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1 First log-in into your account, then click Geo Fencing.

2. it should be like this. Now create a name of your Geo Fence (this example we used “BASE-1” as
3. After creating the Geo Fence Name click “Add” button.

4. After Clicking the “Add” Button you should see the “Add” button changed into “Finish” Button, now
leave that “finish” button. Let’s draw Geo Fence by right clicking the edge of the place you want to
monitor (Reminder: after first right click you can’t see the line for it is the first point of our Geo Fence).
Then after the first click move your cursor to the other edge of your monitored place and click the
second point (Reminder you should see now the line between first line to the second line). Then click
another point until your monitored place have covered in your shaped drawing. (Reminder: your last
point should be at the same point of your first point. Your draw shaped must no loopholes) see image

It should be like this blue line making in to the shape.

5. after you finish drawing your Geo Fence you can now press “finish” button. After you click the “finish”
button you should see the Geo Fence you created and a pink colored shaped you draw in the Map

6. Now that we have Geo Fence we can now set our Alert setting to trigger the Geo Fencing Alert. Now
click “Alert” button in the Function bar.
7. After you click the “Alert” you should see like this image below. Then click “Zone In/Out” in the Alert

8. You should see this after clicking the “Zone in/out” Link. Click “Add” button.
9. Now we start Creating Alert for Geo Fencing, after clicking “Add” Button you should see like this.

1. “Event Name” this is the Title or the subject you’ll see in your Email after the Geo
Fencing was triggered. (E.G. If you wright “GEO IN” in the “Event Name You Receive the
Email Titled “GEO IN” from the Server when the Geo Fencing is Triggered.)

2. “Name” this is list if the vehicles with GPS installed, you’ve notice the black inverted
triangle at the left side of the box. If you click that you’ll see all your Vehicles, now chose
one of those from the list.
3. “Zone Name” this is the list of GEO FENCING you’ve created. Chose the one you want to

4. “In/Out Alert” is when you select what kind of Alert you want to receive. There are 3
kinds of Alert Available.
(1. “In Alert” It refer to In-only-alert of the system it means that if the vehicle
you selected in the “Name” list came in to your GEO FENCING assigned in the
“Zone Name” the GEO FENCING ALERT will trigger and send a report to your
email assigned in “Email” Textbox).

(2. “Out Alert” It refer to Out-only-alert of the system this is same as “In-only-
alert of the system” but this time it triggers if your selected Vehicle will come
out from your selected GEO FENCING).

(3. “Both” It refer to In-Out -alert of the system similar to the In Alert and Out
Alert but this Alert can be triggered either the Vehicle will come in or come out
of the selected GOE FENCING).

5. “Email” this is used as the Email Receiver of the system (we recommend that you have to
create a deferent Email address rather than using your business or personal Email
Account to prevent annoyances of all the Alert Report that the system will sent.

6. “Whole day”,” Start Time” and “End Time” It is referred to the day and time schedules
when the Alert was triggered (We recommend that leave the setting of this three (3)
function as it is.

10. After all the field has been field up click the “Go” button to Set your Setting alert active.

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