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Tcl Assignment 5

Refer to these links before starting the assignment :

1. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the outputs
set sample "Where there is a will, There is a way."

# Match the first substring with lowercase letters only
set result [regexp {[a-z]+} $sample match]
puts "Result: $result match: $match"

# Match the first two words, the first one allows uppercase
set result [regexp {([A-Za-z]+) +([a-z]+)} $sample match sub1 sub2 ]
puts "Result: $result Match: $match 1: $sub1 2: $sub2"

# Replace a word
regsub "way" $sample "lawsuit" sample2
puts "New: $sample2"

# Use the -all option to count the number of "words"
puts "Number of words: [regexp -all {[^ ]+} $sample]"

2. Try out the following commands in Tcl and interpret the ouput

# Examine an overview of UNIX/Linux disks
set list1 [list \
{/dev/wd0a 17086 10958 5272 68% /}\
{/dev/wd0f 179824 127798 48428 73% /news}\
{/dev/wd0h 1249244 967818 218962 82% /usr}\
{/dev/wd0g 98190 32836 60444 35% /var}]

foreach line $list1 {

regexp {[^ ]* *([0-9]+)[^/]*(/[a-z]*)} $line match size mounted;
puts "$mounted is $size blocks"

# Extracting a hexadecimal value ...
set line {Interrupt Vector? [32(0x20)]}
regexp "\[^\t]+\t\\\[\[0-9]+\\(0x(\[0-9a-fA-F]+)\\)]" $line match hexval
puts "Hex Default is: 0x$hexval"

# Matching the special characters as if they were ordinary
set str2 "abc^def"
regexp "\[^a-f]*def" $str2 match
puts "using \[^a-f] the match is: $match"

regexp "\[a-f^]*def" $str2 match

puts "using \[a-f^] the match is: $match"

regsub {\^} $str2 " is followed by: " str3

puts "$str2 with the ^ substituted is: \"$str3\""

regsub "(\[a-f]+)\\^(\[a-f]+)" $str2 "\\2 follows \\1" str3

puts "$str2 is converted to \"$str3\""

3. Write a Tcl Script to dump a random number of random values to a text file. Also, without using
chmod/chgroup/chown/umask give executable permissions to the file.

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