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Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST B 1

Vocabulary 4 you / walk / to school today / ?

1 Połącz połówki zdań. 5 he / not go / to the park today

1 My sister has got lots of freckles
2 The baby has got dark hair – 5
3 My cheeks are red because it’s 5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami
4 Uncle Joe has got a brown moustache and z ramki.
5 You’ve got a nice smile in this photo – you
am cooking are smiling
a on her cheeks and nose. Are they using don’t read works
b a long brown beard.
1 I pasta for dinner tonight. Do
c a very hot day. you want to come over?
d look really happy. 2 their tablets at the moment?
e it’s black. 3 Look. The girls in this photo
5 – they look happy.
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. 4 We many books during the
week, but we do at the weekend.
bookshelf noticeboard playground 5 Dad in a hospital. He’s a
projector timetable nurse.
1 We have English next, not maths. Look at your 5
. Reading
2 The class is over. Please put all your books on
the . 6 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.
3 Do you want to play basketball in the
I’ve got two sisters, Meg and Jen. They’re twins and
after school?
they’re two years older than me. They’re good friends,
4 Our teacher often uses a and an but they don’t like me! They sometimes tell our
interactive whiteboard in class. parents that I do bad things, but I don’t do bad things.
5 There’s a school disco on Friday. Look, it’s on Read this message from them to Mum: ‘Hi Mum, Meg
the . and I are making a cake for a friend’s birthday. Tom is
5 in the kitchen, but he isn’t helping! He’s interrupting us
Grammar AND he’s making a mess in here. We want him to
stop! Help!’ My father always believes my sisters and
3 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia we właściwej he gets angry with me. My mother usually believes me
kolejności, tak and then my sisters call me a ‘Mummy’s boy’. I don’t
like that.
aby powstały poprawne zdania.
OK, so sometimes my sisters are nice to me. On my
1 he / sports / Does / enjoy / ?
birthday, they buy me really cool presents. And when
someone at school is horrible to me, they help me.
2 and / don’t / My sister / I / Italian / speak My sisters also take me to the swimming pool at
weekends and that’s always fun. Hmm … maybe they
3 school / rugby / I / after / play are my friends!
1 In their message, what do Tom’s sisters say they
4 in / You / Oxford / live are doing?

5 that / Do / school / they / to / go / ? 2 What do Tom’s sisters call him?

5 3 What nice thing do Tom’s sisters do on his

4 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania
w czasie present continuous.
4 What do Tom’s sisters do when people aren’t nice
1 my parents / speak / English now to him?

2 I / take / the dog for a walk / at the moment 5 Where do Tom’s sisters take him that is fun?

3 you / interrupt / me / – it’s rude / ! 5

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST B 1
7 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Johna na temat jego
kolegi, Roberta. Przeczytaj pytania 10 Uzupełnij zdania.
i wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi. 1 Please put your rubbish in the ,
1 What does Robert’s hair look like? not on the floor!
a it is short and fair 2 Have you finished with that dictionary? Put it on
b it is quite short and dark the , please.
2 When does Robert watch TV? 3 I don’t know what time it is because there isn’t
a in this room.
a every afternoon b every evening
4 I love reading books, so I go to the
3 What sport doesn’t Robert play? every weekend.
a volleyball b rugby 5 It says on my that we have maths
4 What school subject don’t the boys like? at 8.45 and English at 11.15.
a maths b French 5
5 Where do the boys do their homework?
a at John’s home b at Robert’s home
11 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki
i czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach
5 w formie czasu present simple lub present
always at the day in this usually
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
1 Mum (drive) to work
could course no possible right every .
A Hello. Welcome to Jan’s café! 2 I (have) fun with my
friends photo.
B Hello. Is it OK if I sit at that table?
3 ‘ (you / cook) dinner every
A Sure. Go 1 ahead. So, what are you
night?’ ‘Not always, but .’
having today?
4 We (not run) in the park
B Um, may I have a chocolate milkshake, please?
A I’m sorry, that’s not 2 . I haven’t got
5 ‘ (your brother / get up) at 6 a.m. every morning?’
chocolate milkshakes. I’ve got banana milkshakes.
‘Yes, .’
B OK … a banana milkshake, please.
A 3 problem! Anything to eat?
B 4 I have an omelette, please? Total marks with Extra 55
A Of 5

9 Opisz kogoś ze swojej rodziny. Napisz o tym:
• jak wygląda ta osoba,
• co lubi,
• czym się zajmuje i podaj jeden ciekawy fakt dotyczący tej osoby.

Total 45

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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