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Loud Thoughts

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime)
Relationship: Damian Desmond/Anya Forger
Character: Damian Desmond, Anya Forger
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Wet Dream, Fluff and Smut, Started as a simple
smut became a fluff festival, so many inner monologues
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Loud Thoughts, Louder Responses
Collections: the forger family
Stats: Published: 2022-05-31 Completed: 2022-09-17 Chapters: 8/8 Words:

Loud Thoughts
by lordbloodravens


Damian has a particularly hot dream involving Anya, and now that they're in class, its
extremely difficult to keep his mind from trying to relive it.


First fic for this fandom, but the brainrot is real.

Chapter 1

Against all odds, Emile had gotten himself a girlfriend during their summer break. And of course
all he wanted to do now was boast about it. Damian and his two friends were supposed to be
studying in the Common Hall, but Emile couldn’t just shut up about the girl he met at his parent’s
vacation home.

“The best part was when we went swimming at the lake at night. She didn’t have a swimsuit so she
went in with just her summer dress, a white summer dress! I don’t need to tell you what was
obviously pointing at me after she got wet, if you know what I mean?”

Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes. They all knew what he meant. Lately the trio’s
conversations had taken the custom to get rather racy. Who had the biggest tits from their
classmates? Who looked better in PE’s uniform? What girl would be most likely to accept going on
a date with one of them?

Damian knew these were normal topics for boys their age, but he still felt rather odd participating
in them, so he usually let Emile and Ewen do all the talking while he just listened and nodded. His
mind was absent, thinking of ways to stand out and make his family proud.

Until suddenly a name caught his attention.

“You know? The other day that ditz of Anya Forger dropped some juice on her shirt. She might be
dumb, but she has some pretty nice tits, I could totally see them when her shirt got wet.” Ewen was
saying with a smile.

Emile laughed but stopped as soon as he saw Damian’s face. Just the thought of another guy ogling
at Anya set him in a foul mood. He would be dead before accepting he had any kind of romantic
feelings for that girl, but in a way he still cared about her, and Ewen disrespecting her made him
irrationally angry. She was a pure soul, not to be tainted with the lecherous talks of teenage boys.

“We shouldn’t talk about our classmates like that,” was all he said, repressing all his anger, and no,
not jealousy at all.

“Sorry boss, you’re right.” His friends said in unison, and after that they fell into a sort of awkward
silence until Emile began talking about a new movie he had seen.

They latched to that new topic and Damian was able to escape to the back of his mind again. It had
bothered him that Ewen spoke about Anya in that way, but for some reason the mental image of
her with a wet shirt, her breasts barely showing through the sheer fabric, her red face flushed with
embarrassment, trying to cover her bra with her arms, made his head spin. That image was etched
into his brain.

Later, when they were all tucked into bed, the mental image appeared again, but this time it began
playing like a movie. And now they weren’t at school, but at a lake and it was dark, the sky full of
stars and a bright moon. He was definitely dreaming he realized, but he made a conscious effort to
not wake up.

In the dream, Anya led him by the hand, and all he could see was her mane of pink curls and her
back, as she walked confidently between the bushes, to a place where they could jump into the

When they reached the shore, she let go of his hand and without saying a word, she entered the
water. Only when she turned around, could Damian see she was completely naked. The moonlight
shone brightly, reflecting on the water and on her huge green eyes, full of mischief. The water
covered her breast, but sometimes the ripple of the waves was low enough to reveal a small and
pink nipple.

“What are you waiting for, Sy-on boy?” she asked with a smile.

Damian didn’t hesitate one second and jumped into the lake. But the second his toes hit the water,
he woke up.

Morning wasn’t the only thing that had come.

Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

This was supposed to be a short three chapters fic but things have taken a turn. Expect
at least three or four more chapters.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

8:00 AM - First period: PE

That dream had really affected Damian. As soon as he woke up he had to hit the showers. Luckily
the cold water brought him back to his senses and now he could concentrate in class.

Thursdays always began with Physical Education. Master Henderson, who somehow had served all
these years as their professor in the most various ways started the class by saying:

“There’s nothing more élégant than properly stretching before doing any sport. We must avoid
injuries to our muscles at all costs.”

The students spread across the gymnasium and began their exercises. Damian was aware that the
brain wasn’t the only important part one must work on to be an accomplished student, so he took
sports and PE as seriously as any other subject.

But just when he was starting to move his arms around, he heard Becky Blackbell’s voice shouting
in awe “Wow Anya! You’re so flexible! Did Mrs. Yor teach you that?”

The urge to peak in Anya Forger’s direction was just too much. After last night’s events, Damian
had tried to avoid looking at her, but between Becky’s voice, clearly audible in the entire room and
that cursed ability Anya had to stand out in every environment, it was just too easy to stare.

Spotting her a mere two meters away from him, he could see her stretching her arms to touch the
tip of her toes, pointing her ass directly at him. Why were girls allowed to wear such short pants?
Didn’t they know how it would affect boys his age?

The dream came back to his mind, vividly, but now that Damian was awake, he could manipulate
it with his imagination however he wanted. In the dream Anya was completely naked, but there
was definitely some allure in the skimpy outfit she was wearing right now.

He began imagining the two of them, alone in the storage room, probably after class. She would
waste time putting the equipment away, trying to prolong their time alone together, and he would
pretend not to notice. But knowing what she really wanted.

He would pin her against the wall, her face red with embarrassment, but not trying to free herself
from his grip. Her green eyes looking expectantly, her lips begging to be kissed, those little shorts
already wet, waiting for his hands to touch her.

The things he would do . He wasn’t sure if he would love her gently, covering her with kisses
starting from her neck and slowly going down on her, tasting every bit of her. Or if he should fuck
her raw over the training mats until she was screaming his name.
He thought she probably deserved both, and since it was in the most private parts of his mind, he
could do that and a thousand other positions over and over, until he was satisfied.

“Anya? Are you alright? You suddenly got very red!” Becky’s worried voice brought Anya back.
“And you’re breathing really heavily too! Are you sure you don’t want to go to the infirmary?”

“What? No, no, it’s ok. I feel fine.” What just happened?!?!?

Classes and areas with crowds had always been difficult for Anya, but with the years she had
learned how to tune out most thoughts. She usually was able to direct her powers at the minds she
actually wanted to read and leave the rest behind.

But if someone is screaming your name in the middle of a crowd, you’re bound to turn your head
around. And Sy-on boy has been doing way more than that for the past twenty minutes.

With years of reading Damian Desmond’s mind, Anya had finally understood that he wasn’t
actually a big meanie who hated her. It was just hard for him to express his emotions. They weren’t
the best of friends, and Damian hadn’t invited her to his house yet, that mission was still
developing. But she felt they had an amicable relationship, where at least he didn’t bully her any

So it dropped like a nuclear bomb on her when a scenario, the kind not even Becky would see in
her tv shows, was happening in Damian’s head with her as the main character.

But the worst part was that she hadn't been able to stop reading him. At first it had been mere
curiosity as to why she was in Damian's mind. But as the scene kept going she lost sight of her
surroundings and was one hundred percent invested in sy-on boy's fantasy.

Her heart started beating faster, she could feel the blood rising on her neck, and there was a weird
tingling sensation between her legs.

"Damian! Make me yours Damian!"

She could hear herself screaming and making other sounds she had never emitted before like it was
a recording of her voice. And as if that wasn't enough, the images to go with it were so lewd she
wondered how sy-on boy kept such a straight face in the middle of the class.

She would never have imagined being pinned to a wall with a boy kissing your neck while his
hands are inside your panties could be so… hot?

Should Anya be enjoying this as much as she was? If anyone else found out she would die of
embarrassment but she couldn't stop herself from continuing reading his mind.

During a particularly hot moment when mind Damian was carrying mind Anya, with her legs
wrapped around his torso, real life Anya's gaze crossed paths with real life Damian. She knew in a
second he had noticed her because the fantasy stopped abruptly and his face went red as a tomato.

He had the decency to look the other way in embarrassment. But Anya didn't care about that! She
wanted to know what happened later!

She kept reading his mind for the rest of the class, but the spell was broken. All his thoughts went
back to his normal goal of standing out and being perfect.
But something had awakened in Anya. She wanted more of that rush, she wanted Damian
Desmond to keep thinking about her. She would have to make some situations for that to happen.

Chapter End Notes

Guys thank you for all the comments and kudos! You guys are the best ❤️
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Tags said smut AND fluff so...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

9:30 AM - Recess

Anya's mind usually had one goal in school, and that was helping her dad's mission to achieve
world peace. But now a second urge had bloomed inside her. Could it help her get closer to her
original goal? Maybe. But world peace was one of the last things in her mind right now.

She and Becky were sitting under a tree eating some fancy snacks Becky's dad had brought from
his trip overseas. In the meantime she was telling Anya about the last episode of the romance she
was watching these days.

"I'm telling you Anya! It was so romantic! Beatrice was about to fall from the bridge to a sure
death but Vincent caught her at the last second, saving her! And then they kissed! Men love a
damsel in distress!"

"They do?"

"Oh they surely do! Imagine being saved by Loid's strong arms… Your mom is so lucky!"

Anya had her doubts about her mom needing any saving but maybe Becky had a point? Maybe to
ignite Damian’s imagination again, she needed to create a situation where he could “save her”.

But Eden was such a safe place. What could create a dangerous situation in a school? The yard was
composed of a few benches, some trees and a fountain. Not like one could drown in the fountain.
And falling from climbing a tree wasn’t a secure route for Damian to notice her, and she could end
up hurting herself real bad. It was a stupid idea anyway.

And in any case, she hadn’t seen Damian anywhere in the yard today. He disappeared after PE,
probably to his dorm. But that at least gave Anya some time to digest what had happened.

Why was Damian having such lewd thoughts involving her? Did he feel something for her or was
it just a normal thing teenage boys did? As Anya and her classmates grew out of childhood, she
noticed how frequent romantic and lewd thoughts started appearing inside their minds. She had
gotten used to the usual “Does he/she like me?” or “Should I ask X out to the movies?” and other
thoughts of that sort.

But never from Damian Desmond, not until now. Reading his mind was more like reading a
difficult math book mixed with a sad depressive novel. The constant plans and schemes to stand
out, to make his father proud and be noticed, mixed with the sad realization he would never be
good enough for his family, always relegated to the background. She even felt bad for him, always
trying so hard with little to no results. It was obvious his family situation wasn't the best. Not
everyone could have such loving parents as hers.

So it was a huge surprise when in the middle of the sad math book appeared a full frontal page of a
porn magazine. Not like Anya read those kinds of magazines but one time she heard some boys
talking about it and curiosity got the best of her. She and Becky managed to get their hands on one,
but the photos of naked ladies in provocative poses did little for her.

Damian's thoughts on the other hand… She could feel her face getting hot just from remembering
them. Anya tried picturing them herself, but maybe she wasn't knowledgeable enough because all
she managed to do was repeat the scenes she had seen over and over.

In the end the bell rang signaling the end of the recess and all the students started heading to their
next class.

And I didn't get to see Sy-on boy at all…

A crowd of students were going up the stairs when a sudden cry of desperation could be heard in
the upper floor.

"RUN! It's Old Lady Tonitrus!"

Those words were enough to install fear in the crowd of students that suddenly turned into a
stampede of people going in the opposite direction. Anya tried to escape too but someone pushed
her too hard against the railing, making her lose her balance. It was so fast, she just closed her eyes
and prepared to fall over the railing onto the lower floor, probably breaking a bone in the process.

But when she opened her eyes she was still intact, a strong arm securing her in place by her waist.

She turned her head around to find Sy-on boy's face completely red, just a couple of inches from
her. Had he always had such pretty and long eyelashes?

She could hear her own heart beating at an abnormally loud level, but even above that she could
hear Damian's thoughts.

That was close… I don't know what I would do if she ever got hurt. I'm so glad I could protect her.

"Hey you klutz, don't be so careless, if you broke your neck it would be a bother for all of us," he
said instead with his most annoyed voice, but for some reason he still hadn't let go of Anya.

"Thank you… Damian," was all Anya could say, half in shock from the danger avoided, half in
shock because his arm was just so attached to her waist still.

I think that's the first time she calls me by my name.

"Anyway, just be more careful!" He finally let go of her and continued on his way to their
classroom. But Anya could see the little leaps of joy he was doing in his mind.

Maybe Becky was onto something.

Chapter End Notes

Again thank you guys for all the comments and kudos, they give me life!!
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

10:05 AM - Second Period: Literature

Damn, that was really close. For a moment there I thought she was a goner. AAAAH I can’t
believe I held her like that!!

Damian could still feel the warmth of Anya’s body in his arm, and the closeness of her breath
when she faced him still fogged his thoughts. Once in the classroom, he was barely able to find his
way to the upper desks where he always sat.

He was replaying the scene over and over in his mind, savoring every detail of the close encounter.
And at the same time hating himself for being so obsessed with it. All day he hadn’t been able to
stop thinking about Anya Forger, not since he had that dream. Well maybe not since the dream…
maybe some time before that.

His relationship with the Forger girl had always been complicated. While all his classmates always
tried to suck up to him, she had no problem sucker punching him on their first day at Eden. But at
the same time she was always looking for him, telling him about her dog, her travels, or whatever
novelty happened in her mediocre life. Was she looking for his approval? Or was it a sincere
attempt to become his friend, one actually so sincere he had trouble distinguishing it from the other
half baked tries other people did to get close to him and his father?

Her way of doing things had always puzzled him. He was so sure about how each person had a
role, every action had a reason and then an expected outcome, all to fit the plan he had established
to reach his destiny. And then came Anya Forger, shattering the glass dome that was his life like a
meteor at 1000mph. Always being weird, always looking him straight in the eyes, always
answering out loud things he said to himself in his mind. Was he that easy to read for her?

He began panicking a little. If I’m that easy to read, does that mean she knows what I was thinking
in PE?! No, there’s no way. My face was blank and I wasn’t even looking at her during the entire
class. He tried to relax. No, that’s impossible. I can be safe in my mind, and these situations will
remain only inside my mind forever. Not like Anya would do any of that stuff anyways.

But she was always so desperate to go to his house? Why? Maybe, just maybe, she did want to
spend some time alone with him. Maybe she wanted to do things that couldn’t be done at school, or
even the dorms, full of other students.

He began to imagine it. Anya Forger at the Desmond Manor. Probably dazzled at first by the size
and luxury of all. He would lead her by the hand, showing her around the gardens, the statue hall,
the hunting trophies, the dining room that fits 50 guests and all the other things he was sure she
didn’t have at her middle class house.

And after all that, he would take her to his room. A room he really didn’t use much, since he was
always at Eden, but it had a bed, and that was all that mattered.

Anya knew how important it was to pay attention to this class, her father had been very serious
about it because she was almost failing this subject, but how could she concentrate on the meaning
of the blue curtains and their relation to the depressive episode the main character was going
through when Sy-on boy was holding her so tenderly in his arms while he played with her hair?
That was a more interesting fiction.

The lewd scenes during the first period had taken her by surprise, but at the same time they were
expected from teenage boys. But his thoughts right now were a whole different ordeal. They were
just lying on his bed, cuddling, holding hands, talking about their dreams or something like that.

Why was she blushing at that? Maybe because it felt more personal than just a sex fantasy? In a sex
fantasy you can place anyone that you think its hot. Anya in PE could have been any other girl that
caught his eye. But this was way more serious. There was a longing, a yearn to be loved, to have
intimacy, not just with their bodies, but with their souls, in Damian’s daydreaming. Anya even felt
bad for the first time about reading someone’s mind, she felt she was intruding in a deeply personal

On the other hand, she rather liked what she was seeing. Since destiny made her a Forger, love was
something that had never been missing from her life. But now, seeing herself in such a romantic
scene made her wonder if maybe she wasn’t indeed missing out on something important.

Wait… Am I actually considering Sy-on boy romantically?

She turned around to look at him, like she had done a thousand times before in all her school years.
And there he was, looking at her. Their gazes met and he blushed furiously, turning his head so she
wouldn’t notice. That wasn’t something new. What did surprise her was that she suddenly felt her
face get hot, a strange warmth heating her neck and cheeks.

In all those years of turning back and checking on Sy-on boy she had never, ever, blushed when
she looked at him. Damian Desmond didn’t have any effect on her, more than being incredibly
difficult to befriend to help Papa's mission.


One way or another he had protected her several times. Sometimes against the cruel remarks of her
classmates, sometimes against a deadly attack of dodgeball or a scary thunder, and more recently
against falling down the stairs.

Wait. Am I as stupid and blind as Sy-on boy?

It became painfully obvious in a second that Damian Desmond had a crush on Anya, probably
since a long time ago and even being able to read his mind, Anya hadn't noticed either. But how
could she have noticed if he himself hadn't?

She turned around to check on him a second time. And there he was, again, staring at her. She read
his mind again just to be sure.

Anya Desmond… it has a nice ring to it. I wonder if my father would approve of her. At least her
father made a good impression on him so that's something… We should honeymoon in the

Well, that was definitely a crush.

We could have our own private yacht, where she sunbathes topless, maybe fuck on the deck…

Yes, no doubt about it. Sy-on boy is in love with me. But why is MY heart beating so fast at that

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for all your comments and kudos! I get so excited every time I see the lil
notification. If any of you want to discuss more damianya you can hit me up at
blackvelvetinfierno in Tumblr
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Guys I'm sorry it took me so long to update, work has been crazy! But to compensate,
this chapter is longer and I promise good stuff!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

12:30 PM - Lunch Break

The omurice on Anya’s plate was as delicious as ever but she could hardly focus on food when
there was something much more important in her mind right now.

“Becky, how do you know you like someone?”

“You mean how to know if someone likes you?” Becky asked and Anya could see she immediately
thought about Damian. I guess she’s finally ready to have this conversation. I’ve known Anya feels
something for Desmond since first grade but now she’s finally admitting it.

“No, I mean, how do you know if the feelings you have for another person are romantic?” She
stopped herself from asking Becky why she was so sure in her thoughts that Anya liked sy-on boy
if she wasn’t sure yet.

Hmm I guess we’re further behind than I thought. She hasn’t admitted it to herself yet. I’ll have to
share my wisdom then.

“You see Anya, knowing you like someone is easy. You know it when you can’t stop thinking
about them, when your face gets red and your palms sweat everytime you look at them. When you
can’t help but think about your future together as a couple. When just the simple act of touching
them sends you to heaven!”

Becky kept listing things with dreamy eyes but all Anya could think was…




Double check

Well that confirms that Sy-on boy likes me. But that doesn’t answer the question about my own
feelings. I haven’t felt any of those things before. Except maybe the sweaty palms. And maybe I am
always thinking about him? But that’s only for Papa’s mission. And I do imagine us having a
relationship, but as friends! For world peace!

She turned to look at Damian, who was seating a few tables to the right and when he caught her
staring, they both blushed and looked away. She never blushed before! Why was that happening

This exchange wasn’t missed by Becky, who very solemnly got closer to Anya and whispered in
her ear:

“Don’t worry Anya, I think he likes you too,” she said with a grin, and after pulling away she
continued “but he’s kind of dense so I wouldn’t count on him doing any moves. You have to put
things into motion yourself!”

“What?! Me making a move?!” Just imagining herself going to Damian and saying she liked him
made her cheeks turn completely red.

“Of course! Why are you so embarrassed about it? Since we started school together you’ve been
very forward about getting close to him. And I’ve always cheered on you from the sides. I can’t
possibly understand what has changed now…”

Anya couldn’t just tell her that all of that had been for the mission, with no romantic feelings
involved. Just friendship, kids being kids. That this was different. She felt mortified just thinking
about confessing, even if she knew Damian liked her.

The most probable outcome was that he asked her out after she confessed. But how could she
confess? How did people go about this sort of thing? Not like she could take inspiration from her
parents, whose relationship had a most abnormal beginning to say the least.

I need to really make sure how I feel about Damian before I do anything. I need to know if these
are my own feelings or I’m just letting myself go with his fantasies.

1:15 PM - Free period to study

“Aaah! I just love these free periods we get in senior year!” Said Becky stretching her arms with a
smile, “Especially when I already did all my homework, so I can just go lay down and rest.”

“Actually, I haven’t finished my history homework yet.” Said Anya, cursing herself for not being
as smart or disciplined as her friend.

“It’s ok, I can help you with it. Want me to go to the library with you?”

Before she could reply, Damian Desmond passed between them with a hurried step.

“Boss-man, where are you going?” shouted Emile and Ewen from behind, “We don’t have class
until 2:00!”

“You think I don’t know that? I just need some quiet place to study and that won’t happen here
with all these kids playing and shouting.” And away from Anya Forger.

"Actually Anya, I just remembered I have to do something… hmm I'll help you later," said Becky
suddenly and then getting close to her ear she whispered, "this is your chance, follow him!"

She waved goodbye and left Anya alone in the middle of the hallway. Damian's friends had already
left the way Becky had gone. Anya had seen Sy-on boy turning to the left, probably to the library.

She hesitated at first. He had been pretty clear in his mind that he wanted to be away from her. But
she was hoping it was only so he could focus on his homework better and not because Damian
hated her or something.

That's silly, I now know he has a crush on me. I bet he'll be secretly happy to see me there.

She pushed to the back of her mind the realization that it would make her sad if he didn't actually
want her near. So she focused on just going after him and dealing with the consequences later.

This is like one of Papa's missions. I just have to tail sy-on boy.

Trying to stop her steps from resounding in the marble floors was no easy task, and she had to get
behind some trash can to not be noticed, but in the end she managed to follow Damian to the
library door.

But when he was opening the door and Anya stepped forward, she tripped a little, making a lot of
noise. Damian turned around, saw her and went back to face the door.

Great, just what I needed. No way I can focus on studying for the history test if she's there.

"Sy-on boy… I mean Damian! Could you help me study for the history test?" Anya spoke the
words so fast she wasn't sure he had understood her.

"Huh?" Is she serious or is she mocking me?

"It's just, you're really good at this subject and I suck at it, and Becky is busy and if my grades drop
any more my dad will be disappointed and I will get a Tronitus and…"

"Ok." Why does she always have that effect on me?

"What? Really?! Thank you, thank you thank you!" She made little jumps of joy while getting
closer to him.

"I'm just doing this because I was planning to study for that test anyway and I guess teaching you
will help me review all the year's content." That if I can focus…

Anya couldn't help but find his blushing face cute. Which made her blush in return.

She's so pretty when she blushes…

"Come, we'll sit at my usual table." He led her inside the library but always trying to face his back
at her.

"You have an usual table?" She couldn't help but giggle.

"It's totally normal! The natural light from the windows is good, the shelves cover you from the
area where little kids gather and make noise, and the temperature is neither too warm nor too cold."

"I think it's nice. You must study here a lot for that to have happened."

"Yeah, I guess so…" I needed to if I wanted to be an Imperial Scholar to not disappoint my father.

They walked in silence between the tall bookshelves and elegant chandeliers that decorated the
library. Anya was a bit embarrassed that in all her years at Eden she had stepped in this place
maybe a couple of times.

They arrived at a table meant for four people, right under a huge window.
"You were right, it's a good place to study."

"Yeah, sure. So, hmm where should we start? What things do you know already?"

"I can handle everything before the Industrial Revolution."

"But that's where we left off last year! You mean you don't know anything of what we've seen this

"Shhhh" a teacher's voice could be heard from behind the shelves.

"Well since they changed Professor Boris for that new guy, Throttle, I haven't been able to focus."

"Why? You like him or something?"

"Or course not!" She couldn't tell him that the professor's obnoxious thoughts about how he
deserved something better than to be teaching and how he would get revenge on the guy that stole
his company and girlfriend were so loud she could barely pay attention to the lessons. "I can't just
get used to the way he teaches, that's all."

"Hmm I think I get it. Well in any case we'll have to begin with the industrial revolution. I know a
good book that covers that topic. Wait right here."

The moment he left, Anya's mind started going at 100mph. Damn, I'm not used to him being so
nice. I actually wasn't expecting for him to accept tutoring me. And since when have his eyes been
so pretty? Get it together Anya!

"Here, we can use this one and write down the main events, their causes and consequences. Do you
have your notebook?"

"Oh, I think I only have my literature one and it only has like five pages left. I can go get it from
my locker though."

"Nah, it's ok I'll lend you one that's almost empty." I can't waste these precious seconds while you
go get it.

He reached in his backpack for a little black notebook with his initials engraved in gold. He put it
on the table carelessly while he looked for other things inside his bag. The notebook ended up with
the front facing against the desk and the back cover opened slightly.

Anya saw some doodles on the last page and among them, her name followed by the Desmond last

*Anya Desmond*

Her eyes grew like plates and she had to look the other way. Damian obviously noticed because he
rapidly turned the book so it was facing upwards.

Did she see it?!? I would literally jump from this second floor to the ground if she saw it.

Since Anya didn't want him to jump to a certain injury or even death she decided to change the
subject abruptly, pretending nothing had happened.

"So why do you like this book? Is not the one we used to study this topic." She said while grabbing
the history book he had chosen.
"The author of the book we use gives too much credit to Ostania. The major events of the industrial
revolution were achieved by other countries but this country's pride can't take it. This book is less


"Are you surprised I would say something like that because my father is the leader of the Ostania
National Unity Party?" I wouldn't blame you, everyone thinks I'm just an extension of him.

"Not at all! I mean, maybe a little surprised but I think world peace is the most important thing in
the world!"

I can tell she isn't lying. Her eyes wouldn't shine that way if she wasn't absolutely sure of what she
was saying.

"So you think war with Westania is pointless?"

"My dad is from We… I mean my dad thinks so too, and if he thinks it it must be true."

I met her father a couple of times. He's a good guy. He even defended me in front of my own father

"You're very lucky to have him."

"I know." Anya replied with a smile.

After that they fell into an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"So, let's begin with some events that gave rise to the revolution."

He opened the book and started explaining to her some facts, dates and important characters'

Anya really did try to pay attention to what he was saying, but his proximity was too captivating.
The warmth from his arm next to hers, his deep voice, long ago changed by puberty, even his
cologne was a little intoxicating. And the way he towered over her so she had to look up to meet his
eyes made her feel a little bit embarrassed.

She wondered if he was feeling the same but reading his mind, his thoughts were completely
focused on teaching her. The only thing she could read was his brain checking the knowledge so
his mouth could repeat it to her.

"You should copy some of these dates, they will be important later."

He handed her the notebook and a pencil and she started writing the numbers and events. While
she did that she noticed how close her left hand was from his right hand, just lying there on the

Becky's voice resounded in her mind 'he's so dense I wouldn't count on him making any moves'.

So Anya took a deep breath, gave herself all the courage she could muster and with a really subtle
movement, she intertwined her pinky finger with his.

What just happened??????? Did she do that on purpose??

Anya tried not to look at him but with the corner of her eye she could see Damian looking
dumbfounded at their hands. At their pinkies interlocked.

Does this mean she likes me? Or is it just a simple mistake and I'm thinking too much about an
accidental touch?

To drag the point across, Anya made sure to squeeze his pinky tighter.

C'mon Sy-on boy. You can't be this dense. And this is as far as I'm willing to go right now without
combusting in flames due to embarrassment.

"Hmm, so, eeh… did you finish with those?" He asked, pointing at the notes, obviously flustered.

"Yes! I actually understand now what all this stuff was about. Thank you so much, Damian." She
smiled, genuinely, because despite her dad's best efforts to teach her, she hadn't been able to really
grasp much in history this year. But with Damian's help, she understood everything and found out
it was actually kind of interesting.

"Yeah, no problem… it was no big deal." he said, scratching his head, trying to look away. Oh no!
I let go of her hand. No way she'll be taking it again… Wait. I'm a Desmond. Every girl in our class
would die to go out with me. I have received countless love letters from admirers and turned down
at least a dozen declarations. Why should Anya Forger scare me? And she obviously grabbed my
hand making the first move. I would be a fool if I didn't take this chance. "You know… if you need
help with other subjects ( which I know you do), we could meet for some coffee at Deena's Bakery
this Saturday. At least there we don't have to whisper everything."

Mission accomplished Anya thought. "Sure, I would like that."

Hours later, while lying on her bed, Anya couldn't help but cover her face with a pillow and
scream. Am I going on a date?????

In the living room, both Loid and Yor exchanged worried looks.

Chapter End Notes

Your comments and kudos make my day!!

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Work has been heavy but I finally managed to write this chapter! Lots of introspection
and inner monologues that I didn't really plan but *shrugs emoji*

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Anya checked her clock once again. 11:13 PM. Her parents were usually in bed by 11:30 so she
just had to wait a little longer.

She had to call Becky and tell her the news! But there were only two phones in her house, one in
the living room and one in her parents' bedroom. And this was the kind of conversation they
couldn't hear.

While she waited, she tried to put in order all the events of the day. When she woke up that
morning she certainly didn't expect to finish the day with an invitation to a date from Sy-on boy.
Because she was 100% that was a date. Tutoring? Yeah right… But that actually made her even
more nervous!

What should she wear? Should she tell her parents she was going out with a boy? Or just say she
was going to meet with Becky and skip all the awkward conversations? Knowing her dad, keeping
a secret from him would be impossible, so better come clean. And it would actually put them closer
to the mission’s target, Damian’s father… but if she was being honest with herself, the mission
didn’t seem that important right now.

More important was the alarming velocity with which her heart had beat when he asked her out. Or
that electric tingling she felt when she held his hand. And it was definitely worrying how she
couldn’t stop thinking about his voice, or his amber eyes with ridiculously long eyelashes or his
fluffy hair that begged to be ruffled with her fingers.

She remembered what Becky had said that morning during lunch, You know you like someone
when you can’t stop thinking about them. And the moment Anya stepped on the bus home after
saying goodbye to Sy-on boy, she hadn’t stopped thinking about him.

He had become such a fixated part of her life during all her school years, it was a fact they were
more than just classmates. They had many shared experiences, and her opinion of him had changed
from ‘annoying and conceited boy who she had to befriend’ to ‘actually nice guy who did lots for
her but had trouble expressing his emotions’. But she always figured his acts of kindness towards
her were just the result of a kind person, raised in a toxic environment that confused compassion
with weakness, so he had to restrain himself in front of everyone. And even deny his kind side to

Not in a million years would Anya have guessed he was denying another set of deeper feelings.
Until P.E today. That little over the top fantasy put so many pieces of the puzzle into place, that in
just a day Anya had figured everything out. It was crazy how it escaped her for so long, when
apparently Becky had seen it since first grade?

Maybe I’m as dense as Damian?...

No, it’s his fault for not accepting his feelings even inside his own mind.

But now that she knew, her image of him was rapidly approaching to ‘hot boy who I want to kiss’.
Wait. Kiss? Some very graphic mental images, fueled by the fantasies Damian had produced
earlier, appeared inside her brain. She had to scream into her pillow again.

Loid had trouble sleeping almost all his life. His sharp instinct to sense danger kept him always
alert, and the minimum change in his usual atmosphere would send him into a state of vigilance.
Even after finding out the truth about his wife, and knowing he could sleep soundly having the best
assassin in the country to protect him in case of danger, there were certain things that still made
him uneasy.

And this time it was his daughter Anya. Two times already he had heard a muffled scream coming
from her bedroom. The worst case scenarios popped into his head. Schizophrenia? Repressed
memories of her days before the adoption coming back to her? Or maybe just problems with abuse
or bullying in school? Whatever it was, it was making Anya miserable, and he wouldn’t stand idle
while his daughter was suffering.

He checked on Yor, sleeping soundly by his side. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe how lucky he
was to have found her. He decided to handle this on his own, letting her rest. And was about to
check on Anya in her room when he noticed the living room light on. Anya was talking on the
phone with someone. This could be the perfect chance to know what was happening.

He briefly weighed the consequences of invading his daughter’s privacy in that way, but decided it
was more important to protect her from whatever awful situation she was going through right now.
So he went back to his room and picked the phone’s auricular, and listened to Anya’s conversation.

“And I said yes!”

“You said yes?!” Loid quickly identified Becky Blackbell’s voice through the line, “I can’t believe
you said yes! After all he made you go through, you should have let him hanging for a while!”

So Anya was being pressured to do something she didn’t want to, by someone who had been
repeatedly mistreating her? Maybe help them cheat in school? Sell drugs?!! He had to keep
listening to make sure what the situation was before interfering.

“Weren’t you the one to tell me to take the initiative? It would be dumb for me to back down now
that he finally had the courage to do something!”

That Blackbell girl was in it too. And she was forcing Anya to take the initiative.

“So what are you going to wear? You know this means another shopping trip right?”

Weird. Maybe they needed costumes to enter the drug ring?

“Yes! I was hoping you would help me with that, I want to look the cutest.”

“I still can’t believe after all these years, you’re finally going on a date with Desmond.”

Anya heard a weird noise coming from the telephone line and her parents room at the same time,
followed by her mom screaming.
“Loid! Are you alright?”

“Becky, I have to go, we’ll talk tomorrow.” She quickly hung up and ran to the master bedroom.
After so many years being forbidden to enter, she still had trouble opening the door naturally but
the noise had made her worried her dad was injured.

When she opened the door she found her father passed out on the floor with the phone’s auricular
still clutched in his hand.

“What happened?” she asked her mom.

“I don’t know, he was on the phone and then suddenly passed out! Anya, go get some ice!”

While she bolted to the kitchen, Anya put two and two together, and guessed her dad had heard the
entire conversation. She would have to deal with this sooner than she thought.

Yor had set Loid on top of the bed and they put the ice pack over his forehead. Her mother always
worried desperately when either Loid or Anya were hurt, so Anya felt pressured to explain to her
why her father had passed out.

“Mama, I think I know why dad is like that…”

“You think it could be a brain tumor?” Or maybe it's because I cooked dinner today. Classic mom
to jump to the worst scenarios always.

“I think dad was listening to my conversation on the phone and was a little surprised.”

“What were you talking on the phone dear?”

Anya saw a dozen horrible crimes go inside her mother’s mind before she could answer.

“That I’m going on a date with a boy.” Anya said sheepishly.

That made Yor laugh. It was a genuine laugh of relief.

“Of course, you’re already at that age. I must admit when I was your age I didn’t have much time
for dating, but I know is totally expectable for 18 year olds to go on dates,” then she said in a much
lower and scary tone, “But if a boy ever hurts you, just let me know, ok honey?”

Anya nodded, imagining the short lived future Damian would have if her mom ever came to the
conclusion he wasn’t worthy of her daughter.

She hugged her, thankful for her family. At that moment, Loid woke up.

“What happened?”

“You were spying your daughter on the phone and I’m guessing you found out she’s going on a

Damn, I’ve been found out. Better turn this around. “Hmm, I was just worried about her safety.” I
think I would’ve preferred the drug ring.

Drug ring?? “So, I’m guessing I don’t have Papa’s permission to go?” She looked at him with
pleading eyes, the ones that had worked a thousand times before.

“Of course you have it Anya, I trust you know how to pick your acquaintances and the people you
surround yourself with,” And I’ve been pressuring you to get close to that boy for years. I guess
this was a possible outcome. I just can’t wrap my head around you growing so fast.

“Thank you Dad,” Anya said, hugging him, “Your trust means the world to me.” And your love.
Thank you for not giving up on this family, ever.

Back in Eden’s dormitories, Damian Desmond hadn’t been able to sleep even when the clock
marked 12:43.

I can’t believe I invited her. I can’t believe she said yes. I definitely can’t believe she held my hand.
She asked me for help, and we were sitting together for almost two hours. Just the two of us. I
could smell her vanilla scented shampoo. And I could see up close the way she bites her lip while
she copies down what I teach her. Or how she tucks her hair behind her ear while listening.

The moment they parted ways after the tutoring lesson, Damian had fallen into a state of non
existence. He was only present in his memories, reliving every second of that afternoon.

He hated himself a little for letting her have so much power over him, a Desmond. So many years
of denying his feelings, of bottling down his emotions, not letting Anya, or the world know how
fast his heart beats anytime she looks at him or how much he wants to kiss her and hold her.

All those walls, broken down by a single pinky finger.

Since the realization of his crush on Anya Forger in first grade, he had tried to shut his emotions.
At first, convincing himself she wasn’t worthy of him. Then, saying to himself his father wouldn’t
approve of her. And in the last few years, he just thought she would never see him that way. But
deep down he knew they were all excuses he was making for himself. And each one was tackled
down by Anya, without her even realizing.

Anya proved early on that, maybe she wasn’t the smartest when it came to academics, but she
wasn’t stupid at all. On the contrary, she possessed a keen sense to understand the people
surrounding her and react accordingly. Sometimes as a mastermind manipulator even his own
father would be proud of, but most of the time as a caring and empathic person who wanted
everyone to have a good time.

And even if she didn’t have a famous family name or lots of wealth, Anya and the Forgers were
outstanding people, full of love for each other. Damian understood then that family names mean
nothing if they don’t act as a family.

And lastly, today, Anya had destroyed his last resort. He had established that Anya wasn’t
attracted to him in the least. At least not romantically. Maybe as friends, since there were many
times where she asked him to hang out. But she never gave him chocolates during Valentines, or
tried to confess to him like so many other girls had. She didn’t even show any emotion when those
things happened. No jealousy, not even a single comment. It was as if Damian’s romantic life
didn’t concern Anya one bit.

Until today.

Today Anya had followed him to the library. He was now sure of that. And she had asked for his
help. And they had talked, just the two of them. And the conversation was so easy. No need to
pretend, no need to hear comments sucking up to his father, just them giving their honest opinions.

Maybe that was the reason he had fallen for her in the first place. She wasn’t just not only like
other girls, she was on a league of her own.
One time Damian read in a book that people were like stars and they shine their light upon you
with their daily interactions. But if people were stars, then Anya Forger was a supernova. So
bright, so chaotic, always unpredictable, always saying or doing what he least expected. Like
holding his hand in the library.

He had to bite his pillow to avoid screaming. The thought made him want to jump in joy and
scream his lungs out. He needed to get it together before Saturday. Maybe he should skip classes
tomorrow to get himself ready? But that could mean getting a Tronitus. He would have to face her
tomorrow during all their classes without combusting into flames, from both the excitement and
the nerves.

If tomorrow during school is already making me nervous, I have no idea how I will handle

Chapter End Notes

Also I've enjoyed your comments so much, is the first time I receive so many
comments on a fic and you can't imagine what a joy its been! Thank you so much, you
beautiful people!
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Damian checked his watch again. It was still too early to leave the dormitories, since Deena's
Bakery was just ten minutes away.

But the mix of nerves and excitement made it impossible for him to relax. So he was bathed,
dressed and ready two hours before the agreed hour with Anya.

He had spent so much time thinking of an outfit, it was almost embarrassing. But Anya had so few
opportunities to see him without his uniform that he had to take this chance. If only he could read
minds, he could know what Anya liked and try to dress like that. But that was stupid and

In the end he tried emulating that TV character she liked so much, Bondman or something. Not the
mask and the gloves of course, but that classy and timeless vibe the fictional spy had.

He checked his watch once again. Just fifteen minutes had passed. But he was getting desperate
and knew the wait in the dormitories would kill him. So he decided to get going and maybe take
the long route to waste some time.

The air was cool outside, with hints of autumn starting to show. Leaves were still in their branches,
but the temperature was definitely more manageable than in the summer. However, the sky was
still hesitant to leave summer behind, showing a beautiful and deep blue with no cloud in sight.

Seems like the weather is on my side today. That's a good sign.

He took the way that went through the park. Being a Saturday it was full of families and young
couples. He passed next to one that definitely should have been doing what they were doing in a
more private place. But that, even against the best of him, sent his imagination into similar

When we become a couple we could come here. Have a picnic under the trees. Watch the people
go by. Kiss…

The image of Anya lying next to him on a red and white checkered blanket, holding hands, their
faces meeting when she turns sideways and him just stealing kisses from her before she gets
embarrassed because they are in public…

Get it together Desmond. We're just going to study for some tests. Is not like she's going to agree to
marry you today.

But maybe someday…

When he arrived at the bakery he had already planned three different honeymoons with very
different settings, but all resulting in the same outcome.

The bakery was almost empty. The busiest hour was definitely lunchtime, so at 9 am there were
only a couple of clients. However, one of those clients had a distinct shade of pink hair and two
weird cone shaped accessories. He checked his watch again. He was half an hour early, so why was
Anya already there? He began to panic thinking he had confused the time and had made her wait.
He checked the clock on the wall to make sure his watch wasn't broken, but they had the same

As he was spiraling into an anxiety void, suddenly Anya noticed him and with a big wave of her
arm, began calling his name.

"Damian! I'm here!"

If she wanted the entire cafe to notice her, then mission accomplished. Feeling his face getting red
from embarrassment, he approached the table where Anya was sitting.

"You don't have any sense of shame do you? I'm sure people in Westalis heard y…"

He interrupted himself once he got a close look at her. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing
just a knitted blue sweater with black tights and boots, but suddenly that particular shade of blue
had become Damian's favorite color in the entire universe.

"What? Is there something on my face? Do I look weird with this?" Anya seemed worried because
he had stopped talking, but he just needed some time to gather his thoughts.

"No, you look, ehm, nice."

Aaaaaahh I want to kiss her so bad. I wish everyone in this place would just disappear and it would
be just us.

He sat in front of her and she smiled, a smile so big it was like someone had told her she just won a
Stella Star.

"So, ready to study?" He asked, trying to keep his focus on other things that weren't her precious

A few minutes earlier…

Anya arrived at the bakery at 8:40. She had gotten there early, worried she might get lost, but in
the end the address hadn’t been hard to find. She had to insist to her dad many times that she could
go on her own, and he had finally agreed. But Anya was still alert, knowing there was a chance he
would go dressed as the waiter or some inconspicuous client.

She entered and sat at the table she thought would give them the most privacy, and one where she
could spot Damian when he entered.

The place was almost empty, just three old ladies at a table talking about their grandchildren and a
guy reading the newspaper. She checked their minds to make sure none of them were her father,
but they were all clear. With that settled, she could finally relax.

Well… relax wasn’t exactly the word. She still was really nervous about her encounter with
Damian. Would he finally act nice towards her the entire time now that they were alone, or would
he stick to his hot and cold routine? The last two days had definitely been weird. He was really nice
to her during their tutoring lesson but then on Friday he avoided her during all their classes. It was
so frustrating! She wanted to know if he was as nervous as her, but everytime they crossed paths,
he started going in the opposite direction. Anya guessed she would have to see it for herself today.

Just in that moment she noticed him entering the place. For reasons she was too embarrassed to
admit, her heart started beating faster and she could feel her palms getting sweaty. He looked so
handsome, the turtleneck he was wearing made him look elegant, even older than his eighteen

Before she realized she was screaming his name and waving her arms at him. He was obviously
mortified by her scene, judging by his red face, but nevertheless he approached her. After some
nagging and a compliment that made Anya blush as pink as her hair, Damian asked her if she was
ready to study.


“I said, what are we going to study? I’m here to help you with school right?”

Anya had been so busy looking for the perfect outfit and thinking what would happen during their
date that she had completely forgotten to bring her books and notes.

“Right… about that. I kinda forgot to bring my books,” she said while keeping her gaze fixed on
her hands. She felt so dumb.

“You never change, do you?” he said with a mix of annoyance and laughter, “Come, let’s get out of
here. I have a better idea.” He got up and offered her a hand.

It was maybe a gentlemanly thing; traditions left from the time when Ostania’s rich families were
part of the nobility. But Anya wasn’t going to let that chance go, and with decision she grabbed his
hand, holding it firmly while they were exiting the bakery. And she didn’t plan to let it go.

Aaaaaaah I wasn’t expecting for her to hold on to my hand. Anya Forger, everytime I think I finally
have you measured, you do stuff like this and leave me dumbfounded. But now I’m not letting you

She could feel the grip of his hand getting firmer, and they went out to the street like that. Holding

There weren't too many people in the streets at that hour but each time they passed someone Anya
could hear Damian thinking I hope that person thinks we are a couple. She had to suppress a

“So, where are we going?”

“I was thinking, since you didn’t bring any books, and we were studying history, we could go to a
little exhibit the National Association for the Conservation of Memorabilia is doing near here. It’s
easier to understand history if you attach meaning to it, you know?”

Anya noticed he didn’t look at her when he talked, focused on the road ahead. But she didn’t blame
him. Just like him, half her brain was focused on the little warmth coming from their hands
together. The other half had to manage doing all the breathing, walking and any other function that
kept Anya alive, so she couldn’t ask much more. Even replying was hard.

“Oh yes! You’re totally right. Like watching TV documentaries is a lot more fun than reading,
even if it’s the same subject.”

“That means you’re a more visual person. I’ll take that into account for our next lessons.” Hold
your horses Damian Desmond. Why are you assuming there will be other lessons? Well, she IS
holding my hand so it's fair to say she's into me. But just in case I gotta check.

He turned to look at her in a moment when they were waiting for the traffic light to go green,
taking Anya by surprise. He stood there, looking at her, just breathing her in. She could faintly feel
how the light had changed to green, but in that moment none of that was important. She couldn’t
even read his mind, too caught up in her own emotions, in her own feelings.

Damian’s eyes were amber, but had little specks of moss green if you looked carefully. He had a
small mole under his left eye and a dimple on his chin. Anya had always known he was attractive,
but what really warmed her heart was the way his eyes saw her. As if she was the only thing in the
world. As if time stopped when he looked into her eyes. As if she was the most beautiful girl he
had ever seen.

The rush was too much and Anya couldn’t handle it for long, so she had to look down,
embarrassed. The spell was broken and they hurriedly crossed the street in the last few seconds
that remained of the green light.

Damn it! I made her uncomfortable. Get it together Damian, you can’t just stare at her like that,
you will creep her out.

Anya wished there was a way to let him know she wasn’t creeped at all, but there was no way
without exposing herself. Again she would have to resort to talking nonchalantly.

“So are we really far from the place?”

“No, just two more blocks. Why? Are you tired already?”

How to disarm one Sy-On boy “No, I just like holding hands with you, so I was hoping it was a
long road.”


Anya loved reading his mind after each time she dropped a flirtatious comment, but all she could
hear now was dead silence. Oh boy, I think I broke his brain.

They arrived at a big city building after a couple of minutes. Anya decided to not say anything else
and give Damian a chance to recover himself. When they got to the door, he was able to finally
speak again.

“We’re here. It should be on the second floor.”

The place, like all government buildings in Berlint, was built with opulence. White marble floors,
tall columns and intricate decorations in the ceiling were the norm. They went up some beautiful
and ample stairs, their steps echoing in the large and mostly empty chamber. Then two turns to the
right and they were in front of a big wooden door with a poster hanging in front.


“It’s a photo exhibit?” Anya asked.

“Yeah, shows Ostania and Westalis before the war.”

“How did you know about this place?”

“My father wanted to prevent it. I guess it goes against his preaching.”

He didn’t mention more about his father but Anya had started to notice just how much Damian and
his father disagreed in matters of state.
They went inside into what appeared to be a convention hall filled with black and white photos.
Still holding her hand, Damian led her to what appeared to be the beginning of the exhibition.

The first picture was of two men, probably in their thirties, holding each other and smiling at the
camera, in the middle of a construction field. The caption said:

Jonas and Noel Weber

These two brothers built the bridge connecting Landorf (Westalis) to Hinderberg (Ostania). They
later lived one in each town, visiting each other weekly.

The next one was a couple on their wedding day.

Mina and Stefan Brent

Married in 1889, they met at a school that welcomed children from both countries since it was
located right at the border. Mina’s family was from Ostania and she crossed the border everyday
to go to school in Westalis.

All the pictures had the same theme. Families, couples, friends, every kind of relationship where
the country of origin didn’t mean a thing. They were all old, before the war. Anya could tell by the
clothes and the quality that the newest one was at least 45 years old. Two countries that were like
brothers, suddenly destroyed by a nonsensical war.

She began thinking about her parents, how similar their situation was with these people. And
against her will, her eyes started getting watery.

When she dropped Damian’s hand to catch a tear falling down her cheek, he immediately noticed.

“Shit! Anya, are you alright?” Did I hurt her? Or is this so boring she’s yawning already?

“I’m ok, sorry. This is dumb, don’t worry about it.”

Of course I’m going to worry. Since the first time I saw you cry, I haven’t been able to shake the
feeling of wanting to hold you until all your tears disappear.

That’s what Anya heard from his mind but all she could see was Damian’s gaze fixed on the floor,
avoiding to look at her, with his face completely flushed.

The complete change between his romantic (and sometimes lewd) mind and the facade he showed
the world were so dramatically different, Anya couldn’t help but to start laughing.

This boy is lucky I can read his mind, or else we would be stuck in square one.

“Hey! What's so funny? Just a second ago you were tearing up!”

“Your reaction made me laugh… I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with girls crying?”
For some reason all the moments she had a tantrum and her dad had to bring her back came to her
mind. She used to be such a crybaby.

“Is not like I have a sister… or a girlfriend for that matter.” He said embarrassed, staring at the
floor yet again.

“I did always wonder about that. There were tons of girls that confessed to you during all these
years. None of them were good enough for the Desmond family?” She was enjoying teasing him
way too much.
None of them were you “I just had other things in my mind. Studies and stuff.”

Anya had to control her expressions. Her face had to match the words he said out loud, not the ones
he was thinking in the privacy of his mind. So she had to mask her face according to the normal
conversation they were having. But inside she was screaming in excitement.

“And what about you? No boyfriends either?”

“Nope, I guess it wasn’t on my mind until recently.”

“Oh yeah? And what made you change your mind?”

Ok, time to move things a little bit further.

With her best ‘Heh’ face she replied “A little tutoring lesson.”


Chapter End Notes

Poor Damian, Anya just broke him.

So I'm gonna milk this baby and their date will span two chapters maybe three who
knows? I just hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Anya and Damian finished checking the gallery. While they were viewing the photos, Damian
kept mentioning historical facts relevant to the times the pictures showed. This was of course a
defense mechanism. Spouting nonsensical details about times past helped him focus on other
things that weren't Anya. If he let her have her way, his brain would be toasted before midday.

So he kept talking and talking, trying to impede her from dropping those flirtatious comments that
made his mind implode. He hated having to put a barrier between them, especially after having
finally broken the walls he himself had put there to keep away everyone. But if he wasn't careful,
her nonchalant remarks about loving to spend time on their date would result in Damian
embarrassing himself in ways he could not recover from.

This shouldn't happen to me. But somehow this girl has had me wrapped around her finger since
first grade. How stupid of me to think I could just get over her…

He was still holding her hand, incredibly he had gotten used to it by now. The warmth coming
from her skin felt almost familiar. But he had to be careful with her mischievous eyes, they always
looked like she knew too much.

I wonder how she manages to say just the exact thing that brings me out of balance …

He heard her giggle in that moment.

"What's so funny?" He asked, trying to hide his fear of embarrassment with a mean face.

"You make the strangest faces sometimes. Like parts of your brain are fighting each other and you
don't know which one should win."

"That's… scarily accurate." Maybe she learned some things from her father's profession?

By then they had already left the building and we're walking in one of Berlint many parks. Their
outing hadn't really achieved the original goal of helping Anya with her studies, but the actual
result had by far surpassed any crazy scenario he had pictured in his mind when fantasizing about
this day.

He had been avoiding Anya almost all his life. Trying to diminish her so he could accept leaving
her behind. But truth be told, she was a fantastic girl. Always cheerful, and so smart, even if
studying wasn't her forte, she always had something clever to say and picked up on things he would
never notice. Even her strange clumsiness made her endearing, like a puppy he wanted to protect.

That day was quickly becoming the best day in Damian Desmond's life.

Until a thunder roared from the skies.

Not two minutes later they found themselves running for cover while a downpour worthy of the
doomsday fell over them.

Guiding Anya by the hand he found what was probably a park ranger mini station to make phone
calls, but it had a roof and that was enough.
They both tried to get under the cover but the wind was furiously pushing the rain sideways,
making the roof almost useless.

Without thinking it twice, Damian pushed Anya against the wall and tried his best to cover her
with his body, letting the water hit him instead. He did it out of instinct, just thinking the fastest
way to protect her, but once he had done it he became painfully aware of the position they were in
right now.

Anya's clothes were soaking wet, adhering to her body. She was shivering and had wet hair
sticking to her forehead, with little droplets falling onto her already damp clothes.

And he had his two arms surrounding her. In his mind he was protecting her from the elements, but
a stranger passing by might think he was pinning her against the wall.

Their gazes met and he could see how flushed she was. He knew he looked the same. Face red,
breathing heavy from running (or maybe because of something else?). And just so, so close to each
other. If the wind wasn't howling so loud, Damian was sure he could have heard both of their
heartbeats beating like crazy.

He wanted to kiss her so badly.

But he shouldn't. What if that scared her? No, she has been pretty clear about how she feels about
you. Every time. Anya Forger is as transparent as water. She always has been.

Then maybe I'm the scared one? Always thinking about what is expected of me, I'm scared of doing
something wrong and everyone will blame me.

He looked into Anya's eyes once more. Seafoam green. He could imagine them at any moment
now. He had been studying them for years. Her wet eyelashes reminded him of all the times she
had cried in school and how his heart had hurt at the impossibility of consoling her. And how
hearing her laugh again brought a smile to him every time he knew she wasn't upset anymore. He
loved her. He had quietly loved her all these years. 12 years. That's too much time to be quiet. He
decided it was time to make some noise.

Fuck it.

He leaned into her and softly pressed his lips against hers. She leaned back for a moment, maybe
taken by surprise but a second later she was pulling him in, her arms around his neck.

"Took you awhile enough." Anya said smiling before kissing him again.

Yeah, 12 fucking years.

Her breath was all the warmth he needed in the freezing weather. Her hands tangling on his hair,
her fingers softly caressing his scalp, sent an electric bolt down his spine. At first he had planned
only using his lips, after all, this was their first date. But Anya was having none of that, eagerly
sticking her tongue in Damian's mouth, so all he could do was comply.

The million fantasies he had about Anya could never compare with the real deal. He was so glad
she would never find out about those, now that they were together. It would have been so

The rain had stopped by then. Even the sun had begun to shyly return from behind the clouds, and
the birds were chirping again. But Damian Desmond was too busy tasting Anya Forger's lips to
notice something as petty as the weather.
Chapter End Notes

SO I'm making this the last chapter of this story that was supposed to be a short three
chapter smut lmao. BUT I'm planning on doing a sequel where Anya tries to make
come true all of Damian's previous fantasies (without him knowing) so stay tuned for
that. Also thank you thank you to all those who commented and left kudos, the
warmth with which this fandom received me melts my heart ❤️

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