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The study proposal was ethics reviewed and approved by Our Lady of Fatima University

Valenzuela IERC to prevent ethical problems. The researchers handed out a consent document
to the participants, asked for their permission and consent to ensure their voluntary involvement.
The participants were informed using a written data collection form about aim of the study. The
requirements of informed consent were adhered to by ensuring voluntary participation and the
participants' ability to consent. Information on the written form indicated that the participants'
decisions to complete the interview were formal consent for their participation. The participants
were informed about their right to withdraw from the study at any time if they wished to do so
without giving explanations. Their anonymity was ensured for purposes of publication. The
researchers will inform the participants before, during, and after the interview that the
researchers will ensure that data are protected during data collection by storing electronic data
are stored in password-protected computers or google drive of the Principal Investigator . The
participants will be given a copy of the electronic or written records that has been gathered upon
the completion of the interview
The duration of data collection will be approximately 2-3 weeks and the participants may use
any online communication platform of their choice to promote their comfort and availability, and
the interview will last approximately 30 minutes. They will be informed that there is a chance
that they will accidentally share some personal or confidential information, or may feel
uncomfortable discussing some of the topics. Researchers, on the other hand, do not want this
to happen. They are not required to answer any questions or participate in the survey if they
believe the question(s) are too personal or if discussing those makes them feel uncomfortable.
The participants will not be compensated in any way for their participation in the study.
However, the researchers will give a 50 peso e-load as a token of appreciation for the
participation . All necessary information about the researchers and the study will be sent to them
in a timely manner, ensuring that they understand everything.

The study's purpose must be properly justified, and procedures should also include protection
for participants. The researchers will also ensure that the participants' personal data is protected
and anonymous. The data that we might collect will be saved in Google Drive so that only
researchers can access and discard it once the research study is completed. Participants are
not required to participate in this research if they do not desire to, and their intention to
participate will have no implication on their job or job-related evaluations. Participants may
withdraw participation in answering the survey at any time without affecting their employment.
The researchers provide an opportunity at the end of the survey to evaluate their remarks and
request that portions of them be modified or removed if the investigators do not agree with or do
not understand the information correctly. The researcher will not obtain any of the participants'
personally identifiable information, such as their name, address, or email address. The
researcher maintains the privacy and security of the identifying variables that have been
solicited. The study's findings will be summarized statistics rather than individual-level
information. The participants were kept up to date on the research's progress and findings.

The researchers' primary objective is to ensure that the participants in this study are handled
ethically, respectfully, and without prejudice. Participants should be treated with respect despite
of differences and no damage should be done to them. To increase safety and security to avoid
anxiety among the participants, the researchers will ensure that the interview questions used
are free of any unethical statements. The documents and recordings that we will collect will be
kept in a secure manner. The researchers will make sure that the interview questions that will
be utilize is free from any unethical remarks to promote safety and security and avoid
uneasiness to the participants. The research proposal will be evaluated first by the researchers’
nursing research professor as well as the Research Development and Innovation Center
(RDIC): Institutional Ethics Review Committee. Content validation through expert judgement is
defined by Escobar-Pérez & Cuervo-Martínez (2020) as an informed opinion from individuals
with a track record in the field who are regarded by others as qualified experts and who can
provide information, evidence, judgements, and assessments. The questions must be validated
by the professors or an expert to have an appropriate processes and data.

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