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Past progressive and past tense

Used to

Kebiasaan yang sudah ditinggalkan

Form : subject + used to + gerund(VERBing) ,noun / pronoun

Be used to

Kebiasaan yg masih dilakukan dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan

Form: subject+be+used to + gerund, noun / pronoun

Get used to

Prosses to meaning of the something ( ex / she is getting use to the early hours . )

Kebiasaan yg harus dilakukan dan akan menjadi kebiasaan

Form : subject + get + used to + gerund , noun / pronoun

Past progressive

Form / was,were + ing

Ex/ I was sleeping when the phone rang .

 When : at that time

 While : during the time

Forms past progressive


Weren’t ( I she it


 Time clauses + comma + main clauses

 Main clauses + no comma + time clauses

Intinya bisa menggabungkan 2 kalimat yang sedang berlangsung .

Sureness about the future


I will be in class tomorrow

A m going to be class tomorrow


Joni will probably


I may

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