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The two pie-charts given compare the difference of the American consumers’

diet between 1990 and 2005.

It is clearly that, fat and starches is the most important source of the averange in
American’s diet in both years. Also there were larger percentages of fat in 1990,
but in 2005 starches has higher percentages. To be specific, in the 1990, nearly
a half of the total spending on fat and starches in 2005. However, the period
from 1990 and 2005 witnessed a remarkable decrease by 12% in the
percentages of fat. In contrast, there was a sharply rise in the amount of starches
from 22% from 1990 to 43% in 2005, obviously became the most favored
nutrient. This increase was comparable to a decrease in the amount of fat
consumed. Likewise, the sugar consumption initially accounted for about a
quarter of the total and decreased by 9% in the period of 15 years. Meanwhile,
the proportion of protein presented the smallest of the total, remaining stable
during 15 years at just 12% 
In summary, American consumers have decreased the amount of fat and sugar,
and now eating more starch in their diets.

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