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As ……………….

As a woman

Long hair, painted nails, high heels, floral prints, menstruation cycles,
soft voice, feminine gestures and tinted face. That is how the system of
billion cells controlling the Central Nervous System is trained to think
Womanhood as. No bad! Long hair symbolizes the flexibility of a
woman. Just like her hair can be mended and messed to beautify, she
can mend and mess herself to personify. She can paint the world with
her smile in the same way she paint her nails. Sky is the limit when she
decides and chooses to be on the right ‘High Platforms’. Her gynic
essence becomes colorful when she puts on her floral printed scarf
around her neck. You cannot even guess that she is on the journey of
removing toxicity from her body with immense cramps. She is that
strong! She is the conqueror when she puts that soft voice to a
purpose. The way she handles every emotion well behind that tinted
face is the real undecipherable feminine gesture.
Now, What could be the purpose of such simile sounded statements?
A very strong reason for this is the question frame- As …………. as a
It is always important to accept yourself before the person in front of
you makes you do so by the rule of thumb. This clears the purpose of
stating the default thinking regarding womanhood which is the actual
bone of contention when it is about Woman VS World or to be specific
Woman Vs Their Ivory Tower. As a woman I accept it all gracefully and
call a spade a spade, but I would cut a sorry figure when it is about
those default strings that goes against my self esteem and which
immediately need to be deleted before it shows the syntax error on
compilation. In this era where we celebrate scientific achievements,
political establishments, platform representation, there is something
which still lags in the race of being celebrated; WOMANHOOD! Real
WOMANHOOD! An inamorata who has the ability to combat long
journey with censure along with her long hair, who paints her
personality well than her nails, whose spirits are higher than her heels,
who blooms more beautiful than a daffodil, whose spark is lustrous
than a million of stars in the sky, but all this ends in fiasco when I sit
back wondering about the now and then of the status of a woman.
It leads me in a befuddlement of what has the changes actually been to
honor the disgraced and abominable position of Women in the
previous time whether it be adelphogamy, or absence of gynocracy.
Time has not been very beatific for women or you can call it a bad
quarter of an hour. World has been in a panchromatic state; sensitive
to all the visible colors of womanhood. From being victims to an
armchair critic or knowing facts from a babes in the wood, women have
always been a back seat driver. She has always been on work to deal
against the boorishness towards her gynic actions. Women were in the
zone of battening down the hatches as in the ascendant to build a
buttress of womanhood. Things haven’t changed much but the a ray of
sunshine is always a symbol of the upcoming sunrise. Begging the
question, working like a beaver, breaking the ice, beating the system,
beating the hasty retreat, Women stood up for themselves and bended
over backwards for Womanhood which was very much needed as if in
the dumps then in the red.
When the cart had already been put before the horse, bringing changes
then is a pyrrhic victory. When womanhood has already been tagged to
be fragile, how can you figure the strength then? When she has already
been accosted, how can she take the floor then? When feminism
witness acts of utter shame, how can the world be safe then? It is easy
to throw up the sponge and feel comfortable under the strata of
dominating gender, but it not easy to take bull by horns: but since
Women took heart for the uphill task why is the cordial acceptance so
difficult. Irony to all the seen and heard disgraceful stories of women is
Gyneolatry. Is this for real? Is this not hypocrisy at it’s peak?
Worshiping the power, the energy, the deeds, the motherhood
vanishes when it comes to power, energy, deeds and motherhood in
reality. Thanks to the bastions who took it at a serious note because it
is not as normal as calling it a ‘Victim card’ always. If things would have
been in the right place, no wonder I would have chosen a different
topic to scribble my nib upon and used it in the brevity elsewhere. I feel
petty about the fact that the matter is a serious one to be thought and
written because if it would have been treated like a usual one, people
like feminists would have never existed and females would have not
turned into chauvinists.
Being a woman myself, I can relate to the fact that I generally fight shy
of confronting my words to the people with opposite mindset because
it is a herculean task to fight to the finish. The reason being the super
stable default thinking with zero capaciousness . Not only they are ill at
ease with anything which seems to bring a change in the society but
they are also Latin and Greek with their own perceptions. Examples
always work well but if you provide them with one, they make it a moot
point as well by saying that exceptions are always there or a lotus
fascinates every eye in a muddy lake. Well! The journey to make
handful of them to capitulate to the issue whether willy nilly is a
difficult deal and making the opposite gender do so, relatedness and
emotions don’t work here either. It was and is all about putting up an
act together of making the energies of captious in the right place,
embracing the efforts of those who jump on the bandwagon and
molding the callow minds towards the right and bright light of
womanhood. Yeoman’s service towards making people understand it, is
Celebrations are a way long journey to achieve, the road is towards
Acceptance. How well can society accept a strong woman in front of
them. Women empowerment! We’ve being taught and told to make
the world learn about it but I don’t remember teaching the world about
how to deal with an empowered women because even if a woman
gains 'All of Empowerment’, the need of an hour is to make people
accept it because the problem isn’t women empowerment anymore,
problem is the Acceptance of empowerment of women in this society
and this is the whole conversation about. Being in fetters is much
painful when you have already experienced the freedom. Very frequent
are the incidences where women are forced to change their nutshell to
adjust according to the societal norms. If it is about equality then why is
the opposite gender made to enjoy the contrasting privileges! Why
cannot the society change to be a comfortable nutshell for her. It takes
heart to quit over even mere habits and there a woman is expected to
do it without obligations and even if it happens get nil respect for it.
What will you call an individual like this?
As strong as a woman or as weak as a woman.
As generous as a woman or as chauvinist as a woman.
As admirable as a woman or as coquette as a woman.
As gynethusiasist as a woman or as ninny as a woman. Womanhood is
more than just a word in the dictionary because she is the persisted
energy in ones life, she is an Inamorata and she is bona fide bar none.

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