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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India


Mrs. S.E. Pravena and 2Dr. G Bharathi
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management
Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College
Nadergul, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India

The quality and comfortable life has become essential for the present generation of customers. Urban Company is selected for
study to understand how the company is working to raise standards in providing online home-based quality and skilled professional
services on time to customers. The present research study is based on understanding the Urban Company service quality influence on
customers at Hyderabad. Questionnaire is used as a research instrument and data is collected to analyze the service quality influence
on customers.

Keywords: Customer, Service Quality, Urban Company and App-Based Services.

1. Introduction
The service sector is the largest and growing sector in the Indian Economy attracting foreign Investments and in providing
large employment opportunities. E-commerce also called electronic commerce is a process of buying and selling goods and services,
or the transferring of funds or data or services through an electronic network, mainly through the internet. With growing prosperity in
E-Commerce and frequent change in customer lifestyle, there is a huge demand for home delivery services online. Services service
includes transport, restaurant, tourism, financing, insurance, real estate, and business services, social and personal services. 3ps
people, process, and physical evidence play a major role in the service industry and people who make up this industry are
professionally hired to perform tasks. Expectation plays an important role in Service quality. Customer Expectation and Customer
satisfaction are of great importance to perceived service quality and satisfaction. Home-based services are gaining more demand due
to various factors like time, quality service, etc. There are many companies as competitors providing home-based services, our study
deals with Urban Company service quality influence on customers in Hyderabad.

1.1 About Urban Company

Urbanclap is a home service-based start-up established in 2014. Urbanclap renamed as Urban Company is a fast-growing and
well-recognized online start-up in India which is established in 2014 by Varun Khaitan, AbhirajBhal, and Raghav Chandra. It is a
mobile-based application that provides day-to-day services by skilled professionals. The urban company, launched in 2014, is Asia’s
largest online home service platform operating in India, Australia, Singapore, the UAE, and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Urban
Company is an app-based service marketplace that connects customers to service professionals. The platform helps customers to book
reliable and high-quality services in Personal care services, home care services, Appliance related services. The Urban company vision
is to empower millions of professionals worldwide to deliver services at home like never experienced before. Urban company service
provides are certified professionals by Skill India, Government of India. The company's objective is to provide quality service to its
customers. The company advertises through various modes like sending videos of their satisfied customers on Facebook, Instagram,
and Youtube. Urban Clap is an app-based service marketplace that connects customers to service professionals. Their strategy is to
connect more and more customers to use the platform of Urban Clap to make their life easier and more comfortable. With the rise in
nuclear families, Dual Career couples, the focus of customers is to spend quality time with their families whenever possible. Services
at the doorstep at one click of the mouse are welcoming change accepted by customers today, giving rise to a business model like
Urban Clap, which is here to stay for a long time.

2. Statement of the Problem

Customer Satisfaction depends on Service Quality. Today’s customers want easy life due to busy schedules and customers
expecting home-based services, personnel hygiene while protecting their best Interests at the lowest possible cost. Due to Nuclear
family, the time factor, Dual career jobs, and customers' willingness to spend money to have quality time with their families,
Customer expectation has changed towards home-based services through app services. This study is conducted in order the understand
Urban Company Service Quality Influence on Customer at Hyderabad.

3. Objectives of the Study

● To know the Demographic profile of Customers using Urban Company services
● To understand the level of awareness of respondents about Urban Company services.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

● To analyze the influence of Urban Company Service Quality on Customers based on their demographic profile.
● To Suggest Measures to improve the Services and their quality in the Urban company.

4. Hypothesis
Ho: Urban company service quality is influencing customers.
H1: Urban company service quality is not influencing customers.

5. Review of Literature
 Parasuraman, et al. (1985). The quality in services and products has become prime factor in 1980s. Quality of tangible goods
has been measured by marketers. But quality of services is un researched and undefined. The study attempted to rectify by
reporting the insights recovered in an exploratory research study by developing a service quality model. .
 Santos, J.(2003), mentioned that Service quality is progressively accepted as a significant aspect of electronic commerce
(e‐commerce). The technical features of products is basically costless, feasible, and easier than the alikeness of products
through traditional channels, service quality is the key cognitive factor for successful e‐commerce.
 Lin, Lai, & Yeh, (2007), identified that due to gaining competence in the service industry, companies are focussing on
advancement in technology and globalization to increase market share and also to improve customer expectations.
 Kumar, kee, and Manshor (2011) emphasized customers’ High-level satisfaction. In-Service Industry, Service Quality is the
main concern to create customer value.
 Kaura et al (2012) discussed that the quality of service positively influences the satisfaction of customers and as such, service
quality is the significant determining variable to customer satisfaction.
 Paul, J., Mittal, A., & Srivastav, G. (2016) made an emphasis on various service quality variables and the overall satisfaction
level of customers comparing Private and public sector banks. The study concludes that components of service quality that are
positively associated are not the same in both public sector and Private sector banks.
 Pathak, R., & Salunkhe, P. (2018). Studied with an objective to understand expectations and satisfaction of the Urban
Company customers in Pune. Simple random sampling has been used and data was collected from 145 respondents and one
sample test and ANOVA test has been used for the Analysis of data.
 Filieri, R., et al. (2018), observed in the research study that an online review gives information to customers about service
providers in the form of feedback. The study is based on dual-process theory, which is used to investigate customer perception
about the Information helpline and electronic word-of-mouth contexts. This service provides and builds the confidence of the
customer to select the services in a most cost-effective manner.
 Tamanna, T. (2020). has done research on customer perception and Expectations on service quality in a private financial
institution in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The study concluded that the level of customers’ expectations on service quality was
higher than they perceived.
 Heemika Sharma (2020), studied the service quality of urban clap using the SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman,
Aeithaml, & Berry figuring out the gap between perception and expectation of Urbanclap users at Rajasthan. The data obtained
is analyzed through statistical tools using correlation and ANOVA on SPSS 20 software.

6. Research Methodology
The research study was conducted using both Primary and Secondary Data, which are descriptive and analytical in nature,
with more emphasis on the analytical part. The study involves data collection from the respondents of Hyderabad using a structured
questionnaire in Google form and also collecting data through interviews. Responses received focusing on demographic profile of
respondents with their awareness and how Urban Company service quality influencing Customers was analyzed.

The primary data sources of the research study specifically include the administration of questionnaires and personal
interviews. While, secondary data was completely focused on the collection of data from the website of Urban Company, Research
Papers, Journals, Publications, Newspapers, and social media.

For the purpose of analysis and interpretation, the sample size selected for the study is 136 from Hyderabad. The convenience
sampling method has been used to collect the data from respondents. Questionnaires were distributed through Google Forms to 256
respondents, but the filled Google forms were received from only 136 respondents. Hence the size of the sample is 136.

Statistical Tools and Techniques: SPSS 16.0 version is used for data analysis. Descriptive Statistics and ANOVA were used
to test the hypotheses in order to determine how the Urban Company service quality influencing Customers was analyzed.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

6.1. Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covers only service quality of Urban Company. The study is confined to Hyderabad.

6.2. Limitations of the Study

● The research study is limited to “Urban Company” only, though there are many other related service provider companies in
● The study results are limited because the sample drawn from the respondents of Hyderabad, as the research study is confined to
only Hyderabad and other cities were excluded in this study.

7. Data Analysis & Interpretation

7. 1. Descriptive statistics of Demographic Profile of respondents:

Table No. 1 Gender of Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Male 66 48.53 48.53 48.53
Female 70 51.47 51.47 100.00
Total 136 100.00 100.00
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: From the above analysis it is observed that the responses received from female respondents
are more in comparison with male respondents.

Table No. 2 Age of Respondents

Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
18 to 30 Years 40 29.4 29.4 29.4
31 to 45 Years 61 44.9 44.9 74.3
46 to 60 Years 29 21.3 21.3 95.6
61 to 70 Years 6 4.4 4.4 100.0
Total 136 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: From the above table it is inferred that the respondents of the present research study are more from the age group of
31 to 45 years, followed by 18 to 30 years, 48 to 60 years and the least number of respondents are from the age group of 61 to 70
years. For data collection purpose respondents of above 18 years are considered for study to get a clear understanding of opinion about
Urban company customers service usage.

Table 3: Income of Respondents

Income Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Up to 25k 16 11.8 11.8 11.8
25k to 50k 46 33.8 33.8 45.6
51k to 75k 64 47.1 47.1 92.6
75k to 1 Lakh 9 6.6 6.6 99.3
Above 1 Lakh 1 .7 .7 100.0
Total 136 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: It is inferred from above analysis that more respondents are from Rs. 50,000 to 1 lakh income per month, followed
by income groups of Rs. 25,000 to 50,000, up to Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 75,000 to 1,00,000 income groups and only one respondent is
above Rs. 1 lakh income.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

7.2. Customer level of Awareness towards Urban Company Services

Table No. 4 Gender wise level of awareness of respondents about Urban Company Services
Gender Yes No Total
Male 66 0 66
Female 70 0 70
Total 136 0 136
Source: Primary data

Interpretation: From the above table it is observed that all the respondents are aware of Urban Company. But the percentage of
awareness is more in female respondents when compared to male respondents.

Table No. 5 Age-wise level of awareness of respondents about Urban Company Services
Age Yes No Total
18 to 30 Years 40 0 40
31 to 45 Years 61 0 61
46 to 60 Years 29 0 29
61 to 70 Years 6 0 6
Total 136 0 136
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: From the above analysis it is clearly inferred that the Services of Urban Company are more utilized by Consumers of
age group 31 to 45 years, followed by 18 to 30 years, 48 to 60 years and 61 to 70 year. This analysis shows that more respondents of
age between 18 to 60 years are having awareness about Urban Company Services in Hyderabad. This also indicates that 74% of
respondents who comes under 18-to-45-year age group are aware of Urban Company services.

Table No. 6: Income-wise level of awareness of respondents about Urban Company services
Monthly Income in Rs. Yes No Total
Upto 25k 16 0 16
25k to 50k 46 0 46
50k to 75k 64 0 64
75k to 1 Lakh 9 0 9
Above 1 Lakh 1 0 1
Total 136 0 136
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: The respondents of income group of 25,000 to 75,000 are more aware of Urban Company Services in Hyderabad. The
percentage of awareness is less in above 1 lakh income group according to the research study.

Table No. 7: Gender-wise Respondents awareness through various sources

Gender TV Adds Social Media Print Media Reference Groups Others Total
Male 19 25 3 17 2 66
Female 22 25 2 18 3 70
Total 41 50 5 35 5 136
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: More awareness created on females than males by TV Advertisements, the awareness created by social media is
same on both on male and female, and the awareness created through reference groups, print media and others is identical.

In overall analysis it is observed that the more awareness is created through TV Ads, social media and reference groups in
comparison with print media and others.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

Table No. 8: Age-wise Respondents awareness through various sources

Age TV Adds Social Media Print Media Reference Groups Others Total
18 to 30 Years 13 17 1 5 4 40
31 to 45 Years 18 23 3 16 1 61
46 to 60 Years 7 9 1 12 0 29
61 to 70 Years 3 1 0 2 0 6
Total 41 50 5 35 5 136
Source: Primary Data
Interpretation: In 18-30 years age group more number of respondents are aware of Urban Company Services through TV
advertisements and Social Media sources than in comparison with print media, reference groups and others. In 31-45 years, age group
respondents have more awareness through TV Ads, social media and reference groups.

Table No. 9: Income-wise Respondents awareness through various sources

Income TV Adds Social Media Print Media Reference Groups Others Total
Upto 25k 3 6 1 5 1 16
25k to 50k 16 17 0 10 3 46
50k to 75k 19 22 4 18 1 64
75k to 1 Lakh 3 5 0 1 0 9
Above 1 Lakh 0 0 0 1 0 1
Total 41 50 5 35 5 136
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: Upto Rs. 25,000 income level and in Rs. 25,000 to 50,000 & Rs. 50,000 to 75,000 income level more awareness is
created through social media, Reference groups. The awareness created through print media and other sources is very less. Hence,
more awareness is to be created.

7.3: The influence of Urban Company Service Quality on Customers based on their demographic profile
Table 10: Gender wise Influence on service quality of Urban Company
Gender Mean N Standard Deviation % of Total N
Female 108.78 70 9.307 51.47%
Male 105.72 66 8.564 48.53%
Total 107.25 136 9.041 100.0%
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: There is variation in Mean and standard deviation values in Gender wise influence on service quality of Urban
Company on customers. The mean and standard deviation levels are high with respect to female in comparison with male.

Table 11: ANOVA Table based on Gender wise influence on service quality of Urban Company
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
v1 * Gender Between Groups (Combined) 318.118 1 318.118 3.977 .048
Within Groups 10717.382 134 79.980
Total 11035.500 135
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: The ANOVA table no. 11 tests from the statistical point of view. The ANOVA table results reveal that the
relationship is significant since the p value (0.048) is less than the alpha value (0.05). There is significant difference in the Gender
wise influence on service quality of Urban Company.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

Table 12: Age wise Impact on service quality of Urban Company

Age Mean N Std. Deviation % of Total N
18 to 30 Years 107.18 40 9.798 29.4%
31 to 45 Years 106.85 61 8.899 44.9%
46 to 60 Years 107.62 29 7.912 21.3%
61 to 70 Years 110.00 6 12.066 4.4%
Total 107.25 136 9.041 100.0%
Source: Primary Data
Interpretation: The highest mean value is with 61 to 70 years age respondents. There is highest level of standard deviation with 61 to
70 years and 18 to 30 years respondents.

Table 13: ANOVA Table based on Age wise influence on service quality of Urban Company
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
v1 * Age Between Groups (Combined) 59.225 3 19.742 .237 .870
Within Groups 10976.275 132 83.154
Total 11035.500 135
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: P value is greater than 0.05, it can be interpreted that age wise there is no significant difference on service quality of
Urban company

Table 14: Income wise Impact on service quality of Urban Company

Income Mean N Std. Deviation % of Total N
Upto 25k 108.31 16 9.534 11.8%
25k to 50k 107.02 46 10.563 33.8%
50k to 75k 107.09 64 8.250 47.1%
75k to 1 Lakh 106.00 9 3.708 6.6%
Above 1 Lakh 122.00 1 . .7%
Total 107.25 136 9.041 100.0%
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: the highest mean value is with Above 1 lakh income level and lowest mean value is with 75,000 to 1 lakh Rupees of
income. There is highest level of standard deviation at 25k to 50k, upto 25k and 50k to 75k levels of income.

Table 15: ANOVA Table based on Income wise influence on service quality of Urban Company
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
v1 * Income Between Groups (Combined) 253.647 4 63.412 .770 .546
Within Groups 10781.853 131 82.304
Total 11035.500 135

Interpretation: The ANOVA Table 15 tests the income wise influence on service quality of Urban company on customers. However,
F statistic is found insignificant, since the p value (0.546) is more than 0.05.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:3(5), March: 2022
Online Copy of Article Publication Available (2022 Issues):
Digital Certificate of Publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 2nd March 2022
DOI: Publication Date:10th April 2022
Publisher: Sucharitha Publication, India

8. Suggestions
1. The prices chargeable for the offered services are slightly not reachable to the low to medium ranged income customers,
hence if the prices are fixed at slight lower range, Urban Company customer baseline will improve.
2. Based on the present requirement future expectations because of professional development and tight time schedules, instead
of piece meal services if total services are available are on regular basis, then the customer’s complete requirements can be
3. Pre-booking call service centre will help the customer to know the right mix of service provider.
4. Improved grievance handling cell services solves customers’ problems.
5. Referral programmes will motivate the existing customers and also attracts the prospective and potential buyers.

9. Conclusion
Online home-based services provided by skilled professionals are very useful to get all types of works like plumbing,
electrical, sanitary, carpentry works under one app with only a finger tap. The research study is based on the understanding of Urban
Company services to provide online home-based services. The study is conducted to understand the Urban Company service quality
influence on Customers in Hyderabad. Urban Company is providing quality services. Urban Company services are enabling customers
to benefit with easy life even in busy schedules. Company is providing home-based services with personal-hygiene by protecting the
interests of the customers with reasonable charges. The study concludes that good awareness is created by Urban Company among
public. Urban Company service quality is influencing its customers to use its services.

10. Scope for further research

 The study covered with only Urban Company, but now the emergence of competitors in this field gives scope to make
comparative study with competitive companies.
 The study is limited to Hyderabad but has scope to study in other cities.

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