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“ICT Integration in Teaching Specialized Subjects and Interest in Learning

of Grade 12-STEM Students of Oriental Mindoro National High School”

A Quantitative Research Proposal

To be submitted to: Mr. Jay-R DC. Osorio
Oriental Mindoro National High School

Andrin, Paola Yzabel B.
Maulion, Joana Ashley
Montoya, Mila Rose
Noche, Mary Angel Lyn B.
Nituma, Yvette C.


Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to an improved student

learning and better teaching methods. Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) has gone through innovations and transformed our society that

has totally changed the way people think, work and live. As part of this, schools

and other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live

in “a knowledge society” need to consider ICT integration in their curriculum.

The utilization of ICT has rendered a significant contribution in bringing

about improvements in the quality of education. In educational institutions at all

levels, individuals are required to implement number of tasks and functions. In

putting into operation various tasks and functions, the individuals are required to

make use of ICT. Through the use of ICT, individuals are able to generate

awareness and augment their knowledge in terms of various aspects.

ICT can work in a number of general ways, it can be used to train students

in skills which they will need in further education and as an ongoing learning

process throughout the rest of their lives and for their future jobs, like wording

processing, email communication and others. ICT can provide access to

information and communication outside the classroom via the internet. It is used

to support teacher development with external networks. It also supports and

potentially transforms the learning and teaching process.

In this study, teaching specialized subjects including Pre-Calculus, Basic

Calculus, General Chemistry 1 and 2, General Physics 1 and 2, and General

Biology 1 and 2, Work Immersion/Research/Career, Advocacy/Culminating

Activity will be prioritized in the implementation of ICT to provide more effective

learning experiences in order for students to understand the concepts better

through application, controlled experiments, research and practice by the use of


In addition, ICT has the potential in preparing students for life in the 21st

century. Through learning ICT skills, students are ready to face future challenges

based on proper understanding Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (2000) believe

that ICT use can help students to develop the competencies needed for the

current globalization. This is because ICT can help students to develop their

skills, boost up their motivation and widen their knowledge and information.

This study assessed the students' internet connection capability and the

availability of learning devices at their home. One of the biggest challenges to

address the problem regarding learning is the availability of technological

gadgets and internet connectivity.

The attitudes and perceptions of secondary school students on the role of

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the learning process are

investigated as well as how they differ before and after the use of educational

programs in the subject of Geography but also in terms of specific characteristics

of students (gender, knowledge, experience, etc.)

School administrators, teachers, parents, the Department of education

and future researchers will be benefits from this study. The main focus of this
study was the status on teaching of specialized subjects and Student’s interest in

learning with regards to the implementing of ICT in education, numbers of

technology used and impact of technology to students.

Moreover, the introduction of the used and ongoing learning process

development of Information and Communication Technology help students to

develop and improve student capabilities and competencies which should be

prepared and needed for the adaptation and advancement on current

globalization that technology can offer.

Theoretical Framework

Learning Theory

ICT Integration in
Teaching Specialized Cognitism Learning
Subjects and Interest of Theory
Grade 12 STEM Students
Connectivism Learning

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework Diagram

The theoretical framework consists of concept with its existing theory

which holds or supports the research study. The following presents the theories

from which the study is based.

Constructionism is a constructivist  learning theory and theory of

instruction. It states that building knowledge occurs best through building things

that are tangible an sharable (Ackerman et al., 2009). “Constructionism is the

idea that people learn effectively through making things. Constructionism is

connected with experiential learning and builds on some of the ideas of Jean


Piaget was not only one of the learning theorists; he was also on early

advocate for the mindset cherished in the current maker movement such as

agency and inventiveness. Piaget advocated that learners should be allowed to

employ a bottom up, or user- generated learning model that would resonate in

Piaget’s work as well. Piaget advocated that learners must be allowed to employ

bottom up, or user generated learning model that would challenge traditional

schooling such as passively receiving canonized ideas from adults and teachers.

Piaget saw school as a venue for raising innovative thinkers. Instead of well-

trained consumers, much in the same way Freire saw education as a tool to

enlighten not a press.

Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on how information is

received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind. It uses the mind as an

information processer, like a computer. Therefore, cognitivism looks beyond

observable behaviour, viewing learning as internal mental processes. In this

view, learners are actively involved in the way they process information.

Knowledge, memory, thinking, and problem solving are areas for development.

“Knowledge is an internal process, rather than a product”, Jerome Bruner.

Bruner  was an American psychologist who made important contributions

to human cognitive psychology as well as cognitive learning theory in educational

psychology. His learning theory focuses on modes of representation and he

introduced the concepts of discovery learning and a spiral curriculum.

Connectivism is a relatively new learning theory that suggests students

should combine thoughts, theories, and general information in a useful manner. It

accepts that technology is a major part of the learning process and that our

constant connectedness gives us opportunities to make choices about our


This theory was first introduced in 2005 by two theorists, George Siemens

and Stephen Downes. Siemens’ article Connectivism: Learning as a Network

Creation was published online in 2004 and Downes’ article An Introduction to

Connective Knowledge was published the following year.


The major concept of this study is focused on the status of integration of

ICT in teaching specialized subjects and which affects the interest of Grade 12

STEM Students in OMNHS.


Status of ICT integration in Interest in learning of Grade

teaching specialized subjects 12- STEM Students of Oriental
in terms of Mindoro National High School

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

As shown in Figure 2, the box on the left contains the independent

variable which is the status of ICT integration in teaching specialized subjects

with three corresponding indicators that is connected to it. While the box on the

other side contains the dependent variable, the interest of Grade 12 STEM

Students of OMNHS. The arrow between them indicates the relationship of those

Statement of the Problem

This study targets to determine the status of ICT Integration in Teaching

Specialized Subjects and Students Interest in Learning of Grade 12-STEM

Students of Oriental Mindoro National High School.

Definitely, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the Status of ICT integration in teaching specialized subjects in

terms of:

1.1 usage of ICT in learning process,

1.2 availability of technological tools and

1.3 internet accessibility

2. What is its effect to the Interest in learning of Grade 12- STEM Students of

Oriental Mindoro National High School?

3. Is there a relationship between ICT integration in teaching specialized

subjects and interests of Grade 12 STEM Students?

V. Statement of Hypothesis

Based on the stated problems, the following null hypothesis of this

research study:

There is no relationship between ICT integration in teaching specialized

subjects and interests of Grade 12 STEM Students of OMNHS.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be significant to the school administrators,

teachers, parents, the Department of Education and future researchers.

Teachers will benefit from this study, as they would communicate properly

with their students and to design educational environment. Information and

communication technology approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive

digital white boards. Teachers can enhance their competency and effectiveness

in classroom teaching. Teacher educators have to recognize and setup

classroom setting for assignment in way so that ICT tools must be integral part of

teaching methodology. Teachers have to learn new things and handle new

teaching skills. Teachers must have to maximize the value of ICT learning in

classroom (Kalogiannis, 2015).

To students, the direct recipients of the output of this study are the Grade

12 STEM Students of OMNHS. This study can help them to be better understand

the struggles they are facing in their specialized subjects and create new

techniques to improve their performance.

School Administrators can add more insights regarding the actual

fulfilment of ICT Integration. The recommendation of this study will provide as

baseline data recommended on the academic performance.

School managers will know that ICT is currently popular in schools due to

its capabilities in facilitating administration activities. They may also consider this
study to come up with the yearly boosting of ICT beneficial to the academic

performance of the students.

Parents will know the competency- performance of their children however

they can be prepared to guide and support their children.

Department of Education as partner of the school manager’s exertion of

different educational programs could use this study as basis for continual

improvement of the system.

Future researchers can also handle similar studies. They can use this

study as regard to their future research. This would help the student researchers

to be a better analyst and it can be help for future reference for more students in

the future.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main focus of this study was the status on the ICT Integration in

teaching specialized subjects in terms of ICT usage, availability of ICT in learning

process and internet accessibility. Another variable that will be investigated in

this study is the Student’s interest in learning of Grade 12- STEM Students of

Oriental Mindoro National High School.

This study will be conducted at Oriental Mindoro National High

School and be participated by 182, who were taken from 334 Grade 12 Senior

High School students in STEM strand of Oriental Mindoro National High School

in SY 2022-2023.
Definition of Terms

To facilitate better understanding of this study, the following terms are

defined operationally and conceptually.

Availability is how those digital infrastructures such as; computers,

laptops, desktops, data projector, software programs, printers scanners and

Interactive teaching box being able to be used.

Computer Gadget is a software widget, or a small application, that is

designed to sit on a user's desktop screen in much the same way that apps

reside on smartphones and tablets.

Communication as an act of transmitting messages is a process whereby

information is exchange between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal

interactions. Communication is important in order to gain knowledge.

“ICT” means Information and Communication Technology and refers

to the combination of manufacturing and services industries that capture,

transmit and display data and information electronically.

Information refers to the knowledge obtain from reading, investigation,

study or research. The tools to transmit information are the telephone, television

and radio. Information is knowledge and helps us to fulfil our daily task.

Internet Access is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect

to the Internet using computer terminals, computers, and other devices; and to

access services such as email and the World Wide Web.

Integration of ICT refers to the extent to which information and

communication technologies have been adopted into the school environment and

the degree of impact on the school's organization and pedagogies.

Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of

experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future


Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate

computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which

describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to

refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.

Specialized Subjects are subjects that are unique in STEM strand such

as Pre-Calculus, Basic Calculus, General Chemistry 1 and 2, General Physics 1

and 2, and General Biology 1 and 2, Work Immersion/Research/Career,

Advocacy/Culminating Activity. These are similar to the major subjects that

college students take, although they're designed to be less complex than their

college counterparts.

Status is the state or condition of a person or thing with respect to its


 Student’s Interest refers to the inclination of the student towards a

particular subject in which he or she is easily able to connect without any hassle

or hurdle. The student may develop an interest in any specific content or work in

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources

to create processes products that fulfil human needs. Technology is vital in


Usage of ICT is how those diverse set of technological tools and

resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information.

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