
referred to as a sestet; otherwise, the six-line stanza is referred to
as a sexain. In "The Soul has Bandaged Moments," by Emily
Dickinson, the second stanza is explicit.

5. Figurative language -
A word's strict or practical meaning is not used while
expressing oneself through the use of figurative language.
Figurative language is frequently employed to add artistic flourish
to written or spoken language or to convey a difficult concept. It is
frequently found in comparisons and exaggerations.

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