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Tcl Assignment 3

1. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the output :
proc sum {arg1 arg2} {
set x [expr {$arg1 + $arg2}];
return $x

puts " The sum of 2 + 3 is: [sum 2 3]\n\n"

proc for {a b c} {
puts "The for command has been replaced by a puts";
puts "The arguments were: $a\n$b\n$c\n"

for {set i 1} {$i < 10} {incr i}

2. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the output:

proc example {first {second ""} args} {

if {$second eq ""} {
puts "There is only one argument and it is: $first"
return 1
} else {
if {$args eq ""} {
puts "There are two arguments - $first and $second"
return 2
} else {
puts "There are many arguments - $first and $second and $args"
return "many"

set count1 [example ONE]

set count2 [example ONE TWO]
set count3 [example ONE TWO THREE ]
set count4 [example ONE TWO THREE FOUR]

puts "The example was called with $count1, $count2, $count3, and $count4 Arguments"
3. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the output :

set x "a b c"

puts "Item at index 2 of the list {$x} is: [lindex $x 2]\n"

set y [split 7/4/1776 "/"]

puts "We celebrate on the [lindex $y 1]'th day of the [lindex $y 0]'th month\n"

set z [list puts "arg 2 is $y" ]

puts "A command resembles: $z\n"

set i 0
foreach j $x {
puts "$j is item number $i in list x"
incr i

4. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the output :

set list [list {Washington 1789} {Adams 1797} {Jefferson 1801} \

{Madison 1809} {Monroe 1817} {Adams 1825} ]

set x [lsearch $list Washington*]

set y [lsearch $list Madison*]
incr x
incr y -1 ;# Set range to be not-inclusive

set subsetlist [lrange $list $x $y]

puts "The following presidents served between Washington and Madison"

foreach item $subsetlist {
puts "Starting in [lindex $item 1]: President [lindex $item 0] "

set x [lsearch $list Madison*]

set srtlist [lsort $list]
set y [lsearch $srtlist Madison*]

puts "\n$x Presidents came before Madison chronologically"

puts "$y Presidents came before Madison alphabetically"

5. Try out the following command sequence and interpret the output :

set b [list a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]

puts "Treated as a list: $b\n"

set b [split "a b {c d e} {f {g h}}"]

puts "Transformed by split: $b\n"

set a [concat a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]

puts "Concated: $a\n"

lappend a {ij K lm} ;# Note: {ij K lm} is a single element

puts "After lappending: $a\n"

set b [linsert $a 3 "1 2 3"] ;# "1 2 3" is a single element

puts "After linsert at position 3: $b\n"

set b [lreplace $b 3 5 "AA" "BB"]

puts "After lreplacing 3 positions with 2 values at position 3: $b\n"

6. Write a program to fill up an array with random values from 1 to 50000. Then accept a
number from the user and if that number is present in the array display “Number found at
location <Location number>” and exit. If that number is not present in the array display
“Number not found” and take another input from the user and repeat the above process.

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