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The Odyssey

The Journey to the Underworld

 Odyssues travels to the underworld and makes the offerings according to Circe's

Reach the place where Circe had told them to go. Odysseus dug a pit the size of a cubit
and begins to pour libations for the dead.The mixture of honey, then sweet wine, then
water. then sprinkled white barley on it.
First Elpenor speaks to him

 The first shade is Elpenor, freshly fallen from Circe's roof.

 Elpenor begs for Odysseus to honor his death by building a burial mound for his
dead body.

 Odysseus the glimpse his mother's shade among the rest of the dead.

He asks them to go back and burry his body along the way. He then sees his mother, but
she does not speak to him. He is sad because she was alive when he left for war.

Teiresias advice

 Teiresias drinks the blood of Odysseus and sacrifice and then speaks.

 His first words are a warning: DON'T EAT HELIOS CATTLE AT THRINAKIA.

 His next is to casually announce that Odysseus will survive alone

He tells Odysseus that after he has been home and gotten rid of the suitors he needs to
journey until he meets men that do not know the sea. When a stranger tells him he has a
winnowing fan on his shoulder, he is to sacrifice to Poseidon. A ram, a bull, and a boar

Teiresias continued

 After defeating the suitors, Odysseus had better go inland until he reaches an area
of Earth that has never known the sea.

 He has to pray to Poseidon in order to ensure himself a peaceful seaborne death in

his old age, surrounded by all his folks.

He says, they will still make it home if they leave the Son God’s cattle alone. If not, their
ship will be destroyed. However, even if Odysseus manages to survive this he will return
late and lost all his companions and finding troubles in his house.
Odysseus Speaks to His Mother

 Odysseus mother Antikleia tells him of the situation back home in Ithaka.

 Her son tries to embrace her, but this doesn't work out too well, since Antikleia is

He lets her drink the blood.She asks him why he is among the dead and not at home.He
asks her about her death and the fate of his family.She tells him that she died missing him
and waiting for him.His wife has not married.His father remains alive but sick and
waiting for OdysseusHe tries to embrace her, but can’t because she is only soul.

Persephone send women

 Odysseus speaks first to a long line of Princesses.

 Queen Arete, clearly impressed by all these stories, decides that when they do finally
send Odysseus on his way, it should be with lots of sparkly things.

A lot of wives and daughters come to talk to Odysseus. Some well-known women
Alcmene, Megara, Epicaste-Mother of Oedipos.

Odysseus talks of more souls

 King Alkinoos then asks Odysseus if he was down in the underworld, he met any of
his friends who died at Troy.

Alkinoos compliments his story telling abilities-he compares them to that of a singer and
urges him to tell more. Odysseus speaks of seeing the soul of Agamemnon

 A Talk With Agamemnon Odysseus asks Agamemnon how he died

 Back in the underworld, Odysseus sees Agamemnon and hears the tragic story of
his murder and son Orestes revenge against Aigisthos and Klytaimestra.

 Then appear the spirits of Achilleus, Patroklos, Antilochos, and Telamonian Aias,
some of Odysseus buddies from the Trojan war.

He tells Odysseus that Clytemnestra, Aigisthos murdered him. He claims that she has
brought shame to womankind and warns him against trusting women. He also informs
him that he has nothing to worry about. Penelope is trustworthy. He asks about his son’s
fate, but Odysseus does not know.

Odysseus Talks With Achilles

 Odysseus praises Achilleus for having earned so much honor and glory in his life;
surely his death is the greatest death ever.

 He then asks Odysseus about his son, Neoptolemos.

Odysseus commends him for having great rule over the dead, as he had over the living in life.
Achilles tells him he would rather serve on another man’s land than rule over the dead. He
asks about his son and Peleus. Odysseus tells him he has not heard about Peleus. But tells of
Neoptolemos’ great bravery and successes.

A Not So Friendly Meeting with Telamonian Aias

 Odysseus pleads with Telamonian Aias to forget their earlier quarrel in Troy over
Achilleus arms.

Odysseus speaks of seeing Telamonian Aias. However, Telamonian Aias will not talk to him.
He has not gotten over the fact that Odysseus won Achilles' armor

Odysseus Sees Some Other People

 Before he goes, Odysseus also sees Minos, Orion, Tityos, Tantalos, Sisyphos, and

 When all the shades come crowding in to drink the blood, Odysseus freaks out and
runs back to his ship.

 Everyone leaves the Underworld

Minos “Dealing justice to the dead”, Orion Driving the beasts he had slaughtered, Tityos
Vultures picking at his liver, Tantalos Inability to obtain food and water, Sisyphos Pushing his
stone, Heracles Appeared as a phantom. He bragged to Odysseus about his successes

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