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Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

The Impact of Modern Information Technology on Education

A Written Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Course GE ELECT III: Living in the IT Era

Submitted by:
Liao, Christine Joy L.
Modrigo, Angelica
Padua, Xyralyn Marie B.
Julian, Jian Paulo
Pascua, Randolf

Submitted to:
Prof. April Rose Mendezabal

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


The era of 21st century is often regarded as an era of technology. Technology, today, plays a
very important role in our life. It is seen as a basis of growth of an economy. An economy which is
poor in technology can never grow in today’s scenario. This is because technology makes our
work much easier and less time consuming. The impact of technology can be felt in every
possible field one such field is Education.

Modern technology in education according to the latest insights as to how exactly modern
students of today prefer to use technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use
technology, it was revealed that the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the
learning and interactivity of students increases. They also find it much more interactive, as well as
full of interesting areas, when aided by technology. The transfer of knowledge becomes very easy
and convenient, as well as effective.

The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) has defined EdTech
as “facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate
technological processes and resources”. On the other hand, educators who actually use EdTech have
a much simpler definition of the term. They said that it is a concept of transforming traditional book
teaching and learning to digital form. For them, the main difference lies in the way knowledge is
delivered (thanks to technology innovation) to make teaching more effective.

Key Concepts:
● Innovate teaching methods: Technology is an innovation of humans, so when an educator
can apply technology into teaching, it is also innovative. Edtech allows teachers to provide
multimedia to address diverse learning styles, such as animation, live video, etc. Beside,
EdTech enables teachers to create online courses where students can learn in their own
space and at their own pace.
● Improve collaborative teaching: Technology has made it possible for everyone to stay
connected. Students and teachers, they connect, discuss, share their opinion, and enact
upon situation collaboratively.
● Increase teaching and learning process: EdTech benefits how teachers teach, both online
and offline. Not always having to go to a specific class at a specific time, students can learn
whenever and wherever. It changes the way students approach learning. Edtech make
learning more fun and exciting for students. When we feel engaged in learning, we learn
better, remember better and also apply knowledge better into real life. Lastly, technology
makes education smarter, more effective, thus, satisfy learners’ needs more. Also, it solves
training video problems. True educators bring valuable knowledge to learners, both in

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

theory an in real life. But smart educators are who could create teaching from what learners
want to learn.
Key IT Technologies and Trends:
● Learning management systems: These systems help teachers manage their course content,
assignments, and assessments in a centralized location. Examples include Blackboard,
Moodle, and Canvas 2.
● Online learning platforms: These platforms provide students with access to course
materials, lectures, and assessments from anywhere with an internet connection. Examples
include Coursera, edX, and Udemy 2.
● Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): These technologies can provide immersive
and interactive learning experiences that can help students better understand complex
concepts. Examples include Google Expeditions, Nearpod VR, and zSpace 2.
● Collaboration tools: These tools enable students to work together on projects and
assignments, regardless of their physical location. Examples include Google Drive, Microsoft
Teams, and Slack 2.
● Video conferencing apps: These apps allow teachers and students to communicate in
real-time, regardless of their physical location. Examples include Zoom, Skype, and Google
Meet 2.
● Educational applications: These apps provide students with interactive and engaging
learning experiences. Examples include Kahoot!, Quizlet, and Duolingo 2.
● Adaptive learning software: This software uses machine learning algorithms to personalize
learning experiences for individual students. Examples include DreamBox, Knewton, and
Smart Sparrow 2.
● Gamification tools: These tools use game design elements to make learning more engaging
and fun. Examples include Classcraft, Minecraft: Education Edition, and Breakout EDU

Real-life examples and case studies showcasing the IT impact

In the early 20th century, learning management systems were introduced to enhance
in-person learning, allowing some schools to offer classes not typically available. While these
systems were not commonly implemented in classrooms, the emergence of Zoom and the
COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 dramatically shifted the landscape. The Philippines enforced a
nationwide lockdown, forcing schools to transition to online learning. In 2020, institutions adapted
to the ongoing risks by either continuing virtual education or implementing hybrid learning models.
Hybrid and online learning showed no measured difference in success. As COVID cases fluctuated,
schools transitioned between these models, seeking a sense of normalcy. Private schools, exempt
from national lockdown policies, often remained fully in person. Nevertheless, since March 2020,
very few schools have returned to normal in-person operations, highlighting the enduring impact of
the pandemic on education.

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Pros of Online Learning

Given the circumstances, Online learning during the pandemic served as a crucial alternative
to limited or no traditional learning, fostering connectivity between students and teachers. The use
of technology allowed for the integration of extra resources and supplemental materials, providing
flexibility for students in managing their workload. Overall, students' success in online learning was
often contingent on the engagement, innovation, and performance of teachers, as indicated by
studies (Smoyer et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021).

Cons of Online Learning

Online learning during the pandemic had mixed outcomes, with many students struggling
and falling behind grade levels due to various challenges. Distractions at home, lack of motivation,
limited internet access, difficulties in navigating learning management systems, and shortcomings in
teachers' communication and organizational skills were identified as contributing factors. Despite
some successes, a prevailing sentiment among students was the preference for in-person learning
over the perceived inadequacy of online education.
● Increased student engagement: Recognizing students' existing fascination with technology
for personal and entertainment purposes, educators can leverage this interest by
incorporating pop culture trends, current events, music, videos, podcasts, and other media
into lessons. This approach aims to make learning more relatable, enjoyable, and aligned
with students' preferences for interactive and engaging experiences.
● Encouraging teamwork and collaboration: Fostering collaboration is an essential life skill for
students, and technology offers diverse methods to enhance this ability. Utilizing tools like
Google Docs for shared note-taking, engaging in Webquests, and incorporating gamified
learning activities encourage students to work together, transforming the learning
experience into an exciting and supportive endeavor that contributes to skill development.
● Preparing students for life after graduation: Proficiency in using technology is becoming
increasingly crucial for students, not only in K-12 education but also in their post-graduation
lives. As college courses embrace online and hybrid formats, and workplaces demand skills
like navigating e-learning software and utilizing digital tools, students who can effectively
leverage technology are better equipped for academic and professional success.
● Connecting students and teachers: Incorporating technology into the classroom offers
opportunities to enhance peer-to-peer and student-teacher relationships, fostering a
supportive learning environment. Utilizing tools like classroom emails, Google Forms
surveys, and real-time support through Teacher's Chat enables effective communication,
feedback, and assistance, ultimately strengthening the overall educational experience.

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

● Improved teaching outcomes: Educational technology offers the potential for designing
lessons that facilitate deeper knowledge absorption and enhanced learning outcomes.
Engaging students in inquiry-based learning through Webquests, utilizing the Screen View
function to monitor task engagement, and employing chat functions for end-of-class
reflections contribute to fostering independent research skills and ensuring comprehension
and retention of lessons.
● Supporting differentiated instruction: The Scenes function in Teacher proves highly
beneficial for differentiated instruction, allowing teachers to create templates of designated
websites and pages for specific lessons. This tool is advantageous for maintaining focus
during assessments, preventing cheating by restricting access to the testing page, while also
facilitating personalized learning experiences by offering a variety of pre-selected resources
for students to work on assignments at their own pace and in their preferred manner.
● Students misusing technology: The integration of technology in the classroom may prompt
students to misuse devices for entertainment rather than educational purposes, but Admin
provides intuitive tools to counter such misuse. These tools include blocking VPNs and
attempts to access incognito browser modes, preventing access to gaming sites or social
media, and enabling teachers to lock student devices when not needed to maintain focus
during videos, presentations, or guest speakers.
● Teacher knowledge and professional development: Teachers often face challenges in
integrating technology due to a lack of knowledge or discomfort with its use, compounded
by inadequate professional development resources. GoGuardian's Teacher program
addresses this by providing comprehensive training, ongoing support, and a wealth of
teacher resources to help educators confidently and effectively incorporate technology into
their classrooms.
● Keeping students safe online: As education technology becomes more prevalent in schools,
concerns about student safety have risen due to potential exposure to graphic content,
online predators, scammers, hackers, and cyberbullying.
● Cost of new technology: Another problem with technology in the classroom is the cost of
bringing new technology into your classroom. Not all classroom budgets are able to sustain
this addition. Fortunately, many strategies for incorporating technology into your curriculum
can be implemented without breaking the bank.
● Keeping up with changes: Technology is a constantly evolving industry, and education
technology can quickly become obsolete as new technology is introduced. A major barrier
many teachers struggle with when introducing technology into their classrooms is keeping
up with these many changes and trends.
Ethical Considerations:

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

● Academic Honesty and Research Ethics: Plagiarism is a big ethical concern, especially with
search engines that make it easy to find any query. The widespread availability of knowledge
also makes it easier for students to fabricate research and fake a source. Reinforcing how to
cite authors, and why it's important to respect the intellectual property of others, will help
to minimize these occurrences. Requiring well-cited sources will also help prevent any
fabricated research.
● Electronic Communications: Electronic communication between teachers and students can
be helpful, but the line can become blurred between business and personal. Keep electronic
communications professional, and warn students of the dangers of thinking that their emails
and text messages are personal. Especially when using school or business email systems,
these types of communications can easily be made public.
● Social Networks & Cyberbullying: According to their company info page, Facebook has 1.79
billion active users, and 66% of these users log on every day. That's a staggering number!
Some educators are using Facebook to share multimedia with students, or as a way for
students to connect and collectively brainstorm.
Future possibilities and potential developments:

● Hybrid Learning Models: The concept of hybrid learning, a combination of in-person and
online instruction, gained prominence during the pandemic. This model allows for greater
flexibility and personalised learning experiences. Students can access resources and lectures
online while still benefiting from face-to-face interactions with educators and peers. The
integration of EdTech platforms can enhance the effectiveness of these hybrid models.
Hybrid learning models represent a dynamic educational approach that combines traditional
in-person instruction with online components, providing a versatile and blended learning
experience. In these models, students engage in both face-to-face classroom sessions and virtual
activities, fostering flexibility and accommodating diverse learning styles.
The key concept lies in the integration of technology to enhance traditional teaching
methods, allowing students to access resources online, collaborate virtually, and receive
personalized instruction, thereby creating a more adaptive and student-centered educational
Hybrid learning models aim to capitalize on the strengths of both in-person and online
instruction, offering a balanced and comprehensive approach to education that addresses the
needs of a modern and diverse student population.

● Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR and AR technologies offer immersive
learning experiences that can bring complex concepts to life. Imagine history lessons where
students virtually step into historical events or science classes where they manipulate virtual

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

molecules to understand chemical reactions. These technologies have the potential to

revolutionise the way students engage with content.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are transformative technologies that
revolutionize the way we interact with the digital and physical worlds, offering immersive and
enhanced experiences. In the realm of VR, users are transported to entirely digital environments,
enveloping them in a simulated reality. This is achieved through specialized headsets and sensory
devices that create a multisensory experience, allowing users to feel present in a
computer-generated world. VR finds applications in various fields, from education and healthcare to
gaming and training simulations.
On the other hand, Augmented Reality (AR) enriches the real-world environment by
overlaying digital information, graphics, or 3D models onto it. Unlike VR, AR does not replace the
physical world but enhances it by providing additional layers of information. AR is often experienced
through smartphones, tablets, or AR glasses, offering users an interactive and context-aware
understanding of their surroundings. This technology has found applications in education, retail,
navigation, and gaming, providing users with valuable and contextually relevant information.
Both VR and AR share the common goal of enhancing human perception and interaction
with the digital realm, but they achieve this goal through different approaches. VR immerses users
in entirely virtual environments, while AR seamlessly integrates digital elements into the real world.
Together, these technologies open up new frontiers for education, entertainment, and various
industries, offering users a spectrum of experiences that were once confined to the realm of science

Education and Technology Post-Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Future Possibilities | Technology
Ethical Issues with Using Technology in the Classroom |
Technology in the Classroom | Importance & Challenges | GoGuardian
Top educational technology trends [Update 2020/2021] - F. Learning Studio (

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT
Road 1, Minuyan Proper San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Prepared by: GROUP 4 GE ELECT 3: Living in the IT Era

BPE 3A Unit I: Introduction to ICT

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