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Work with Power BI visuals

 1 hr 13 min
 Module
 10 Units
 4.7 (4,689)
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Data Analyst
Power BI
Microsoft Power Platform

Learn how to choose from the exceptional visuals that Power BI makes available to
you. Formatting visuals will direct the user’s attention to exactly where you want it,
while helping to make the visual easier to read and interpret. You will also learn
about how to use key performance indicators (KPIs).

Learning objectives
In this module, you will:
 Add visualization items to reports.
 Choose an effective visualization.
 Format and configure visualizations.
 Import a custom visual.
 Add an R or Python visual.


This module is part of these learning paths

 Visualize data in Power BI
 Introduction to work with Power BI visuals 1 min
 Add visualization items to reports1 min
 Choose an effective visualization10 min
 Format and configure visualizations6 min
 Import a custom visual2 min
 Add an R or Python visual3 min
 Work with key performance indicators 1 min
 Lab - Design a report in Power BI desktop45 min
 Check your knowledge3 min
 Summary1 min

Introduction to work with Power BI visuals

Completed100 XP
 1 minute

Power BI visuals are attractive charts and graphics that you can use to revitalize your data.
Visuals allow you to share data insights more effectively and increase comprehension,
retention, and appeal. Visuals are a fundamental part of your report because they help your
report audience connect and interact with the information to make informed decisions

After you've loaded and modeled your organization's data in Power BI Desktop, you will be
ready to start creating your reports. In this module, you'll use the report editor in Power BI
Desktop to add suitable visuals to your report canvas. You'll then customize those visuals to
meet your organization's requirements.

Consider a scenario where you work as a Power BI developer for Tailwind Traders. Your
organization wants to transform the way that it presents its data to management and
stakeholders. It wants to replace the current text and tabular report format with a more visual
approach so that users will find the reports more interesting. Additionally, by using a visual
approach, the company can provide users with quicker, easier access to the information that
they need to make their business decisions. You are tasked with creating a Power BI report
that is based on a combination of visuals that are customized to match your organization's
branding and report presentation requirements.

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

 Add visualization items to reports.

 Choose an effective visualization.
 Format and configure visualizations.
 Import a custom visual.
 Add an R or Python visual.

Next unit: Add visualization items to reports


Add visualization items to reports

Completed100 XP
 1 minute

Power BI has a variety of visuals that you can use to report on the data in your data model.
Visuals allow you to present the important information and insights that you discovered in the
data in a compelling and insightful way. The report consumers rely on these visualizations as
a gateway to the underlying data.
In Power BI Desktop, each visual is represented by an icon in the Visualizations pane. The
types of visuals that are available include charts, maps, cards, a table, a matrix, and many
more. You will learn how to select the correct visual later in this module.

This module is instructional, you will have an opportunity to practice in the lab near the end
of the module.

In this example, you want to add a visualization to the report that displays sales data by
category name. You start by selecting the Category and Revenue fields in the Fields pane.
Power BI Desktop then automatically selects a visualization for you, depending on the data
type of the fields that you selected. In this case, the default visualization type is a table.
While the visual is selected, you can change the visualization type by selecting a different
visual from the Visualizations pane.
Next unit: Choose an effective visualization

Choose an effective visualization

Completed100 XP
 10 minutes

Power BI Desktop offers a range of out-of-the-box visualization options that are

available directly from the Visualizations pane. When you select the fields that you
want to display in a visualization, you can experiment with all the different
visualization types to find the one that best suits your needs. If you can't find a visual
that meets your needs, you can download other visuals from Microsoft AppSource or
import your own custom visuals.

Depending on the type of data in your selected fields, one or more visualizations
might not be suitable. For example, geographic data will not display well as a funnel
chart or line chart visualization.

It is important that you choose an effective visualization to ensure that you display
the data in the best way possible. The following sections outline the different types
of visualizations that are available within Power BI Desktop, using the same data
source for illustration purposes.

Table and Matrix visualizations

In the previous example, the Table visualization was selected by default. The table is
a grid that contains related data in a logical series of rows and columns. The table
supports two dimensions and it can also contain headers and a row for totals.
The Matrix visualization looks similar to the table visualization; however, it allows
you to select one or more elements (rows, columns, values) in the matrix to cross-
highlight other visuals on the report page. In the following image, notice that a new
field called Product Color was added to the columns, and the available colors are
now spanning across the table, with the categories listed in rows.

Bar and column charts

Power BI Desktop has a variety of bar and column chart visualizations that present
specific data across different categories in a stacked or clustered format. The stacked
format will stack the information items on top of each other.
For example, the following clustered column chart shows a single column with total
sales for each country, whereas the stacked column chart shows data for sales by
country, by product name. All sales data is stacked into one column to show you the
total sales by country, broken down by how much each product contributed to the
overall total sales.

Line and area charts

The line chart and area chart visualizations are beneficial in helping you present
trends over time. The basic area chart is based on the line chart, with the area
between axis and line filled in. The main difference between these two chart types is
that the area chart highlights the magnitude of change over time.
Pie chart, donut chart, and Treemaps
The pie chart, donut chart, and Treemap visualizations show you the relationship of
parts to the whole by dividing the data into segments. From a data analysis
perspective, these charts are not useful because interpreting the data that they
present can be difficult. However, these charts are often used for aesthetic reasons
due to the colorful segments that they display. These charts are best suited for
illustrating percentages, such as the top five sales by product or country, or any other
available categories.

The pie chart is a solid circle, whereas the donut chart has a center that is blank and
allows space for a label or icon.
When using pie charts, donut charts, and Treemaps, try to avoid presenting too
many categories because it results in thin slices (or rectangles) that provide no added
value to the user. If you do need to present all categories in your dataset, it's better
to use another type of visual, such as a column chart.

Pie charts and donut charts present data by dividing it into slices, while
the Treemap visualization displays data as a set of nested rectangles. Each level of
the hierarchy is represented by a colored rectangle (branch) containing smaller
rectangles (leaves). The space inside each rectangle is allocated based on the value
that is being measured. The rectangles are arranged in size from top left (largest) to
bottom right (smallest).

A Treemap is ideal to visualize:

 Large amounts of hierarchical data when a bar chart can't effectively
handle the large number of values.
 Proportions between each part and the whole.
 The distribution pattern of the measure across each level of categories in
the hierarchy.
 Attributes, by using size and color coding.
 Spot patterns, outliers, most-important contributors, and exceptions.

Combo charts
The combo chart visualization is a combination of a column chart and a line chart
that can have one or two Y axes. The combination of the two charts into one lets you:

 Compare multiple measures with different value ranges.

 Illustrate the correlation between two measures in one visual.
 Identify whether one measure meets the target that is defined by
another measure.
 Conserve space on your report page.

Card visualization
The card visualization displays a single value: a single data point. This type of
visualization is ideal for visualizing important statistics that you want to track on your
Power BI dashboard or report, such as total value, YTD sales, or year-over-year
The multi-row card visualization displays one or more data points, with one data
point for each row.

Funnel visualization
The funnel visualization displays a linear process that has sequential connected
stages, where items flow sequentially from one stage to the next.

Funnel charts are most often seen in business or sales contexts. For example, they are
useful for representing a workflow, such as moving from a sales lead to a prospect,
through to a proposal and sale.
Funnel charts are great options in the following contexts:

 When the data is sequential and moves through at least four stages.
 When the number of items in the first stage is expected to be greater
than the number of items in the final stage.
 To calculate a potential outcome (revenue, sales, deals, and so on) by
 To calculate and track conversion and retention rates.
 To reveal bottlenecks in a linear process.

Gauge chart
A radial gauge chart has a circular arc and displays a single value that measures
progress toward a goal or target.

The value at the end of the arc represents the defaulted maximum value, which will
always be double the actual value. To create a realistic visual, you should always
specify each of the values. You can accomplish this task by dropping the correct field
that contains an amount into the Target value, Minimum value, and Maximum
value fields on the Visualization pane.

The shading in the arc represents the progress toward that target. The value inside
the arc represents the progress value. Power BI spreads all possible values evenly
along the arc, from the minimum (left-most value) to the maximum (right-most

Radial gauges can be used to show the progress that is being made toward a goal or
target, or they can show the health of a single measure. However, radial gauges do
take up a lot of space in comparison to the insights that they provide. It is more
effective to use a pair of gauges with a spark line so users can see the trend and
know what to do about it.

Waterfall visualization
The waterfall visualization (also known as a bridge chart) shows a running total as
values are added or subtracted, which is useful in displaying a series of positive and
negative changes. The chart consists of color-coded columns, so you can quickly
identify increases and decreases. The initial and the final value columns often start on
the horizontal axis, while the intermediate values are floating columns.

Waterfall charts can be used to:

 Visualize changes over time or across different categories.

 Audit the major changes that contribute to the total value.
 Plot your organization's annual profit by showing various sources of
revenue to help determine the total profit (or loss).
 Illustrate the beginning and ending headcount for your organization in a
 Visualize how much money you earn and spend each month and the
running balance for your account.

Scatter chart
The scatter chart visualization is effective when you are comparing large numbers of
data points without regard to time. The scatter chart has two value axes to show: one
set of numerical data along a horizontal axis and another set of numerical values
along a vertical axis. The chart displays points at the intersection of an X and Y
numerical value, combining these values into single data points. These data points
might be distributed evenly or unevenly across the horizontal axis, depending on the
data. You can set the number of data points, up to a maximum of 10,000.
You might want to use a scatter chart instead of a line chart because it allows you to
change the scale of the horizontal axis. Scatter charts also allow you to:

 Show relationships between two numerical values.

 Plot two groups of numbers as one series of x and y coordinates.
 Turn the horizontal axis into a logarithmic scale.
 Display worksheet data that includes pairs or grouped sets of values.
 Show patterns in large sets of data, for example, by showing linear or
non-linear trends, clusters, and outliers.
 Compare large numbers of data points without regard to time. The more
data that you include in a scatter chart, the better the comparisons that
you can make.

The following example shows a scatter chart that displays outliers (anomalies) with a
trendline going up. The chart clearly shows that most products were sold at the same
quantity, and only some products were sold in larger quantities. By identifying those
outliers, you can run further analysis and break them down by country and region,
which can help to improve logistics, decrease costs, and increase customer

Power BI integrates with Bing Maps to provide default map coordinates (a process
called geocoding), so you can create maps. Together, they use algorithms to identify
the correct location; however, sometimes, it's a best guess.

A basic map (bubble map) is used to associate categorical and quantitative

information with spatial locations. This type of map visual displays precise
geographical locations of data points on a map, as illustrated in the following image.
A fill map uses shading, tinting, or patterns to display how a value differs in
proportion across a geographical region. Similarly, shape maps use colors to display
relative comparisons of geographical regions. You can also use an ArcGIS map to
display graphical information in a more interactive way.

Slicer visualization
The slicer visualization is a standalone chart that can be used to filter the other
visuals on the page. Slicers provide a more advanced and customized way of filtering,
in comparison to the Filters pane, which is suited to more basic filtering operations.
You can learn more about these two filtering options in another module.

Slicers come in many different formats, including list, drop-down, and buttons, and
they can be formatted to allow the selection of only one, many, or all available

Slicers are ideal to:

 Visualize commonly used or important filters on the report canvas for

easier access.
 Simplify your ability to see the current filtered state without having to
open a drop-down list.
 Filter by columns that are unneeded and hidden in the data tables.
 Create more focused reports by putting slicers next to important visuals.


Using a slicer that is set to a drop-down format will defer the queries that are being
sent to the dataset and can help improve performance.
Q&A visualization
The Q&A visualization allows you to ask natural language questions and get answers
in the form of a visual. This ability to ask questions is valuable to consumers and to
you, the report author. This visualization type can help you create visuals in the
report, and it can also be used as a tool for consumers to get answers quickly.

The Q&A visualization consists of the following four core components:

 The question box, where users enter their question and are shown
suggestions to help them complete the question.
 A pre-populated list of suggested questions.
 An icon that users can select to convert the Q&A visual into a standard
 An icon that users can select to open Q&A tooling, which allows
designers to configure the underlying natural language engine. When
entering natural language queries with Power BI Q&A, you can specify
the visual type in your query. The following example illustrates how to
implement Net sales by country.
Next unit: Format and configure visualizations

Format and configure visualizations

Completed100 XP
 6 minutes

Power BI Desktop gives you a variety of options for customizing how your selected
visualizations look, such as the colors and format of the text that they contain. You should
take time to explore the options to determine what impact they each have on a visual.

In this example, you will format and configure the default clustered column chart
visualization to better meet the needs of your report requirements.

Start by selecting the visualization on the canvas, and then select the Format button (paint
roller icon) to display the Format pane.
The formatting options that are available will depend on the type of visualization that you

Common formatting options include the Title, Background, and Border. In

the Title section, you can add a title to the visual, if it does not have one, or edit the title, if it
has one already. The aim of the title is to clearly describe what data is being presented in the
visual. You can format the title by changing the text, text size, font, color, background, and
alignment. The subsequent section shows an example of customizing a title.

In the Background section, you can set any color or image as the background for the visual.
If you plan to use an image as a background, try to select an image that won't have lines or
shapes that would make it difficult for the user to read the data. It is best to keep a white
background so the presented data can be clearly seen. The subsequent section shows an
example of customizing a background.

In the Border section, you can set a border around the visual to isolate the visual from other
elements on the canvas, which helps make it easier for the user to read and understand the
data. You can change the border color and radius to be consistent with your color scheme.

If a General section is available, you'll be able to set the precise size and place for your
visual on your canvas. This option might be suitable if the drag-and-drop feature is not
placing the visual exactly where you want it to be. It can also be useful to ensure that you
have aligned specific visuals consistently.

You might also be able to format the colors and labels for specific data values. In the Data
colors section, you can set the colors that you want to use for the data values in the visual.
You can use different colors for different fields, but always try to be consistent when it comes
to selecting those colors. It is best to use the same color scheme throughout the report. In
the Data labels section, you can change fonts, size, and colors for all labels in the visual. Try
to use solid colors so the labels are clearly visible. For example, if the background is white,
use a black or dark grey color to display your labels.

The Tooltips section allows you to add a customized tooltip that appears when you hover
over the visual, based on report pages that you create in Power BI Desktop. Tooltips is a great
feature because it provides more contextual information and detail to data points on a
visual. The default tooltip displays the data point's value and category, but your custom
tooltips can include visuals, images, and any other collection of items that you create in the
report page. The subsequent section shows an example of customizing a tooltip.

As you make changes in the Format pane, notice that the visualization updates immediately
to reflect those changes. If you need to revert the changes that you make, select the Revert to
default option at the bottom of each section in the Format pane.

In the following examples, you will edit the title, change the background, and add a tooltip.

You can edit a default title and add a title, if you don't have one. In this example, you will
select the column chart visualization and then, in the Format pane, scroll down and expand
the Title section. Edit the current title by changing it to Total Sales by Country, and then
increase the font size to 16 points.
It is best practice to keep the default white background so the presented data can be clearly
seen. However, you can change the default background color to make a visualization more
colorful and easier to read or to match a particular color scheme. In this example, continue
with the column chart that is selected and then, in the Format pane, expand
the Background section and change the color to light grey.
Using tooltips is a clever way of providing more contextual information and detail to data
points on a visual. When you add a visual, the default tooltip displays the data point's value
and category, but you can customize this information to suit your needs. For example, you
might want to provide your report users with additional context and information, or specify
additional data points that you want users to see when they hover over the visual.

To expand on the data points that are displayed in the default tooltip, you can drag a field
from the Fields panel into the Tooltips bucket. However, you should not add many more
fields to the tooltips because adding too many fields can introduce performance issues and
slow down your visuals.

The following image shows the default tooltip first and then the customized tooltip that
displays additional data.
Another way to use tooltips is to display graphical information. The process of adding this
type of tooltip is not as straightforward, but it is worthwhile. You would begin by creating a
new page in the report.

Open the new page and then open the Format pane. Expand the Page Size section and then
select Tooltip from the Type list.
In the Page information section, turn the Tooltip slider to On so that Power BI registers this
page as a tooltip page

Tooltips have limited canvas space, so to ensure that your visuals appear in the tooltip, on
the View tab, set the Page view option to Actual size.
Next, add one or more visuals to the tooltip page, in the same way that you would on any
other report page.

Now, you need to specify the fields for which you want the tooltip to display. Select the
tooltip page and then select the Values tab in the Visualizations pane. Drag the fields from
the Fields pane into the Tooltip bucket. In this example, you will drag
the SalesAmount field into the Tooltip bucket.

Return to the report page and apply the tooltip to one or more visuals on that page. Select a
visual and then, in the Format pane, scroll down to the Tooltip section. Turn the tooltip
option On and then select your tooltip page from the Page list.

When you hover over the visual, the tooltip will display.
Next unit: Import a custom visual

Import a custom visual

Completed100 XP
 2 minutes

In addition to the out-of-the-box visualizations in Power BI Desktop, hundreds of other

developers have created a multitude of visuals for you to choose from. If you have a specific
visual in mind, you can likely find it in the marketplace. If you can't find it, Power BI makes
it possible for you to build your own.

The custom visuals that are available in Microsoft AppSource are created by Microsoft and
Microsoft partners. Some of these custom visuals are certified and some are not. The certified
status means that the visual meets the Microsoft Power BI team code requirements; the visual
is tested to verify that it doesn't access external services or resources and that it follows
secure coding patterns and guidelines. The certification process is optional, so an uncertified
visual is not necessarily unsafe to use.


Some organizations prefer not to use custom visuals for security or other reasons. Before you
import custom visuals, check with your organization to see whether custom visuals are
allowed or not. If they are not allowed, you can still create reports in Power BI Desktop with
them, but they will not render in Power BI service.

If you want to create your own custom visual, you can use the custom visual software
development kit (SDK), which is an open-source tool based on NodeJS (JavaScript
programming language) that is available on GitHub. The custom visual is packaged as a
single Power BI Visual Tools (.pbiviz) file that you can import into Power BI Desktop.

Creating a custom visual is beyond the scope of this unit, so in this example, you will import
a custom visual from AppSource.

In the Visualizations pane, select the Get more visuals icon and then select Get more

visuals. On the window that displays, locate and select the visual that you want to import and
then select Add.

The new visual will appear under the other visuals in the Visualizations pane. To add the
visual to your report, select its icon. You can then add fields to the visual and customize its
formatting, just like you would for any other visual.
Next unit: Add an R or Python visual

Add an R or Python visual

Completed100 XP
 3 minutes

If you use the R or Python programming language, you can use them to visualize
your data within Power BI Desktop. Power BI Desktop has an out-of-the-box
visualization option for both R and Python that you can access on
the Visualizations pane, and the process for creating these visuals is almost the
same. You can also import a custom R or Python visual from Microsoft AppSource.


If you decide to use an R or Python visual, and you want to refresh the data in Power
BI service, you'll need to use a personal gateway. For more information, see Use
personal gateways in Power BI.

Create an R visual
Before you create the R visual, you must install R on your local computer so that
Power BI Desktop can run R scripts. You can download and install R for free from
many locations, including the Microsoft R Application Network and the CRAN
When you have downloaded and installed R, Power BI enables it automatically, but
you should verify that it has been enabled in the correct location. In Power BI
Desktop, select File > Options and settings > Options and then select R
scripting in the Global options list. Verify that your local R installation is specified in
the Detected R home directories drop-down menu and that it properly reflects the
local R installation that you want Power BI Desktop to use. In the following image,
the path to the local installation of R is C:\Program Files\R Open\R-3.5.3.

When you've verified your R installation, you can create the R visual.

Select the R visual icon in the Visualizations pane and then select Enable on the

window that displays. You'll then see a placeholder R visual image on the report
canvas, with the R script editor underneath.
Next, in the Field panel, select the fields that you want to use in your script. They will
display in the Values section in the Visualizations pane. You'll use the data in these
fields to create a plot.

As you select or remove fields, supporting code in the R script editor is

automatically generated or removed. Based on your selections, the R script
editor generates the following binding code:

 The editor created a dataset dataframe with the fields that you added.
 The default aggregation is: do not summarize.
 Similar to table visuals, fields are grouped and duplicate rows appear
only once.
When you have selected the fields, you're ready to write an R script that results in
plotting to the R default device. When the script is complete, select Run from the R
script editor title bar.

Power BI Desktop identifies the plot and presents it on the canvas.

Create a Python visual

No prerequisites exist for creating a Python visual, so you can start right away in
Power BI Desktop by selecting the Python visual icon in the Visualizations pane.
Select Enable on the window that displays, and then you'll then see a placeholder
Python visual image on the report canvas, with the Python script editor underneath.

You can continue creating a Python visual in the same way as you did when creating
the R visual. In summary, you would select the fields, write the Python script, and
then select Run from the Python script editor title bar.
Import an R or Python visual
To import an R or Python visual from AppSource, in the Visualizations pane, select
the Get more visuals icon and then select Get more visuals. On the window that
displays, locate and select the R or Python visual that you want to import and then
select Add.

The new visual icon will appear under the other visual icons in
the Visualizations pane.

Next unit: Work with key performance indicators

Work with key performance indicators

Completed100 XP
 1 minute
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are excellent in helping you track progress toward
a specific goal over time. To use a KPI, you need three pieces of information:

 A unit of measurement that you want to track, for instance total sales,
number of employee hires, number of loans serviced, or number of
students enrolled.
 A goal for the measurement so that you can compare your progress with
that goal.
 A time series, for instance daily, monthly, or yearly.

Start by adding the KPI visual to the design service. The following screenshot shows
the KPI icon in the Visualizations pane.

When configuring the KPI visual, enter the unit of measurement that you are tracking
in the Indicator prompt. Then, enter the goal under Target goals and select the
time series from the Trend axis drop-down list, as shown in the following
This action will produce a KPI that looks similar to the following screenshot.

KPIs work best in a series, for instance, showing the daily, monthly, and yearly goals
in the section of a Power BI report.
Next unit: Lab - Design a report in Power BI desktop

Lab - Design a report in Power BI desktop

Completed100 XP

 45 minutes
This unit includes a lab to complete.

Use the free resources provided in the lab to complete the exercises in this unit. You will not
be charged.

Microsoft provides this lab experience and related content for educational purposes. All
presented information is owned by Microsoft and intended solely for learning about the
covered products and services in this Microsoft Learn module.

Launch lab

Access your environment

Before you start this lab (unless you are continuing from a previous lab), select Launch
lab above.

You are automatically logged in to your lab environment as data-ai\student.

You can now begin your work on this lab.


To dock the lab environment so that it fills the window, select the PC icon at the top and then
select Fit Window to Machine.
In this lab, you will create a three-page report named Sales Report. You will then publish it
to Power BI, whereupon you will open and interact with the report.

In this lab, you learn how to:

 Use Power BI Desktop to create a live connection

 Design a report
 Configure visual fields and format properties


This exercise will require you to login to Power BI service,  you can use your existing
account or create a trial account before starting this lab.

Lab Preparation: Publishing Sales Analysis report to Power BI. In this task, you will
publish Power BI file Sales Analysis.pbix to Power BI.

1. To open the Power BI Desktop, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Power BI
Desktop shortcut.
2. At the top-right corner of the welcome screen, click X.
3. Click the File ribbon tab to open the backstage view, and then select Open
4. In the Open Report window, click Browse reports, navigate to the D:\DA100\
Labs\08-design-report-in-power-bi-desktop-enhanced\Starter folder,
select Sales Analysis.pbix file.
5. Click Open and save the Power BI Desktop file.
6. To publish the file, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Share group,
click Publish.
7. You will be prompted to login to your Power BI account. Enter your Power BI
credentials and password.
8. In the Publish to Power BI window, select My workspace.
9. Click Select.
10. When the file has been successfully published, click Got it.
11. Click X to close the Power BI Desktop and select Save to the file.

Create a report
In this exercise, you will create a three-page report named Sales Report.

Create a new file

In this task, you will create a live connection to the Sales Analysis dataset.

1. To open the Power BI Desktop, on the taskbar, click the

Microsoft Power BI Desktop shortcut.
2. At the top-right corner of the welcome screen, click X.
3. Click the File ribbon tab to open the backstage view, and then select Save As.
4. In the Save As window, navigate to the D:\DA100\MySolution folder.
5. In the File Name box, enter Sales Report.

6. Click Save.

Create a live connection

In this task, you will create a live connection to the Sales Analysis dataset.

1. To create a live connection, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside

the Data group, click Get Data, down-arrow, and then
select Power BI Datasets.
2. In the Select a Dataset to Create a Report window, select
the Sales Analysis dataset.

3. Click Create.
4. At the bottom-right corner, in the status bar, notice that the live connection has
been established.
5. In the Fields pane, notice that the data model tables are listed.

Power BI Desktop can no longer be used to develop the data model; in live

connection mode, it's only a report authoring tool. It is possible, however, to
create measures, but they are measures that are only available within the
report. You won't add any report-scoped measures in this lab.

6. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

You're the owner of the Power BI dataset, and you can see all data.

When you share reports and dashboards to non-owners of the dataset, their account (or a
security group of which they're a member) must be mapped to the Salespeople role. You will
configure this before sharing content.

Design page 1

In this task, you will design the first report page. When you've completed the design, the page
will look like the following:

1. To rename the page, at the bottom-left, right-click Page 1, and then

select Rename page.


You can also double-click the page name.

2. Rename the page as Overview, and then press Enter.

3. To add an image, on the Insert ribbon tab, from inside the Elements group,
click Image.
4. In the Open window, navigate to the D:\DA100\Resources folder.
5. Select the AdventureWorksLogo.jpg file, and then click Open.
6. Drag the image to reposition it at the top-left corner, and also drag the guide
markers to resize it.

7. To add a slicer, first de-select the image by clicking an empty area of the report
8. In the Fields pane, select the Date | Year field (not the Year level of the
9. Notice that a table of year values has been added to the report page.
10. To convert the visual from a table to a slicer, in the Visualizations pane, select
the Slicer.
11. To see the table in expanded form, click Focus mode.
1. To convert the slicer from a list to a dropdown, at the top-right of the
slicer, click the down-arrow, and then select Dropdown.

13. Resize and reposition the slicer so it sits beneath the image, and so it is the same
width as the image.

14. In the Year slicer, select FY2020, and then collapse the dropdown list.

The report page is now filtered by year FY2020.

15. De-select the slicer by clicking an empty area of the report page.
16. Create a second slicer, based on the Region | Region field (not the Region level
of the hierarch).
17. Leave the slicer as a list, and then resize and reposition the slicer beneath
the Year slicer.

18. To format the slicer, beneath the Visualizations pane, open the Format pane.

19. Expand then Selection Controls group.

20. Set the Show "Select All" Option to On.

21. In the Region slicer, notice that the first item is now Select All.

When selected, this item either selects all, or de-selects all items. It makes it
easier for report users to set the right filters.

22. De-select the slicer by clicking an empty area of the report page.
23. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click
the Line and Stacked Column Chart visual type.
24. Resize and reposition the visual so it sits to the right of the logo, and so it fills
the width of the report page.

25. Drag the following fields into the visual:

1. Date | Month
2. Sales | Sales
26. In the visual fields pane (not the Fields pane, the visual fields pane is located
beneath the Visualizations pane), notice that the fields are assigned to
the Shared Axis and Column Values wells.
By dragging visuals into a visual, they will be added to default wells. For
precision, you can drag fields directly into the wells, as you will do now.

27. From the Fields pane, drag the Sales | Profit Margin field into

the Line Values well.

28. Notice that the visual has 11 months only.

The last month of the year, 2020 June, does not have any sales (yet). By default,
the visual has eliminated months with BLANK sales. You will now configure
the visual to show all months.

29. In the visual fields pane, in the Shared Axis well, for the Month field, click the
down-arrow, and then select Show Items With No Data.
30. Notice that the month 2020 June now appears.
31. De-select the chart by clicking an empty area of the report page.
32. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click the Map visual

33. Resize and reposition the visual so it sits beneath the column/line chart, and so
it fills half the width of the report page.
34. Add the following fields to the visual wells:
1. Location: Region | Country
2. Legend: Product | Category
3. Size: Sales | Sales
35. De-select the chart by clicking an empty area of the report page.
36. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click
the Stacked Bar Chart visual type.

37. Resize and reposition the visual so it fills the remaining report page space.
38. Add the following fields to the visual wells:
1. Axis: Product | Category
2. Value: Sales | Quantity
39. To format the visual, open the Format pane.
40. Expand the Data Colors group, and then set the Default Color property to a
suitable color (in contrast to the column/line chart).
41. Set the Data Labels property to On.
42. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

The design of the first page is now complete.

Design page 2

In this task, you will design the second report page. When you've completed the design, the
page will look like the following:

1. To create a new page, at the bottom-left, click the plus icon.

2. Rename the page to Profit.
3. Add a slicer based on the Region | Region field.
4. Use the Format pane to enable the "Select All" option (in
the Selection Controls group).
5. Resize and reposition the slicer so it sits at the left side of the report page, and
so it is about half the page height.

6. Add a matrix visual, and resize and reposition it so it fills the remaining space
of the report page

7. Add the Date | Fiscal hierarchy to the matrix Rows well.

8. Add the following five Sales table fields to the Values well:

o Orders (from the Counts folder)
o Sales
o Cost
o Profit
o Profit Margin

9. In the Filters pane (located at the left of the Visualizations pane), notice

the Filter On This Page well (you may need to scroll down).
10. From the Fields pane, drag the Product | Category field into
the Filter On This Page well.
11. Inside the filter card, at the top-right, click the arrow to collapse the card.

Fields added to the Filters pane can achieve the same result as a slicer. One
difference is they don't take up space on the report page. Another difference is
that they can be configured for more advanced filtering requirements.

12. Add each of the following Product table fields to

the Filter On This Page well, collapsing each, directly beneath
the Category card:
o Subcategory
o Product
o Color

13. To collapse the Filters pane, at the top-right of the pane, click the arrow.
14. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

The design of the second page is now complete.

Design page 3

In this task, you will design the third and final report page. When you've completed the
design, the page will look like the following:

1. Create a new page, and then rename it as My Performance.

2. To simulate the row-level security filters during report design and testing, add
the Salesperson (Performance) | Salesperson field to the Filters pane, inside
the Filters On This Page well.
3. In the filter card, scroll down the list of salespeople, and then check Michael
4. Add a dropdown slicer based on the Date | Year field, and then resize and
reposition it so it sits at the top-left corner of the page.

5. In the slicer, select FY2019.

6. Add a Multi-row Card visual, and then resize and reposition it so it sits to the
right of the slicer and fills the remaining width of the page.
7. Add the following four fields to the visual:
o Sales | Sales
o Targets | Target
o Targets | Variance
o Targets | Variance Margin
8. Format the visual:
o In the Data Labels group, increase the Text Size property to 28pt
o In the Background group, set the Color to a light gray color

9. Add a Clustered Bar Chart visual, and then resize and reposition it so it sits

beneath the multi-row card visual and fills the remaining height of the page, and
half the width of the multi-row card visual.
10. Add the following fields to the visual wells:
o Axis: Date | Month
o Value: Sales | Sales and Targets | Target
11. To create a copy of the visual, press Ctrl+C, and then press Ctrl+V.
12. Position the copied visual to the right of the original visual.

13. To modify the visualization type, in the Visualizations pane,

select Clustered Column Chart.
It's now possible to see the same data expressed by two different visualization types. This
isn't a good use of the page layout, but you will improve it subsequent labs.

Publish the report

In this task, you will publish the report.

1. Select the Overview page.
2. Save the Power BI Desktop file.
3. On the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Share group, click Publish.

4. Publish the report to My workspace.

5. Leave Power BI Desktop open.

In the next exercise, you will explore the report in the Power BI service.

Explore the report

In this exercise, you will explore the Sales Report in the Power BI service.

This exercise will require you to login to Power BI service, you can use your existing account
or create a trial account before starting this lab.

Explore the sales report

In this task, you will explore the Sales Report in the Power BI service.

1. In Microsoft Edge, in the Power BI service, in the Navigation pane, review the

contents of your workspace, and then click the Sales Report report.

The report publication has added a report to your workspace. If you don't see it,
press F5 to reload the browser, and then expand the workspace again.

2. In the Regions slicer, while pressing the Ctrl key, select multiple regions.

3. In the column/line chart, select any month column to cross filter the page.
4. While pressing the Ctrl key, select an additional month.

By default, cross filtering filters the other visuals on the page.

5. Notice that the bar chart is filtered and highlighted, with the bold portion of the
bars representing the filtered months.
6. Hover the cursor over the visual, and then at the top-right, click the filter icon.

The filter icon allows you to understand all filters that are applied to the visual,
including slicers and cross filters from other visual.

7. Hover the cursor over a bar, and then notice the tooltip information.
8. To undo the cross filter, in the column/line chart, click an empty area of the
9. Hover the cursor over the map visual, and then at the top-right, click
the In Focus icon.

In focus mode it zooms in on the visual to full page size.

10. To return to the report page, at the top-left, click Back to Report.

11. Hover the cursor over the map visual again, and then click the ellipsis (...), and
notice the menu options.
12. Try out each of the options.
13. At the left, in the Pages pane, select the Profit page.

14. Notice that the Region slicer has a different selection to the Region slicer on the

Overview page.

The slicers are not synchronized. In the next lab, you will modify the report
design to ensure they sync between pages.

15. In the Filters pane (located at the right), expand a filter card, and apply some

The Filters pane allows you to define more filters than could possibly fit on a
page as slicers.

16. In the matrix visual, use the plus (+) button to expand into the Fiscal hierarchy.
17. Select the My Performance page.
18. At the top-right on the menu bar, click View, and then select Full Screen.
19. Interact with the page by modifying the slicer, and cross filtering the page.
20. At the bottom-left, notice the commands to change page, navigate backwards or
forwards between pages, or to exit full screen mode.
21. Press esc to exit full screen mode.
22. To return to the workspace, click My workspace in the upper left corner.

Next unit: Check your knowledge


Check your knowledge

200 XP
 3 minutes

Answer the following questions to see what you've learned.


What is the benefit of using a report tooltip?

To give users additional information about a report visual, such as the author and
date/time it was created.

To provide additional detail that is specific to the context of the data that is being
hovered over.

To give users the ability to export data from the visual.


Which of the following options is not one of the four components in the Q&A

The question box, where users enter their question and are shown suggestions to
help them complete their question.

A pre-populated list of suggested questions

Automatic creation of a custom tooltip

An icon that users can select to convert the Q&A visual into a standard visual.
An icon that users can select to open Q&A tooling, which allows designers to
configure the underlying natural language engine.

Do you need to import custom visuals each time you want to use them when you are
developing a new report?

No, custom visuals are always available for selection under the Visualization pane.

Yes, custom visuals must be imported from AppSource each time you start
developing a new report.

No, custom visuals only need to be imported once and will always remain in Power BI
for future use in a new report.
Check your answers

Completed100 XP
 1 minute

If your organization wants to transform the way that it presents data to management
and stakeholders, and wants to move from a text and tabular report format to a
more visual format, you can use Power BI visuals. These visuals help report users get
quicker, easier access to the information that they need to make their business
decisions, from a report that is more visually pleasing.

To help your report audience connect and interact with these visuals, you can create
a combination of visuals in your Power BI Desktop and then customize those visuals
to ensure that they comply with organizational requirements.

Power BI Desktop offers a range of visual options that you can quickly add to your
report, and it also gives you the ability to import custom visuals from a rich library
that you can use to solve additional business problems. You can select the most
effective visuals for your report needs and take advantage of Power BI's formatting
options to customize those visuals to meet your organization's requirements.

If Power BI Desktop didn't provide visuals as the means to effectively communicate

the insights that you find in your data, your user might find it difficult to access the
information that they need and might ultimately struggle to make good business

Now that you have added visuals to your report, your managers can access the
underlying data. The added bonus of a cleverly-designed report in Power BI that
contains a variety of visuals is that your managers and all other report users will
enjoy the experience of using your report.

Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 1

The estimated time to complete the lab is 45 minutes

In this lab you will create a three-page report. You will then publish it to Power BI,
whereupon you will open and interact with the report.

In this lab you learn how to:

 Design a report
 Configure visual fields and format properties

Lab story

This lab is one of many in a series of labs that was designed as a complete story from data
preparation to publication as reports and dashboards. You can complete the labs in any order.
However, if you intend to work through multiple labs, for the first 10 labs, we suggest you do
them in the following order:

1. Prepare Data in Power BI Desktop

2. Load Data in Power BI Desktop
3. Model Data in Power BI Desktop, Part 1
4. Model Data in Power BI Desktop, Part 2
5. Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop, Part 1
6. Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop, Part 2
7. Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 1
8. Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 2
9. Create a Power BI Dashboard
10. Create a Power BI Paginated Report
11. Perform Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop
12. Enforce Row-Level Security

Exercise 1: Create a Report

In this exercise you will create a three-page report named Sales Report.

Task 1: Get started – Sign in

In this task you will setup the environment for the lab by signing in to Power BI.

Important: If you have already signed in to Power BI, continue from the next task.

1. To open Microsoft Edge, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Edge program shortcut.

2. In the Microsoft Edge browser window, navigate to

Tip: You can also use the Power BI Service favorite on the Microsoft Edge favorites

3. Click Sign In (located at the top-right corner).

4. Enter the account details provided to you (check out the Resources).

5. If prompted to update the password, reenter the provided password, and then enter
and confirm a new password.

Important: Be sure to record your new password.

6. Complete the sign in process.

7. If prompted by Microsoft Edge to stay signed in, click Yes.
8. Leave the Microsoft Edge browser window open.

Task 2: Get started – Enable Map and filled map visuals

In this task you will enable map and filled map visuals in the environment for the lab by
updating the Integration settings in the Power BI Admin portal.

1. To open the Power BI Admin portal, at the top-right of the browser, click
the Settings icon.

2. Select Admin portal.
3. Scroll down the page to Integration settings. Click the arrow to expand the Map and
filled map visuals option.
4. Set the Map and filled map visuals option to Enabled.
5. Click Apply, to apply the changes.
6. A message will appear at the top-right of the browser stating the Tenant settings
changes will be applied within the next 15 minutes.

7. Leave the Microsoft Edge browser window open.

Task 3: Get started – Open report

In this task you will setup the environment for the lab by opening the starter report.

Important: If you are continuing on from the previous lab (and you completed that lab
successfully), do not complete this task; instead, continue from the next task.

1. To open the Power BI Desktop, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Power BI Desktop

2. To close the getting started window, at the top-left of the window, click X.

3. To sign in to the Power BI service, at the top-right, click Sign In.

4. Complete the sign in process using the same account used to sign in to the Power BI
5. To open the starter Power BI Desktop file, click the File ribbon tab to open the
backstage view.
6. Select Open Report.

7. Click Browse Reports.
8. In the Open window, navigate to the D:\DA100\Labs\07-design-report-in-power-
bi-desktop\Starter folder.
9. Select the Sales Analysis file.
10. Click Open.

11. Close any informational windows that may open.

12. To create a copy of the file, click the File ribbon tab to open the backstage view.
13. Select Save As.

14. If prompted to apply changes, click Apply.

15. In the Save As window, navigate to the D:\DA100\MySolution folder.

16. Click Save.

Task 4: Design page 1

In this task you will design the first report page. When you’ve completed the design, the page
will look like the following:
1. In Power BI Desktop, to rename the page, at the bottom-left, right-click Page 1, and
then select Rename.

Tip: You can also double-click the page name to rename it.

2. Rename the page as Overview, and then press Enter.

3. To add an image, on the Insert ribbon tab, from inside the Elements group,

click Image.

4. In the Open window, navigate to the D:\DA100\Resources folder.

5. Select the AdventureWorksLogo.jpg file, and then click Open.
6. Drag the image to position it at the top-left corner, and also drag the guide markers to
resize it.

7. To add a slicer, first de-select the image by clicking an empty area of the report page.
8. In the Fields pane, select the Date | Year field (not the Year level of the hierarchy).

The labs use a shorthand notation to reference a field. It will look like this: Date |
Year. In this example, Date is the table name and Year is the field name.

9. Notice that a table of year values has been added to the report page.
10. To convert the visual from a table to a slicer, in the Visualizations pane, select
the Slicer.

11. To convert the slicer from a list to a dropdown, at the top-right of the slicer, click the
down-arrow, and then select Dropdown.
12. Resize and position the slicer so it sits beneath the image and is the same width as the

13. In the Year slicer, open the dropdown list, select FY2020, and then collapse the
dropdown list.

The report page is now filtered by year FY2020.

14. De-select the slicer by clicking an empty area of the report page.
15. Create a second slicer, based on the Region | Region field (not the Region level of
the hierarch).
16. Leave the slicer as a list, and then resize and position the slicer beneath
the Year slicer.

17. To format the slicer, beneath the Visualizations pane, open the Format pane.

18. Expand the Selection Controls group.

19. Set the Show “Select All” Option to On.

20. In the Region slicer, notice that the first item is now Select All.

When selected, this item either selects all or de-selects all items. It makes it easier for
report users to set the required slicer items.

21. De-select the slicer by clicking an empty area of the report page.
22. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click the Line and Stacked
Column Chart visual type.

23. Resize and position the visual so it sits to the right of the logo, and so it fills the width
of the report page.

24. Drag and drop the following fields into the visual:
o Date | Month
o Sales | Sales
25. In the visual fields pane (not the Fields pane—the visual fields pane is located
beneath the Visualizations pane), notice that the fields are assigned to the Shared
Axis and Column Values wells/areas.
By dragging fields into a visual, they will be added to default wells/areas. For
precision, you can drag fields directly into the wells/areas, as you will do next.

26. From the Fields pane, drag the Sales | Profit Margin field into the Line

Values well/area.

27. Notice that the visual has 11 months only.

The last month of the year, 2020 June, does not have any sales (yet). By default, the
visual has eliminated months with BLANK sales. You will now configure the visual to
show all months.

28. In the visual fields pane, in the Shared Axis well/area, for the Month field, click the
down-arrow, and then select Show Items With No Data.
29. Notice that the month 2020 June now appears.
30. De-select the chart by clicking an empty area of the report page.
31. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click the Map visual type.

32. Resize and position the visual so it sits beneath the column/line chart, and so it fills
half the width of the chart above.

33. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:

o Location: Region | Country
o Legend: Product | Category
o Size: Sales | Sales
34. De-select the chart by clicking an empty area of the report page.
35. To add a chart to the page, in the Visualizations pane, click the Stacked Bar
Chart visual type.

36. Resize and position the visual so it fills the remaining report page space.

37. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:

o Axis: Product | Category
o Value: Sales | Quantity
38. To format the visual, open the Format pane.

39. Expand the Data Colors group, and then set the Default Color property to a suitable
color (to complement the column/line chart).
40. Set the Data Labels property to On.

41. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

The design of the first page is now complete.

Task 5: Design page 2

In this task you will design the second report page. When you’ve completed the design, the
page will look like the following:

Important: When detailed instructions have already been provided in the labs, the lab steps
will provide more concise instructions. If you need the detailed instructions, you can refer
back to other tasks in this lab.

1. To create a new page, at the bottom-left, click the plus icon.

2. Rename the page to Profit.

3. Add a slicer based on the Region | Region field.

4. Use the Format pane to enable the “Select All” option (in the Selection
Controls group).
5. Resize and position the slicer so it sits at the left side of the report page, and so it is
about half the page height.
6. Add a matrix visual, and resize and position it so it fills the remaining space of the
report page

7. Add the Date | Fiscal hierarchy to the matrix Rows well/area.

8. Add the following five Sales table fields to the Values well/area:

o Orders (from the Counts folder)
o Sales
o Cost
o Profit
o Profit Margin
9. In the Filters pane (located at the left of the Visualizations pane), notice the Filter
On This Page well/area (you may need to scroll down).

10. From the Fields pane, drag the Product | Category field into the Filter On This

Page well/area.
11. Inside the filter card, at the top-right, click the arrow to collapse the card.
Fields added to the Filters  pane can achieve the same result as a slicer. One
difference is they don’t take up space on the report page. Another difference is that
they can be configured to achieve more sophisticated filtering requirements.

12. Add each of the following Product table fields to the Filter On This Page well/area,

collapsing each, directly beneath the Category card:
o Subcategory
o Product
o Color

13. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

The design of the second page is now complete.

Task 6: Design page 3

In this task you will design the third—and final—report page. When you’ve completed the
design, the page will look like the following:

1. Create a new page, and then rename it as My Performance.

2. To simulate the performance of row-level security filters, drag the Salesperson
(Performance) | Salesperson field to the page level filters in the filter pane.
3. Select Michael Blythe. Data on the My Performance report page will now be
filtered to display data for Michael Blythe only.
4. Add a dropdown slicer based on the Date | Year field, and then resize and position it
so it sits at the top-left corner of the page.

5. In the slicer, set the page to filter by FY2019.

6. Add a Multi-row Card visual, and then resize and reposition it so it sits to the right
of the slicer and fills the remaining width of the page.

7. Add the following four fields to the visual:

o Sales | Sales
o Targets | Target
o Targets | Variance
o Targets | Variance Margin
8. Format the visual:
o In the Data Labels group, increase the Text Size property to 28pt
o In the Background group, set the Color to a light gray color

9. Add a Clustered Bar Chart visual, and then resize and position it so it sits beneath
the multi-row card visual and fills the remaining height of the page, and half the width
of the multi-row card visual.
10. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:
o Axis: Date | Month
o Value: Sales | Sales and Targets | Target
11. To create a copy of the visual, press Ctrl+C, and then press Ctrl+V.
12. Position the new visual to the right of the original visual.

13. To modify the visualization type, in the Visualizations pane, select Clustered

Column Chart.
It’s now possible to see the same data expressed by two different visualization types.
This isn’t a good use of the page layout, however, you’ll improve it in the Design a
Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 2 lab by superimposing the visuals. By adding
buttons to the page, you’ll allow the report user to determine which of the two visuals
is visible.

The design of the third—and final—page is now complete.

Task 7: Publish the report

In this task you will publish the report.

1. Select the Overview page.
2. Save the Power BI Desktop file.
3. On the Home ribbon tab, from inside the Share group, click Publish.

4. In the Publish to Power BI window, notice that My Workspace is selected.

5. To publish the report, click Select.

6. When the publication has succeeded, click Got It.

7. Leave Power BI Desktop open.

You’ll explore the report in the Power BI service in the next exercise.

Exercise 2: Explore the Report

In this exercise you will explore the report that was published to Power BI.

Task 1: Explore the report

In this task you will explore the report that was published to Power BI.

1. In the Microsoft Edge browser window, in the Power BI service, in

the Navigation pane (located at the left, and it could be collapsed), expand My

2. Review the contents of the workspace, noticing the Sales Analysis report and dataset.

When you published the Power BI Desktop file, the data model was published as a

If you don’t see it, press F5 to reload the browser, and then expand the workspace
3. To open the report, click the Sales Analysis report.
4. At the left, in the Pages pane, select the Overview page.
5. In the Regions slicer, while pressing the Ctrl key, select multiple regions.
6. In the column/line chart, select any month column to cross filter the page.
7. While pressing the Ctrl key, select an additional month.

By default, cross filtering filters all other visuals on the page.

8. Notice that the bar chart is filtered and highlighted, with the bold portion of the bars
representing the filtered months.
9. Hover the cursor over the bar chart visual, and then at the top-right, hover the cursor
over the filter icon.

The filter icon allows you to understand all filters that are applied to the visual,
including slicers and cross filters from other visual.

10. Hover the cursor over a bar, and then notice the tooltip information.
11. To undo the cross filter, in the column/line chart, click an empty area of the visual.
12. Hover the cursor over the map visual, and then at the top-right, click the Focus
mode icon.
Focus mode zooms the visual to full page size.

13. Hover the cursor over different segments of the bar charts to reveal tooltips.
14. To return to the report page, at the top-left, click Back to Report.

15. Hover the cursor over the map visual again, and then at the top-right, click the ellipsis
(…), and then notice the menu options.

16. Try out each of the options, except Chat in Teams.

17. At the left, in the Pages pane, select the Profit page.

18. Notice that the Region slicer has a different selection to the Region slicer on

the Overview page.

The slicers are not synchronized. You’ll modify the report design to ensure they sync
between pages in the Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 2 lab.

19. In the Filters pane (located at the right), expand a filter card, and apply some filters.

The  Filters pane allows you to define more filters than could possibly fit on a page as

20. In the matrix visual, use the plus (+) button to drill into the Fiscal hierarchy.
21. Select the My Performance page.
22. At the top-right on the menu bar, click View, and then select Full Screen.

23. Interact with the page by modifying the slicer, and cross filtering the page.
24. At the bottom of the window, notice the commands to change page, navigate
backwards or forwards between pages, or to exit full screen mode.
25. Click the left icon to exit full screen mode.

Task 2: Finish up

In this task you will complete the lab.

1. To return to your workspace, in the banner across the window web page, click My

2. Leave the Microsoft Edge browser window open.

You will enhance the report design with advanced features in the Design a Report in
Power BI Desktop, Part 2 lab.

You have successfully completed this Module, to mark the lab as complete click End.

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