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Convert the following negative denary numbers into binary numbers using the two’s

complement format: -67

Working space





Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… [2]

ASCII example

Using the following part of the ASCII table, explain how the word BED is saved on the computer.





Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… [2]

BED : 66 69 68 [1 mark]

The values then are stored on the computer in 8-bit binary format (1 Byte per letter) [ 1 Mark]
RLE Example


05 C 02 A 04 F 06 D 02B 03G

From the ASCII table the RLE encoding will be :

Answer: 05 67 02 65 04 70 06 68 0266 03 47 [3 Mark] each correct pair is 1 Mark.

a) Convert the following binary value to decimal 10011101 [ 1]
b) Preform logical shift 2 places right [1]
c) What is the effect of the shift on the value, comment on your
answer. [2]

Answer :

a) 157
b) 00100111


The result of the shit is equal to 39, which is the value divided
by 4 , the value loses precision ( rounding occurred) as the
result should have been 39.25 but the value we got after the
shift is only 39

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