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By: Muhammed Geleto and Tadelech Tadese

June, 2021
Asella, Ethiopia

Annex 2. Title page



Title:- Retrospective Study On Major Livestock Disease In Lemu And Bilbilo Woreda

Advisors: Dr Hani Solomon (Msc Dvm Assit Proff)

June, 2021

Asella, Ethiopia

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………….ii

LIST OF ABBREVATIONS..........................................................................................................iii


1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS.............................................................................................3

2.1 Study Area..........................................................................................................................3

2.2. Study Animals...................................................................................................................3

2.3. Sample Size.......................................................................................................................3

2.4. Retrospective Study...........................................................................................................4

3. Action plan...................................................................................................................................5

4. Budget…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

5. REFRENCE.................................................................................................................................7


CSA central statistics authority

OIE office international des epizooties

WTO World Trade Organization

LSD lumpy and skin disease

CBPP contagious bovine pleuropnumonia

CCPP contagious caprine pleuropnumonia


Ethiopia has huge numbers of livestock hampered with high prevalence of infectious disease due
to poor disease prevention and control. A five-year retrospective study was conducted to collect
data on commonly diagnosed bacterial and viral disease available at district government
veterinary clinic in 2021. The commonly encountered bacterial and viral cattle diseases recorded
in the case record book were lumpy and skin disease, black leg, anthrax, bovine pasteurellosis,
salmonellosis, coscoccidosis, colibacillosis, actinobacillosis, actinomycosis and mastitis. Sheep
and goat pox disease, ovine pasteurellosis, PPR and anthrax were the common diseases of sheep
and goat in the study district. Regarding diseases of poultry, new castle, infectious bursal
diseases (gumboro), infectious coriza, chicken pox, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, fowl cholera, and
marex are the major once.

Key words:- livestock disease , livestock specises , lemu bilbilo district , retrospective data


Ethiopia is known to be first in livestock population in Africa and 10 th in the world with
59.5millions heads of cattle, 30.70 million sheep, 30.2 million goat, 11.01 million equines ,1.21
million camels and 59.5 million poultry (Authority CSA, 2017).Oromia region is one of the
livestock potential regions which consists the largest livestock population in Ethiopia. The
numbers of livestock species of the region estimated to be 24.1millions head of cattle 9.8 million
sheep,8.1 million goat,1.2 million horse, 140,114 mules, 3.4 million donkey, 299,422 camel and
20,4 million poultry. Arsi Zone is one of the livestock potential Zones of the Region with
estimated livestock population of 2.5millions cattle ,1.5millions sheep 789,864 goats .276,767
horses,28,658 mules,509,410 donkey, 52,853 camels and 2 million poultry.

L lemu and bilbilo woreda is one of the livestock potential district with estimated livestock
population cattle 265,450 sheep 291,285,goat 288,64,equine 107,052,poultry 81,100 and bee
colony 19,835.

Diseases can directly or indirectly affect livestock production which resulted in food insecurity,
food safety, trade ban, rural development, and the environment, while also affecting the
livelihood of farmers (EU, 2012). In Ethiopia, animal diseases are rampant in all agro-ecological
zones of the country and are exerting both direct and indirect damages to the livestock industry
in particular and national economy in general. There is high morbidity and mortality of chicken
with the overall mortality of 56.8% 50% and 43.8% in Ethiopia.Oromia and Arsi Zone
respectively (CSA), 2017).

Ethiopia is unable to enter into lucrative international markets of livestock and livestock products
because of the presence endemic and trans boundary livestock disease which cannot adhere to
the international standards, guidelines and recommendations established by the OIE mainly the
rights and obligations set out by the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the Agreement on

Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) trade standards in animals and animal products (Thiermann,
2005). According to (Yearbook, 2011), and (Gizaw et al., 2020) report, the major diseases of
ruminants in Ethiopia so far reported and highly prevalent are foot and mouth disease, LSD,
Anthrax, black leg, bovine pasteurelosis, CBPP, Bovine tuberculosis, bovine brucellosis, bovine
cysticercosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis, mastitis, sheep and goat pox, camel pox, CCPP,
Ovine pasteurelosis external and internal parasites. Regarding chicken diseases, Newcastle
disease, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, Fowl Cholera, Fowl Typhoid and Coccidiosis are highly prevalent
and economically important diseases in Ethiopia.

Fulfilling the international animal health and food safety standards has been a challenge for
many countries including Ethiopia. This is due to the fact that infectious and zoonotic diseases
intersect with the realities of porous borders and are exacerbated by the unusable agricultural,
economic, and political systems prevailed in such environments. Furthermore, due to the
widespread animal diseases, the productivity and production efficiency of livestock species is
greatly affected and the public is also at risk of contracting by any of the endemic zoonotic
diseases. Thus, to mitigate the ever-increasing trends of disease threats posed to the animal
agriculture and public health risks, immediately animal tread is one of the best prevention
methods currently available and practiced in both animals and humans.
The objective of this research is

 To identify livestock disease at woreda level and occurrence of disease

 To assess livestock disease and impacts of disease



Study Area
Lemu and bilbilo district is located in Eastern Arsi zone, Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. It is
located at 58 km distance from Asella town and 280 km far from Addis Ababa. It is bounded in
Eastern Honqolo wabe , Munesa Northern Segure, and Southern Asasa and Southern Chole.
Topography lly, the district is mostly highland area with altitude estimated ranging from 2514 to
3800 meter above sea level and has annual rainfall of 800 to 1200 mmHg and its climate zone is
composed of dega High land 82% and woyina dega mid land 18% Vegetation of the area
changes with altitudes and rain fall ranging from scattered trees and bushes to dense shrubs.
From the total land 28,685 hector, were used for cultivation 2,446 hector for grazing, 4275
hector for forest land, 381 hector for pasture land and the study area has 175,113 cattle
population (GWLEP, 2003).

The study was conducted from march to August 2021 in lemu and bilbilo districts of eastern
arsi zone. The area is characterized by crop-livestock mixed farming system. Teff, wheat,
barley, peas and beans, are the major annual crops grown in the area. According to OBPED
(2000) cattle, sheep, goats, horse, mules, donkey and poultry are the main livestock species
raised in the district.

Study Animals
The study population consists of all livestock treated during the past five years at the woreda
levels on the 9 veterinary clinic having different health problems.

Sample Size
For this preliminary survey the sample size cover all livestock treated during the included years
at the woreda all veterinary clinic.

Retrospective Study

Data were collected from veterinary clinic case registration book during the period from 2016 to
2021 to determine occurrence of major animal health problems encountered/examined during the
past 5 years.
Consultation of the woreda veterinary professional to identify the major livestock health
problems in their area and about the health service coverage of the woreda is also included.
Data analysis
Annex 3. Work plan

Activities March Apr May June July August

Purchase of equipments and reagents (materials) X
Preliminary field visit X X
Assess case book at woreda level X x X X
Interpret and analysis case book X x X X
Data entery and analysis X
Writing of paper and presentation X X

Action plan
The research work will be implemented according to the following plan

Activities months (2021)

March April May June July August

Title selection 
Proposal writing 

Literature review
    
Case book recard assess
   
Frist progress report

Second progress report

Data entry and analysis
 
Thesis writing
 

Total Budget

No Activities Unit of Unit Price Total Price

1 Price for paper purchase Pak. 1 500
2 Rent For PS/Computer Time 1500 1500

3 Per time for record day 5 1500

4 Transport to collect data from km 25 700
Total 4200


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