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Our heavenly father we thank for a very good time like this.

We thank you for your word because it ’s

quick and powerful. We thank you daddy for the gift of a new day. We ask O Lord that you forgive all
sins. We ask this morning that you teach us expressly and let us be transformed by the instrumentality
of your word. Amen

A wonderful morning to everyone, I hope we all a lovely night rest?

This morning the Lord will be dealing with us on the salient topic SUPERNATURAL PROVISIONS.
Bible Passage Mark 8: 1 – 9
The Emphasis is the verse 2-3

*_"I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left
to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will faint along the way. For some of them have come a long

The bible passage communicates the miracle wrought by Jesus Christ where he provided for the feeding
of a multitude of more than four thousand men. It was revealed that these ones have been following
Jesus Christ for the past three days hence the necessity to satisfy the desires of hunger arose. Jesus rose
to the occasion by miraculously turning seven loaves and few fishes to satisfy the hunger of the
famished crowd. What a provider we serve!

The bible passage speaks about the miracle wrought through Christ during His earthly ministry,
The very first statement in our scriptural focus ("I feel sorry for these people ……”) this morning
describes the compassionate nature of God. He ’s not unmindful of our feeble and tough needs. “For we
do not have a high priest who is unable to understand and symphatize and have a shared feeling with
our weakness and imfirmities and liabilities…..”(Heb 4: 15 Amp). It is essential to believe that God
specializes and is interested in providing for our needs and weaknesses. As a matter of fact He is
touched by it.

From the passage, it was also recorded that seven loaves and few fishes were multiplied by Jesus Christ
to fend for a large multitude of people. I want us to settle this in our hearts that little is more than
enough when God is involved! (2 Kings 4:4) The provision of God often takes uncommon forms which
are beyond man’s understanding for man’s way is not God ’s way.

It is pertinent to observe from our scriptural focus that the people had been with Jesus Christ for three
days and a time came that they were on hungry. I submit to you all that when we spend more time with
the Lord, it commits Him to provide supernaturally for our needs. There is always a price for the prize!
The price of intimacy with the Lord will open a man to the continual provision of the Lord.

An intimate man with the Lord knows how to command and benefits from the provision of the father.
To this end I enjoin us to position ourselves to a life of seeking and knowing Jesus to the point of staying
with Him just to know Him (Psalms 27: 4).

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