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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Check the Source

The internet is full of useful information—as well as a lot of information that’s incorrect, biased, or
designed to cause strong feelings like fear. When you look for information online, it’s important to
identify and use reliable sources. Use the information in the table below to determine whether a
source, such as a website, is reliable. Record “Yes” or “No” in the far right column.

Question Guidelines Answer Reliable?

Look at the end of the web address:
.com: run by a company or business
.gov: created by the U.S. government
.edu: usually connected to a This website address ends in _________ ,
Who created
university or college so it was created by _________________
the website?
.org: created by an organization, ___________________________________ .
usually a nonprofit
Look at the “About” page too:
Who made the site? Why?

©2020 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to teachers and subscribers to make copies of this page to distribute to their students.
Reliable websites include current
Is the facts. Experts, like scientists,
website up researchers, or public officials, The website was updated on _________ .
to date? update the website’s information as
they learn more.

Is the website meant to sell you The website’s purpose is _____________

What is the something, entertain you, or cause
_________________________________ .
website’s you to feel something? Websites
purpose? that are meant to inform focus on I can tell this because________________
evidence. ___________________________________ .

Do other It’s a good idea to check multiple

reliable sources for the same This website’s information was also on
information. That allows you to the websites________________________
confirm the verify the information by seeing if it
information? and ________________________________ .
is found in other sources.

➜ TAKE IT FURTHER: With your teacher and classmates, evaluate two more sources that discuss the
same topic. What important information do they provide? Do you think they are reliable?

Visit SuperScience • May/June 2020

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