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ЛS G 310G=2008

Roned steds fOr welded sttucture

Thig」 apanege lndus
Of ISO G30 Published
A4ne=」 A and Annex
htettlattOnal standard
OfISO C30.

7:ぷ 縄乱
l ScOpe

億モ 駕 越越 註
輩謝 ,t鍵

留鍬鞘鐵盤竪陥 鵠盤
NOTE:識 el前 emattOttl standttd∞ FeSPonding tO ths standard itt as fol_

″ μ。 とれ ′ S舵 ∬ θ翌 ん鳴 ″巖 ル 傷 bα 中 9前 伽
αtts総 s

配塁智:路 盤孔 温

由愁鶴齢革 艦 鴨∴


:粋 線
ad:る °∝ 説′
ュ を
『 ・“ α tt ε
tt P疵 ?θ _

_っ ′望.雲rg,ぃ o″ ど
聾曼_q郎 01

- 39 -



― G3106- ―

4 Chem■ cal composュ tiOn

里曼O_蝦⊇■_釣 姫留鮨坐 ο ど!担唾μttι _=撃 里独4竺 即姓塑更
?^雇 ∝泣 _単 ガ奎7=r
″_■ と
とT螢 _kギ
JIS G 3192 翌 婢 生塑
“ _

塑 理 Ⅲ 車堕 婢 !!94王 空壁
。ど Es′ 〔
:?J sectto藤 :¢
V 記空ま
」IS G 3193 α3dα れd
力と と
υ〔 _οデ
,fa′ iο ″♂

隻∝里!!聟 _│セ王Pttι 9S, 子 怖tane

曼Fn番 4_翌 上口壁 :?コ 豊 _壁奎 _要 JIP■ ギ々!:J授 I茎F宴型聖P五 堕 二蝉

_μ Cι _gビ 堅王
王と Table 2 Chemical cOmposidonal
JIS Z 2201 ?几 slEc才て
ι ,sサ or 脇t,彦 α】
′ どこc ttα 修′た
“ 's Un比 :%
聖曼ヱ ユ__」 些t独 支_J!竪堂 々主々■!T■ 14_聖 F生 生 De田 地臣ati。 ■
oF ttrade
町 ckaes【 , C Si Mn P S
″LPccサ ど
ラ ¢Sι 。7r,c″ ュ
αιθ′施 gs
2242 Meι 力οど デο′ Cん αTPy
JIS Z '警 per=』 Eと O′ 9す
“ “ SM400A


Y エ

'Vカ 50 mln or世nder 0.23 Haェ .
NOTE:Co潔 C 0,035 ma■ 0.035m働 ヒ
解蠍駕耀就 就話″遼江貧乳子1簿 皇


Over 50 mm up tO 0_25 111ax.

and ind.200 mm
SM400B 50 mm or uider 020■ la■
'潔 Over 50 1Dm up tO
. 0.35ェ llax. 0.60と 。1.50 0_085 max 0 035 max.
3 Grade and designa切 的鷹L and appliCable thickness
and ind.200コun
0.22 1nax.

The steel products shan be classitted into ll grades,and their designation and SM400C 100-Inax 0.18 Elaと _ 035 ma■ 0.60 to l.50 0.035 max. 0.035 maと
applkable thickness shcdl be as=■ ven La table l.

SM490A 50 mil10r Щ der 0.20 ElaX 055 maを 1.651:la■ 0.035 ma■
, . 0 035 ma■
07針 50 mm up tO 0.22=Hax.
and incl.200 mm
Table■ Designation of grade and apphcable thicknesa
SM490B 50】Ш :lt,ruコ der 0.13 ma】 【
Udti mm . 0,55 maI, ユ.65 ma■ . 0.035 nax. 0 035 max.
0▼ or 50 inI:i■ p to 0.201ェ lax.
Designahon of grade Steel product は,PLcable d五 ckness E' and ind 20o mEl

SM400A Sted Plate,ateel st五 p h cdl,SectiOn and 200 or■ nder SM490C 100 mm Or uIIder 0.18ェ 踵 ェ 0.55m選 1.65 ma【
0_035 max, 0 035 maェ .

SM490YA 100虫 nm or under 0.20m甑 053 maェ

SM400B ユat . 1.65 maД 0 035 mtlx 0 035 ma=
SⅢ1400C心 Sted∬ ate,sted ttP h COu aF叫 100 or under

50 or under SM520B X00m】 コ or under 0.20 maヱ 0.55 nax. 1.65車 0 035 nax. 0 03S mこと
Flat .

SM490A Sted plate,sted日 七工p h con,semOn and 200 or under

囁■570 10(l Ш B Or under 0_18 na■ 0.551n囁 1.70 maェ 0 035 nax. 0.035 ma〓

nat Note

Allottag elenente other th血 thage en Cable 2 nay

100 or under
gl▼ be added ne∝ ss餌 ▼
SM490Cと Steel plate,steel stip in co■ and section The valde Of caお oュ Bhall be the ValueD Of the
' actLと ll ladle
Fiat 50 or uader

SM490YA Steel plate,steel smp in cOil,eec慣 on and 100 or under

5 Ц eat tteatnent and ttmhl
SM400YB mat
100 or under 5.l Hcat treatnent
SM520B Sted plate, steel的 中 五 耐 ,Section and aat
SM520Cb) Sted plate,3ted St五 P in cdl md sectton 100 or under
Hat 40 or under
片 SM570 Steel plれ ,詭 elsmp伍 coェ and Sttion 100 or undeF
mat 40 or dader
5。 2 Sttb。 ュOf heat ttentment
鷲殻 熊:飛,縦
to 800 mm tLck for SM490ヽ up
計現∫ L譜 鵠 沼ュad SM490C and up to 150】 :in

汎 濫島 n的 eCted tt he耐 併

伍 SM520B,SM520C and SM570 may be produced in
ck for SM400YA,SM490YB, 鉢駕ボ F配 児
ぞ名1斑 盈
tme前 ,he ttmbdば

accordance胡 th the agreement bet、v∞a the purchaser alld the suppher.

b)nats up to 75 mm uLck aor sM400C and SM490C and up to 50 1nIB ttLck for
bd S脇 路鴛胤駕撃濫守電話靴 !鶏 繹 ::
SM520C nay be produced五 a∝ ordance萌 th the agreement bettecn the 怒者脇評
ま 妥
purchaser ttd he sIPコ lier,

―- 40 -― - 41 -
一 G3106-
― G3106-
a) In the cage where norれ laltting is applね d for the steel products by agreement:N Table 4 Chemical cOnposittOn on sensitivity of weltttng crack
b) In the case where tempenngね applied for the steel PTOduc七 日by agreement:T
Thicとness Of steel 504B工 . Over 50 up to and Over■ oo
c) In the cage where quench― hardening and tempering is applied fOr the steel producじ mm incl.10o
products,Q Che述 cal coヱ EIPOSilお H)[i On 0,28 max. 0 30 max_ As agreed IPOa between the
d) In the case where themomechanical coコ 静ol ls applied for the steel prOducts by seasitiity Of welding% purcLaser and the ttpP】 ier.
e) In the case where appropriate heat treatment is applied for he steel products by
agreement:By agreement
甲xample OF symbols:SM400CN,SM570TMC 枢駕記記ェ[魂瑠鴛継 理習斬謎 Sendmty
濫cご 撃ヽ of wddng

6 Cttbon eqШ valent or chenical composition on sensitiity of velding crack

6.l Carbon equivalent or chemical composition on sensitivity Of velding
crack for SM570
龍絲 絲 ]訛 審鰐結酬 省縄 地冊
難押 盤
The carbon equivalent or chenical composition on sensiti型 y of welding crack fOr
SM570 shan be asIも llows:
Fば ther,the carbon equivdent shall apply to quench‐ hardened and tempered steel
a) The Carbon equivalent shau be calcdated frOm the folb哺 嵐ngubmula(1)by using Table 5 Tho carbOn equivalent
the ladle analysis values of 10,l and tthall be in accordance mth table 3. Unit:7ο
DesignattOn of grade SM490A SM490YA SM520B SM520C
Cm=C十 半 +暑 +器 +■ 十
半十拳 … …・

・ (め SM490B SM490YB
where, C":CarboxⅢ equivalent(7ο ) Applcable mm or ulder 0.38=lax. 0.40 max
tLdckaess a)
Ove▼ 50 mm up tO alld iacl. 0.40 111ax 0.42Hュ x.
Table 8 Carbon equivalent ote The carbon eqШ vdent he sted pと te
Of と 100 applicable thickness
be a∝ ordance wュ th the agree」lent betteen the purchaser and the supplier
TLこ 】
〔nese of ttteel 50】na■ . Over 50 HP to and Ovcr 100
product mm

五 d.1〔 ,0
Carbon ettivalent 7っ 0.44 max. 0.47】aax. As agreed uPoa betweeli the


紳 欝弾韓畿盤
purcLaser and the sIPPher

b) Chemica1 9ompOsitioェ lon senmi撹 ty of welding crack mtt be applied intttend of

carbOn equivalent suHeCt tO the agreement between the purchaser and the Table 6 The wold cracHng susceptibihty Of material
supplier.In this caBe,the che■ lical composition on sensithttty of welding cracと
shan be calculated froコ■the follo、 五ng formula(2)by using the ladle analysis Unit:7っ
value cf 10.l and shall be七 ュaccordance with tabユ e4,
Des■ gnatiOn Of『 ade SM490A SM490YA SM520B SM520C
SM400B SM490YB
子十子+毛許十子+篭子+聟妥十 +5B… ②
PcM=C+ぞ SM490C
署 → f許 Applicable
thickness i'
mm or■ nder 0.24 ina■ . 0.26 max
vhere, PcM:chemと al∞ mpos面 on on sens五宙Ⅲ of Velding crack Over 50 mm■ p tO andュ ncl. 0.26 max` 0.27 ma■
100】 an


一- 42 -―
―- 43 -―
︱ の 習 oo l
ヴ oす﹁o①︺ 一す o ︺目HOす ”口

︺蟹 X 恥 D鬱呂b F 一0口 “出 o 口OЯ肖馬 4 r ”口 “ o︼o日 Щ呻歳 0

﹃  H
”000︼“″口 00 とくH

呵・騨  ︻ 山o︺臼 嘔 3 日 け 0︼ ︺ ︼0 0恥 働゛噂o いい︼ ↑0日 Dい︼0 0と呵o口 m■F D H a oFoF 鳴D 諄 o

コ,o︼“ ︺a 口 ” 0ヽ 出

弓 す o め寸9oμ u 要9働ド o一口 めr ”〓 げ o 一Omい0騨 μ” 口o00Ha”口 00 ミ ”一y ”● ・

11   ヽ■   II

E Oor p 口 い0 P 可 町0 可 OH骨照

一r ↑”げ︺o ﹄口 ・

髯おБ恥 口 ︼0いの︺ ゛0口 ゆLわ ∽幹Ho口 H γ ”口 “ o″o口 ]”L 5 口 0ぃ 0げ o 口゛oo︼ ︺︺”と叩ロ ロ中︼00丼

oH ”口 臼 付す o コF ︺︺〓 o︼ ”oいo︼働胸︺ ∞ ⇔o ︼

口げ ロロ ︼
X w距︺ 口ooo︼︹p 口oo 一R沖⇔″ 砕“ げμo ﹃・E ″ o
者 o一o こ 一o 一”げPO い いげ ”目 げo 沖ロ

︺ ″B “ ゛″ o ︼討oPa ︺o漱口 ゛ o︼

Table 7 Yicld point or proof sttess tensile strength and elo担 ユ
DesignatioEl Yield point or PrOOf stress Tensile sttength EloIュ gation
N/mm2 N′ mmB
Thicknetts of ateel product a) Thickae口 s of Thckness of Test 7ο

stee】 product a) stoel prodi】 ct a)b) plece

nxと l

16 or Over 16 Ovor 40 Over 75

Over illll O▼ or 160 100o「 Over 100
ullder up tっ Bnd up tt and up to Bnd up tつ and up to and under up to and
iilcl,40 iacl.75 iDd,100 ind.160 incI.200 ind 200
SM400A 245 235 215 215 205 400と o510 400 to 510 5 or undor No.5 23 min
SM400B OVeF 5 up to and incI。 16 No.lA 18 min,
SM400C 0ver 16 up to and inc1 50 No.lA 22 mill
0ver 40 No.4 24】 コi■ .

SM490A 825 315 295 295 285 400 to 610 490 to 610 5 or undo「 No 5 22 nin,
SM490B Over 5 up to and inc】 , ■6 No。 lA 17 min.
SM490C 0ver 16 up to and iacl.50 No.lA 21 mi■ ,

0ver 40 No.4 23 min

SM490YA 365 355 335 325 490七 D610 5 or under No.5 19 min.
SM490YB Over 5 up to and五 cl.16 NO.lA 15ュ lin.
0ver 16 up to and incl.50 No lA 19 min_
0ver 40 No,4 21 1nin.
SM520B 365 355 335 325 520 to 640 5 or under No 5 19 min
SM520C nin.
ュ Over 5 up to and incl.16 No lA 15 min.
0ver 16」 p to and incl.50 No.lA 19 min,
0ver 40 No.4 21 nin`
SM570 460 450 430 420 570 to 720 16 or und〔 ]r No 5 19 mill
Over 16 No. 5 26 min,
1 0 留 3
II ヽm II

0ver 20 No 4 20 min.
NOTE:lN/mm塑 =l MPa
NoteD a,For Dections,the term“ dLcLness of ateel productW meantt the thicknestt at thc Position where the test piece is taken
For the elongatton of No.4 test piece oftho tted Products over 100 xnm in tLicknese,1%ig ttubttBcted fron the vdue oF elongatiOn

given in table 7 per each incrense oF 25 HIIn in thckne∞ Or itt lrautton.However,the lmit to be subttacted shall be 3%,
― G3106- ― G3106-
7.2 Charpy absorption energy a)
The steel product日 over■ 2Hュ In in thickness shall be tested in accordance with
10.2 and the Charpy absorption energy shall be as given in table 8.The CharPy
absorption energy in this case shall be expressed by the average Of measured values
of three test pieces and shall be judged by 9.6 ofJIS G 0404. b)鷲
1`1:LIFethod ThemethOdbrladleanalyttisshallbehaccOrdancewih
Table 8 Charpy absorption energy 10,2 Mechanical test
Desittation of Test Charpy absorption Tettt piece
10_2.l Test in generaI
ade teraperature i) energy or ottentation
Oc as sPecュ fled in clause 7 and
」 of test piece C method of specimen shan

SM400B 0 h.
27ュ ェ V‐ notch test piece in C number Of teat pieceg and
rollhg drettion L) S
SM400C 0 47 min
SM490B 27 min. a)謎 mboI oftensne testpioces Thenunberofttnmetestpieces sh■
0 47 min_
置 l be as

l) ュ
。t shall ct)nsiat of the eteel products,仕
Sヽ1490YB o■ 1 0ne
0 27コ 五ュ .

SM520B 0 27】nin.
錦 ヱと鍵照
::乳 _囁 認粗盈監す
SM520C 0 471■ h. two_拠 neil生 keni With
SM570 -5 47m五 . 0
坐,型 苺 ヽ こbど こここ
Note al Above test tenperat■ re x■ ュy be replaced b)・ the lower One when agreed between
2) SteettstⅢ in cOil and cut_tO工 ength A test lot shall cOnsist Of the steel

鉢:瀾 翼鵠甘
the purchaser and tthe gupplier

b)Ia the case where testing perpendcular to he ro■ ing direction is to be cattd out
accordhg to the agreexElent between the purhaser and the supplier,the test in
rollng direction may be omitted vhen approved by the purchaser.
:ヨ 鉢:爵1離暴苦ユ .監

8 Shape,■ mensio4,maSS and the tderance thereon

The shape,dmeagion,and mass ofthe steel products and the tolerance shau be in
accordance with JIS G 3■ 92,JIS G 3■ 93 and JIS G 3■ 94.In tHE Cage,the width
tOlerEnCeS for the steel plate and cut‐ edged∞ u as well as the length tolerances for つ
the steel plate shall be in accordance with the tolerance A in JIS G 3193 unles日
paxucdarly sp∝ itted. 蝉 耐 悦∞ 乳 れ 劇 醜 dtteれ Л h誕
螂 禅輝
∞ rdan∝ 宙 h現 2)or Oね
驚 :粗 :∞
9 AppearttLCe
The appearance of the steel products shali be in accordance sttth cla■ ee 9 in JIS
旦 Fl聖こ 皇ヱ_:R“ 堅曼_ClttlPtt Or d=■ De 10in JIS G 3■ 94.
Further,the repair by velding of the ttteel plate of SM570 shall be previouttly
agreed between the purdLaser and the supplier.

■O Teste C) Position of the ten日

10.■ Ch● コdCal analysis entre Of the test piece
be at a quarte卜 winh
Chemicd analysiB shdl be as fOnows.
ln additiOn,Anneヱ JA nay be applied.

―- 46 -―
- 47 -
― G3106- ― G3106-
9い _■ 盟蟹整4_“ 1些 _里 毀王些■ ,単些二聟 ,Pi虫 皇蝉 _曇 哩暖聟士ф咀 型い
“ ・ t,11■ ェ鯉J七 ャ
W4_9RIttel_。 ф墜と
と 更4並 生∴■ _4壁 毀望呼隻_9■ 些工生agrttO塁
_聟 ュと
ⅢⅢ194即 聖_p・ ■単 藍■R型 主 阜→聖置い空 l

12 ReinBpection
The reinspection shall be as lbllows:
to tLo speOIied one.
a) The steel prOducts which have not passed the tensile test lnay be retested h
In addition,Annex」 A nay be apphed. accordance with 9。 S in JIS G 0404 and then vtthether it is accepted or aot may
10。 2.2 Tost pieco be determined.
be ag follows: b) The steel products which have fE工 ed h the imPact test specined in o.6 ofJIS G
he tensJe test piece and mpact test Piece sha■
‐ 0404 may be retested in accordance with O.3 of JIS G 0404 and deteコ mined tO
a)No.Ⅲ 虹N坐 _1_∝ J壁 受 聾を
_Rlo壁 _鯉 蟹極O塁
_与 」哩ヱ翌 堅 be acceptable or nOt.
め粗祐沼撃紀t篤露:鴛 靴∬配:9亀“ξ
針牝 祟話乱鮮!1驚 !H器
島と C) The steel producttt which have not paased the mechanical test,xElay be again
SutteCted to the n∝ hanical test atter heat treatment or reheat treattnent.Then,
自u∬ ace. whether it is accepted or not lnay be determined.
10.2.3 Test me血 od
The=nehods for tenede test and impact test shall be as foユ lows i
13 Mar】 dng
a) TenStte test JIS Z 224■ _
The steel products which have passed the inBpechon shall be marked on ench
b)Impact test Л S Z 2242 piece or each bundle、 西切にtho lbll雨ng items by a suitable lnethod.HOwever,a part
ofthe ttmtt may be onitted subiect tO he agreement between the purcLaser and he
■0。 2。 4 Tensile test in tho caso Where tensila test piecc haing specirled
dinensions caxi not be takon
ln the ctt There itig ini要 ble to日 eCure the test plece ha― g spetted dttneasions,
ね三 a)Symbd ofgrade cndud五 g the symbol whch standg for syШ bO1 0fheat treatment
specifled in S.2.
matters on eXecution of tensile testhg,test result value or the Lke shali be agreed
■,On between the purchaser and the ttupplttr. NOTコ :

■0お Other test

can be ttuFixed.
b) Heat number Or insP∝ tion number
c) Dilnensions.Marking of dilnensions shall be in accordance葛 五th clautte 4 of JIS
G3■ 02,dause 3 of JIS G 3193 and clause 4 of JIS G 3194.
d) Quantity cr inass of each bundle(aor steel plate and coil)

l■ ttnsPectiOn e)Manufacturerts name or tts ident」 yng brand

The inspection sml be caried out as fouows:
a) General requrenentg for ingpectton shan be as speciF■ ed in JIS G 0404. 14 RepOrt
b) The… d∞ mpOD甑 On shal cく )nfom to the reqd距 mente sp∝ 五ed in dause 4. The test report shall be in accordance with clause■ 3 in JIS G 0404.In cage
前 On On ttensiti宙 Ⅲ Of velding crack required,the=nanufacturer shall submit the sttbo1 2.3 or 3.1.B specJtted in ttble■
c) The Carbon equiValent or chemical compo日
,the requirements Spectted血 clauge C. of JIS G 0415 to the purchaser.
shall conforln tて

d Pr呼廟 d“ sha1l conforal to the requrements Sp∝ 五 edね dause 7. where the prOぬ iOns ofNcte3)tO table 2 and table JB.■ are aPPhed,the content of
d) The mech証 血
allottng elenents added ahall be noted in the test report.In addttion,vhen ttte
o) The Shape,dimensions and mass shall confom to the requrexnents speifled h
阻 翠研ホ建理寵黒配哲
認跳篭祀 窯配監豊
C:綿 phed,
dュ use S.
od in dause 9.
龍 i認 .甲
D The appearance shau confOm to the requrements spec五

-48- - 49 -
― G3106-
― G3106-
Annex JA(■ oHmative) b)
Smpli】 襲」POSttiOn Of the test pttce

JA■ Scope
his Annex sPedttes the smpling POsittOn of the test piece for tensユ e tettts and
impact tests.

J▲ 2 ▲pphcable date

This Annex applies umt』 Dec.31,2008.

&ミ3 Samphg pdtiOn of the test Piece for tensile tests
Sampling position of the test piece for tensile tests shall be as f040w日


辮 諾跳紹解罵そ温電 恙禦温靴 玉 撫鳳:帯 魯 許 武麓

piece,it shan be at a quarter‐ lhickness pOsithn from a suriacc ag wen as a
Bulb rlat Channel T‐ secti。 コ

quatter‐mdth POsitiOn toHl a side edge.When it is infeasible tO al10w he centre

とom a side edge Or at a quarter‐
amp■ ng shO■ ld be perfOttned a日

b) .1.when it
ng PositiOn
cese of the
manner as

楷 盟総■無常瑠鍵出門e粗撃4!
Equdュ ngle Unequa】 angl。 Angヨ e胡 と
L コnequal leg
」A4 Sanコ Hngコ 。sidOn Of the test pね ce For ttmpact tests and unequd thiCheDロ
Samphng posittn of he test pioce fOr impact test日 日hall as fOmow口 :

Iい gectEon
H‐ sectiOn

Figure JA l Sampニ ュng pOsitェ on Of the tOgt piece

- 50 -―
- 5ユ ー
― G3106-
― G3106-
Annex JB(nomative) JB。 3 Violdコ 。int or proof stress,tenaile strength and elongatiOn
CheⅡlical cOmposition and tens』c PrOperties 』e strength and elongation of the stoel plates
of the steel plates supplier a∝ Ord五 g tO Note o to table l shau be
agreed between the p・・ rchaser and the supplier result ahall cOnfOHn to table JB.2.The tens」 e

Table JB。 2 Yield point Or proof sttess,tensi10 strength and elongation

JB.l Scope
De玉 ghaiOn hi`・ と es日 Yield Pdnt Or sttength ElongatiOn

ThiB Aanex specnes the chemical compoeition and tensile propettie8 0f the steel of grade prooF stress
plates agreed between the purchager and the supplier according to Notea,to table l.
N′ nm2 N/mm2 %
SM400A Over 200 up to
and incl_ 450
JE.2 ChedcalcoHposihn 195 min m伍
SM400B Over 200 1P tO

The ladle analysis valueB Of he steel plateg agreed between the purchager and the and ind 250
suppher according to Note D〕 tO table l shall be h accordance mth table JB。 ■ 400 to 510

Over■ 0(l up to
and ind.160 205 min.
24 miュ .R'
Tablo JB。 ■ Choコ 述cal co血 pOsit二 ona) Over 160 up tO
ュnd inc】 .250 195 min,
SM490▲ Over 200 up tっ
D∞ igШ h∞ 田a C Si MnЬ )
P S and incl.300
of grade … 275 min. 20■ in.
SM490B Over 200■ p to

n︶ 0
SⅢ1400A Ovor 200 mm up to 0.25 2.5 0.035 0.035 and LК ■.250
and hcl.450 mHど 490t0610
SM490C Over loO up to
Si1400B Over 200 mm up to 0.22 0.35 0.60 min 0035 0.035 and incl.160 285 nin.
and incl.250コ in 23 Hin.・
Over 160■ P tO

Over 100 mm up to 0.18 0.35 0.035 0_035 and ind.250 275 min.

and iac■ 250コ ュ

SM490YA Over loO IP tO

SM490A Over 200■ lm IP to 022 0.035 0.035 and ind.150

and incl.300m=【 ゝ ・ 315烹 nin. 490 to S10 21■ in.・
SM49〔 ,YB

Over 10o■ P七 o
SM490B Over 200 mm up to 0.20 0.55 0,085 ind incl.150
and hcl.250111n
SM520B Over 100■ p to
SM4900 Over 100 mm up to 0.18 055 0.035 0035 and ind.150
ind incl.250 nln 315 min 520 to 640 21m五 .0
SM520C Over loo■ p to
SⅢ 1490YA Over 100 Him up to 0.20 0_55 0.035 0.035 and hcl_150
SM490獅 and incl.150 mm SM570 Over loo up to
and ind 150 410 min, 570 to 720 201■ in_al
SM520B Over 100 mm up to 0_20 0_65 0.035 0.035

and hcl,150 mm NOTE: ■N/mm2=■ MPa


Note a)FOr the elo■ gatiOn Of the sted produc協

SM570 Over 100 mxl IP to 0.18 0.55 0.035 100 tLddに DeSS, 1 %
subtracted tton the value Of elongnOn give■
and uicL 150 1■ m table JB.2 per eadL Of 25
thicknes□ its IIacLOn. IIOWe7er, the l適口巳it to be subttacted shaIユ be 37ο
Note D Alloュ ュg eleneコ ts other than those dven in table JB.l nay be added as

b)The upper lunit of manganese dhau be in accOrdance with the agreement betteen
the purchaser and the supp■ er
o The val■ e Of carbo】 ェBLall be applied the val■ e of the actttal ladne analySi日 .

―- 52 -
- 53 -
― G3106- ― G3106-
ね略2 Normative references
Annex A(■ or】 mative)
Sttuctural steels― Phtes,w■ de ttats, whch,through reFerence in ths text,
standards、 租th the indicatton of year,
bars,section and Proiles e applied but aot any re撹 sお as】 4ade

IS0 148:1983 Sι ?,‐ _C力 3′Pつ′こ

TPα Cチ ′
θSケ ry,。 たん,
Introduction IS0 377‐ 111989S¢ ′ ccι tt α,2E P′ セ
,Parα ′ ScTP▼ ?sα ン
,』 ″t,sι Pttces ο p′ 0■ gえ ナ
'20′ ′
て,9ん ― Pa舟 ●pど θs a元 】ι
'ο θs′ Pヵ ぬ ′o′ 脇鬱 ● 力αヵ
hs Annex haa been prepared based on the se∞ nd editibn ofISO C30 pubLshed =r Sa刀

in 1995斌 thout lnodi島 嵐ng the tech五 cal content, 製α聖 哩 i__里 単 _艶 饗 豊g璽 L堕 憂 _単 聟_肇と 更 _坐 _い Q母 ヱ■il鯉 ■
037牛 2:1989釉

ザ:輔i驚隷 伊
In this Annex,the poコ tions underlined with dots are the matters added in the
origlnal hternattional Standard.
CO刀 ●
娩脇鰍:鴇,男 蹄筋 i身

Furthe口more,he fouo、 正ng An∠lexes are contained in this Annex_ ど ,oヵ


Aanex A▲ (nomatiVe) PosittOn and o』 蛭ntation of test pieces Jさl〔 211P:と _1__1単 _艶 製 ■1:ュ Ile_蝉_■ 9塾 聟_雪聖
整_い里聖 警 1_1_聖 距
JIS G 04■ 7 α″ど OFi空
Annexム B (aormative) Energy values lbr impact test pttcs of rsduced size
with the
Annex AC(inbr=llative) List of laternattontti Standards on tolerances for steel ““
Products IS0 404:1992 Sサ ??Jα れど ,′99′ P′ ο〔
J“ cど ,一C?,=?「 cJ酵 て
,力 ヵlt,口 ′ゴ9万 υ9り 9971′9恥 9,ュ ι
Annex AD⊂ nforma化Ⅲc)Notes on veldab』 Ⅲ IS0 2566‐ ユ :1984 Sセ

― CO,υ ?rsfο
eど ,ュ Dデ 9:ο ■g[!′ Eο ,2 υαど 93-Pa′ √
Iι C〔 :′ b"α ,辺

οtt αどど ?97S =」
IS0 3573:1986 π οr‐ FOコ修じ て
,α ′bο ″ stて :eβ sん 確 ど。′ω ,こ れ ?「Cね どa,α 」,cヵ ェ
昭 写 J'ガ 苺
嵐l Scope 'α
IS0 3574:1986 COど ンC¢ 」 θ° う°tt sι ?9J θん?θ ι οデ て
,ο 扉 力 9′ θl〕 αぉじ 」′α所 ,g

This Annex specifュ ea qualities for the general purpose structural steels listed in 生瓦 ξ
table A.l ofthe body.This Annexュ pplies to steel plates wih thモ kness of3 mm or IS0 4043‐ 1: 1982 Sι 99ど ,_0ど cssttcaサ Jο ルー 〕 芽 ι む0魔 0,0′ sた ,sす れ′
。seガ ラ ο
over,Ⅶ de日 切虚p」i cods wlth width 600 mrn or over,and more thn 6 ninintと こckness, =:0ど
vれ αど,ο θ』α刀O αr,cぅ ′,能セ,s ba,9ど o2cん 9れ ,ct,2 cο ヵ
mde rlats,bars and Lot‐ refold sections ge=lerally used in the as― delivered condiion D′

and normally intended for bOlted,TNttd or welded structures p. IS0 4950‐ 2:1995 打を ん D′
ZJ s′ ,97=gれ ″αr S′ 997r,「 。どZc′ 9_Pa′ ,2fP,ο hrcた

sIPp力 ?」'ぞ │,ュ サ

んe,ο ′れαJ129J O″ cο 几サ
ァοJJぞ J′οど
,9α cO″ Jじ ′
It does aot include the following steels,certttn of which are covered by other
lntematiOnal Standards: IS0 4955:1994 】9α チ ‐?s占 ′,几F Sι ぞ?Js cヵ 」。ど

― steels`or botters and pressure vessels(IS0 9328ぃ 2): IS0 4995:1993 Fο チ ο″?』 前″J`′ ,99サ οrs,7,Eι ′0】 写 αZ】 ウ


― plates of dramng qudity(IS0 3573 and IS0 3574), IS0 6892:1984 うr9サ o,ど,c ttα ιっ河,s― Tθ,ュ ラヵ ιて,s′ 才
一 heat‐ treated(quenched and tenpered)日 truCtural steels; IS0 6929:1987 Sι ?,P′ っα

cと s_D茅 ヵヵ lο B,α みJ crcttGサ ラ
ccrカ テ

一 ba日 日fOr the reinforcement of concrete; IS0 7788:1985毘 οJ′ ?α pル 施 α2】 砂触 μαサ
瘍Sん げ 力οr― ′ 詢 剛 υ
一 日triP Of覇 五 dh 600 mHlor over and thた kne日 日 not exceeding 6 mヱ h(IS0 4955). π 航 デzttr戸
IS0 9328‐ 2:1991鍬
Note l) For precautions to be taken when welding,the guide for he weld五 g
and weldabi近 Ⅲ ofC‐ Mn and C‐ Ma lnね ro‐ 五■oy steels published by Sub‐
霧翠監ど貿″ 統寵哲 E解弼
配 と
1霊 繁監綴
SPCC力 2」 ′οοれ た″,P9「cr2′
力 αttα 施刀,p9「 α施 ′て
,P′ οp?′ サ
comコ ■ission Ⅸ ‐
G ofthe lntelna五ond Weldhg lttstttute(doCument ISS/ 「 `,α
1 tt1 843‐ 87),together wih the noteaざ ven in Aコ nex▲ D shodd be IS0 10474:190■ Sι 99ど α,2ど ε′
て,9′ P′ ο,彦 じa
ι r2sP?cr,。 ,」 ο●こ れι
refered to. "nぞ `
NOTコ 議 些理虫雲上士型型4■ 如 生二里聖 堅!

h Paコ Lgttar,for the grade E 355,it should be noted that IS0 4950‐ 2 L砥 =■
speciies an equivalent grade胡 th better wdЯ ing characte五 stミ cs. “

- 54 - ―- 55 -―
― G3106-
― G3106-
i3 Defi】 正tion
Att Characteiatica of grades and qualities
Definitions Of the termtt nplate",''wvide stip中 ,"narow stFipW and Wttvide rlat"are
gュ ven in IS0 8929. A.5.l Che】 五 cal compOdti。 4
The steels specitted are carbOn steeis in accOrdance mth ls0 4048‐ 1.

A4 Genoral requirements ム.5。 1.ユ Ladle analysis

AL4.■ Steo二 ma■ ing
The maximum values Of the cOmpOsidOn linits fOr ladle analysis are given in
table A.1.

解 i協
糀撃 協 ;躍 認縄ご招
止 5。 ■.2 Product analyeis
乱 幣報協よ Table A.2ぃ ves the permitttd deviattOng On inalysis relat予 e to the values for
ladle analysis wHch areぃ ven h tableム .1.
ム.5。 2 MechanicaI Prt,peries
n血 m.。 thtt ddttv

ly:貯 篤織 愁猛舒龍二
Ⅷ :怒 delivery cOnditton defined in A.4.2,shall cOmply with the
eCiSed in taЫ e A.3 vhen these are dete瓶 ned on test Pieces
A,42.2 Flat prOducts Of quahⅢ D may be Ordered in twO categOrie日 .
eコith A6.4.
― Qudity Dl: h shan be ddivered in the nomanzed or equivalent∞ nditiOn.The
For products over 200 mln in thickneas,the mechanic』
mechanical prOperies=言 ven in table A.3 are applicable in bOth the dehvered properties shall be the
SutteCt Of an areement betveen the purchaser and the supplier,
condition and after aomalizing by seParate heat treatment alter delivery.
1譜 ,解 謎 :鴇 駕守ぞ鰍 :寵 協選就
畔 l毘 JLG InspecttOn andと osthg
A6.l General
▲ユ。 S面 ace appearance― 司Defects
i4.3.l S面 ace appearance

確mと 髄
路貯距躙試冨附 盟
1転 己!誓 直鴛ど
r輩 出監驚七


A4.3,2 Fht products

The requ■ renents ofIS0 7788 BL』 J apply. A62 to A6.5,unless othemtte agreed when Orderhg.
A.4.3。 3 Long products A6.2 Test unit
a) Minor defects Batching shan be by cast.
the thickness ねL6.2。 l The test unit shau be 50 t or ns fracttOn taken frOn One cast.
lateraa伍 o亜 1 日range,astthed h tれ 腱 Atthe礎 五弱 丁
■s nominal val■ e_
鑓 鴛 。報 鼻 慾 乳 肌 瑞 精

け 協

純露 螂 韓黒 鰐 潔 剛 鴨温:饂ニ
teSt'h accOrdance就 hA&2工 o色 r Ⅳ odutt of
ユ継 群
証記 :」 盈還 、F鑑 記 野 ヂ
hpa説 捷s協 就 0° C for q・・nl:け C md mes就 ば three test耐 _20° C

罵咄鍵川鴛 亀諾淋穀 認報盈盟!糊 鷲
iFを IF spedlied on the Order,
of the imperectlon.
'篤 ― one product analysis i
― competent weldera,ushg w。 lding electrodes ― oコ e set of three inpact test at+20° C fOr qualiⅢ B.
repaired and fOnoH五 ng velding procedures

富:l駅 裔龍犠乱 瑞発鑑瀧 島鵠怒i遼
F認 牡
一- 56 -―
―- 57 -
│■ :││li■ ■

︱︲① ∞︼00 ︲

I o 盟 寓 ︱
L r 6 ・︺ ・ド   ‘ 訂 L oいい oこげo町避 ュDO ”∞ ︼ 里 ψ“ げ ︼ 多 o ﹁ 目町αげ ” ∽o” こ げω
・ ︺ ﹃o 只 va E町0 いy p 芦 げ O p 口 沖 監 wQ と δ ・

” ︶  E .
0 日 い巨FO いo 口い  一 〇 口 o けo四い ■口H w増 牌0 ロゴ D 〓 げ o 中” ″ o日 ﹂ ヴ ︼ 0” oメ 付V 沖oF OD働 ︼”” O
Щ m く 0日 胸ロ
゛” げ WO に′・∞ セ﹃沖”r ” 口E ︺ 噂 ″ ︼ F o ゛口 月 預 ﹃On F 山↓O R ︼o日 け けげ ”い いo” 一げ o 命 ,

︼ げ 胸oF B o働め ︺ω ,目 冒 口 0︺ 7 7 7 7 7 7
や 2 2 2
, 2 2 2
F ︺ い o﹂︼ L 買 ψ ”げ 山o″ け o ⑭D o﹃ ︺ Ho“ E oけロ ロr ”目 げ o めF oげ ゛y ” ↑ 一す o 当E 忍 a H P H P 一げ 芦 b R レoめり ”口 B oけ . .
嘔 3 p 付0峙 一す ” 目 す 翼 ︻oo ”す 0 ︼
日 ”p F E E 目 ︼ 命げ 巨OF

oDP 匹 ω

m 耐

.  e
m r
弓 げμo ﹂r い  O F oH滸 oLF oo日 も 0∽”岳 0 Aμp出中o ロロ μデ︻o中の︶

・朝0朝 0
一 2 0

2 0翌
, ,

ωT 僻o 弓 げ r 砕 レ o口ゆ 夢︻oとげo騨


儲 S・ U


, ヱ﹃働oo︻μ“口・ M 綱 別


5。 )b' %

L oロ ロ 乃 ]耐 2. 一

2. 2.


聞 P∞い 削d

5 。 e

Elongatlon A πlin.(L。 コマ
w  ■

・ 2 2 2 t ︲
︵巧 o ωwO︶ 2 2 2 a
醜 叫耐 2

円 Ю∞伽 O Ю︺ 〇 〇伽〇 開耐 削

〇 〇伽〇
・ ・


, ・ 4 4 4
肺 ]︲

・'FOr Ovor loo mm in thicknestt B Lolorance of 20 N/mm2 oll the lowor limit Of th。 range 10 permitted
︵町 o ∞ωO︶ Pω ͡
Ξ “ F B いo︼
〇 P↓

卜〇 μ・
ド0 〇・
〇卜い 〇 〇ヽい 2 2 2 2

, n

〇 < g ﹁ ︺o F ︺ いo
Φ ︺〇 ド〇 0 耐 3
・ 〇・ ド〇
P・ 0 Φ卜い 0 ・〇ド伽 4 G
P口 ● いピ︼ ・ Nい , r 5 5 5
e ︲
c. 2 ・% 2 2
v 呻 n
ド0 0︼ 一
F︺ い0﹁ Z聞 0 i

Table A.3 Mochanica】 properties

0 P﹃ 〇 ド〇 岸 心〇 〇・
〇 卜い 〇・
・ , ,
0 当 包 呵 ド一 Z出 〇・
や〇 〇・
ヽ〇 μ・
卜〇 〇 〇ド頓
・ 〇 ●ド 伽


Z日 〇 ・中﹃ 〇・
卜0 ド・
ド〇 〇・
〇ド〇 〇心 〇
O   n

Φ句 0 口﹃ Φ ド〇 畔・
卜〇 〇 ● 中い 〇・〇∞m

・ , ・

300 to 540

49o t0 640
490 to 640
田 ︺↓い 〇 工蟹 ¨ I 〇・
0 伽〇 〇・

■  m

。 o
t h n t 的 的 h o O

︵町 o ドфO︶ 卜O oH ﹁ Z門 t t
ロロ﹄o︼ 〇 ︺ド
・ 〇・ヽ〇 い0
μ・ 〇・
〇ヽ い 〇・
4 4 4
0 くo︼ ド〇 Z田 〇 ”中 〇 ド〇 ぬ●
ド・ 〇 〇ドい 〇 〇ドm 3 “ “ 3 3
・ ・ ,
Zロ H d
∪ ω

〇 ︺〇
・ 〇・
卜〇 P・
釦〇 〇・
0卜〇 O・〇ド〇

0町 〇 ︺〇 〇 卜〇 μ・
伽Φ 〇 ● ”伽 〇・〇∞伽 e ] 耐

・ ・
, 0
田 ∞伽頓 ∞0 0H こEP“0︼ Zロ d 0
︺〇 Φ 伽い 〇〇
μ・ 〇・
〇ドΦ 〇・
〇ド〇 側 n5

, a︲ 5 5 5 5
︵﹁o いwO︶ 0 <o” ∞Φ Z田 〇・
雨や 0 m伽 μ・
の〇 O 〇卜〇

9 ・9 9 9
v ] 耐

Yield point■ ew mia. N/mE12

, ・

∞O oヽ E 口 ﹄o︼ Ω呵 〇・︺Φ 〇 伽い
・ μ 〇〇 〇・
〇∞伽 〇・
〇 中い 0 d Ⅷ
8 n

a 5 5 5 5
0 <o” ∞Φ Ω﹃ O・
︺︺ Φ 伽伽 μ ΦO 〇 〇 ∞い 〇 〇∞い ・
・ 賄 ] 耐

, 2. 2. 2. 2.
Z O E田 中 出留 口o Po蛍 J ︻口 ∽V o電 日 中口 ︵  ︶ ” ︼o 上げ o や ヽ と 岳 ﹂ 0ヽ L F ロ ロ 主 o口 oh やす o L J oH
︺ 買 ︶騨 F L お 3 祠 0
, 6 8 5

r 5 5 5
・お ・ ・
5 5 5
Z 主

  Z 日 I ︼ h 隣
e ・ 4 4 4 4
v 呻 耐
S I o 口 t 日 日 ″ 口

印﹁ ︱
︵ ︱ ︻
目 〓 苫 o いいQ 路 い い″ 出 庁 堕 案 中 ” DF 勲 即舘 0口 磨 k r 語 60 H 厭 島 け o聘 豊 g 日 0い 庁 黛 ︶ ︺ ﹁o“ F 2 w ”

hy口o︲m︻D コロ0 “ “●︺口 oすFHΦ ︵いo” ︵
W因口 u口︺ ”0 いo■o臣,Ь﹄一〇 ・〇 ︺ 翠 9‘0︼︶・
o町 ︵ 4 耐 粥 5

お ・お ヽ ・
v ] 耐

uP b aコ d
5 5 5 5 5

↓ pげ口o ﹂r︺  壻σHΠ岳盟︺卜げ口0 巨Q■μ ”い中o口 ∼o︼ 一F o 可Ho巨go↑ pB“口

2 2 2

2 2
︼o︼”↑中くo いO LrO 口増oo世印o出 w αいo “ ロロ”′ЧD肘碕


[ o ﹂ra・
ド・∽ ”︶


qロイ “ド
口 μe 日 0口 ” ∽巧oa占o卜 HHh”ロ 町 0日日一
沖口∽pげPo “o﹁騨堅 〓 oロ
O  N
〇 Юい o︼ F B 争D町


∽'u舒 盟
〇 いい ︵
︼﹁ H いoH 十〇・〇伽

, D ⑪

(Fo 310)

(Fo 510)

口 00 ︵
留”o日庁﹄0︼ + 〇・︼〇

〇・〇い0 0H EEピぃ0︼ +〇 〇PO E げ E げ
〇 0甑⇔ o︼ F E ヽo” 十〇・

II い∞ II
li いΦ ︲

― G3106- 一 G3106-
b) Impact test One test sample shall be tiken fOr each thickness range speciftted The test pi∝ e of Plate type wttL rectangular cross‐ section shan have a ma凛 mun
in table A.3. width on the gauge length portion of 40 mln,ュ nd its thickneas shill be that of the
product:hOwever,if the prOduct thickness exceedg 30 H■ 】 n,詭 may be reduced to 30
For aat products cF qualtt D,ra『 eed at the t近4e Ofenqu的 and Order,a test
mm by planing or milling On one face only.
sample shall be taken froェ n each roned product(parent plate or coil).
A test pttce of rod type Hlay be used fOr products xnore than 40 1ttn thck;it shan
A.8,3 Position and orienta償 on of test samplo(refer to興 _里
777.and I曼 9 be 10 nm to 30 mm in diameter and tts o工 ζnal gauge length 8hall be deteH五 ned by
14284) the above formula i the axis Of the teet piece shall be positioned at 1/4 of the
A.6.3.■ Plates,胡 de steel st〕 工p in coil and wide nats Of葛 温dth 600 mm or thickness Of the prOduct.
over A non‐ Proportiond test piece with a fixed inittal gauge length mtt be■ sed.In
The test gamples Bhall be taken a quarter‐ width posi慌 onと om a side edge. his case,reference shau be made to a cOnversion tablc(refer to IS0 2586・ 1).However,
in case of dispute,Only the results obtained on a propoコ tional test piece ghan be
a)The 10nstudhal axes oftenB■ 9 test piece shall be perpendと ular to the dttection taken intO consideration.
of roning.
The yield stress specifled in table A.3 is the upper yield stress netI,if the yield
The 10ngitudinal axes of impact test piece shall always be parallel to the
縄 :棚 鶏 鰐 み:ぢ留 ピ孟盗¶ 綿 鰍 訛 監 鮮Υ

direction of rOllLag.
A6.3.2 Sections,廻 μrders and胡 de datB of width less than G00コ ェ
器 盈ご縄 lhiSrettpectifoneOrotherofthesevduea satisies thespecined

The longhudinal axes of the test pと ces shdl be para■ el to he direchon of rollと 唱 .

However,if agreed,tranaverse test Piece n■ y be uttd for widths between 450 m=a AC.4.2 1mpact test
and 600 Hxェ In. Theと 81paCt test shall be as fOuows.
For s∝ tions,the tes七 日ユmplea shall be taken such that the“ ds of the test piece is a) The il:llpact test shau normally be 9amed out On pr()ducts having a仕dckness not
1/3 froHl the outer edge ofthe har_aange〈 see I,H and U sec伍 ons,IS0 6929)or of lestt than 12 mlln or diameter not less than 16 mm.The test piece shall be
the nange(for other sections)or,fOr he smali sections,as near as Possible to this machined sO that the face nearest to the roned swface is not xnore than l mm
Position(reaer to figure AA,1)。 For the ttPared― aange,Bocions the test samples may frorn it.
be taken at the outer V4 pottition ofthe web. For productg of観 五cknestt greater than 40=hHュ ,he teDt pie9e shRユ I be taken in
と G.3,3 Rounds,squares,flat bars,hexagOns and other eiコ Luar PrOducts such a vay thatitt a述 日iS POSittoned at■ /4 of the thickness Froコ ュthe surface.
The lonい tudinal axos of test pieces shall be pardlel to the direction of rolling. The notch shan be perpendicular tO the rolled sIゴ ace.
For slxゝ an sizes,the product ttgeif ttLdl be ta■ en as a test piece If agreed at the tt of Ordering,mpact teB拍 コュy be cttd odt on products
haゃ ing a hiむ kness less than 12 41】 4:the dimenaiOns of the test pお ces shali be
ln other cases,lhe test piece tthall be taken so that the akis ofthe tettt piece,80色 r
uュ accordance with the requirementtt ofISC)148,i.e.10 1nal x 7.5mェn and 10 mm
as Posaible,三 日10Cated at the Fo1lowing posiion. x5HHn,or shall correspond t0 10× 9(?:being the proddct thicknes日 )The
― for squares and mat barst at 1/6 of the width(froal the Outer face)or of the specifュ od energy val■ es are ttven in Annex AB.
dね gOnal. b) The teat shau be caried Out using a V‐ notch test pttece suppoJ々 d at bo胡 h ends
一 for rounda and hexagOns,at V6 from the outdde ofthe diagoaal or he diameter (sec ISC)143),he value to ba taken into a∝ ount bdng the average of he resdts
(See igure Aム .1). obtained fron three test pieces cut attacent tO each otherと om hesame pH,duct,
unless there are reattons for a retest(see AG.4.5).
嵐 6,4 Tost methods― 砦 PoS Of tOst pieces
A.6.4.3 CheH遣 cal analysi3
AC.4.■ Tensile teat(refer to ISO C892)
The chemical analysis shan be as fonows.
Nomally,the test piece used shall be pla捷 Ⅲpe Or rod upe of proportional shape
a) If a prOducts analysis is speci〔 ied when Ordeing,the number ofttanPles to be
and have an omttal gauge length Zケ Ogュven by』 he fomula,
taken shall be h accordance nth agreement between the purchaser and the

L。 =5.65N囁
The samples lnay be taken IIoコ i the tettt pieces used to check the lnechanical
where, So i the crOss― sectional area of the gauge length of the proper悦 es orと oロ ュthe角岨 thickaess Of the proddct at the same place att the teat
test ttece pieces La case of dlspute,Only the analysis of matettal fron he働 皿 thickness
of the product DLall be taken into consideration.
For the ttelection and preparation of samples for che■ lical analysis,the
reqШ renents of ISO_塑 g些 生Shan be applied.

60 61
― G3106- ― G3106-
b) In Case oF dispute,the nlethod used fOr che■lical analysis shan be in accordance

eω 視君試:聟 ユ丑駕富
with the reqdrements spocitted in the coresponding lntemational Standard_If
報 警駅 :E
毒 relテ :
an lntemational Sttndard dOes nct exist,the lnethOd to be used shall be agreed
between the purchaser and the supplier.
A6。 4.4 Faulty test and defective test picces
▲■0 0rder
When a test does not give the required results bttuse of an errorコ 主CaHying out
he test,it shali be caxicened.Error in caEttnng out the test xneans incorrect lnachi二 ung, The order shall speci,
incorrect lnounting in the testing inachine,malfuncdOn of thね machine Or any ctther 一 if a particular steel mっ 凸dng process is reqdred(お L4.1)
anomaly independent Of the Hl(元 al its延

t獣 嗣maHng roCess lthe ndce Of
If a defective test piece」 ves SatisLctory result日 ,the batch shall be accepted but
he∞ responding item(と om which the test sEmple Was ttken)Inay be suttected tO
1:l鵞 池 盤肥 デ
;を 腔計
an hdi宙 dual examination for soundness. ― if a particular ddivery cOnditiOn is requ近 ℃d(4ヒ 4.2)

嵐 G。 4.5 Retest ― the type of quality D required(A4.2.2)

lf duing ingpection,a test does not give the required res■ lts,additional tests, 一 if repair by velding is not permttted h4.3。 3b)]
unless othewise agreed,may be carried out as follows: f Pr常 Sね reqdred(A丘 り and the number oF sam∬ eS reqdred
a) Tens』 e test Procedures deined近"Nonヽ sequential ttsts"OfIS0 404: ち Fndy亜
■992 shall aPPly. ― ifinPact teSttt fOr quany B are required(A6.■ )

b) IHnPact teSt The assessment ofiコ EPact test results shall be made fa1lowing a ― if Lコ Pact tegts lor each rolled product are required for qualiⅢ
D [A6.2.4わ )]
sequentiaユ Hlethod a9 described五 8,3.4.,ofIS0 404:1992 and if retesttt are
― ifilmpact tests fOr product less han 12 xnln thck are required
necessary,they shall be carried out accOrding t0 8,3.4,3。 3 ofIS0 404. μL6ユ .2a)]
― hetests are not pe_tted(AS.4.5)
A.6.S 148PeCtion d∝ unents
― the type of inspe前 ion docunent required(A.8.5)
The Ⅲ pe Ofinspecthn do― lents reqtted shall be chOsen anong those defェ ned in
ISO 10474 and spedrled in the order. 一 if non‐ destructive tests are required低 8)

In any case,this ixlspection dOcux:lelkt shalユ state the】 4anufactureris resuユ ts for _ if ouber types of=ュ arling are reqdred(A9)
he ladle analysis of all chemical elements speciFled fOr the steel grade cox〕 cerned. Points that are not spedied shau not be taken hめ ac∽ mt by the manuttctdrer.

A7 Shorung and reprc)cesaing

The requirements of clause O of IS0 404:1992 shan apply.

A.8 Non・ destmctive tests

lf the purchaser requires non… destructive tests tO check the soundne日 日 Of the
products by lneans of ultragonic,magnehc or liqutt penetrant eヱ amination lnethodB,
these tests shau be a『 eed upon at the time of enquiry and order.This agreement
sLdl indude details of the test xnethods and interpretatiOn of result日 .

A, MarHng
Unless othewige agreed at the tiHle Of Ordering,products Other than thOse of
grade E■ 85 shan be lesbly marked with the fOl10Mttngs:
a) the identiFica■on symbols lbr the grade and quaLty of the steel;
b) ident々 ing brand Ofthe】 hanば RCturer;
C) if necessary,symbols,letters or numbera whh allow the inspectioュ doc― ent,
test samples and products tO be iden伍 ■ ed.

- 62 - ―- 63 -
一 G3106-
― G3106-
Aュnex A▲ (■ 0_耐 ve)
PositiOn and Orientation of test pieces Ener印 靴 ほ靴留粗 pttces
of reduced size
In缶oducよ on
This Annex hatt been Prepared batted On Annex A (nomative)to the second edidOn IntrOductiOn
of IS0 630 published h 1995 wittЮ ut nodi,ing ttle technた al cOnttnte.

ば鰐 鮒 詭祐:鰭∵B∬器試 為F認ど
報凱猛駕P鰍二∽nd』 逝

2  2  %




8 o■

弓 ど

” o漁 ♯ o口 匈 F o 饉 ∬ り質 ● ぢ ∞ヽ 日

〃 ノ

Posi五 o■ OF tost pie∝

NOTE: Refer tO AC.4.2[for the impact test,see aユ so AG,4.2a)】 .

Fipre nyLュ Posidon and OHentation of testコ ieces

7 8 9 10
Hidtと 。
『 tent piece IШ [l

Fitte AB.l MiniHinH imPact。 コera Vdues fOr teat pieces

with 4胡 dth betwee4 5 mm and lo mHBH

―- 64 -―
―- 65 -


― G3106-
― G3106-
Annex AC(infomative) Annex AD (五 fOHnative)
List of lnternational Stamdards Notes on veldab』 ity
on toleranoes for steel products

Th色 ▲ュ
ェnex has been prepared based On Annex C(infoHnative〉 to the second pu縄盈
〓認R儲 羅
R錠 温

Ond edttOnば IsO ω0
edition of IS0 630 published in 1995胡 thout】 コodi為 鷹ngユtS techttal cOntent.

Thtt Annex is tO supplement the lnatt々 rs related to Annex A and mot to constitdte th」 :免 金 鍬 監 浮 毬 譜 酎 盟 種 1,he mattera dated tO Anntt A and not tO cOn胡 髄te
prow■ sions of this Standard,

Annex A dO not
r the va五 〇us
IS0 657‐ 5:1976 河Dr‐ 0'r9,sと で
,t,,st:c抜 Pcrι 5,29こ ι
ど¢ど a■ gJセ ―
:婉 彎 Iι α′ thebehaviourOI f°

「 "s―
9g aP,gE9s Tο た′αEces√ο′″¢ι ttc α几 ヵじん s9′ ユ9G
`9だ but alsO On the
elding depends
weil Bぃ On the
'ど conditiOns Of the
IS0 657‐ 13:1981 ″oと ,D′ たE3ι θt,Ed¢ θ
ιloヵ s―Pa″ ι′ ∂f ttDrerα れじ980'SJOp】 れg″ α,ど θ
b?α れゥcoど !″ 打 Jじ 九aぇ ,ビ ど39C′ There is
「Lα 几て
NOT□ : IS0 657‐ 13:1981 watt withdrawn in 2002.
遺 :粗 冒鑑計i総呈
二 翠専
IS0 657‐ ■8:1980 Ho子 ・′o▼ Jθ 」 s′ θ¢J secサ :o,,s Pc′ ι f∂ f L sccrtOns′ο′ Sん fZ】 j,g
Steels Of quah伍 B,c and D are generally ttudtable fOr all welding prOcesses.
i轟¢ιrlc s9r芝 鬱ッ ー D"ヵ e,2δ jO'23,S?Crュ οれα,P′ o,9′ Л?Sα ュ」 rο θ′。,2C?S

"bEι “
The veldabdity increases frOm quality B to D.
IS0 657‐ 19:1980 ForTOEEE sι e?′ s● cと ,o,こ s― Pて ,「 ぢ 」,IB】 b″ α′
rs(馳 ?チ ,cs¢ ′

輝 ぎ 鑑 盈 l脇 琺 選こ
D,腔 lesこ れE ιOferα ,2C?g
,sfο ttδ ,S?C才 あ 刀αどP′ οP?「 す '9o一
IS0 1035整 :■ 982 'ο ′‐ o′ rtE

:'bo「s―Par′ 望 r ToJ?rc,″ s 島ぷ七
縄瑞 批亀龍駅 !躍
IS0 7452:1984 ‐
圧οι′οJJc口 ,″ Iι c′ v′ α て■―T,9′ α,ct'SOれ
,コ カ′ α,ど
h靴靴 糧詔鰐 置
B?″ s,ο ,●
trengtned,hettn hns

sLα P9 'sttθ 'lη

Cold crachg is cause by a cOHilガ natiOn Of the FOll。 ¶五ng factors i
― the amoR】 nt of d」 区近sible hydrogen in the weld metal,
― a bttttle stmcture of the heat_arected zone;
― a signiflcant cOncentration Of tendle stress in the welded,Oint.

- 66 -
―- 67 -―

6 ω ︼oo l
Annex JC(infornatiVe)
1l Φ∞ ︱︱

CompaJ8on table betvooれ Л S and covesponding lntornational Standard

nS G 810G「 2008 ■oど :● ど,力 ¢ ′″¢

:s′ο :どで
,ど s,「 とOPE`″
(V)」 こ口tiiCaton for the
(I)Reqdremoコ ttt in」 IS (11)Inter‐ (■ 1)ReqtteⅡ lente iD IntOrna‐
tecЪ 前cal deviation
Ilattonal tional Standard
and ftaturoコ oa日 」″
Clauco Conttnt ClattSifaca債 oコ Detad of toChnical
Ctaい De Content
Ⅲ dBuSe de斌 ュ憤on

Stoel plate口 ,wi〔 lo日 切己p Aiteradon JIS does not inclJde Bare aro opedriod in other
l Scope Sted plate,steel ettip 1
l■ co』 o,vide dBれ ,Lar口 bar口 ,
JIS which can be appliod
in co■ ,secdon and aat ,

txB no● ded.

eCtiOn and prottleD

2 Norma‐
Charact● ■9■ cs oF grades Alteration Designation of grade
3 Grndo SM400A,B,C 5
IB determined bBtted
Bnd dettig‐ SM490Aっ B,C and qualities
E185 on the toコ 苗lo日
:laい 0れ and SM490YA,YB
E285 iD 'Ong世
Л S and on tho
app】 icable SM520B gO
tHcinese SM520C ]275 JCId POint in】
SM570 E355
よC口 oF grades Alteration
Char“ ぬ占□ ISO.田 epeCificahoa is The valuo□ ofJIS Mll bつ
4 Chedcal Five elomentD(C,Si,Mn, S
and quali悦 o田 lぃ s eHctい pocin■ y propo口 ed
t.`lmpOal‐ P,S)are s,oCiried.
F帝e elomen的 (C,Si,Mn, in P and S
帆。■ Alloylag elements may

be ndded Btt ne∞ 田ary. P,S)are epocined.
Grades aro alBo pro宙 ded

produce a ia← alned

田truCture are added

5 Hoこ lt Nomalizlng.quench‐ 4.2 Dolivev∞ ndition Alteratioll とBs no spedica‐
As‐ ro■ ed condition. tion 。r□ ymb018,
troatment Lardodng and tomper‐
and ing,tomper】 g md Other conditioae shdl
BymLo〕 hermOEl∝ hanlcal
bo B『 oed upoa
conCrol are epecifled. Sttbolo are not

(1)Reqdrettenh in Л S (II)Inttr.
Hational tX亀 干
置緞 ねInttma_ (IV)ClasaificaiOn and dettlil口 OF (V)Ju□ tiacation fOr the
techⅡ ical deiation bebve● n JIS and terhnical devi■ tiOn
Standard tho latenatiOnd standard by dBuse
nuコlber and Future I【 leasures
Clau`le Content Clau日 0 Content Cla8BiiCatiOn DemJ of tochnical
by clauge do萌 ation
G Carbon Carb。 ュ
eq■ iV亀 !● nt and
冊 rmpOdttOn
縄 .祐
n就 叩 sed h
e萌 AdoptiOn Of Pcx will be
pro,。 sed
or c■ elnlcal on eonaltivlty
c(四 p。 口
l‐ oracと lPcaI)are
償o■ Oa
DeaBBO宙 け
7M∝ hd_ Mecha五 cal prOperけ 6 InsPectBOn and teettng
cal AJtoratiOn

6.24 Toコ aile tettt Alteratton Л S and lso dtForin Tho Brade Of」 区S will be
Ⅵ eld日 し
rOロ ロ
,teneile tLe bal血 ∞ ofy101d prt,POsed to ISo
詣硝鵠謡8:n酔 コoint
and tっ nslle
sttenぃ と(dぼorence Of
deDign COncept),
7.2 Charpy abaorpと tol〔 l 642 In,act toet Alteratお n 」IS and lso difForin
eェ :erv Test te=aporature: the□ pesled values Of

-20,0,↓ 20 temporature and
i群 i筆 iヨ 27」 min. energy.

8 Shapo・ Л S G 3102,」 IS C
diIIlea口 10n, :Hnd Л S C■ o4aro Addi悦 On No ite=lls in ISO, E獨 伍bhshment of tbis
masa and H h propO口 ed tO
苗tっ d.
tと oreOn

9 Appear_
11 6Φ l,

Appsarances in Л S C g07788 is cited.

1 0営 寓 I

4.3 二 ι
Aユ 9「 atiOn ISO□ doptB
8192,Л S G 3103 and I∝ al rodu←
JIS G 31o4 aro dted. tBon OFplate tncineロ ロ
ofhe part ttOm whero
surface dofe硫 口ar。
remo▼ ed,butュ ot J■ 8.
1 0 ピ 8
(V)」 uDhiCatiOn for the

h ЛS (■ )Xnter‐ (IH)Requirenoato in lnterBa‐ and techaical deviation

(I)Require=Dent口 najoェ la! 傷onal Standard and Future measuree

ClauB。 Coateat ClattSiiCadon Do劇 Of teCLaical
Cin■ se content by cla」目e de胡 BdOn

BtiOn JIS itett ЛS for the
10 Tests
648 Altつ
anal>iCal methOd・

Bha■ be agreed beケ weOa

dttd. the PuTchatter and the


JIS ind ISO diIFer in MIl be proposed

62 TO田 t unit AltoratiOn
10 2 MoCLanttal teDt
50 t or,art thoroof
he teSt nunber when
clau口 。D of Л tt G 0404 the ttet iot oIC∞ de
比 dted. 100t
1■ caBe of ovor 50 t,2
Aanex A 34mphngコ o日 itiOn of
顔 t pi∞ ●B
陥 隅 誂
G041C iS d“ d,

Reteats Alteradon Л S speOied ultra・

Bnd 6.4.5
1l httpec‐ natter日 Boalc teshng ca市 ed
JIS G IS0 404 is cited、
tio■ out according to he
二 ed` agrて ,ement.

Ideatical Л SGく h」 コC‐

Is0 404 ig dted.
12 ReiIIspe‐ JIS G 04041口 cited nized tO'4041日
IS0 404_
ion JIs襦 ‖Lo proPoSed
Addihon JIS haS more口 Pedfio劇

13 Marttng
∬ and qua.り of items than 190

翻 t

tLo日 oel
Brand ofhe maaufac‐
c)二 denhf:ca色 oa nlmber
$モ fユ H計 11,毛 r matts of
as needed
Oachも undle

細 隅 i 艦 JIS win be propOSOd

Identica】 JIS has IIIOre detailed
g G
I認 喘肌駕;:謡 ∵
Л G.5 han ISO
14 Repoれ JIS G 0404 a=ld contant口
0415 aro cited,

(I)Req■ iro】 nenttt in』 鷹S (II)IDter― (III)RequireIIlentB Iれ IIiterna‐ (IV)C19口 oincatton and dctans oF
na胡 Onal tional standard (V)」 usinctttion fOr tile
technical devia樹 on between Л S and chnical doviatiOn
Standard lる 。Intarnatlonal Sttndtird by clauee

number and Future measur。 □

Clauao Coatent Clause Content CIa□ □
incation Deta,l oftっ cと DiCal
by dau口 e de胡aciOn
Aantt JA San,Lng pOs胡 On ofthe ェA PODi饉 On and。 五entB慣 on Ad亜 償On
Anコ 。
(ュ ormattve) teet tteco JIS itt spacifiOd胡 th
ofttet Joceo the applicable date
and u‖ bo harlx10正 2‐
ed to ISo in ttture,
Aanex JB
(noコ ュative) ば AddtiOn Into『 atlon。『 JIs■ 11

辮 盤機
nad thO auppuer
be prOposed.

Anaeェ A
(momativo) 鵡 、

and prOSleD
the Lext ldentical

Aatl。 ェ 絋 Po口 itiOn and Ohelitation AnneI A

(れ OH〔 HBEvo) oF ttet pieceD

路肥 格饂漑耐
Aュ neェ AB Anne■ B Idontical

描 eェ AC H口 t Oflnteraadonal Annex C rdontical

(lafoHna・ Standardtt On t01eraacen
tivo) ,ducts
fOr DtOOl pr〔

Aコ 区Ⅸ AD No蜂 。On w。 ldability Anaog D

(h簡 併Ina‐ 二donHcal

︱,0 いμOO !I
﹃w l
1 0 留 o? ︱
On Л a and Ixiterna悦 onal Standard (ISO G30 1995) MOD

Overa11 dogree Of corettpondence betW●

NOTE l Sttbdttin O■ b‐ Cdum4日 oF das□ hatiOn by clau日 O in the above table indicate aB fOuows
- ldeatiCal:IdOnttCal in technical contentB. nal Standard,
pediCatね n item(s)or content(s)nOt intluded in lnternatお

― AddidOn:▲ ddtt th。 日

― AiteratiOn: おユ terg he apedtthatiOn content(8) hcluded in lnternahOnnl Standard table
be俯 oen Л S and lnteHDattOnal Standard in the abOVe
SttbOlね ∞luna Of OVerau de『 oo oFco鷲 ,Onden∝
hdれ atee as fouows i
_MOD:MOdittes htematiOnal Sta■ dard.

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