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Uterine Ym WHETSTONE WUSTHOF Whetstones from WUSTHOF are known for excellent sharpening performance The firm but stil porous structure of the stone continously releases small particles during the sharpening process. This powder in combination with water is what sharpens the knife. Please use with water only. USING THE WUSTHOF WHETSTONE: 1. Submerge the stone in water for about 5 — 10 minutes. As soon as the air bubbles stop rising the stone is ready for use. Continue to apply water also during the sharpening. 2. Place the stone on a slip-resistant base. 3. Please start by using the coarse grit of the stone. 4. Move the blade back and forth over the stone at an angle of 10 — 15° by using gentle pressure. Start at the tip of the blade, continue to the middle, and finish at the end of the blade. After a while you will notice a small burr at the edge. 5. Now repeat the same process on the other side of the blade. Please remember to keep the angle at 10 - 15°. 6. Repeat steps 4 + 5 by using the fine grit of the stone. 7. You will notice a very fine residue on the surface of the stone. These particles will result in an even finer edge. 8. In order to remove the remaining burr, pull the blade at an angle twice over the stone against the edge. Now you will have achieved the best sharpness. 9. Rinse the stone and clean off the grinding residues. Please also clean your knife with hot water. CAUTION: PLEASE BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS DURING THE SHARPENING PROCESS TO PREVENT ANY INJURIES! AFTER USE ENSURE THE STONE IS COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE PUTTING IT BACK INTO THE STORAGE CASE.

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