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The fact is, when people start anything new, whether it is a new year, a new relationship, a new job or
plan, a new business, they start really focused; they stay intensely focused for a week, two weeks, a
month, two months, but somewhere along the line, they lose focus. For a life that must generate and
accomplish great feats, focus is a non-negotiable price to pay for the accomplishment of your vision.
There are five enemies of focus:

1. DISTRACTION: something becomes more important and they change their sense of priority and start
prioritizing on things not relevant to their destination. When other things become priority in your life,
most likely, distraction has set in.

2. DISORDER: A state of confusion; the mother of instability; a product of lack of discipline and inability
to align to set goals. Disorder destroys focus. As a matter of fact, you can’t be confused and be focused.

3. DELAY: When things don’t happen fast enough, we tend to lose focus. Delay is never denial; once it
sets in, you’ve got to move on to pursue something worthwhile with your life.

4. DISCOURAGEMENT: Discouragement sets in when you experience setbacks.

5. DOUBT: Doubt is a disaster and major killer of focus. Nothing limits a person like doubting his or her
own capacity to function. When you doubt yourself, you weaken your focus and reduce your chances for

Distractions, disorder, delays, discouragement and doubt blurs focus and destroys vision. Your vision is
so important because it is all that give light to your path. What is your vision for the year? If you don’t
have a vision you will not be able to see well and others will lead you. When you have a vision but lack
focus, it alters your perception [Your mind view]; you are going to be seeing the wrong things, saying the
wrong words and acting the wrong acts. With a wrong perception, one is bound for wrong results.

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