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Therapeutic Communication Techniques in Nursing

Nama: Muhammad Furqan

NIM: 2011135236
Kelas: A 2020 2

A. Match the following definitions in the left column with the terms in the right column

No Definitions Answer Terms

1 Repeating the main thought expressed by the patient C A -- Listening
2 Questions or statements that help the patient D B -- Open-ended
expand on a topic importance question
3 Responses on the part of the nurse such as A C -- Restating
maintaining eye to eye contact, nodding, gesturing D -- Focusing
and other forms of receptive non-verbal E -- Clarification
communication convey to the patient that he is being
listened to and understood.
4 Attempting to put vague ideas or unclear thoughts of E
the patient into words to enhance the nurse’s
understanding or asking the patient to explain what
he means
5 An incomplete sentence encourages the client to talk B
about that. Questions require description in answer
B. Macth the following statement in the left column with the Therapeutic Communication
Techniques in the right column

No Statement/question Answer Term

1 “tell me about,,,,,,” B A -- Listening
2 “on a scale of 0 to 10, tell me the level of the D B -- Open-ended question
pain you are experiencing in your great toe C -- Restating
right now” D -- Focusing
3 “Oh…. I see” A E -- Clarification
4 “I am not sure I understand. Could you explain E
that to me again?”
5 “you say that you threw up twice this C

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