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Read and Write

A.1.a) Mrs Clavering, Agnes’ mother says this.

b) Agnes wanted to spend part of her money on a New Year’s Day gift.

c) She wanted to buy a gift for her cousin, Laura.

d) Agnes wanted to buy a blue bag as a gift.

2. a) Mrs Clavering is speaking to her daughter, Agnes.

b) Agnes was sure she could afford to buy some shells with her pocket money.

c) Mrs Clavering reminded her of the blue bag because Agnes was supposed to buy it for her
cousin Laura with her pocket money.

3. a) Mrs Clavering is speaking to her daughter, Agnes.

b) They are talking about Laura, Agnes’ cousin.

c) Laura doesn’t stand any chance of having a New Year’s gift because Agnes has been
steadily spending all her pocket money on things for herself.

d) The speaker felt very sorry and sad about the fact that Agnes was being selfish.

B 1. Agnes wanted to buy a little blue bag for her cousin Laura. She also planned to put in it a
gold thimble, a little pair of scissors with a gold sheath, and a tortoise-shell box for needles. She
wanted to gift her on New Year’s Day as Laura had gifted her a pretty purse the previous year.

2. Agnes’ mother was unhappy with her because the little girl had been buying and discarding
things one after the other. She had planned to buy a gift for her cousin, but whenever she
saw a new thing or something that others wanted, she too would start wanting it. One after
the other, she bought a dog, a canary, some shells, etc. for herself despite her mother’s
warnings. She was being selfish and Mrs Clavering did not like that at all.

3. Mrs Clavering knew that her daughter would probably spend all her money on things for
herself. Soon, there was no money left to buy a gift for Laura. Agnes was very sorry and
cried in guilt. Then her mother told her that she had bought the thimble, scissors, tortoise-
shell needle case and other things so that Agnes would not have to feel embarrassed in
front of her cousin.

4. Laura had got her collection of shells for Agnes as she had admired them a lot when they had
last met. She had probably gone without many things to complete the collection so that she
could gift it to Agnes.

1. birds of a feather flock together – people who are alike in many ways enjoy spending time

2. see eye to eye with someone – to agree with someone

3. fair weather friend – a friend when times are good

4. keep at arm’s length – not become too friendly

5. stormy relationship – when you have too many disagreements with people close to you

6. thick as thieves – very close friends

7. rub shoulders – have an opportunity to meet and talk to someone

8. know someone inside out – know a person very well

9. call it a day – stop working on something

10. hang in there – do not give up

11. the best of both worlds – to enjoy the advantages of two different things at the same time.

12. hit the sack – to go to bed

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