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Marko Schütz-Schmuck

These guidelines should be used to evaluate each team's submission. The

whole project is still in process, so we do not need to see any type of
_completeness_. However, we do want to see some progress (not
necessarily the same amount) on each of those aspects. The guidelines
and examples are more detailed than what would easily fit into the
format of rubrics, so the guidelines are stated separately and the
rubrics then are generic.

• Changes to the previous submission must be clearly visible. Use a

different background color, change bars in the page margin, or other
ways to clearly indicate the changes.

• The log book gives an overview of the changes (but not the full
changed content) since the last submission.

• The actual changes, new developments, etc are integrated into the
overall document.

• All the criteria where the previous submission did not follow the
guidelines have been improved.

• Any additions and changes follow the guidelines already established

for the proposal submission.

• Progress in the implementation has been made: there are completed

features that are implemented end-to-end and that have a high value to
the users. The completion of the feature is evidenced by passing
acceptance/end-to-end tests.

• Progress has been made in all phases of development: domain

description, requirements prescription, design, …

• Application of topics, techniques, tools, methods, … from the


The following rubrics will have a higher weight than those above.

• define/identify aggregates

The team identifies and defines at least one aggregate consisting of

multiple objects with one aggregate root. The aggregate captures a
conceptual whole and the objects inside the aggregate boundary make
sense as separate concepts on the one hand while justifiably
belonging inside the aggregate boundary. The team uses the aggregate
correctly: e.g. all access to inner objects is through the root
object, the functions on the root object ensure the invariants,…
• factories

The team provides at least one example of the application of

factories. For example, they might initially expose the directly the
constructors of different sub-classes of some super-class. But then
they decide that the construction should be hosted in a separate
factory class with an API providing entry points behind which
complex choices are made as to which concrete object to instantiate.

• repositories

The team uses repositories to expose an interface providing

persistence related functions in terms of the domain and/or the
application layer.

• invariants

The team states at least one non-trivial invariant of an aggregate.

They state where the invariant might be violated temporarily and
where it will be reestablished.

• handling of errors

The team uses `option' and/or `either' style data types with high
level abstractions for handling errors and/or exceptions.

• making implicit concepts explicit

The team describes at least three examples of how they started with
an understanding of the domain which they later found had a hidden
concept and after some discussion they found the missing concept and
made it explicit. They describe how this changes the ubiquitous
language of their project.

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