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Actividad de proyecto 13

Actividad de aprendizaje 1: Ejecutar el plan integración de los actores teniendo

en cuenta la optimización de recursos técnicos, tecnológicos y humanos en la
cadena de distribución

Telling where it is?

As it has previously mentioned, generating customer satisfaction is one of the main

objectives of any company. Understanding the customer’s needs is as important as
satisfying them. In order to do so, it is important to have a neat internal control and
organization of every process within the supply chain. That is why product traceability is
not only important as an internal control tool to manage possible risks in the supply
chain, but also a tool for the end consumer to rely on the product he/she is purchasing.

With this in mind and aiming to reinforce your acquired knowledge regarding the
technical vocabulary and some grammar English structures, work on the following
workshop. Please, have in mind the following instructions:

1. Look at the following safety signs and tell what they mean and where you can find
them. Use complete sentences and prepositions of place. Check the examples:

Sign What does it mean? Where Is it?

Barcodes are usually

Traceability bar code. printed on the external
part of a product.

Emergency exit signs are

Emergency exit. usually located above a

QR Code QR Codes are usually

located next t the
advertising banner
Mandatory signaling of Currently the signage of
use of face masks the mandatory use of
face masks are located
near the entrance doors
to the establishments and
in close sites

Wet floor signage Wet floor signage is

locate on the floor that
has clearly been cleaned
and is still wet.

Receipt and shipping The signage oof the

area signage reception and shipping
area of products are
located next to the door
of the warehouse

Mandatory use of safety The mandatory use signal

boots for safety boots are in
front of heavy machinery
or in the storage area.

Cargo elevator signal The load elevator signage

is usually located above
the elevator door.

Mandatory signage for Mandatory signage for

protective goggles protective goggles are
usually in front oof
machine such as lathes,
milling machines and
Corrosive substance The corrosive substance
warning label label must be on top of
bottles or containers
containing this type of

First aid sign The first-aid signage is

usually near the medicine
cabinet and stretchers, as
well as above the
infirmary door.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

2. Check the following distributors’ maps and provide instructions for your distributor to
deliver your product to your customers. Use sequence connectors, prepositions of
place and vocabulary to give directions.

Our distributor is at A and must

go to the Canton Chinese
Restaurant. Let’s check the

First, go over the bridge and

after that, go along Bell Lane.
When you get to Oak Avenue,
turn right into it and go straight
across Hopper Road; then, turn
left in Harris Street. After that,
turn right into West Street and go
past Cross Street. The Canton
Chinese Restaurant is on your
right, between the ABC Cinema
and the Carlton Hotel.

Fuente: SENA
Map A

Fuente: SENA

What will be the best route from the Toy Factory to Dick’s house?

Dick must take a right and use the bridge, continue straight to the corner of the shoe
factory where you must turn right and on the second corner you will find your house.

Map B

Fuente: SENA
Our distributor is lost in La Candelaria, Bogotá. Please, provide instructions for him to
get to the red star. Right now, he is at the San Francisco Church.

The San Francisco church is son 13th Street, we take a right and exit through Carrera 8
passing 5 streets and turning left at the corner of the national capitol located on 9th
Street, after two streets on the right we will find the red star our destiny.

3. Send the file to the instructor through the virtual learning platform.

Environment required: Virtual Learning Environment.

Materials: computer, internet, training material Product Traceability: Telling where your
product is and has it been to, complementary material Prepositions of place, glossary
and SENA library.

Evidence 6: Workshop. Telling where it is?

Note: this evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the project guide in
order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them
and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Puede relacionar textos en inglés con imágenes o con títulos que le sean

 Ubica al interlocutor en un punto geográfico específico, empleando preposiciones

en inglés.

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