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Lola Soto Ontiveros

Travelling abroad is a good opportunity to find new places, culture, food, people… but also a time
to forget you daily life and give a chance to a new way of living. And, sometimes, this time you
have to take it by yourself. Experts said that travel abroad in your own one in life will change
completely your vising of the world.
The best way of planning a safe trip is to prepare well in advance. An informed traveller is a safer
traveller. Here, we provide you with information that is useful for any trip abroad. 10 tips that make
your preparations easier:

1. You should always do a research about others people reviews. Get to know your destination in
depth before you arrive, it’s the best way to find places to visit and you must learn about other

2. Email Your Itinerary To Friends/Family. Before you start your trip, be sure that confident
people knows about your itinerary, if something happens to you and you cannot contact, the can call
or stay informed about where you are.
3. Don’t do Hitchhiking. There are certainly some good samaritans who’ll help you reach your
destination, but there are also bad people who use this practices to scram others. If you want to
travel in an adventourus way, keep always a safe place in case of emergency.

4. Try to not to travel by night. If you are traveling alone, overnight in a bus can be risky. Lightly
travels afford you to be sure about the journey, stations, people who are around you...

5. Don’t make your destination and your route obvious to snoopy people and bypassers.
Someone can follows you.
6. Keep a list of emergency numbers by hand. If something happens to you, it’s better not to lose
time searching for a number in a web or in your phone.

7. Keep your passport and cards close to your body. Wears jackets or coats with pockets in your
torso, or put them inside your clothes.

8. Try to have bags without big pockets on the back, and in case you can, put your bags ahead.
Thiefs use every opportunity to open back pockets. Your jeans or trousers are no place to keep your
stuff while being out there on the road. Concentrate on the front pockets.
9. If you learn the basics of the local language, you can resolve your problems quickly and
easily. Knowing a few local words will even put off some curious people, because it gives the
impression that you are not a foreigner or that you know the place.

10. Don’t fall into any tourist-trap and beware of scams. There are various types of scams all
around the world specifically targeted at tourists. Try not to go only at the most famous places and
give an chance to some of them that are less popular.

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