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(Case Study Internet Users of XL)

Uji Abu Tholib, 1111081200005

Supervisor: Dr. Muniaty Aisyah, Ir., MM., Leis Suzanawaty, SE., M.Si
Faculty of Economics and Business Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta


The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of service quality, brand
image, and perceived value towards customer satisfaction that effect brand loyalty on
internet user of XL.
This type of research is quantitative. The data source of this research is the primary
data by sampling internet user of xl using accidental sampling with 100 respondents. The
method of this research is path analysis and sobel test to determine the effect of interveniing
The findings of this study indicate that the effect of service quality, brand image and
perceived value on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. For the indirect effect produced
findings that affect service quality on brand loyalty through customer satisfaction, perceived
value has effect on brand loyalty through customer satisfaction.

Key Words: Service Quality, Brand Image, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand

A. Research Background
In the field of industrial technology in Indonesia experienced significant
development, with respect to ease of Indonesian society to have cellular phone. The
situation had an impact on the emergence of company service providers in Indonesia,
especially since the establishment of the regulatory Act No. 36 of 1999 which contains of
the prohibition of undertake work can result in practice monopoly in telecommunication
business competition, Therefore, Telkom and Indosat company as the state owned
company and the subsidiary company of Telkom in 1980 and in 1996 Excelcomindo
(XL) became the first private company as cellular operator in Indonesia. After that,
several other private company began springing up, and competition is becoming
increasingly tight in order to get as many customers.
Those phenomenon were supported by theory from (Boulding in Hasan: 2008:83),
brand loyalty in consumers caused by the presence of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
against the accumulated brand is continuously despite the existence of perception about
the product quality. Therefore, many factors can influence brand loyalty, such as;
customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image, and switching barriers (Mardalis,
One important factor that can make customer satisfied is service quality, marketers
can increase of service quality for develop brand loyalty. Products having the quality of
low will bear the risk a customer did not faithful. Therefore, XL company want to give
service quality good from the point of view customer and needed a system that able to
link the data from many sources, include location, information signal, and device rates
(Gregory, 2012). According to Akbar et al (2010), service quality have a positive impact
to brand loyalty and customer satisfaction which is mediating variable the relationship
between service quality and brand loyalty.
According to Shimp et al in Sangadji and Sopiah (2013:327) brand image can
regarded as a kind of associations that arise in the minds of customer when considering a
particular brand. The association siply can appear in the form of thought or particular
image that is associated with a brand, as well as when we think about other people.
Brand Image is a set of unique association to be created of maintained by
marketers. The associations actually state what brand and promised to consumers
(Sangadji and Sopiah, 2013:327).
Satisfaction can provide some of the benefits include the relationship between
companies and customers become harmonious, became the basis for purchase and
creating customer loyalty and word of mouth recommendations that benefit the company
(Tjiptono, 2011:473).
From the background of the above problems then important studies, in order to
gain the confidence that brand loyalty is a factor that supports the success of a brand.
According to Aaker (2004), brand loyality as one dimension of brand equity. Therefore
then the author interested in discussing research on “The Influence Service Quality,
Brand Image, and Perceived Value towards Customer Satisfaction that effect to
Brand Loyalty” (Case Study of Internet XL user).

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background described above, so the formulation of the problem that
will be explained in this research are:
1. Does service quality have direct relationship to customer satisfaction?
2. Does brand image have direct relationship to customer satisfaction?
3. Does perceived value have direct relationship to customer satisfaction?
4. Does service quality, brand image and perceived value have effect customer
satisfaction simultaneously?
5. Does service quality have direct relationship to brand loyalty?
6. Does perceived value have direct relationship to brand loyalty?
7. Does customer satisfaction have direct relationship to brand loyalty?
8. Does service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction influence brand
loyalty simultaneously?

C. Literature Review
1. Service Quality
Service quality is one of important factors in order to achieve competitive
advantage. Service has variety meaning and traditionally difficult to describe. Even
more difficult were the fact how to create and send the service to customer often hard
to understand. Some expert also define in different ways, here are the definition of
Lovelock and Wright (2005:5).
According Lovelock and Wirtz (2005:9) services are economic activities that
have offered by one party to another party, most commonly employing time-defined
performances to bring about desired result in recipients themselves or in object or
other assets for which purchasers have responsibility.
2. Brand Image
Brand image is the consumer perception about a brand, which is reflected by the
brand associations that are in the minds of consumers. In other words, the brand
association is another information node connected to the brand node in memory and
contains a brand means to consumers. Associations come in all shapes and may reflect
the characteristics of the product or aspects independent of the product. (Keller, 2013:
Brand was an important attributes from some product. Moreover, brand was an
identity to differentiate company’s product with another product. In this case,
definition of brand image has different explanation from several expert, but all of
them have a similar understanding between each other. Here are some definition of
brand image that author quotes from several expert:
Brand Image is a set of brand associations are formed and embedded in the minds
of consumers. Consumers are accustomed to using certain brands tend to have the
consistency of the brand image. Brand image are perceptions and beliefs made by
consumers, as reflected associate in consumer memory (Kotler, 2009: 346).
3. Perceived Value
According to Kotler (2008:60) perceived value is the difference between
perspective customer evaluation of all benefit and all the cost of an offering and the
perceived alternatives.
According to Zeithaml (1988:14) perceived value is the consumer overall
assesment of the utility of a product based on perception of what is received and what
is given.
Perceived value is the overall assessment of the customers against the usefulness
of a product received and given by the product. Based on some sense above, then it
can be concluded that the perceived value of customers is a customer assessment done
by comparing between the benefits to be received by the sacrifice issued to obtain a
product and services. Whereas, perceived value also mean business customers to
compare a product or service from a particular company with competitors in terms of
benefits, quality and price.
4. Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction has become a central concept in business and management
discourse. The customer is the main focus in the discussion of the satisfaction and
quality of service. Therefore, the customer holds an important role in measuring
satisfaction with respect to products or services that the company provides.
According to Tjiptono (2012:31) customer satisfaction is a situation that to be
demonstrated by the consumer when they realized that the needs and desires as
expected as well as for better fulfilled.
Customers have experience different levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction after
they consume product or service which was suitable with their expectation. Because
satisfaction is the emotional condition, reaction after bought something could be
anger, dissatisfaction, aggravation, neutrality, excitement, or enjoyment. (Lovelock
and Wirght, 2005:102).
In order to get customer satisfaction, companies can give an excellent service
quality. Because that things can fulfill the consumer needs and expectations.
Satisfaction is the fulfill response of customer about the service and product. It is also
a finding about the product and service feature or the product and services itself;
satisfaction is conceptualized as an overall, customer attitude towards a service
provider. Thakur and Singh (2012).
5. Brand Loyalty
A situation in which consumer purchase and uses the brands of their trust as
compare to brand that they do not trust. In this way consumer shows a commitment to
that brand. Brand loyalty can be measured through positive word of mouth,
satisfaction of customer, brand trust, sensitivity of price. A degree in which consumer
consistently purchase the brand available in the product category. The loyalty to the
specific brand of consumer will remain unchanged if the brand is as long available
(Rizwan, 2013).
According to Oliver (1999) the most comprehensive approach presents brand
loyalty as ‘a deeply held commitment to rebuy a preferred product or service
consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same brand or same brand set
purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to
cause switching behavior’.
According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2009), brand loyalty is the consumer
preferences consistently to make a purchase on the same brand on a specific product
or a specific service category. Brand loyalty is a strong commitment to subscribe or
purchase a consistent brand in the future.
According to Aaker (2009), brand loyalty is a measure of the customer
relationship to a brand. This size is able to give an idea of the possibilities for a
customer to switch to another product especially in a brand that he found the change,
either in relation to the price or other attributes.

D. Previous Research
Satendra Thakur and DR. A. P Singh (2012) in their study entitled “Brand image,
Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty Intention: Study in the Context of Cosmetic
Product Among the people of Central India”. This research article is examine the
relationship between brand image, customer satisfaction and loyalty intention in the
context of cosmetic product of selected company brand among the peoples of central
India, five benefit of brand image have been discussed namely social, functional,
symbolic, experiential and appearance enhance. Information has been obtained from
150 male as well as female customers who always used the cosmetic product of
selected brand for the proposed research work. Result has shown that three brand
image benefit namely functional, social and appearance enhance have positively and
significantly related to customer satisfaction and loyalty intention and two benefit
namely experiential and symbolic have no significant impact on customer satisfaction
and loyalty intention on the other hand result indicate that there is a positive
relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty intention. The results imply
that marketing manager should focus on the brand image to win the customer
satisfaction in order to make the customer loyal about their product and service.
Dwi Aryani and Febrina Rosinta (2010) in their study entitled “The Influence of
Service Quality toward Customer satisfaction in shipping Customer Loyalty on PT.
Human Resource Development”. This research article is examine the relationship
among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The research is
quantitative with use non-probability purposive sampling technique. The instrument
of the research uses questionnaires which were analyzed with Structural Equation
Modeling. The result of the research shows that the five dimensions such as physical
evidence, empathy, reliability, quickness, and guaranty positively affect the service
quality. The other results show that customer’s satisfaction is a preceding factor of
customer’s loyalty. The direct effect of service quality on customer’s loyalty does not
sustain the research, since the researcher did not find any significant direct relation
between service quality and customer’s loyalty.
E. Research Methodology
Path analysis first developed in the 1920s by a geneticist is Swell Wright
(Joreskog and Sorbon; Johnson & Wichern, 1992, in Riduwan and Engkos, 2008:1).
Path analysis interpreted oleh Bhornstedt (1974) in Kusnendi (2005:1) quoted by
Riduwan and Kuncoro (2008:1) if “a technique for estimating the effect’s a set of
independent variables han on a dependent caribale from a set of observed
correlations, given a set of hypothesized causal asymetric relation among the <
ominant < .” with the main purpose of path analysis is a method of measuring the
direct influence along each separate path in such a system and thus if finding the
degree to which variation of a given effect is determined by each particular cause. The
method depend on the combination of knowledge of the degree correlation among the
variables in a systemn with such knowledge as may possessed of the causal relations
(Maruyama, 1998:16) in Riduwan and Kuncoro (2008:1). So, path analysis model use
to analyze the relationship between variable with a view to knowing the direct or
indirect effects of eksogen towards endogen.
Path analysis techniques to be used in test the size of the contribution indicated by
the coefficient on each diagram the casual relations between variable X1 and X2
toward Y and its impact on Z. Consideration using this analysis because between one
variable with another variable have a reliaonship.
a. Conversion flow diagram into equation
Nex step is convert the model specification into a series of equations.
b. Structural equation
Y = ρy1x1X1 + ρy1x2X2 + ρy1x3X3 + ɛ1
Z = ρzx1X1 + ρzx3X3 + ρzy1Y1 + ɛ2
Description :
X1 = Service Quality
X2 = Brand Image
X3 = Perceived Value
Y = Customer Saisfaction
Z = Brand Loyalty
Before the researchers use path analysis in the research, then the researcher must
arrange the relationship model between variables in this case called path analysis
(Sugiyono, 2007:298).
From calculation of spss program before, will be obtained information or result
from coefficient determination (R2), simultaneous test (F test), and parsial test (Test
a. Determination Coefficient (R2)
According to Ghozali (2006:202) the coefficient of determination
(r ) essentially measure how far the ability of models to explain variation in
the dependent variable. The value determination of coefficient is between zero
and one. The small means that the ability of independent variables in
explaining variations in the dependent variable is very limited.
Basic weaknesses use the coefficient of determination is based on the
number of independent variables entered into the model. Each additional one
independent variable, then R2 would increase, no matter whether these
variables affect the dependent variable is not. Therefore, in this research used
is the R square that have been adapted or adjusted R2 as adjusted for the
variables used in this research. Adjusted R2 value can rise or fail if an
independent variable added into the model.
b. Simultaneous Test (F-Test)
Simultaneously, hypothesis testing is done by using the F-test. According
Ghozali (2013: 98) test statistic F basically shows whether independent or
dependent variables included in the model have influence together against the
dependent variable or bonded. probability is less than 0.05, then the result is
significant means there is influence of independent variables together to
dependent variable.
c. Parameter Individu Test (Partial Test)
Partially, hypothesis testing was done by t-test. According Ghozali (2011: 98)
test statistic t basically shows how far the influence of independent variable
individually in explaining the dependent variable. Probability is less than 0.05,
then the result is significant means there is influence from independent
variable individually to dependent variable.
d. The Coefficient of Correlation
According to Priyatno (2012:100) correlation of coefficient is used to see how
strong relationship and direction between one or more variable. Coefficient of
correlation can be shown by the number of pearson correlation. Pearson
correlation ranged from zero until one. If pearson correlation is close to the
number one, it means the relationship is getting strong. Otherwise, if pearson
correlation is close to zero then the relationship is getting weak.
F. Result and Analysis
1. Test Influence between Sub Variable
In the path analysis method, to find the casual relation variable of previous
research, first calculated the correlation matrix of service quality, brand image,
perceived value, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The following is the result
of calculating the correlation coefficient using SPSS 22.0 software.
Table 4.41
Coeficient Correlation
SQ Pearson Correlation 1 ,491** ,516** ,585** ,646**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
N 100 100 100 100 100
BI Pearson Correlation ,491** 1 ,430** ,528** ,579**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
N 100 100 100 100 100
PV Pearson Correlation ,516** ,430** 1 ,661** ,695**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
N 100 100 100 100 100
CS Pearson Correlation ,585** ,528** ,661** 1 ,964**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
N 100 100 100 100 100
BL Pearson Correlation ,646** ,579** ,695** ,964** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
N 100 100 100 100 100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source : Data processing, 2018

Based on the table above can be the value of the correlation between
variables. The correlation coefficient indicates that the relationship between
variables is positive. According to Sarwono (2007:22) for the affinity relationship
determination criteria based on :
> 0.00 – 0.25 = Very weak relationships
> 0.25 – 0.5 = Good relationship
> 0.5 – 0.75 = Strong relationship
> 0.75 – 1 = Very strong relationship
For further testing, then submitted the following hypothesis :
H0 : There is no correlations between two variables are significant
Ha : There is correlations between two variables are significant
This testing based probability test will be accepted if the significant less than
0,05 so Ho rejected and if the significant greater than 0,05 so Ho accepted.
Table 4.42
Testing of Relationship between Sub Variable
Relationship Coefisient Category Conclusion
Service quality (X1) with Brand 0.491 Good Significant
image (X2)
Service quality (X1) with 0.516 Strong Significant
Perceived value (X3)
Service quality (X1) with 0.585 Strong Significant
Customer satisfaction (Y1)
Service quality (X1) with Brand 0.646 Strong Significant
Loyalty (Z)
Brand Image (X2) with 0.430 Strong Significant
Perceived value (X3)
Brand Image (X2) with 0.528 Strong Significant
Customer satisfaction (Y1)
Brand Image (X2) with Brand 0.579 Strong Significant
Loyalty (Z)
Perceived value (X3) with 0.661 Strong Significant
Customer satisfaction (Y1)
Perceived value (X2) with 0.695 Strong Significant
Brand loyalty (Z)
Customer satisfaction (Y1) with 0.964 Very strong Significant
Brand loyalty (Z)
Source : Data processing, 2018
Based on the table above 4.42, all the relationship between three varaibe have
a significant relationship, because all of the value probability less than 0,05.
2. Equation of Path Analysis Sub Structure I
In determining the effect of research variables as a whole obtained the path
coefficient of the sum of all exogenous variables to endogenous variables. The value
of path coefficient (base on estimate) service uality, brand image and perceived value
toward customer satisfaction is processed by using software SPSS 23.0.

Table 4.43
Coeficient of Path Analysis Structure I
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) ,758 1,086 ,699 ,487
Service Quality ,070 ,024 ,253 2,973 ,004
Brand Image ,196 ,074 ,215 2,664 ,009
Perceived Value ,320 ,060 ,437 5,320 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Source : Data processing, 2018
Based on the table above 4.43, the path coefficient obtained is ρy1x1X1 =
0.253, ρy1x2X2 = 0.215, ρy1x3X3 = 0.437. So, the equation of path analysis as
Y1 = ρy1x1X1 + ρy1x2X2 + ρy1x3X3 + ϵ1
Y1 = 0.253X1 + 0.215X2 + 0.437 X3 + ϵ1
To find the coefficient residual is with 1,00 – R square. So the residual
coefficien is: 1,00 – 0,551 = 0,449. After the residual coefficient os obtained, the path
equation as follows:
Y1 = 0.253X1 + 0.215X2 + 0.437 X3 + 0.449 ϵ1

3. Equation of Path Analysis Sub Structure II

In determining the effect of research variables as a whole obtained the path
coefficient of the sum of all exogenous variables to endogenous variables. The value
of path coefficient (base on estimate) service uality, brand image and perceived value
toward customer satisfaction is processed by using software SPSS 23.0.

Table 4.44
Coeficient of Path Analysis Structure II
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1(Constant) -,933 ,464 -2,014 ,047
Service Quality ,042 ,012 ,111 3,583 ,001
Perceived Value ,079 ,034 ,078 2,347 ,021
Customer Satisfaction 1,164 ,048 ,847 24,012 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Brand Loyalty
Source : Data processing, 2018

Based on the table above 4.44, the path coefficient obtained is ρzx1X1 = 0.111,
ρzx3X3 = 0.078, ρzy1Y1 = 0.847. So, the equation of path analysis as follows:
Z = ρzx1X1 + ρzx3X3 + ρzy1Y1 + ϵ1
Y1 = 0.111X1 + 0.078X3 + 0.847 Y1 + ϵ1
To find the coefficient residual is with 1,00 – R square. So the residual
coefficien is: 1,00 – 0,942 = 0,058. After the residual coefficient os obtained, the path
equation as follows:
Y1 = 0.111X1 + 0.078X2 + 0.847 X3 + 0.058 ϵ1
4. Coefficient of Determination (R2)
a. Coefficient Determination of Sub-structure 1
Path model analysis is done with service quality (X1), brand image (X2),
perceived value (X3) against customer satisfaction (Y) for model 1. For model 2 is
done with service quality (X1), pereived value (X), customer satisfaction (Y) againts
brand loyalty (Z). As for the equation model formula is as follows;
a) Sub-structure 1 : Y = ρy1x1X1 + ρy1x2X2 + ρy1x3X3 + ɛ1
To see the influence of variable service quality (X1), brand image (X2) and
perceived value (X3) forward customer satisfaction (Y), indicated by the table
summary, especially in figure R square below;
Table 4.45
Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson

Square Estimate

1 .742a .551 .537 2.00706 1.888

a. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X2, X1

b. Dependent Variable: Y1

Source : Data proces sing, 2018

The magnitude number of R square is 0.551. this number is used to see the
magnitude of the influence that belongs to variable service quality, brand image and
perceived value towards customer satisfaction. The way how to calculate the
coefficient of determination by using formula;
KD = r2 x 100%
KD = 0.551 x 100%
KD = 55%
Based on the table above, the result of calculation using SPSS 21 program can
be seen the adjusted R square is 0.551. it means 55% exogenous variable service
quality (X1), brand image (X2), and perceived value (X3) to customer satisfaction
(Y) as endogenous variable. While the remainder (100% - 55% = 45 %) are affected
by other variable or factors outside this model. The probability customer satisfaction
can be explained by 55% by variables service quality, brand image and perceived
b. Coefficient Determination of Sub-structure 2
Path model analysis done with service quality (X1), perceived value (X3)
forward customer satisfaction (Y) for model 1. For model 2 done with service
quality (X1), perceived value (X3), customer satisfaction (Y) forward brand loyalty
(Z). As for the equation model formula is as follows;
b) Sub-structure 2 : Z = ρzx1X1 + ρzx3X3 + ρzy1Y1 + ɛ2
To see the influence of variable service quality (X1), perceived value (X3)
forward customer satisfaction (Y) on brand loyalty (Z) indicated by the table
summary, especially in figure R square below;
Table 4.46
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 ,971a ,942 ,941 ,988
a. Predictors: (Constant), Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality,
Perceived Value
Source : Data processing, 2018

The magnitude number of R square is 0.942. this number is used to see the
magnitude of the influence that belongs to variables service quality, perceived value
and customer satisfaction to brand loyalty. The way how to calculate the coefficient
of determination by using formula;
KD = r2 x 100%
KD = 0.942 x 100%
KD = 94%
Based on the table above, the result of calculation using SPSS 21 program can be
seen the adjusted R square is 0.942. it means 94% exogenous variable service quality
(X1), perceived value (X3) and customer satisfaction (Y) effect brand loyalty (Z) as
endogenous variable. While the remainder (100% - 94% = 6%) are affected by other
variables of factors outside this model. The probability brand loyalty can be explained
by 94% by variable service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction.

Result of Path Analysis Diagram

Service Quality 0.449 0.058
0.491 0.253

0.215 Customer 0.847 Brand Loyalty

0.516 Satisfaction (Y1) (Y2)
Value (X2)

0.430 0.473 0.078

Brand Image

Source : Data processing, 2018

G. Conclusion
Based on the results of analysis and discussion in the previous chapter then obtained

conclusions regarding, the influence of service quality, brand image, and perceived value

to customer satisfaction that impacts to brand loyalty. These conclusions include are :

1. There is a direct relationship between service quality (X1) to customer satisfaction

(Y) in the amount of 0.253
2. There is a direct relationship between brand image (X2) to customer satisfaction
(Y) in the amount of 0.215.
3. There is a direct relationship between perceived value (X3) to customer
satisfaction (Y) in the amount of 0.473.
4. There is a diret relationship between service quality (X1) to brand loyalty (Z) in
the amount of 0.111.
5. There is a direct relationship between perceived value (X3) to brand loyalty (Z) in
the amount of 0.078.
6. Customer satisfaction (Y) has a significant influence to brand loyalty (Z) in the
amount of 0.847
7. Customer satisfaction (Y) mediate significantly influence of service quality (X1)
to brand loyalty (Z)
8. Customer satisfaction (Y) mediate significantly influence of perceived value (X3)
to brand loyalty (Z)
There are 0.449 factors that influence of customer satisfaction (Y), 0.058 factors
that influence of brand loyalty (Z) beyond this research, where is an example of
another factor like brand equity, service quality, product quality¸ after sales service,
and so forth.

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