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Option Explicit

*If VBA? Then

Private Declare PtrSafe Function Findindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindow" (ByVal
lpClassName As String, ByVal Ipindale As String) As Long Private Declare PerSafe
Function GetLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLong" (ByVal and Ac Lurg, ByVal Index
As Long) As Long
Private Declare Ptrafe Function SetWindowLong Li Taser32" Alias "SetWindowlong"
(ByVal e As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal clestong As Long) As Long Private
Declare Pirate Function Dratenular Lis "user32" (ByVal mil As Long) As Long
Private Declare PurSafe Function SetleyeredwinAttribute Ler: 32" (ByVal hd As Long,
ByVal crey Av Lung, ByVal Alpha As Byte, ByVal Flags As Ling) As Long
Private Declare Functie Finde Lit "32" Alias "Findout" (Byval Clasame As String,
Byl pindolam As String) Private Declare Fuction GetHinkong Lib "user32" Alias
"eindon (ByVal hed de Long, ByVel Indes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Setindistong LI "ver32" Alias "Seindstung" (ByVal hand As
Long, ByVal Index As Lunu. ByVal dwang As Long) As Long
Priya Declare Functie Drafender Line2" (ByVal hund As Long As Long Private Declare
Fuse Nindies-butes Lib "user32" (ByVal e As Long, ByVal kay As Long, ByVal lake As
Byte, ByVal Ings Lang) As Long
Private Curst CHL STYLE As Long (-16) Private Const GHL EXSTYLE As Long (-20)
The offer of emite
Private Canal WS CAPTION As Long &000000 Private Curst WS EX OLKIDALFRAME AS
Private Const WS EX LAYERED SH00000
for beserta cedir your for
Private Canat L COLOREY Private Cunst LNA ALPHA 12
Function HideTitleAndBorder(fre As Object)
Din Ingindo As Long Dim Fred As Long

Private Sub Sair MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X
As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Me.Sair.Visible = False
Me.Sair2.Visible True
Me.Sair2.Left Me.Sair.Left
Me.Sair2. Topo - Me.Sair. Topo
Finalizar Sub
Sub Sair Privado2_Click()
Finalizar Sub
Sub privada SenhaTx_Enter()
I.Abrir.Vis�vel Falso
EU. Datado.Vis�vel Verdadeiro
Me.Fechado.Left - Me.Aberto.Left
Me.Fechado. Top Me.Aberto. Top
Finalizar Sub
Private Sub SenhaTx Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Me.Aberto.Visible = True
Me.Dated.Visible = False
Finalizar Sub
Ativar formul�rio de sub-usu�rio privado()
HideTitleBarAndBordar Me MakeUser formTransparent Me
Application.Visible = False
Finalizar Sub
Inicializar formul�rio de sub-usu�rio privado()
Me.Labe12. ForeColor RGB(4, 234, 165) Me.Login2.ForeColor RGB(4, 234, 165) End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Application.Visible - True End Sub
Findimis (115trinu, fre.Caption)
// Bakte kakambalo 31 you the vare de citady vidyo Jands
IngWind Getkindlm(Fran, GR STYLE)
IngWindow Ingindow And (Not HS CAPTION)
SetWindatang IF, GWL STYLE, Ingindow Engine - Getindulang(Frand, OR EXSTYLE)
Inghindar � Inkind Andhut VS EX DLGNDALFBANE

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