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Inglés B1

1º Idiomas


Reservados todos los derechos.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Present simple .................................................................................................................... 2

Present continuous .............................................................................................................. 2

Past simple ......................................................................................................................... 3

Past continuous ................................................................................................................... 4

Used to ............................................................................................................................... 4

Present perfect simple ......................................................................................................... 5

Present perfect continuous .................................................................................................. 6

Reservados todos los derechos.

Past perfect simple .............................................................................................................. 6

Past perfect continuous ....................................................................................................... 7

Futuro con ‘will’ ................................................................................................................. 8

Futuro con ‘be going to’ ..................................................................................................... 8

Pasive ................................................................................................................................. 9

Reported speech (estilo indirecto) ..................................................................................... 11

Relatives ........................................................................................................................... 12

Conditionals ..................................................................................................................... 12

Modal verbs ...................................................................................................................... 13

Comparatives and Superlatives ......................................................................................... 14


Present simple
Form: Sujeto + verbo
Affirmative Negative Question
I play I don’t play Do I play?

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
You play You don’t play Do you play?
He/she/it plays He/she/it doesn’t play Does he/she/it play?
We play We don’t play Do we play?
You play You don’t play Do you play?
They play They don’t play Do they play?

1. Hábitos presentes  She goes dancing on Fridays. He watches TV at night.
2. Situaciones permanentes  Dan works at the cinema.
3. Estados  I like horror films.

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4. Verdades generales  Water boils at 100º degrees.

Adverbs and phrases:

 Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never…
(Position  subject + adverb + verb; with verb to be  subject + be +
 Every/each Monday/week… Once/twice/three times a week/month…

Present continuous
Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘be’ + verbo -ing
Affirmative Negative Question
I am playing I am not playing Am I playing?
You are playing You aren’t playing Are you playing?
He/she/it is playing He/she/it isn’t playing Is he/she/it playing?
We are playing We aren’t playing Are we playing?
You are playing You aren’t playing Are you playing?
They are playing They aren’t playing Are they playing?

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1. Acciones ocurriendo en este momento  I am watching TV right now.
2. Acciones temporales  She is working at the museum until next week.
3. Hábitos molestos (normalmente con ‘always’)  He is always screaming!

Adverbs and phrases:

 Now, right now, at the moment, today, this week, this month…

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Stative verbs:
Verbos que generalmente no utilizan la forma continua, es decir, no se les añade
-ing. Describen estados en lugar de acciones.

 Appear, believe, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, see, seem, want…

Past simple
Form: Sujeto + verbo en pasado (-ed)

Reservados todos los derechos.

Affirmative Negative Question
I played I didn’t play Did I play?
You played You didn’t play Did you play?
He/she/it played He/she/it didn’t play Did he/she/it play?
We played We didn’t play Did we play?
You played You didn’t play Did you play?
They played They didn’t play Did they play?

1. Acciones completadas  I saw a film yesterday.
2. Acciones repetitivas en el pasado  I went to the cinema four times last
3. Verdades absoultas del pasado  Many years ago, people didn’t have
4. Eventos importantes en una historia  Jane closed the door and she
couldn’t go out.

Adverbs and phrases:

 Yesterday, last week, last month, last year, in January, in 2001, an hour ago,
a week ago, two years ago…

Irregular verbs: (segunda columna)

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Past continuous
Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘be’ en pasado + verbo -ing
Affirmative Negative Question
I was playing I wasn’t playing Was I playing?
You were playing You weren’t playing Were you playing?
He/she/it was playing He/she/it wasn’t playing Was he/she/it playing?
We were playing We weren’t playing Were we playing?
You were playing You weren’t playing Were you playing?

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
They were playing They weren’t playing Were they playing?

1. Acciones ocurriendo en un momento del pasado  At nine o’clock last
night, I was watching TV.
2. Dos acciones ocurriendo al mismo tiempo  I was reading a book while
you were doing your homework.
3. Los antecedentes o el contexto de una historia  It was raining when she
decided to go to the cinema.

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4. Cuando una acción ocurre durante un tiempo prolongado se usa el
pasado continuo, y si esta acción es interrumpida por otra, en este último
caso se utiliza pasado simple  I was watching TV when the pone rang =
The pone rang while I was watching TV.

Adverbs and phrases:

 At that moment, at one o’clock, while…

Used to
Form: Sujeto + used to + verbo
Affirmative I, you, he/she/it, we, you, used to…
Negative I, you, he/she/it, we, you, didn’t use to…
they never used to…
Question I, you, he/she/it, we, you, Did + sujeto + use to…?

1. Hábitos en pasado  When I was four, I used to eat ice cream every day.
2. Se traduce por ‘solía’  Cuando tenía 4 años, solía comer helado todos los

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Present perfect simple

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘have’ + verbo en participio
Affirmative Negative Question
I have played I haven’t played Have I played?
You have played You haven’t played Have you played?
He/she/it has played He/she/it hasn’t played Has he/she/it played?
We have played We haven’t played Have we played?
You have played You haven’t played Have you played?
They have played They haven’t played Have they played?

1. Situaciones que empezaron en el pasado y siguen siendo así  He has been
teacher for three years.

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2. Acciones completadas en un tiempo pasado que no se menciona  I’ve
already read that book.
3. Acciones completadas en el pasado, cuyo resultado es importante en el
momento presente  They have done their homework. I have finished, can
I go now?
4. No se usa para algo que pasó en el pasado, para ello se usa el pasado simple
 I did my homework last night.

Adverbs and phrases:

 For, since (durante, desde) (posición – circunstancial de tiempo normalmente
a final de frase)  She has lived here for five years / she has lived here
since 2006
 Just, already (acabo de, ya) (posición – entre auxiliar ‘have’ y verbo)  I
have just done that exercise / I have already done that exercise.
 Yet (todavía) (posición – final de frase)  We haven’t corrected that
exercise yet
 Ever, never (alguna vez, nunca) (posición - entre auxiliar ‘have’ y verbo)
(‘ever’ se usa sobre todo en pregunta)  have you ever been to London? / I
have never been to London
 It’s the first time (es la primera vez) (posición – suele ser el comienzo de la
frase)  It’s the first time that I have been to London

Irregular verbs: (tercera columna - participios)

Present perfect continuous
Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘have’ + been + verbo -ing
Affirmative Negative Question
I have been playing I haven’t been playing Have I been playing?
You have been playing You haven’t been Have you been playing?
He/she/it has been He/she/it hasn’t been Has he/she/it been
playing playing playing?
We haven’t been playing

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
We have been playing Have we been playing?
You have been playing You haven’t been Have you been playing?
They have been playing They haven’t been Have they been playing?

1. Acciones temporales con cierta duración que continuan hasta el momento
presente o terminan justo antes del momento presente  We have been
doing exercises for an hour, can we have a break now?

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2. El presente perfecto simple enfatiza el resultado de la acción (she has written
an article = she has finished it); mientras que el presente perfecto
continuo, enfatiza la acción y el tiempo que ha durado en lugar de su
resultado (she has been writing an article = she has started, but she hasn’t
finished yet)

Adverbs and phrases:

 For, since (durante, desde) (posición – circunstancial de tiempo normalmente
a final de frase)  She has been living here for five years / she has been
living here since 2006
 Just (acabo de) (posición – entre auxiliar ‘have’ y verbo)  I have just been
doing that exercise

Past perfect simple

Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘have’ en pasado + verbo en participio
Affirmative Negative Question
I had played I hadn’t played Had I played?
You had played You hadn’t played Had you played?
He/she/it had played He/she/it hadn’t played Had he/she/it played?
We had played We hadn’t played Had we played?
You had played You hadn’t played Had you played?
They had played They hadn’t played Had they played?

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1. Acciones que ocurrieron antes de otro momento en el pasado (pasado del
pasado, un pasado más lejano)  I had finished my homework before the
lesson started / She had been teacher before she became headteacher
2. El significado cambia si lo comparamos con pasado simple:
a. Past simple: The lesson started when I arrived = I arrived and the
lesson started.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
b. Past perfect simple: The lesson had started when I arrived = The
lesson started and then I arrived.

Adverbs and phrases:

 By  I had finished by eight o’clock
 By the time  By the time I went to class, the lesson had started
 Before  The teacher had corrected the answers before the lesson
 After  I left after I had finished the test
 Just  Simon had just finished the test when the bell rang

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 When  I left when I had finished the test

Past perfect continuous

Form: Sujeto + auxiliar ‘have’ en pasado + been + verbo -ing
Affirmative Negative Question
I had been playing I hadn’t been playing Had I been playing?
You had been playing You hadn’t been playing Had you been playing?
He/she/it had been He/she/it hadn’t been Had he/she/it been
playing playing playing?
We had been playing We hadn’t been playing Had we been playing?
You had been playing You hadn’t been playing Had you been playing?
They had been playing They hadn’t been Had they been playing?

1. Acciones prolongadas que continuan, o paran justo antes, de un momento en
el pasado  We had been doing grammar for an hour, so we were really
bored! / They had a break because they had been working so hard
2. El pasado perfecto simple enfatiza el resultado (she had written an
article = she had finished it); y el pasado perfecto continuo, enfatiza la
acción y su duración, no el resultado (she had been writing an article = she
had started, but she hadn’t finished yet)

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Adverbs and phrases:
 For  He had been studying for hours, so he had a headache
 Since  She’d been hoping to win the competition since summer
 Before  We’d been talking about the Internet before the lesson started
 All day/all night, etc.  I had been studying all day

Futuro con ‘will’

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Form: Sujeto + will + verbo
Affirmative Negative Question
I will play I won’t play Will I play?
You will play You won’t play Will you play?
He/she/it will play He/she/it won’t play Will he/she/it play?
We will play We won’t play Will we play?
You will play You won’t play Will you play?
They will play They won’t play Will they play?


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1. Hechos sobre el futuro  I will go on holidays next summer
2. Predicciones sin pruebas factibles  I will have a great time on holidays
3. Ofertas y peticiones  We’ll help you get ready for your holidays
4. Deciciones tomadas sobre la marcha, en el momento en el que se está
hablando  I know! I will go to China this summer
5. Con ofrecimientos en forma de pregunta, se usa Shall en vez de will 
Shall I help you?
6. No se usa para planes ya hechos, para eso se usa el presente
continuo  We are driving to Berlin this month.

Futuro con ‘be going to’

Form: Sujeto + ‘be’ conjugado + going to + verbo
Affirmative Negative Question
I am going to play I am not going to play Am I going to play?
You are going to play You aren’t going to play Are you going to play?
He/she/it is going to play He/she/it isn’t going to Is he/she/it going to
play play?
We are going to play We aren’t going to play Are we going to play?
You are going to play You aren’t going to play Are you going to play?
They are going to play They aren’t going to Are they going to play?

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1. Hechos sobre el futuro  I’m going to go on holidays next summer

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
2. Intenciones (pero no planes)  I’m going to become a teacher when I
grow up
3. Predicciones con pruebas factibles  It’s going to rain, so take an
4. Para horarios programados como por ejemplo los trenes,
aviones o autobuses, el horario de apertura de tiendas, etc., se utiliza el
presente simple  My plane arrives at six.


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Form: Sujeto + verbo ‘be’ conjugado y con su tiempo correcto + verbo participio

Affirmative Negative Question

I am invited I am not invited Am I invited?
You are invited You aren’t invited Are you invited?
He/she/it is invited He/she/it isn’t invited Is he/she/it invited?
We are invited We aren’t invited Are we invited?
You are invited You aren’t invited Are you invited?
They are invited They aren’t invited Are they invited?


Affirmative Negative Question

I was invited I was not invited Was I invited?
You were invited You weren’t invited Were you invited?
He/she/it was invited He/she/it wasn’t invited Was he/she/it invited?
We were invited We weren’t invited Were we invited?
You were invited You weren’t invited Were you invited?
They were invited They weren’t invited Were they invited?


Affirmative Negative Question

I will be invited I won’t be invited Will I be invited?
You will be invited You won’t be invited Will you be invited?
He/she/it will be invited He/she/it won’t be Will he/she/it be invited?
We will be invited We won’t be invited Will we be invited?
You will be invited You won’t be invited Will you be invited?
They will be invited They won’t be invited Will they be invited?

Presente continuo  I am doing my homework > My homework is being done

Presente perfecto simple He has sent the invitations > The invitations have been

Pasado continuo  I was doing my homework > My homework was being done

Pasado perfecto simple  He had sent the invitations > The invitations had been

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Be going to  They were going to invite me > I was going to be invited

Modales  They should tell her about it > She should be told about it


1. Cuando no sabemos quién hace algo  Her bike has been stolen
2. Cuando no necesitamos o no queremos decir quién hace algo  Was

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Simon invited?
3. Usamos la preposición ‘by’ cuando queremos mencionar quien hace algo
 The robber was caught by the pólice
4. Usamos la preposición ‘with’ cuando queremos decir cómo se hace algo
 Soup is usually eaten with a spoon

Help & important information:

Cuando es difícil formar la pasiva, es de ayuda observar la frase activa primero:

o My cousin stole Mary’s bike yesterday

o Mary’s bike was stolen by my cousin yesterday

 La persona u objeto afectado en la frase activa, pasa a sujeto de la frase
 El verbo mantiene su tiempo verbal, pero se le añade el verbo to be
conjugado para formar la oración pasiva: el verbo pasado stole, pasa a to be
en pasado + el verbo principal en su forma de participio was stolen
 Si el verbo en activa es un phrasal verb, no hay que olvidar incluirlo
completo en la frase pasiva  They picked up the glass > The glass was
picked up.

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Reported speech (estilo indirecto)
Se usa para reproducir algo que alguien ha dicho.

Los tiempos verbales en estilo directo, se cambian a su correspondiente pasado o
tiempo más alejado en estilo indirecto. Excepto el pasado perfecto, que no tiene otro

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
tiempo más lejano que él mismo, por lo que se queda igual en ambos estilos.
Tampoco se cambian los modales como might, should, would y could.
Estilo directo Estilo indirecto
Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect simple Past perfect simple
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Past simple Past perfect simple
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Will Would

Reservados todos los derechos.

Am/is/are going to Was/were going to
Can Could
Must/have to Had to
May Might

Ej.: ‘I want to build a new house’, said Jill  Jill said he wanted to build a new

Además de los tiempos verbales, también se cambian otro tipo de palabras, como
adverbios de lugar y tiempo, pronombres…

Estilo directo Estilo indirecto

I Past simple
We They
Us Them
My His/her
Here There
At this moment At that moment
Now Then
Tomorrow The next day
Tonight That night
Next week The following week
Yesterday The day before
Last week The week before
Ago Before

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Se usa para añadir más información sobre algo o alguien sin tener que empezar una
frase nueva. Los pronombres relativos sirven como sujeto de la subordinada.
Las oraciones relativas pueden ser no especificativas, cuando van entre comas y
añaden una información extra que no es necesaria porque la frase en sí ya tiene

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
sentido sin la relativa; o especificativas, cuando van sin comas y son información
necesaria porque sin ellas la frase en sí no tiene sentido.

Who Personas
Which Cosas
Where Lugares
When Tiempo
Whose Posesión (cuyo/cuya)


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 That’s the man who gave me a pen
 The experiment which worked was the last one
 This is the town where I was born
 This is the month when my mother was born
 That’s the man whose sister discovered a new planet

 En las condicionales hay dos partes: una situación y su resultado. La
situación es la parte que empieza por ‘if’
 Cuando la frase empieza por ‘if’, se coloca una coma entre las dos partes,
cuando la frase empieza por el resultado, no se coloca ninguna coma.

Zero conditional
Forma: if + presente simple, presente simple
Se usa para verdades generales y/o científicas  If people eat too much, they get

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First conditional
Forma: if + presente simple, will + verbo

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Se usa para situaciones reales o muy probables en el presente o future  If you
study, you will pass your exams.

Second conditional
Form: if + past simple, would + verbo
Se usa para situaciones imposibles o poco probables en el presente o future  If my
legs were longer, I would be much faster.

También se usa para dar consejos: ‘If I were you…’ (formal) / ‘If I was you…’

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Third conditional
Form: if + past perfect simple (had + past participle), would + have + past participle
Se usa para situaciones irreales en el pasado  If the chemist had been open, I
would have bought some pills (= the chemist wasn’t open, so I didn’t buy any pills)

Modal verbs
Can, may, must, could, might, should, ought to, have to, need to

Form: sujeto + modal verb + verbo (los modales no se conjugan, siempre tienen la
misma forma)

Can  abilidad en el presente o habilidad general (también se usa ‘to be able to’);
dar y recibir permiso

Could  abilidad en pasado, dar y recibir permiso, posibilidad

May  dar y recibir permiso, posibilidad (también might)

Should/ought to  dar y recibir consejo, probabilidad

Must, have to, need to  obligación presente o future (‘must’ es más formal que
‘have to’ y se usa sobre todo en escritos formales), probabilidad

Mustn’t  prohibición / don’t have to  not necessary

Comparatives and Superlatives
 Una sílaba  se le añade –er (hard – harder)
 Una sílaba terminada en –e  se le añade –r (late – later)
 Una sílaba terminada en vocal + consonante  se le dobla la consonante y
se le añade –er (big – bigger)

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 Más sílabas terminado en –y  se cambia a –i y se añade –er (pretty –
 Dos o más sílabas  more/less + adjetivo + than (more interesting than)

 Una sílaba  se le añade –st (hard – hardest)
 Una sílaba terminada en –e  se le añade –st (late – latest)

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 Una sílaba terminada en vocal + consonante  se le dobla la consonante y
se le añade –est (big – biggest)
 Más sílabas terminado en –y  se cambia a –i y se añade –est (pretty –
 Dos o más sílabas  the most + adjetivo (the most interesting)


o Adjetivo o Comparativo o Superlativo

o Good o Better o Best
o Bad o Worse o Worst
o Little o Less o Least
o Far o Farther/further o Farthest/furthest

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