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Footnote To Youth
January 05, 2018

Footnote To Youth

Title: Footnote To Youth

Author: Jose Garcia Villa

Author's Background: Jose Garcia Villa

(August 5, 1908-February 7, 1997) was a
Filipino poet, literary critic, short story
writer, and painter. 


Leisurely - acting or done at leisure.

Insolent - showing a rude and
arrogant lack of respect.
Invigorating - making one feel strong,
healthy, and full of energy.
Begrime - blackened with ingrained
Smudge - cause (something) to
become messily smeared by rubbing
Vigorously - in a way that involves
physical strength, effort, and energy.


Dodong - The main character. 

Dodong's father - Who Dodong
approached for approval.
Dodong's Mother - Who helped Teang
give birth to Blas.
Teang - Dodong's lover.
Lucio - Teang's other suitor.
Blas - Dodong's son.
Tonia - Blas' lover

Settings: Countryside, at Dodong's house.

Exposition: The main character is being

introduced. Dodong. Dodong is thinking
about marrying Teang. Dodong asked his
Father's permission .

Rising Action: Dodong's father is thinking

that they are still young but Dodong's
father allowed them to be. 

Climax: After all that, Dodong saw her wife

with their Vrstborn child named Blas.
Dodong heard his baby cry. Dodong could
not control the swelling happiness in him
and also felt embarrassed because he is
still not ready to provide for his family. 

Falling Action: Teang, secretly regretted

being married at an early age. Teang
wondered if it would be the same if he was
married to Lucio instead. If she would have
the same life. While Dodong, realized the
hardship, the struggle of marrying at an
early age. 

Ending: Blas, Dodong's son who is

eighteen years old, asked his father,
Dodong if he could marry Tona, Blas'
girlfriend(Déjà vu). Dodong didn't object
but he tried to make Blas think twice
because Dodong doesn't want Blas to end
up like him. 

Symbolism: The Symbolism i saw i think

is the colorless worm that marched blindly
to Dodong's foot. That worm who blindly
marched can be referred to as Dodong
because of his choices. Dodong "blindly"
marched to being married without thinking
about it carefully. 

Theme: The them of the story is about

youths who always go with their feelings
without hesitation, without thinking about
it properly. 

Lesson: If ever you are gonna get married,

think about it properly, think if you are up to
those responsibilities, think if you can
support your family. Don't rush things, you
will be there soon. Consider the future
before making up your mind.  

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