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Built-in Functions in Python ® python’ 4 Program for computing the height of a ball in vertical motion. =65 # initial velocity 9.81 # acceleration of gravity 0.6 # time vOet - 0.54g*tk2 # vertical position rint y >>> v0 = 5 >>> g = 9.81 >>> t= 0.6 >>> y = vOat - 0.5agatan2 >>> print y 1.2342 =y-t 2 0.6 y=Vot-1/2gt 0.6=t 0 This is wrong 2 len(...) len(object) -> integer Return the number of items of a sequence or mapping. >>> x='physics' >>> print len(x) 7 >>> print len(‘physics') 7 >>> physics 0123456 ® python >>> print x physics >>> print x[0] p >>> print x[1] h >>> print x[7] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? IndexError: string index out of range >>> print x[6] s >>> print x[0:4] phys >>> 3 * Indexing: —‘abe'[0] returns the string ‘a’ —‘abc'[2] returns the string ‘c’ —‘abc'’[3] isanerror (as we cannot go beyond the boundaries of the string) —‘abc'[-1] returns the string ‘c’ (essentially counting backwards from the start of the string) * Slicing: —Ifs isastring, the expression s[start:end] denotes the substring that starts at start, and ends at end-1 * ‘abo'[1:3] hasthevalue ‘bc’ ® python >>> 3 * ‘a’ ‘aaa’ >>> ‘a’ + ‘a’ ‘aa’ >>> ‘a’ + str(3) "43 >>> len(‘abc’) 3 ® python’ 5 >>> type("32") The name of the function is type, ® python >>> name="physics" ‘quaid-i-azam' >>> pi-3.14 >>> theta=90 >>> print name >>> unis physics >>> print pi 3.14 >>> print 90 >>> print physics >>> type (name) 6 Python provides a collection of built-in functions that convert values from one type to another. The int function takes any value and converts it to an integer, if possible, or complains otherwise: >>> int("32") 32 >>> int("Hello") ValueError: invalid literal for int(): Hello int can also convert oating-point values to integers, but remember that it truncates the fractional part: >>> int(3.99999) 3 >>> int(-2.3) -2 7 The float function converts integers and strings to foating-point numbers: >>> minute=59 >>> float(32) >>> minute/60 32.0 0 >>> "3, 1" >>> minute/60.0 float( 3.14159") 0.9833333333333333 3.14159 >>> minute=59.0 >>> minute/60 The str function converts to type string: 0.9833333333333333 >>> str(32) 39" >>> str(3.14149) '3.14149' >>> float(minute) / 60 0.983333333333 ® python 8 >>> x=123456 >>> print x[0] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in print x[0] TypeError: ‘int' object has no attribute '_getitem_' >>> z=str (x) >>> print z[0] 1 >>> print z[3] 4 >>> print 2[0:3] 123 >>> ® python’ 9 let u = a+bi and v=c+di u*=a-—bi (complex conjugate) ut+tv=(atc)+(bt+d)i u-—v=(a-—c)+(b-d)i uv = (ac — bd) + (be + ad)i act+bd be—ad. w= are are e'? = cosq +ising “10 >>> u >>> Vv >>> w=utv >>> Ww (4.5433) 2.5 + 33 2 (-10.5-3.753) >>> s/w (-0. 25641025641025639+0 . 28205128205128205j) >>> s.real >> s. -gguaueate0 2-0 create a complex number this is an int complex + int ae aE te # create a complex number from two floats # alternative creation # complex*complex # complex/complex A complex object s has functionality for extracting the real and imaginary parts as well as computing the complex conjugate: eu 1 Je = uot — =gt?. Ye = Vol 39 Square Root 1 got wtb te = SN t= (0 ob Bave) fo t= (m+ Bae) (a. Exp Log (e" —e77). Cos Mathematical Function Sin How in Python? ‘Sinh(x) Exp(-x) Tan Sinh ® python’ sinh) = Nie “12 To evaluate a function either we have to write our own code(function) (we will do it later on) or use built-in Modules in Python A Module in Python can be used by Importing its name, e.g., import Module-Name Two Ways of Importing a Module. The standard way to import a module, say math, is to write import math and then access individual functions in the module with the module 7 vO=5 name as. prefix asin 2=9.81 ye=0.2 import math tl =(v0- math.sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*ye))/g 12 =(v0 + math.sqrt(v0**2- 2*g*ye))/g print t1,t2 x = math.sqrt(y) “13 There is an alternative import syntax that allows us to skip the module name prefix. This alternative syntax has the form “from module import function”. A specific example is from math import sqrt Now we can work with sqrt directly, without the math. prefix. x= sqrt(y) . . tl =(v0 - sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/g from math import sqrt, exp, log, sin 2 =(v0 + sqrt(v0**2 - 2*g*yc))/2 Sometimes one just writes from math import * to import all functions in the math module via Imported modules and functions can be given new names in the import statement, e.g., import math as m #=m is now the name of the math module v = m.sin(m.pi) from math import log as In v = 1n(5) from math import sin as s, cos as c, log as In v= s(x)se(x) + In(x) math import sinh, exp, e, pi pi sinh (x) 0.5% (exp(x) - exp(-x)) 0.5*(ex#x — e#s(-x)) print ri, r2, r3 The output from the program shows that all three computations give identical results: ‘267 .744894041 267.744894041 267.744894041 15 import math x=math.sqrt(2) print x from math import sqrt y=sqri(2.) print y from math import sqrt as sq z=sq(2.) print z pydoc math Getting Help from Python Documents ffelp on module math: fusr/1ib64/python?. 4/1ib-dynload/ [DESCRIETION ‘This module is always available. It provides access to the mathematical functions defined by the C standard. 1.41421356237 1.41421356237 141421356237 ® python [runcrions (---) ‘acos(x) Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x asin(...) asin(x) Taking the sine of a complex number docs not work: >>> from math import sin >>> r = sin(w) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in? TypeError: can’t convert complex to float; use abs(z) sqrt (-1)=? >>> from cmath import sin, sinh >>> ri = sin(8j) >>> x1 1490 . 4788257895502} >>> 12 = 1j*sinh(8) >>> 12 1490 . 4788257895502} Another relation, e“! = cos g + ising, is exemplified next: >>> q=8 — # some arbitrary number >>> exp(1j+q) (-0. 1455000338086 1354+0.98935824662338179j) >>> cos(q) + 1j*sin(q) (-0. 14550003380861354+0. 98935824662338179j) e17 Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 06:20:15) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "copyright’, "credits" or "license()" for more information. No Subprocess = >>> import emath >>> y=44+6j ——_____ >>> emath.sin(y) (-152.65889676010067-131.8485 1855934087j) >>> math.sin(y) Traceback (most Serer File "", line 1, in math.sin(y) NameError: name 'math' is not defined >>> from cmath import sin, sinh, cosh >>> xl=sin(4j) >>> print xd ——____ 27.2899171971j >>> xLreal 0.0 >>> xlimag 27.28991719712775 >>> x1.conjugate() +27.28991719712775j >>> x1.conjugate( J——____ 018 We may ask the user a question C=?(Enter your roll number, Enter your age) and wait for the user to enter a number. Ask the user a question (What is your name?) and wait for the user to enter a name. Fortran Code Program test Implicit none Character (5):: name . . Integer: roll raw_input function Real:: xx Write (*,*) ‘Enter your name” Read (*,*) name Write (*,*) ‘Enter your roll number’ Read (*,*) roll End 219 C =raw_input(’C=? ’) The raw_input function always returns the user input as a string bject. That is, the variable C above refers to a string object. If we want to compute with this C, we must convert the string to a floating-point number: C = float(C). C= cE — 32). C = raw_input(’C=?7 ’) c=f1 (c) Fe (9. /5)aC + 32 F=(9./5)*C+32 print F >>> raw_input raw input([prompt]) —-> string] 20 Fi. Python Sha Fle Edt Shell Debug Options Windows Helo Python 2.7.3 |EPD free 7.3-2 (32-bit)| (default, Apr 12 2012, 14:30: t (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> raw_input ("Enter your name") Enter your nameAli "Ali" >>> C=raw_input ("Enter your value") Enter your value40 >>> C 40: —_____— >>> type (C) >>> C=float (Cc) >>> type (C) >>> C=float (raw input ("Enter your value")) Enter your value40 >>> type (C) <—________ >>> c >>> >>> C=input ("Enter your value") Enter your value40 >>> type (Cc) >>> C=input ("Enter your value") Enter your valueAli Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in C=input ("Enter your value") File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'Alit is not defined >>> C=input ("Enter you name") Enter you nameAli Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in C=input ("Enter you name") File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'Ali' is not defined >>> Fle Edt Format Ron Options Windows Help print (‘This program calculates the kinetic energy’) m=float (raw input ("Enter mass m')) v=float (raw input ("Enter velocity v')) ke=(m*v**2) /2. print ("The kinetic energy is ="), ke Save this in a file ,e.g., and run it Fi Pyne shal” = = lef Shel_Oebug_Optone Windows Help Python 2.7.3 |EPD free 7.3-2 (32-bit)| (default, Apr 12 2012, 14:30: t (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> = 277 NRC es(olg 2.0 scheme in the . 3.0 eee . Potions >>> print print ‘Iwill do an other calculations’ pur(Enter mass) raw_input(Enter velocity) print ‘GOOD Bye’ ‘Ble Edit Debug Options windows Help Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 06:20:15) [cc 4.6.3] on linux? ‘No Subprocess Enter mass0.5 Enter velocity. ‘The Kinetic energy is 0.5625 L will do an other calculations Enter mass4.6 Enter velocity3.7 ‘The Kinetic energy is 31.487 24 ax? +be+e=0, the two roots are _ —b+ VPP —Fae = 2a y=sin(x), x=0, 45,90,180. + yo. 2 F(x) =2tand — wear ‘The bell-shaped Gaussian function, Fe) = Fee [-3 =); The parameters m and s are real numbers, where s must be greater than zero. Make a program for evaluating this function when m=0,s=2,and x= 1. ball. In this expression, x is a horizontal coordinate, g is the acceleration of gravity, v0 is the size of the initial velocity which makes an angle with the x axis, and (0, y0) is the initial position of the

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