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Name: Jhayza Margarette P.

Nayre BSOA-1

General Instructions: Be brief and concise with your answer. Avoid plagiarism

1. What is history? What are the significance in the study of history? (Give at
least 5)

- History is obtain from the Greek word estoria, which gave rise to the Latin word
historia, the French term historie, and the English term history. Estoria originally
meant inquiry, study, and research. To grasp on istory, one must first understand
what it is all about. It is a historian's responsibility to have influenced the lives of
men and women as well as society. History has grown in importance as an
academic field. The significance of history
- History helps us be decent citizens.
- To evaluate and explain issues in the past, and it allows us to recognize patterns
that would otherwise be invisible in the present.
- Assist us in conquering hurdles for present and future generations.
- History teaches us how events in the past shaped the world we live today.
- Allows us to learn form the mistakes of others.

2. What are the two sources used in the study of history. Distinguish them.

Primary sources are those that are closest to the source of the information.
They allow the researcher to come as near to what truly happened during a
historical event or time period as feasible.

Secondary sources are linked to main sources and frequently interpret them. It
is usually one step away from the event and is frequently based on primary

3. Give at least 3 examples of each source.


Primary source – movies, art, and personal journals

Secondary source – book, articles, and summarize

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