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The organizational socialization process refers to the process of transitioning new

employees from outside the organization into internal personnel. A successful

organizational socialization process can result in employee satisfaction and positive work

attitudes. These employees stay with the organization for a longer period of time. On the

other hand, ineffective socialization can result in employees prematurely leaving their new

jobs or ineffectiveness on the job. This results in wasting time and resources of the

organization. This was seen in the case of the client, Green Box Financials, the employees

had unrealistic expectations about the job and subsequently left the organization. To avoid

these issues, Green Box Financials can have an organizational socialization process divided

into realistic job previews, employee orientation programs, and mentoring. As for the Chief

of Strategy, Marc, I suggest proactive socialization behavior.

The exit surveys conducted at Green Box financials revealed that the employees left the

organization because the job did not live up to their expectations. Individuals often have

these unrealistic expectations due to occupational stereotypes or even from recruiters that

glorify certain job aspects to attract the candidates. This often results in job dissatisfaction

as the employees are not able to survive the discrepancy between their expectations and

reality. Conversely, in cases where employees’ expectations are met, it results in job

satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, job survival, and low employee

turnover. These expectations can be reduced to a great extent by providing job applicants

with realistic job previews. These previews enable the applicants to set their expectations

realistically as they became aware of the positive and the negative aspect of the

Green Box Financials can use the employee orientation programs to familiarise new

employees with their job, their co-workers, and the company. These programs address

elements such as organization culture, employees’ roles, health and safety issues, and so on.

These programs enable the newcomers to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to

perform their job responsibilities and roles so they can develop a strong person-job (PJ) fit

and learn the organization's principles and beliefs so they can develop a strong person-

organization (PO) fit and also learn the values and beliefs that are important to their

workgroup so they can develop a strong person–group (PG) fit. Green Box Financials can

also use Realistic Orientation Program for Entry Stress (ROPES) program to reduce the

employees’ expectations and stress and to improve newcomers’ adjustment and retention.

This program provides the newcomers with realistic information about work tasks and the

organization and knowledge regarding the use of cognitive and behavioral coping

techniques to manage workplace stressors. Moreover, the firm can identify some senior and

more experienced employees as mentors to train and guide junior employees. A mentor

performs career functions such as coaching and feedback and psychological functions such

as role modeling and counseling. Finally, the client can use institutionalized socialization

tactics to impact the socialization processes of new employees. These tactics are related to

proximal outcomes, such as lower role ambiguity and role conflict and more positive

perceptions of PJ and PO fit, as well as distal outcomes, such as greater job satisfaction and

organizational commitment and lower stress.

Lastly, to improve the socialization process for Marc, I would suggest proactive socialization

behavior. He can seek information by requesting it and by observing the behavior of others.

Different sources that can be used to acquire information, include supervisors, peers,

mentors, and written documents. In addition to feedback-seeking and information seeking,

Marc can also participate in social events, develop friendships and relationships with other

employees, develop a friendship and relationships with his superiors, get to know people

outside of their department or work, attempt to change or modify his tasks to improve PJ

fit, and frame the new situation in a positive manner.

Thus Green box Financials can improve its organizational socialization process by conducting

realistic job previews, employee orientation programs, and mentoring. This will improve job

satisfaction and also lower employee turnover. The Chief of Strategy, Marc can adopt

proactive socialization behavior to make his socialization successful.

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