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Webinar on Balancing UPSC preparation with college studies in collaboration with


The NSS Unit of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam in association
with GS score hosted an Online Event on balancing UPSC preparation with college
studies. There were 128 members who participated in this event.

The event started with a brief introduction of distinguished guests, Mr. Amol Srivastava
currently sub district magistrate in mizoram and Mr. Ajay shah faculty of current affairs
by our host Ms. Bansuri poddar and co host Prachi Ajitsariya.

Mr. Ajay at the beginning of the webinar introduced the syllabus and the structure of
UPSC exam and also guided the audience with the UPSC and its level of toughness.
It was then followed by Mr. Shah Amol Srivastava who introduced us with his personal
background and his hard work which he did while preparing his UPSC. Sir gave his
guidance about what UPSC demands from students.
Meanwhile Sir also shared his UPSC preparation tips and discussed which things should
be considered before choosing the subjects. He said, we must consider our interests first
and we should choose optional subjects that synchronize with our interests, because
genuine interest makes the subject much simpler. He also said we should keep in mind
that we have good resources like good teachers and better study materials.
After a brief short discussion about his journey and all the struggles he went through in
his preparation for the exam, he started to take up questions and answered in a subtle
manner. There were more than 100+ questions raised by the attendees and after each
question there were a lot of things which were of utmost importance for a student, who is
thinking of cracking UPSC.

The question raised by one of the attendees about what should be the right time to appear
in the exam at which Sir replied that the golden time to start preparing for UPSC is to
start after the twelfth class.

Mr. Amol Srivastava also answered the question related to current affairs by saying that
current affairs should be read in a practical way by observing the issues happening in the
country rather than by just reading theoretically. He emphasised on the importance of
newspapers because UPSC asks questions related to current affairs relating to the static

Followed by which Mr. Ajay shah shared his view on the importance of law subjects in
UPSC preparation. He said if we take law as an optional subject then we should focus on
every subject of law but if we are taking other subjects as an optional then each subject of
law doesn't matter.
He answered the question of student Mahima Thakur about books for preparation. He
said we should start from basic books like NCERT books, at which he emphasized the
importance of how one should develop his/her foundation first which can only be
developed if one’s basics are clear and strong. He ended his answer with a very well
known quote that “Consistency is the key for Success”.

Mr. Amol Srivastava also emphasized the importance of time management and also said
we should extract as much time as possible from our college time keeping in mind it
does not hinder our college study. He also gave importance to smart study for students.
He answered questions related to language barrier where he said language does not create
much barrier in preparation but sometimes hindi and other vernacular language students
face difficulties in connecting things in their preparation.

Mr Anmol also focused on the importance of videos of students who topped and expert
faculties while preparing for the exam as it not only gives the motivation to study but also
provides the strategy which can be taken into consideration while preparing for the exam
at which he shared some links which benefited the students who attended the event.

Mr Ajay Shah gave his tips on how one should handle mental stress and anxiety while
preparing for the exam. He warned not to pile up things because when things are more
that is the reason where the students start panicking. We should also take help from
teachers and our elders and where he emphasized the importance of meditation for
tackling anxiety and mental stress.

Vote of Thanks was given by our co- host Prachi Ajitsariya, Student, NLU Assam. She
thanked the Chief Guest for enlightening and guiding the audience with his wonderful
lecture. She thanked the NSS authorities for organising this event. She also thanked NSS
volunteers, students for attending this wonderful session and listening to sir with

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