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Yes, they are :

 Noun, a noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Like man, girl, house, book
 Pronoun, is a word used in place of a noun. Like she, we, they ... etc.
 Verbs expresses action or being, like run, read, work
 Adverb, is a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or another adverb.

 Prepositions tell you the relationship between the other words in a sentence.

 Adjective, are the words that describe nouns

 Conjunction, is a word make it possible to build complex sentences that express multiple

 Interconjuntion, is a word used to express emotion.

2. A noun has 8 forms
 Common noun,
Common nouns are the type of nouns that are used to describe non-specific people and
regular objects.
for example : the man walked the road
 Proper noun
Proper nouns are the nouns that are used to mention a specific person, place, object. Any
identified thing could be defined as a proper noun
For example : I would like to visit Yogyakarta
 Concrete noun
Concrete nouns are nouns that refer to people who can sense them with the five sensual organs
For example : My cat, Boru, goes to walk himself every morning
 Abstract noun
Abstract nouns are the nouns that people use to talk about the things you can’t sense with the 5
sensual organs.
For example : I can’t describe the satisfaction of this
 Collective
Collective nouns are the group names for specific things. A collective noun is used to describe a
group of things.
For example : There is a line of cars trying to get through the road
 Countable noun
Countable nouns are used to refer to the things that can be expressed with numbers or the plural
suffix “s”.
For example : I have two cats
 Uncountable noun
Uncountable nouns are nouns that are also known as mass nouns. They are used to mention
uncountable masses like tea, water, sand
For example : This is the third can of coke
3. Countable nouns are used to refer to the things that can be expressed with numbers or the plural suffix
“s”. Like shoes, dog, cat, book,
Uncountable nouns are nouns that are also known as mass nouns. They are used to mention
uncountable masses like tea, water, sand, rice
example using plural determiner such as some, many, a lot of, a few, any
 Let’s invite some friends round for a BBQ.
 There aren’t many doctors in the hospital today.
 There are a lot of birds in the conservatory
 She is having a few guests today
 Do you have any brothers or sisters?
4. the concrete noun have 5 kinds, they are ..
 Common nouns (e.g., man, dog)
 Proper nouns (e.g., Simon, Bonzo)
 Countable nouns (e.g., bear, country)
 non-countable nouns (e.g., music, tennis)
 Collective nouns (e.g., choir, group)
5. There are three types of degrees of comparison that we can use to express comparisons in English,
including positive degrees, comparative degrees, and superlative degrees.

a. positive degree
Positive degree is a simple form of degree of comparison because there is no comparison in it.

This positive degree only states something in the same ratio, so we can use the phrase “as …. as"
to complete the sentence.

Example sentences of positive degree:

 I want to look as beautiful as my mother
 You should practice karate as often as you can
 Ben looks as handsome as Arya
b. Comparative degree
Comparative degree is used to compare two things in one sentence. Generally, when using the
comparative degree it is necessary to add the ending -er or -ier. For example, in the word angry,
you can change it to angry.

The comparative degree as an adverb can also be added to the word more before the adjective,
such as more angrily, more happily, and so on.

Example sentences of comparative degree:

 Be careful, the road is more slippery than you think
 Learning English is easier than math
c. Superlative degree
The superlative degree is used to compare three or more things in one sentence. If in Indonesian
we often use the word "most", then in this superlative degree the phrase used is "most" or
changes the ending of the adjective to -est, such as happy to happiest.

Example sentences of superlative degree:

 Sandy is the smartest student in my school
 Among the three basketball players, Beni is the most handsome man! (Among the three
basketball players, Beni is the most handsome!)

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