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Role Play 1

In an IT-related organisation there is a project where there is only one male in senior managerial
position. He is presently in charge of implementing the project which relates to implementing the
programme for the clients. With his direct interface with the clients, he finds several problems
with the customisation of the software. He keeps on giving the details of the same to his
counterpart in the team who is dealing with the customisation. However, she is not able to
incorporate all the features as expected by the clients. The male manager faces a lot of flak from
the clients, who complain about the lack of efficiency of the team to the MD, who is also a
female. The male manager is unable to convince his counterpart dealing with customisation, who
feels that it is his incompetence which is causing the problem. Though counterparts, the male
manager gets better perks due to the external liaison role. The promotions are also due for both
of them and the female manager feels that she maybe left out in the process.
The male manager is quite concerned about his performance and one day the secretary to the MD
sees his plight had offers to help. He narrates the whole issue and she promises to support him,
and asks him to take her for a date in return. The male manager refuses, much to her chagrin. She
forms a cohort with his female counterpart and starts complaining about him to the MD. The MD
warns the male manager to improve his performance and also not to blame others for his
incompetence. However, the things get worse as one of the major clients calls for end to the
contract. Everyone starts blaming the male manger even tough the fault was of the whole team.
The MD calls for the meeting in which both the male manager and his counterpart are present
and so is the MD’s secretary. The role play commences at this point in the meeting.

The Male Manager:

You as a manager know that there is little you can do without the support of the other managers
who are females. You are always sidelines by the female managers who seem to have their own
world where you seem to be an intruder. You are worried about the lack of cohesion and the kind
of differences but do not know how to settle these differences which have nothing to do with you
as a manger but to some other factors.

The Female Counterpart

You have been angered by the kind of privileges given to the male manger in terms of better
roles and assignments though both of you entered as equals. You also know that he can outwit
you for the promotion since he has better exposure to the field. You see him as a rival and are
ready to do your best to sideline him.

The Secretary:
You are quite angry by the male manager’s refusal to have a date with you since there was no
ground for him to reject it. You hence want to make sure he gets his just desserts for this

The MD:
You do not understand why the male manager cannot deliver on the field. Time and again you
have also been receiving complaints from other managers as well as your secretary about his
lackadaisical attitude. You are now quite keen to show him his place and take firm action
holding him responsible for the loss of the client.

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