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- Let me try, just keep your cameras pointed at me. Yo bro, I'm looking for a little...

entertainment. Hook me up?

- Hook you up with what?

- Some cheap entertainment. Here's some cash.

- All right. Camptown lady sing your song doo-dah, doo-dah! Yank my toe 'til it's 5 miles
long, all the doo-dah day, everybody! Yank my toe all night--

- Forget it!

- So... I hear you sell movies here, cheap. Is that true, or what?

- Yeah, it's true.

- So you do sell movies.

- Sure, guess the word's getting around, huh?

- Yeah, the word that you sell pirated movies, right!

- Pirate.

- Yeah, pirated. Like illegal copies.

- No, no, no. I sell pirate movies. Movies about pirates. I make them myself with my buddies. This
is the first one we ever made, Shiver me Booty. And, oh we made this one last year, it's called
Pirates of the Lima Bee-an. And this our most recent release, it's called: Aaarrrg!

- Aaarrrg?

- That's a pirate word. It means hello, goodbye, peace. It's like shalom, only for pirates.

- Interesting.

- Yeah well you see, you learn something new every day.

- Yes, today we learned the meaning of aaarrrg, and that the two cops in my apartment, are even
bigger morons than we thought.

- Aaarrrg.

- Who wants to make a movie? Aaarrrrg!

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